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REPORTS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS for Mika in Los Angeles, CA -- Wiltern: 11-02-2008


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So...of course, the MFCers got the front row and oh man was the atmosphere intense. There really is no way to describe it unless you've felt it...


Luckily, the pit wasn't insanely crowded and we could easily move around and jump. Thoughts ran through my mind of how FREAKING CLOSE I was going to be to Mika...oh lord...


The opening acts were great...loved the Midway State (and Nathan, whose hair I touched before the show...:naughty: )...but the excitement increased for we all knew what was next...only the one person we'd been waiting to see for what felt like eternities...


After a half an hour passed from the Midway State's end, the lights went down and a deafening scream came from every square inch of the theatre. It was time, it was finally time. The lights went up and the band began playing and Sara in angel wings moved around for awhile...then nothing could have ever prepared me for the euphoria of hearing the beginning notes of Relax. Ironically, relaxing was not an option for anyone in the crowd, for when we heard the crystal clear wail of Mika's voice and his silhouette appear in the white light the floor shook with the screams of ecstasy from the whole crowd...


It seems like it all happened so fast...being in the front row, Mika came to us several times and even *gasp* made eye contact with me a few times! What struck me the mostest was that Mika seemed so truly happy to be there. He's been doing gigs for who knows how long now, but he still seemed as geniunely excited when we sang back the lyrics to all of his songs. The MFC starred with How Much Do You Love Me, for I think we were the only wones who knew it...


The highlights of the show for me were Gray Skelly coming out and Mika's hugging him. The expression of pure innocence on his face gave me goosebumps, even the memory still excites me; the extended skat sing back of SITM...where we didn't do too well at first, but got better...then the silly Meeks ripped out his mic cord and gave us the "oops" look...; the Kaching-AH! sing back after Grace Kelly was amazing; and of course, the shirtless trash can antics of Love Today and during Love Today when he looked right into my eyes...*sighs*


Once the show ended, and I collected as much confetti on my body as I could prompting Mana to dub me the "zombie in cartoon motion," it was time to go find Mika...

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How inadequate it truly is to just talk on here...


Today was such a drag compared to yesterday...





God, I miss you guys....

Agreed 100%.




*blinks tears out of eyes*


AHHH! LOLLY!!! :huglove:

Oh gosh today was horrible :thumbdown: I can barely speak :no:

I need to have my drumstick with me where ever i go haha. Surprisingly, its actually fun to hug!! I slept with it last night :wub2:

I miss you all so much!! :tears: You are so fun!

We all understand eachother, you know? :huglove:

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Even though this next part was a mere fraction of what the entire experience was...it is one of the best parts...


After the show, and after much running around, we found where Mika was going to come out...we were right near the front....

To pass the time, we designated picture takers and pored over the pics and videos we collected from the show. Then finally a scream signaled his arrival. We all got up, straightened up and waited to see him...oh my god...to actually see him!

So, the line moved fast and it was Beatice ahead of me. She asked "Can I take a picture?" and Mika jokingly said, "No. No pictures." and giggled. Being Beatrice's picture girl, I made a pouty face and said, "Fine, be that way Mika." He then went on to say, "Even though I saw you dancing in the front row," to Beatrice, then pointed at me and said, "And you were dancing to her right." I think I died and went to heaven at that moment. He remembered me, I stood out, something made the man I've loved for so long remember me...He then said to me, "Face paint is a sure fire way to get recognized." At that moment, I loved my face paint, for Mika loved it. I smiled and then it was my turn. I handed him my Love Today single cover and he signed it. Then I reached my arm up around his shoulder, and he reached down and pulled me a little closer (he's so much taller in person:blink: ) I thanked him and then stepped off to the side to get a pic for Artsy...


What I loved was that I didn't feel uncomfortable around him at all. I think we all have thought about that moment when we'll meet him and think we'll freak out. But I didn't, I felt completely at ease. And that's what makes me love Mika even more than ever...he truly is one of the sweetest people in the world and I feel privileged to have met him...

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AHHH! LOLLY!!! :huglove:

Oh gosh today was horrible :thumbdown: I can barely speak :no:

I need to have my drumstick with me where ever i go haha. Surprisingly, its actually fun to hug!! I slept with it last night :wub2:

I miss you all so much!! :tears: You are so fun!

We all understand eachother, you know? :huglove:


Haha! You slept with it!

*hugs* I love you...

We do understand each other...its really sad how we take our school friends for granted, seeing them every day...

The forums don't do justice to seeing you guys for real...

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Haha! You slept with it!

*hugs* I love you...

We do understand each other...its really sad how we take our school friends for granted, seeing them every day...

The forums don't do justice to seeing you guys for real...

:tears: I love you too!! :wub2:

I know...it's just a completely different experience to have you guys there... :tears: I wish I could be with you guys all the time!!!


Okay heres ANY OTHER WORLD! I have tons more videos! But its so shaky!! I would just start staring at him and forget im holding the thing xD and then i just start filming the floor. And our voices haha. sorry for my coughing and also when i move it to the side. in most of them youre gonna have to tilt your head to watch.. sorry!!!


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:blink: You got a drumstick. I am totally not your friend anymore. :sneaky2:


Haha I really do miss you lot so much, though! I don't know how I can go back to a world in which no one I speak to knows or cares about Mika :tears: A world in which no one speaks my language or even understands :crybaby:

I know!! I completely feel the same way! I feel so alone and not understood! especially my family, they think mika is a joke and they don't understand how much he means to me and how much of an impact he's had on my life.. and thats when i need the drumstick...

we should all get eachothers numbers! we can call eachother!! :wink2:

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I love this picture!!! Daughtah!! OPEN YOUR EYES!! Oh well.. You have a Great smile :blush-anim-cl:

And Lolly!!!!!!!! OMFG.. you crack me up!!!!!

Sure! I'll write up some names and repost!


In the meantime, for your amusement, our complete and total humiliation.:naughty:



:lmfao:*clones you all*



Lollz!! I read all your report!! I love it!!

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Vanessa, you got Any Other World! I absolutely love you! You must have read my mind or you really are just that cool :huglove: You're even more amazing than I previously thought and I didn't know that was possible haha

Aww Shontih! :tears:You're so amazing!!!!!!! That's so sweet!

Ahhh i love you! *huge hug!* I cant wait to see you again!!! :huglove:

You're so sweet! Muah!

And you're already way too amazing, youre already past someones capacity of amazingness, If you got filled up with more amazingness, it would just be amazing...


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Well, I got to Denny's at around 11:30, even though I should've been there before everyone - I live the closest! :lmao: Anyways I met Mana (thanks for the pins love!), Andrew, Amy (artsy), Taylor (lollipopgirl83), Vanessa (findingmywords) and her friend who's my friend Beatrix (I hope that's how it's spelled)..........I hope I'm not forgetting anyone:blush-anim-cl: . Anyways I refused to eat for I knew I'd throw up from nausea (thank god I didn't eat haha) and I made everyone eat fast so we could join Sivan, Summer, and her sister in line. Shontih came later *waves if she's reading this haha* and we sat on the ground and listened to Mika on my portable speaker things. Then we went to the tour bus to see if anyone would come up. We became like best friends with Timothy (the security guard) and joked around with him. We kept going back and forth between the queue and the tour bus area. While we were in the queue Timothy came to us and was like "You guys just missed them! They came around to say hi" and we were all like "WHATTT?!" so then we went back to the tourbus and Luke and Saranayde came to talk with us. They were both very sweet and funny. Eventually they had to go to do sound check so we went back to the queue. Fast-forward to 6pm and the security guys began to put barriers to form a line. They were handing out wrist bands for access to the pit, but I started freaking out because Sivan, Summer, etc. weren't there and they were the first ones there so I felt really bad. I called Sivan and told her to hurry up and a while after discussing what happened with the security guards they finally gave them wristbands so I was happy. At 7:10 ish they finally opened the doors and we all rushed to the front row. I'm happy to say all of the MFCers were in the front :biggrin2: There was a Dj who was pretty good and then Shwayze came on. They weren't that god, but they were bearable. Then the Midway State came on afterwards and were pretty good, but I wanted Mika to come on of course. While waiting for all of the opening acts to finish I felt so sick and I was scared I as going to throw up.....we waited for the crew members to finish setting up and then the lights went down and we heard 9 to 5. At this point I was ready as ever..



*sorry for any typos*

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lol Too right you are. We're both just beyond incredible. I daresay we are the epitome of snazztacularity. We are wicked cool to the umpteenth degree :mf_rosetinted: But really, we are totally boss. Or you are and I accept that you say I am :naughty: haha



You absolutely must write a report, fmbm =D


I'll ask again, who wants me to write a report? I finally have time haha


Yes porfavor chica :naughty: I shalleth write mine too.. but it'll be horrible haha. im uploading stuff now.

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Well, I got to Denny's at around 11:30, even though I should've been there before everyone - I live the closest! :lmao: Anyways I met Mana (thanks for the pins love!), Andrew, Amy (artsy), Taylor (lollipopgirl83), Vanessa (findingmywords) and her friend who's my friend Beatrix (I hope that's how it's spelled)..........I hope I'm not forgetting anyone:blush-anim-cl: . Anyways I refused to eat for I knew I'd throw up from nausea (thank god I didn't eat haha) and I made everyone eat fast so we could join Sivan, Summer, and her sister in line. Shontih came later *waves if she's reading this haha* and we sat on the ground and listened to Mika on my portable speaker things. Then we went to the tour bus to see if anyone would come up. We became like best friends with Timothy (the security guard) and joked around with him. We kept going back and forth between the queue and the tour bus area. While we were in the queue Timothy came to us and was like "You guys just missed them! They came around to say hi" and we were all like "WHATTT?!" so then we went back to the tourbus and Luke and Saranayde came to talk with us. They were both very sweet and funny. Eventually they had to go to do sound check so we went back to the queue. Fast-forward to 6pm and the security guys began to put barriers to form a line. They were handing out wrist bands for access to the pit, but I started freaking out because Sivan, Summer, etc. weren't there and they were the first ones there so I felt really bad. I called Sivan and told her to hurry up and a while after discussing what happened with the security guards they finally gave them wristbands so I was happy. At 7:10 ish they finally opened the doors and we all rushed to the front row. I'm happy to say all of the MFCers were in the front :biggrin2: There was a Dj who was pretty good and then Shwayze came on. They weren't that god, but they were bearable. Then the Midway State came on afterwards and were pretty good, but I wanted Mika to come on of course. While waiting for all of the opening acts to finish I felt so sick and I was scared I as going to throw up.....we waited for the crew members to finish setting up and then the lights went down and we heard 9 to 5. At this point I was ready as ever..



*sorry for any typos*


We are so in tune twin lol...I felt sick at my gig too:blink:

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Saranayde did her little angel dance thing and the lights went down again and then I heard my favorite song begin....Mika came out and it was hard for me to believe he was real.........I felt like I was watching a Youtube video. I was so mad that I didn't capture "the jump" (see siggy) even though I told myself I would for like a week beforehand haha. Anyways Big Girl was next and Mika (and I....and probably everyone) was cracking up at this one Big Girl dancer whose boobs clearlydid not fit the corset and they kept bouncing everywhere. Then she started doing flips! :lmfao: Mika kept laughing, as was I. I think My Interpretation was next, but I suck at remembering the setlist :no: At one point in a certain song (I need to remember!!!) Mika sang to me for 3-5 seconds and then smiled at me!:wub2: I really wish I could remember what song it happened during.....I must've blacked out ahah. Love Today was fabulous of course. The whole grey skelly thing was very touching and cute. I got some good pictures from that part. Then Mika did the whole naked thing. Of course a freakin' camera man went in front of me when he took off his shirt :sneaky2: I did manage to get some very Mikagasmic pictures though hehe. When I realized Grace Kelly I became a bit sad because I knew the last song was coming up. Anyways...after they came out from behind the curtain thing Saranayde began attacking Mika and then he grabbed her at they fell on the floor and the Martin came to save her. It was pretty great haha. When the confetti began to fall Michelle (I think, sorry if I'm wrong!) held her Mika doll and Lollipop girl doll up and Mika took them. After that I reached down into my bag and grabbed the shirt I had made him. I kept waving in the hair, but I don't think he saw it so when they did the final bow I threw it up and he took it! Then it was over....

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