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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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Found this on YouTube - I'm the one bounding out with the giant lollipop, then rocking out behind Mika:



Gawd, I get goosebumps just watching. :wub2::tears:


The greatest part about it all is every time you hear Lollipop from now on....all the memories will come flooding back. I can't hear it now without thinking about being up on stage. I'm sure it'll be the same for you too!! :punk:

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Oh yes, I forgot! We were all terrified security would confiscate our cameras, so before we got there we'd all stuck them down our shirts underneath the front little connecty-bit in our bras! :roftl: It worked amazingly well, you couldn't at all tell they were there. So anyways, we got past security without a problem, and I felt so smug when they checked our bags.

The second we got inside the theatre, we started shoving towards the merch table. I can't believe how many people there were, but get this: being small has its advantages, as I discovered. I could duck under people's elbows and squeeze to the front easier than everyone else. I heard the girl in front of us say, 'I hate the people behind us, they're so pushy!' :bleh: Sorry, girl...this IS Mika we're dealing with, though. We all got our very expensive but very awesome t-shirts and pins, and I got a rosette as well. Then we shoved AWAY from the merch table, and out to find our seats.

The Orpheum is really beautiful. Scarlet, ivory, and gold decor, with brocade and chandeliers and velvet everywhere...we were sitting on the floor level, in row 17 (although we'd have been way closer if we'd known that Ticketmaster freezes up when you refresh it. ppft.), and I'd thought we'd hardly be able to see him but we were so close! The theater was way smaller than I expected, and we could see everything!

In the few minutes before the opening act came on, we took pictures of us (we'd extracetd the cameras from our cleavage by then) and I tried to find a setting on my stupid camera that wasn't grainy or blurry in the low light but failed. So that's why, in advance, there aren't many pics, but I took videos and so did my friend so it's OK. You'll get your fill but it might be tomorrow.

Finally, the music died down and the opening act, Midway State, came on. That was my first scream of the night, but it was more like a cheer. I really liked them, their music seemed pretty soulful and the singer's voice was angelic, but it was a bit repetetive. I'll definitely look them up, though. Trouble is, I couldn't stop being preoccupied with the fact that the one man on this planet that I was willing to give up about everything just to see, once, was soon going to be on stage. So, I didn't concentrate much on the music Midway State was playing.

I just about died when I learned there was an intermissing between them and Mika. 20 minutes! 20 minutes of more suspense! It wasn't so bad, though, me and one of my friends went and found Midway State and got signatures. Not before accidentally going into the men's washroom as opposed to the lobby, however. Awkward. The signs there are REALLY misleading. I spotted Suzanne on the way back and went up to say hi. We hugged and I wanted to chat but my friend dragged me off again :thumbdown: Sorry Suzanne!

After an eternity, we heard the three minute call. We went back to our seats, but of course it was more like a 15-minute call. At least 4 songs went by. (One of them was Kate Nash :D Yay!)

Finally, FINALLY, the lights dimmed. I got out my camera, poised for a photo, but my hands were shaking so badly it was a bit pointless. It dawned on me in that moment just how much I wanted this, and just how incredible it was that I would be in the same room as him, watching and listening to him perform his magic on stage.

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Btw... lollipop_monkey... AWESOME REPORT! You remembered so much from the gig! I pretty much forget bits and pieces. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time as a Lollipop Girl! I could never imagine being on stage with him. Probably would be the best night of ones life haha.

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Finally, FINALLY, the lights dimmed. I got out my camera, poised for a photo, but my hands were shaking so badly it was a bit pointless.

awww *pats you*

MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!


Who are you guys referring to? :blink:


I forget

was it Mike? cos he's a sexy beast



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Mika who? :blink:


You mean this isn't the Luke Fan Club? :blink: Darn.


awww *pats you*

MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!



I forget

was it Mike? cos he's a sexy beast


Yeah it's pretty easy to forget.

It might have been Mike. Where has he been lately? Is Nico still hogging him?


kiss my ass:cool:


Nah, I'll take a rain check. kthxbye

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