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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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If I had to categorize last night's Mika concert - I would safely and easily place it in the top three experiences of my life! Definitely something I wanted to do before I died! Mika put on a show to end all shows, a momentous finale for his outstanding North American Tour. Today, the morning after, I still sit shrouded in awe. From the brilliant performance which included superior lighting and sound techniques, to the camaraderie of meeting fellow MFCers...... The icing on the cake? Meeting His Curliness himself..... who is everything I expected.. AND MORE!!!


The only thing I feel really badly about is that the box of Valentines did not arrive and so were not presented to Mika as planned. I waited until 5:30 PM, as late as possible, working until the last minute, but I guess it was not meant to be..... So I guess the next best thing will be a shipment to Brixton (?) Sorry guys, I know how hard everybody worked. I really tried.



:thumbdown: Eurgh about the Valentine's, sounded like Mika was really looking forward to them too




btw, thanks lollipop_monkey and everyone else for your wonderful reports!


From Vero's LG report from Toronto:

Funny random memory : Mika walking up and down the hallway yelling : "the toilet in my room is blocked !"


Ok I found a video on YouTube, one of the few of last night. It's the extended SITM with a nice drum solo by Greg Wells.Enjoy!



Oh wow, he did well!

Hmm, it seems that I have never played the "scatting" (or whatever it is called) from SiTM to my bird before (it was already his favourite song with the "zap-di-do part"), he went totally mad for it! LOL!


OMG you guys!!! It was amazing!! I have been waiting so long to meet Mika and it was such an awesome experience to finally live the dream! Thank you so much to all of you who could share in this moment with me. Meeting you guys was so fantastic and you are all as beautiful in real life as you are on the boards. Mika fans are trully amazing.

I took a few pictures but some of them never came out very well. I will send them to Suzanne and Joan and hopefully they can post them for me. (did I mention I am computer challenged?) What great memories you guys


Yay! Still want to see them!


Did you notice how quite casually he palms off on john the gifts who palms them off to Andy

When I was little everytime I took off my coat my mom would carry it


LOL - I love that :naughty:


Me too! Maybe we should just tell Mana everything and have her translate for us.


Mana's interpretation: "My love for Mika burns with the intensity of a thousand suns. Whenever he's around, everything just feels tranquil, a sense of well-being takes over, everything is just a dream. A perfect dream and you are there in his presence soaking up every moment of it. Every emotion, every spoken word, every little movement..memories never to be forgotten."

Only of course, she could translate that into something 100x more beautiful.


LOL LOL - exactly.


In Seattle I was waiting in the front of the line and Andy saw my Umbrella!

He loved it and raved about it! He then interviewed me for 15 minutes and asked me all kinds of questions about fanship, MFC , what its like to be a MIKA fan, what I think of his music and how it affects me! so many questions!

I twirled the umbrella and he caught it on different speeds ! He mentioned RAK1's name and said of course I know of her!:) we MFCers know everyone!

He spoke to Damango for a bit too! then I gave Andy all the gifts made by

Lillmot and everyone and Andy went into the venue to ask MIKA if he could come after the gig outside to meet me and everyone! Unfortunately I was too tired and went back to the hotel!. The umbrella and me will be on his next DVD.


In Vancouver I saw Andy again ( patted him on the shoulder as I was dancing on stage with about 100 fans with confetti and balls everywhere!

after the gig we went outside to see MIKA and I ended up being second in line and I met MIKA and gave him the UMBRELLA! It is now in LONDON :) !!!




Dang, Lollipop Monkey was so thorough with her report, I don't think I can even compare.


I do have some vids, including one where Mika shows Greg how to play washboard! What an awesome show. I'll post more later. My sweeteart misses me, so I should pay attention to him first.


Oh yes! We want to see and hear your side! Can't wait to see that "comedy routine".


(Are you an MFC'er, lady-with-the-monkey?? )


So, it ends up being 'under my Parapluie-uie-uie-eh-eh-eh', and we were singing SO loud, and then the elevator opened and there was some random guy in it...and we were still singing...it was so funny, we laughed all the way down. He looked a little scared.


The hotel was just a block away from the theater, so we walked with our parapluies and got some priceless looks. Put together, we were wearing every colour imaginable.


I finally got to peek in the window of the bus (it's got a very fancy TV) and get a picture with me next to it.


1. Lol!

2. LOL!


4. Haha, awesome! Want to see it!

5. *waiting for more*


Found this on YouTube - I'm the one bounding out with the giant lollipop, then rocking out behind Mika:



Gawd, I get goosebumps just watching.


Wooo! You did great! (can see the white :bleh:), and i love the bit where everyone storms the stage.

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Yeah it's pretty easy to forget.

It might have been Mike. Where has he been lately? Is Nico still hogging him?

Some days I forget my own name :doh:

I thought this was the Mike Fan Club.. I took Mike off Teegs.. It must be your turn now.. *Throws him at you* Have Fun


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Some days I forget my own name :doh:

I thought this was the Mike Fan Club.. I took Mike off Teegs.. It must be your turn now.. *Throws him at you* Have Fun



*gets our sharpie and writes "KELZY" on your forehead backwards so that when you forget you can at least go look in the mirror and remember your screen name* :roftl:


You so did not wait your turn.


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The roar that swept the room as the first note played was exhilarating. There was such an incredible feeling in the air, far more so than when I went to see Roger Waters in March last year. That was at GM Place (for those of you that don't know, it's an enormous stadium in Vancouver) and it was sold out, but the cheering there was way more...agressive? I guess, but here it was just so full of excitement.

It was Relax, of course, and Saranayde burst out of that bubble thing and started her angel dance. It was truly beautiful, she was so graceful. I got a short clip of it.

And then, Mika came on stage. I was feeling faint, my heart was pounding, and I actually started crying a little. He was everything, EVERYTHING I had dreamed of, waited for, expected, and more, he was magical. I had been waiting for this for what seems like centuries, but was actually only 8 months or so. It seems hard to believe. I had never expected that this would actually happen to me, because most of the time something that I want that much is unrealistic and would never happen. But it did, and there he was. He was even wearing that green/bronze/gold jacket, which is incidentally my favourite...:wub2: It was like the universe had planned this out just for me. I had never felt so alive, so euphoric before.

I feel terrible about this, but I cannot for the life of me remember the set order. I remember the feelings I was experiencing more. Whatever he did, though, every note he sang or every word he said...they were all perfect. I'll just tell you the moments I loved best.

The prelude to Big Girl was just priceless. He said the usual, 'are there any big girls in the house tonight?' and everyone cheered. Then he said, 'are there any skinny girls with the mind/soul/heart (I didn't catch it) of a big girl in the house tonight?' And then everyone cheered again, and I think some of the people in the front must have stood up, because then he said to someone: 'What are you standing up for?! You're a bloke!'

It was great. THEN he said something along the lines of 'This song is for all you big girls or skinny girls or boys or whatever you are!' and started the song. The big girls came out and danced on stage, of course. They got a great cheer, and with good reason!

For Billy Brown, he was saying how the record company said he shouldn't put it on the record, and how he responded: 'F*ck that, we'll see!'

He did Holy Johnny and HMDYLM, which were both fabulous--in Holy Johnny the drummer (I love you! You saved the show!) was given a washboard, and I don't know if he was acting or not but in any case he said, 'I have no idea what's going on.' and Mika said, 'What do you mean? It's your bit!' and grabbed the washboard to demonstrate. Hehe.

I think one of my favourites was Happy Ending. He sang so beautifully--he is an angel, I swear. And at the end, he let us sing the last line, and everyone was perfectly in tune and you could just feel the love in the air (cheesy, but true) and it brought tears to my eyes. Again. Mika, you have made an emotional sop out of me.

Oooh, and Love Today, of course. The beginning was so chilling, and Grey Skelly came on and he did his little cowering thing...I wanted to cry (AGAIN) but I didn't. Lol. Everyone cheered, and he sang those first few lines...they were so incredible! It sent shivers down my spine. And then they burst into the actual song, and it was magnificent. Of course. Everyone was singing/screaming, and he let us sing the 'me's, it was awesome. Mikey did a kick-ass solo (I love his light-up bass) and then Mika came back, sans shirt... Vrummm! He started shaking his hips and it was pretty much the hottest thing I've ever seen.

Maybe I should stop this part? It's a bit long...:naughty:

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Oh yes, I forgot! We were all terrified security would confiscate our cameras, so before we got there we'd all stuck them down our shirts underneath the front little connecty-bit in our bras! :roftl: It worked amazingly well, you couldn't at all tell they were there. So anyways, we got past security without a problem, and I felt so smug when they checked our bags.


Sorry, girl...this IS Mika we're dealing with, though. We all got our very expensive but very awesome t-shirts and pins, and I got a rosette as well.

It wasn't so bad, though, me and one of my friends went and found Midway State and got signatures.


Not before accidentally going into the men's washroom as opposed to the lobby, however. Awkward.


It dawned on me in that moment just how much I wanted this, and just how incredible it was that I would be in the same room as him, watching and listening to him perform his magic on stage.


1. LOL LOL LOL :roftl:


2. Reserved seating is quite good in that way, that you don't have to rush in and then stay in your spot the whole time, being suffocated.


3. LOL LOL LOL again :roftl:


4. Ohhhhh, can;t wait for the next part :wink2:

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Oh good, I didn't have to wait :naughty:


I had never expected that this would actually happen to me, because most of the time something that I want that much is unrealistic and would never happen. But it did, and there he was.


The prelude to Big Girl was just priceless. He said the usual, 'are there any big girls in the house tonight?' and everyone cheered. Then he said, 'are there any skinny girls with the mind/soul/heart (I didn't catch it) of a big girl in the house tonight?' And then everyone cheered again, and I think some of the people in the front must have stood up, because then he said to someone: 'What are you standing up for?! You're a bloke!'

It was great. THEN he said something along the lines of 'This song is for all you big girls or skinny girls or boys or whatever you are!' and started the song.


He did Holy Johnny and HMDYLM, which were both fabulous--in Holy Johnny the drummer (I love you! You saved the show!) was given a washboard, and I don't know if he was acting or not but in any case he said, 'I have no idea what's going on.' and Mika said, 'What do you mean? It's your bit!' and grabbed the washboard to demonstrate. Hehe.


He started shaking his hips and it was pretty much the hottest thing I've ever seen.


Maybe I should stop this part? It's a bit long...:naughty:


Ah, this is so fabulous!


Lol, I love that about the guy so much :naughty: Hooray for improvisation!


And same for the HJ! I want to see that so bad!

(It was Greg Wells doing the drumming btw)




No, no stopping, keep goingggggg!

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Oh good, I didn't have to wait :naughty:




Ah, this is so fabulous!


Lol, I love that about the guy so much :naughty: Hooray for improvisation!


And same for the HJ! I want to see that so bad!

(It was Greg Wells doing the drumming btw)




No, no stopping, keep goingggggg!



I knew it was Greg! Just wasn't completely sure. Poor Cherisse though...:sad:



OK, OK, I'll keep going just for you :huglove:

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*gets our sharpie and writes "KELZY" on your forehead backwards so that when you forget you can at least go look in the mirror and remember your screen name*


You so did not wait your turn.


*Thanks you for your kindness and sympathy regarding my uselessness*

*slaps the hell outta you*


I created Mike.. I can give and take whenever I choose .. *takes him back*

:shocked: OH what's that.. you were in the middle of something..

:bleh:too bad..


Maybe I should stop this part? It's a bit long...

The drummer was Greg Wells..

(edit: too late..:naughty:)

And keeeeeep going!!!!!!!!!!!!


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*Thanks you for your kindness and sympathy regarding my uselessness*

*slaps the hell outta you*


I created Mike.. I can give and take whenever I choose .. *takes him back*

:shocked: OH what's that.. you were in the middle of something..

:bleh:too bad..


You're... so.... mean... :tears:

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Ok, so the rest of Love Today...he did the drumming on garbage can thing with Greg (Thanks OD :bleh: ), it amazes me how much energy he has. I think it was after or during that song that we got out of our seats and ran down the aisle so we were right in front of the stage. He was literally two feet away from me, and he met my eyes for a second. *swoons* The security guards made us go back and sit down after a few seconds, but they seemed to be a bit reluctant because we were having such a good time. :punk:

SITM was spectacular...the scatting part was so much fun! At first, he motioned with his hand that we were 'so-so', but if he'd heard my friends and I he would have given the thumbs-up. :naughty: We got everything right. We were about the only ones participating in our area! I felt like such a crazy fan-girl, which I am I guess. Lol. I also feel pretty bad for the guy who was next to me, because I kept hitting him in the head whenever I waved my arms around! :roftl: And I might have jumped and landed on his foot more than a few times. Ah well.

Grace Kelly and Missionary Man were excellent, of course, but they don't stick out in my mind as much. Saranayde has guts though, to whip her skirt off like that in front of thousands of people! I got a clip of them dancing on the M which I'm pleased with. I also attempted to get a shoto of the stagehand dragging the M ofstage, but it didn't work. :bleh:

He sang Any Other World, which was beautiful. He put so much soul into it, and the audience responded beautifully. We weren't screaming at all, everyone listened. It wasmagical. He could have played Over My Shoulder and he would have had our full attention. Oh yes, and he played My Interpretation, that may have been the second song of the show. I hate not remembering it! :sneaky2:

OK. Now the juicy bit. I remember being terrified he wasn't going to come out again and play lollipop, because the end of LT (the previous song) had seemed so final. I was wrong--of course I was wrong! A stagehand came out with the screen, and they did the bad bunny skit, I loved it! I've got the teddy-bear's picnic stuck in my head...I had seen most of it before on youtube, but I didn't expect the part where one of the animals shoots another one! Scandalous! That was the end of the skit and they came out from behind the screen. The song started up, and it had everything--confetti, streamers, giant balloons, chicken suits (:das:)...and, of course, the fabulous lollipop girls! Yay Mana!

About halfway through the song, I turned my head away from the stage and noticed that my friends had all left to go down to the front again! I quickly followed suit, there were tons of people down there this time. Mika looked so happy...and my GOD, that man is beautiful up close. We were all screaming the lyrics back at him, and this time I didn't notice whether security came or not, because I was too busy noticing two girls who ahd climbed on stage and were holding a sign that was upside-down. Lol. I never realised what it said. Shortly after they'd gotten up, EVERYBODY started climbing up! It took me a couple of tries, (my jeans are sooo inflexible haha) but I got up--and used my short powers to squeeze through the mob to get closer to Mika. My brain, by this time, had stopped working, all that mattered was him and how close to him I was. So close, in fact, that I reached out a hand and touched him on the shoulder. He's so tall...his face was completely lit up, I have reason to believe he was loving the madness. He was sweaty, of course, and it came off on my fingers...I know it's perverse, but at that stage it was the best thing in the world. Still is. (Yes, I have washed my hands. Not before smelling them and inhaling the Mikasweat, though.) I don't know how to put into words how incredible the feeling was on that stage. It was magic, mixed with euphoria. I could have been flying. I briefly saw one of my friends in the mob, and screamed, 'I TOUCHED HIM!' She screamed back, 'ME TOO!' before someone moved in front of her and I couldn't see her anymore. I could still see Mika, laughing, as he slowly made his way through the mob and off the stage...and then, just like that, it was over. I grabbed a big handful of confetti off the stage as a security man helped me down. As soon as my friends and I found eachother we all hugged, screaming like there was no tomorrow. We didn't stop for at least two minutes. I realised then that the feeling on stage had started me crying again...crying out of sheer joy is the best thing in the world. I'm grinning as I think of all this. I could not have wished for something more perfect and spontaneous.

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He's so tall...his face was completely lit up, I have reason to believe he was loving the madness.


He was. :wink2:


His mom told me after the show, as she was helping us with the costumes, that he really enjoys it and that it makes it fun when the barriers are low enough for people to get on. :mf_lustslow:


Great report, sweetie! What a great first gig.

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I'm having a ton o fun reading these reports! I love how detailed everyone gets. I was at the SLC gig, so I love experiencing the other full show through your eyes. Plus, I was born in Calgary and lived in Cardston ,AB. It is my second home. I just need to process my passport paperwork! Next time I'll see Mika more than once!

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