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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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I'm having a ton o fun reading these reports! I love how detailed everyone gets. I was at the SLC gig, so I love experiencing the other full show through your eyes. Plus, I was born in Calgary and lived in Cardston ,AB. It is my second home. I just need to process my passport paperwork! Next time I'll see Mika more than once!


Aw I'm glad you liked!


And, another native Calgarian! :punk:

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Englishrose, your report is magical:mf_lustslow:


I should have jumped on stage lol... but I saw this one guy take a flower from the stage (crossing the barrier of course) and he just stood there holding it to mika, and mika took it with a smile... :P


The guy was drunk! and than security pulled him away :(


Save that story, for the yearbook by the way:naughty:

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After the concert ended, we were all still riding on the wave of happiness from our moment on the stage, and it took me a moment to get back to earth. Once I did, though, I realised we'd better hurry up and get in line if we wanted an autograph...I asked my friends, and a couple of them didn't want to, but I made them come with me. :naughty: We didn't know where to go, though, so I asked a security guard, and he just laughed at me. He wasn't very nice. We got into the lobby (not the men's washroom this time) and I found this time someone who'd been at the door when we came in, and asked her where Mika would be coming out. She was so sweet, she said: 'I'm not supposed to tell you this, but he'll be out at the stage exit on Seymour.' That was where we'd gone to line up before the concert. We shoved through all the masses of people and ran over to where we saw a crowd gathering and managed to get pretty close to the front. I knew we'd be standing there for a while, so I went over the concert in my head.

Unfortunately, one of my friends who'd come with me started feeling sick. We debated whether we should all go back or all stay, and in the end two of them went back to the hotel while the other three of us stayed.

We started talking to Rani, who was next to us, and I got a few more words in with Suzanne. Everyone in the lineup was soo friendly! And I wasn't the slightest bit cold because of all the body heat, even though I was in a t-shirt.

After about 30 minutes of everyone cheering for every single person who came through the door with EQ, props, and even the band's dishes and garbage (LOL), Security came and told us that Mika would be coming out through a door further along the building. (He pronounced it MY-ka and we all yelled at him.) We got down there as fast as we could and then lined up along the wall, like they asked us to. We were pretty close to the back of the line. We waited for about another 10 minutes (it always seems longer) and THEN a security guy came up and said that 'because of chaos at the front of the line we're just going to turn the line around' and he would come out of the door behind us! It was so awesome, we were now practically at the front of the line. About 5 minutes later we realised the guy standing there in the black puffy coat was actually him. I get all breathless thinking of it now, but in the actual moment I was completely calm. I had my Live DVD ready for him to sign, and I was going to get tickets signed for my two friends who went back, but they said one item only... I felt terrible, but not for very long. :fisch: The line moved quickly, and then it was all of a sudden my turn...I opened the booklet of the DVD to the page with Yasmine's cartoon landscape on it, ready for him to sign. When I went up to him, I said: 'Thank you so much! That was the best night of my life!' It was completely honest, too. He replied, 'Aww!' and signed my booklet. Then I reached up to give him a hug.

It couldn't have lasted more than two seconds, but it was two seconds of bliss. He smelled wonderful, he had showered, and he was all soft and warm, contrasting to the cold of the night air. I can still feel his arm around me. I know it didn't mean much to him, but to me it was everything. As I walked away, I looked back, and he had already turned to the next in line, but I distinctly heard him shout, 'Cool jeans!' as I turned away again. I hadn't thought I could feel any happier, but I did.Those two words made me happier than any words I've heard before. This is a little embarassing, but I had been soooo hoping he would notice them, comment on them, for weeks before the concert. I was on top of the world, because he had distinguished me from the rest of them in that moment--and maybe I wasn't just some other fan girl that he would forget as soon as he turned his head. Every moment of that night was perfect. And today, although I was expecting to feel utterly depressed and spent, I surprised myself by retaining some of last night's euphoria, because I know that it isn't the last time it will happen. He's releasing a new album, and he's definitely going to tour again, and I will definitely be there when he does.

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I also feel pretty bad for the guy who was next to me, because I kept hitting him in the head whenever I waved my arms around! And I might have jumped and landed on his foot more than a few times. Ah well.


I got a clip of them dancing on the M which I'm pleased with.


About halfway through the song, I turned my head away from the stage and noticed that my friends had all left to go down to the front again! I quickly followed suit, there were tons of people down there this time. Mika looked so happy...and my GOD, that man is beautiful up close. We were all screaming the lyrics back at him, and this time I didn't notice whether security came or not, because I was too busy noticing two girls who ahd climbed on stage and were holding a sign that was upside-down. Lol. I never realised what it said. Shortly after they'd gotten up, EVERYBODY started climbing up! It took me a couple of tries, (my jeans are sooo inflexible haha) but I got up--and used my short powers to squeeze through the mob to get closer to Mika. My brain, by this time, had stopped working, all that mattered was him and how close to him I was. So close, in fact, that I reached out a hand and touched him on the shoulder. He's so tall...his face was completely lit up, I have reason to believe he was loving the madness. He was sweaty, of course, and it came off on my fingers...I know it's perverse, but at that stage it was the best thing in the world. Still is. (Yes, I have washed my hands. Not before smelling them and inhaling the Mikasweat, though.) I don't know how to put into words how incredible the feeling was on that stage. It was magic, mixed with euphoria. I could have been flying. I briefly saw one of my friends in the mob, and screamed, 'I TOUCHED HIM!' She screamed back, 'ME TOO!' before someone moved in front of her and I couldn't see her anymore. I could still see Mika, laughing, as he slowly made his way through the mob and off the stage...and then, just like that, it was over. I grabbed a big handful of confetti off the stage as a security man helped me down. As soon as my friends and I found eachother we all hugged, screaming like there was no tomorrow. We didn't stop for at least two minutes. I realised then that the feeling on stage had started me crying again...crying out of sheer joy is the best thing in the world. I'm grinning as I think of all this. I could not have wished for something more perfect and spontaneous.


Wahhhh! It sounds so bloody brilliant!

Lol at the poor guy next to you.

Can't wait to see this video.

And I can just imagine every person on that stage fighting their way through to stroke Mika and snatch a bit of his sweat :naughty: :naughty: Poor guy, but he loves it :roftl:


He was.


His mom told me after the show, as she was helping us with the costumes, that he really enjoys it and that it makes it fun when the barriers are low enough for people to get on.


Great report, sweetie! What a great first gig.


See, he loves it :naughty:

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Danielle!! You finally got your moment! I am so happy for you!

Now, what did your jeans look like? Were they hot pink?

In that video Mana posted a few pages back, I saw someone jump on the stage wearing hot pink jeans and wondered if it was you or not..

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Mana, your report was phenomenol. As I read I felt as though I was there right with you. What an experience that would have been, you are a lucky lucky girl.


This was an evening that I will never let go of as long as I live. I met some truely wonderful people and thank you for the opportunity to meet you all. Love ya!!!


MIKA........simply phenomenal!!! A completely surreal and exhilerating experience it was to be able to travel to Vancouver and experience a presence such as MIKA'S. To be on that stage dancing, jumping, singing was a dream. I would have never imagined myself being able to do this. Then to be face to face with the man, and look into those beautiful eyes and to simply say "Thank you" (I'm sure many of you can connect with me on this one.) as MIKA and his Music has made a huge difference and a much deeper imact on my life. Somehow though, thank you doesn't quite cut it. I wish I had more time to tell him how much I appreciate him, who he is, who he has become, and how he touches the lives of so many people. Such and inspiration...........

I didn't get to give him a hug either, so as lame and cheezy as this may be I offer MIKA a virtual hug right now!!!


I feel as though I am in a dream.........someone pinch me please;)

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Wahhhh! It sounds so bloody brilliant!

Lol at the poor guy next to you.

Can't wait to see this video.

And I can just imagine every person on that stage fighting their way through to stroke Mika and snatch a bit of his sweat :naughty: :naughty: Poor guy, but he loves it :roftl:




See, he loves it :naughty:


I need to make a Youtube account. :naughty:

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After the concert ended, we were all still riding on the wave of happiness from our moment on the stage, and it took me a moment to get back to earth. Once I did, though, I realised we'd better hurry up and get in line if we wanted an autograph...I asked my friends, and a couple of them didn't want to, but I made them come with me. :naughty: We didn't know where to go, though, so I asked a security guard, and he just laughed at me. He wasn't very nice. We got into the lobby (not the men's washroom this time) and I found this time someone who'd been at the door when we came in, and asked her where Mika would be coming out. She was so sweet, she said: 'I'm not supposed to tell you this, but he'll be out at the stage exit on Seymour.' That was where we'd gone to line up before the concert. We shoved through all the masses of people and ran over to where we saw a crowd gathering and managed to get pretty close to the front. I knew we'd be standing there for a while, so I went over the concert in my head.

Unfortunately, one of my friends who'd come with me started feeling sick. We debated whether we should all go back or all stay, and in the end two of them went back to the hotel while the other three of us stayed.

We started talking to Rani, who was next to us, and I got a few more words in with Suzanne. Everyone in the lineup was soo friendly! And I wasn't the slightest bit cold because of all the body heat, even though I was in a t-shirt.

After about 30 minutes of everyone cheering for every single person who came through the door with EQ, props, and even the band's dishes and garbage (LOL), Security came and told us that Mika would be coming out through a door further along the building. (He pronounced it MY-ka and we all yelled at him.) We got down there as fast as we could and then lined up along the wall, like they asked us to. We were pretty close to the back of the line. We waited for about another 10 minutes (it always seems longer) and THEN a security guy came up and said that 'because of chaos at the front of the line we're just going to turn the line around' and he would come out of the door behind us! It was so awesome, we were now practically at the front of the line. About 5 minutes later we realised the guy standing there in the black puffy coat was actually him. I get all breathless thinking of it now, but in the actual moment I was completely calm. I had my Live DVD ready for him to sign, and I was going to get tickets signed for my two friends who went back, but they said one item only... I felt terrible, but not for very long. :fisch: The line moved quickly, and then it was all of a sudden my turn...I opened the booklet of the DVD to the page with Yasmine's cartoon landscape on it, ready for him to sign. When I went up to him, I said: 'Thank you so much! That was the best night of my life!' It was completely honest, too. He replied, 'Aww!' and signed my booklet. Then I reached up to give him a hug.

It couldn't have lasted more than two seconds, but it was two seconds of bliss. He smelled wonderful, he had showered, and he was all soft and warm, contrasting to the cold of the night air. I can still feel his arm around me. I know it didn't mean much to him, but to me it was everything. As I walked away, I looked back, and he had already turned to the next in line, but I distinctly heard him shout, 'Cool jeans!' as I turned away again. I hadn't thought I could feel any happier, but I did.Those two words made me happier than any words I've heard before. This is a little embarassing, but I had been soooo hoping he would notice them, comment on them, for weeks before the concert. I was on top of the world, because he had distinguished me from the rest of them in that moment--and maybe I wasn't just some other fan girl that he would forget as soon as he turned his head. Every moment of that night was perfect. And today, although I was expecting to feel utterly depressed and spent, I surprised myself by retaining some of last night's euphoria, because I know that it isn't the last time it will happen. He's releasing a new album, and he's definitely going to tour again, and I will definitely be there when he does.



Awww I'm even happier for you now! :biggrin2:



What was so cool about your jeans? :naughty:

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Danielle!! You finally got your moment! I am so happy for you!

Now, what did your jeans look like? Were they hot pink?

In that video Mana posted a few pages back, I saw someone jump on the stage wearing hot pink jeans and wondered if it was you or not..


No...but that was one of the girls I went with! I just watched it again, I have to tell her that! SO MUCH FUN!

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I'm reading through this thread at Vancouver's airport, unsuccessfully fighting off tears. What a highest of highs. I also got maybe an hour and twenty minutes of sleep. Back to Calgary soon...back to reality. What is this reality you speak of, and why on earth would I want to go there?




Yes, please! I'd hate for my long-winded novella to discourage others from reviewing. Each person's perspective is unique and special. :thumb_yello:




It was brilliant, wasn't it? You're wonderful - and your accent is fabulous.:wub2:


I'm glad you had a great time, sweetie - its heart warming to watch people get blown away by this man we all adore.


It was lovely to finally meet you too, it's nice to be able to put a face to the username :wink2: I have really enjoyed reading about your amazing night!! Wow, you will remember that for the rest of your life! I am soooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This really was special for us all :wub2:

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Ok I found a video on YouTube, one of the few of last night. It's the extended SITM with a nice drum solo by Greg Wells.Enjoy!



Found this on YouTube - I'm the one bounding out with the giant lollipop, then rocking out behind Mika:



Gawd, I get goosebumps just watching. :wub2::tears:



Wow wonderful performance of SITM and Greg Wells is doing it well!!!


I think I can see you Mana !!cool video !!

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Found this on YouTube - I'm the one bounding out with the giant lollipop, then rocking out behind Mika:



Gawd, I get goosebumps just watching. :wub2::tears:


That's awesome!!! You looked amazing!! I got on stage (after about 5 times of trying to lift myself up!) and was standing right beside Mika with my arm around him and I even got to feel those beautiful curls. OMG I will never forget this!!:thumb_yello:

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We got into the lobby (not the men's washroom this time)


(He pronounced it MY-ka and we all yelled at him.)


THEN a security guy came up and said that 'because of chaos at the front of the line we're just going to turn the line around' and he would come out of the door behind us! It was so awesome, we were now practically at the front of the line.


As I walked away, I looked back, and he had already turned to the next in line, but I distinctly heard him shout, 'Cool jeans!' as I turned away again.






Ah, that's what I thought the reason might be, brilliant. So childish, like what would happen in primary school :naughty:


WOOOOOT! That is excellent! Yay!


MIKA........simply phenomenal!!! A completely surreal and exhilerating experience it was to be able to travel to Vancouver and experience a presence such as MIKA'S.


I feel as though I am in a dream.........someone pinch me please;)




I need to make a Youtube account.


Doo iiiitt then!!! :naughty:


And pictures too!


No...but that was one of the girls I went with! I just watched it again, I have to tell her that! SO MUCH FUN!


Ugh! I forgot to look for you!

Okay, looked again, saw red, yellow, pink, but no crazy fantabulous stripes! :crybaby:


I forgot to ask you..

My PJ pants wanted to know if your Pants will be their Valentine..


LOL - aww!


That's awesome!!! You looked amazing!! I got on stage (after about 5 times of trying to lift myself up!) and was standing right beside Mika with my arm around him and I even got to feel those beautiful curls. OMG I will never forget this!!


Someone else who copped a touch on stage? :das:

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