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American Thread Part III


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LOL sorry to keep you in suspense. A kid where I work noticed I had my Queen hoodie on and he said they were "Posers"....which, for some reason, meant that they were gay in his mind. He said he used to like them, but since they were "all gay" he doesn't like them anymore.


Me being the psychotic Queen fan that I am...just had to set him straight...




1. You have a Queen hoodie?

2. Hell yeah! We have to set the world straight:naughty:

3. Screw that guy.

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1. Yes, indeedy!

2. You know it. I said to myself "Aw, hell no...it's not going down like that. You're not gonna tell me about my own business!"

3. Strange thing is...he isn't a "guy" at all....he's a little 8 year old. :-S


Also he said that Queen only ever sang about "Getting loaded" or something like that. I replied by saying that wasn't true and then I asked him if he liked Led Zep. He said he loved them....and I said "Well, you know, a lot of their songs are about getting high...and I know you know what that means..."


The kid even came up to me later and told me he loved Jimi Hendrix. What did he die of again....?

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1. Yes, indeedy!

2. You know it. I said to myself "Aw, hell no...it's not going down like that. You're not gonna tell me about my own business!"

3. Strange thing is...he isn't a "guy" at all....he's a little 8 year old. :-S


Also he said that Queen only ever sang about "Getting loaded" or something like that. I replied by saying that wasn't true and then I asked him if he liked Led Zep. He said he loved them....and I said "Well, you know, a lot of their songs are about getting high...and I know you know what that means..."


The kid even came up to me later and told me he loved Jimi Hendrix. What did he die of again....?


8 years old? What the hell is this world becoming? :no:



What a dumbass :doh: haha

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I loved it how he said "I used to love Queen..."


..what..when you were four?


lol :P


It was very strange....In the end I told him that if the music is good and if you like it, just enjoy it for what it is.


hahaha, that is so creepy....:lmfao:

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There's a kid in my weights class who listens to Slayer. Actually, we call him Slayer. He told us to and besides no one knows his name. Anyway, I'm sure they're a good band in their own respect (I wouldn't know, I don't listen to that), however, he scares everyone in the class a bit when he listens to him because he goes nuts. He walks around flinging his arms and kicking his legs. It's so weird.

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He is pretty frightening. He wears these huge army boots everyday, even to class and in that class we run a lot. I don't know how he runs in them, though last time we were about to run and he just walked out of the gym and well all looked at my teacher and he goes, "I am not gonna mess with that kid!"


He came back...eventually.

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Hey Hilary!

How goes things?

Getting super excited for opening night?


I would stay, but I do need to be going. I need to catch up on lost sleep.


Hey Taylor!


things are going pretty good, but i'm really really tired. *yawn*

meh, oh well.

I got complimented on my acting skills today, so it's worth it. :naughty:


yes, i'm getting pumped!

we performed the first act for the elementary schools today, and i've been on an adrenaline rush since then. :bleh:

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Hey Taylor!


things are going pretty good, but i'm really really tired. *yawn*

meh, oh well.

I got complimented on my acting skills today, so it's worth it. :naughty:


yes, i'm getting pumped!

we performed the first act for the elementary schools today, and i've been on an adrenaline rush since then. :bleh:


Woo! Congrats on the compliments! Always great! :wink2:


I can imagine you're tired...is it 11 by you?

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Woo! Congrats on the compliments! Always great! :wink2:


I can imagine you're tired...is it 11 by you?

I love getting compliments. :naughty:


yesh, it's 11:16 right now, and I got home at 10:45.:boxed:


i'm thinking of heading soon, it just feels like I haven't been on here in ages.

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I know! I feel the same way. I think the server problems with everyone's little unplanned hiatus has screwed us all up.

Don't worry...you need rest to perform.

I've got to be going too. I'm sick and I barely slept last night...which is why I really shouldn't be on right now...but alas, I'm hopeless.:naughty:

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