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American Thread Part III


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I refuse to get married until I'm thirty, unless my partner happens to have the exact same goals as I. There is just too much that I want to do with my life that would not work out so well if I was attached to someone with different plans.


I'm a bit of a freak, really. When I was in high school, I would be glad to do the whole dating thing, because rarely do high school relationships amount to anything else, but now that I'm in college, I'm terrified of men. There's a guy that I hang out with quite a bit and I have a feeling that he is interested in a relationship. I cannot agree to it and I don't know what I'm going to do if he asks. He wants to stay in the town that we are in and be a chemistry teacher. I want to move to New York and do freelance photography and writing while in grad school for English. College relationships often end up with proposals, and that terrifies me.


Well, at least you have goals set for you.

I'm somewhat scared of them also.


I don't really care about relationships right now. I'm not sure if that'll change or not when i'm older, but it's just not the first thing on my mind. I don't really see a point in being in a relationship right now. It seems like they wouldn't be committed and I have better things to do with my time.

Sometimes I don't think I'll ever get married or anything. haha Not because I don't want to, just because I have so much I want to do and feel like I wouldn't be able to do that with a family. I don't know, it's confusing, but I still have time to work things out.

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wow... really? 16 is early... i'm sorry it went badly, but I'm glad you realized.


Yea. My friend got married. He's a junior in high school and married a sophmore. I'm not sure if he's 16 or 17, and his wife is 15 or 16.

It's a little strange to me, but as long as they're happy, I support them.

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lets just say it was a long walk home and i got frost bite :sneaky2:




















jk hahahaha:roftl:




Well' date=' at least you have goals set for you.

I'm somewhat scared of them also.


I don't really care about relationships right now. I'm not sure if that'll change or not when i'm older, but it's just not the first thing on my mind. I don't really see a point in being in a relationship right now. It seems like they wouldn't be committed and I have better things to do with my time.

Sometimes I don't think I'll ever get married or anything. haha Not because I don't want to, just because I have so much I want to do and feel like I wouldn't be able to do that with a family. I don't know, it's confusing, but I still have time to work things out.[/font']


there is always time to work out love. :biggrin2: no matter how old we get.

But I'm afraid of relationships too... and sometimes i tell myself that i dont want them, that they're a waste of time, but somewhere in the back of my head I still have a burning desire for one... =X


the problem is that i'd be completely fine living alone and living out my dream... except that part of my dream is children... I have an EXTREME motherly calling... sometimes it weird me out too. haahah

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Yea. My friend got married. He's a junior in high school and married a sophmore. I'm not sure if he's 16 or 17, and his wife is 15 or 16.

It's a little strange to me, but as long as they're happy, I support them.


I agree! but aren't there legal constraints or limitations or requirements for people who marry before they are legal? just wondering...

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wow... really? 16 is early... i'm sorry it went badly, but I'm glad you realized.


Yeah you live and you learn I guess! The bad thing is that when we are teen agers we think that we KNOW everything..... and then after you make all the mistakes you realize that you knew NOTHING! Why do we not just listen to our elders? I guess that would be way too easy!

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Well, at least you have goals set for you.

I'm somewhat scared of them also.


I don't really care about relationships right now. I'm not sure if that'll change or not when i'm older, but it's just not the first thing on my mind. I don't really see a point in being in a relationship right now. It seems like they wouldn't be committed and I have better things to do with my time.

Sometimes I don't think I'll ever get married or anything. haha Not because I don't want to, just because I have so much I want to do and feel like I wouldn't be able to do that with a family. I don't know, it's confusing, but I still have time to work things out.


:huglove: How are you?


I get what you're saying.


I kind of have weird feelings when it comes to relationships and all of that. I definitely want it at some point in my life. I don't think that I would very much enjoy the conventional marriage, with the submissive wife and working husband, all cozy in a little cottage with 3 children, but I do want a marriage, because I like the idea of having someone there all the time. Sometimes, I sit around and think, "Do I actually want a husband or just a best friend that I would live with?" Not that I'm not into the romantic thing, because I really am, but when I think about the future, I sometimes would almost just rather have a very very good male friend that I shared a house with like a roommate, and I would adopt children when I wanted them. Maybe it sounds selfish, but I just don't know if I am capable or willing to completely share my life with someone. There's too much that I want for me (it sounds arrogant, but hey, this is my life and I think that everyone should live it for themselves to a certain degree) that would be hindered by a husband. Marriage means that you are unable to just pack up and move somewhere new when you feel the urge, because you have to discuss it first and convince the other person to do it.


I honestly think that I would be quite uncomfortable in a serious relationship. I have all of those girlish dreams of having the man of my dreams and all of that, but that's all just about the romantic stuff. When it gets to the actual realities of marriage or a partnership, I don't know if I would like it.

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Yeah you live and you learn I guess! The bad thing is that when we are teen agers we think that we KNOW everything..... and then after you make all the mistakes you realize that you knew NOTHING! Why do we not just listen to our elders? I guess that would be way too easy!


it's true!

We have a tendency to think, at any age really, that we know everything there is to know about life... especially since we reflect back on what we didn't used to know. But you never stop learning and we should never stop taking into consideration what elder wiser people tell us. haha :biggrin2:

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ohhh ok.. that's what I thought. How did your parents react? well, obviously they gave in at some point... hah


My parents say that they thouht I would run away with him if they did not let us get married! I am like :boxed: do you not know me at all> I would have NEVER even thought of running away with the man! I would have just locked myself in my room and cried for a month! But that woud have been better! But, at least I got a beautiful baby out of it! One that I got to grow up with! Now he tells me what to do :roftl:

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there is always time to work out love. :biggrin2: no matter how old we get.

But I'm afraid of relationships too... and sometimes i tell myself that i dont want them, that they're a waste of time, but somewhere in the back of my head I still have a burning desire for one... =X


the problem is that i'd be completely fine living alone and living out my dream... except that part of my dream is children... I have an EXTREME motherly calling... sometimes it weird me out too. haahah

Same here. Sometimes I think that I'm just afraid of growing up and starting a new chapter of my life, so I push relationships and marriage aside.

Haha, aww. That's cute though. Sometimes I want to be a mother, other times I don't as selfish as that may sound.



I agree! but aren't there legal constraints or limitations or requirements for people who marry before they are legal? just wondering...

Their parents signed some papers, like Holly said.

It's strange to me to see them get married at such a young age. The ideal age to me is in the mid to late twenties. Isn't that funny considering it wasn't too long ago that people got married at 16 and 17 years old. Girls were expected to me mothers at 16 back in the 1800's. And even in the early 1900's, I think.

:huglove: How are you?


I get what you're saying.


I kind of have weird feelings when it comes to relationships and all of that. I definitely want it at some point in my life. I don't think that I would very much enjoy the conventional marriage, with the submissive wife and working husband, all cozy in a little cottage with 3 children, but I do want a marriage, because I like the idea of having someone there all the time. Sometimes, I sit around and think, "Do I actually want a husband or just a best friend that I would live with?" Not that I'm not into the romantic thing, because I really am, but when I think about the future, I sometimes would almost just rather have a very very good male friend that I shared a house with like a roommate, and I would adopt children when I wanted them. Maybe it sounds selfish, but I just don't know if I am capable or willing to completely share my life with someone. There's too much that I want for me (it sounds arrogant, but hey, this is my life and I think that everyone should live it for themselves to a certain degree) that would be hindered by a husband. Marriage means that you are unable to just pack up and move somewhere new when you feel the urge, because you have to discuss it first and convince the other person to do it.


I honestly think that I would be quite uncomfortable in a serious relationship. I have all of those girlish dreams of having the man of my dreams and all of that, but that's all just about the romantic stuff. When it gets to the actual realities of marriage or a partnership, I don't know if I would like it.


That would be nice to have a guy friend to be there for you. I understand what you're saying. haha


I guess I'll just let whatever happen happen and stop thinking about it. I'm sure if someone comes along, I'll be more sure of what I want.

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my mom got married at 19 and had her first child at 20... and then decided to have 5 more children lol


By the age of 19 I already had two kids!


I had my last one at the age of 25...which should have been when I had my first! But, I LOVE my boys...so how can I have any regrets!!!! :naughty:

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Yea, sure.:mf_rosetinted:


I bought some stuff for Holly (by the way is she banned again or is she just ricking us all? :blink:) and Alexandra :naughty: Dumb stuff, but stuff none the less. Have you ever been to the Mall of America?


You should have seen my falls! They were so petty :lmao: I was flying down the hills and then the one time I go slow down a hill I fall twice! :lmfao: At least I didn't stop the ski life 4 times like my sister's friend did! That was HILARIOUS :naughty:

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hey guys.


i just got back.





tonight was TERRIBLE.

a girl had to go to the hospital, another got sick from dehydration/exhaustion and passed out......I had a break down. :(


and we open TOMORROW.


*pulls out hair*




Whoa..that is crazy. Why did she have to go to the hospital?

Sorry Hilary. I know everything will work out fine tomorrow though!

Don't worry, you're a trooper!

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hey guys.


i just got back.





tonight was TERRIBLE.

a girl had to go to the hospital, another got sick from dehydration/exhaustion and passed out......I had a break down. :(


and we open TOMORROW.


*pulls out hair*


Well good evening! :naughty:

I passed out once and it was AWESOME! :naughty: I think everything will turn out GREAT!

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