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What is wrong with some people?


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Honestly...I am fine with criticism so long as it isn't a personal attack. Patrick's comment on that site seem to be just plain rude and un-called for. If he had decided to use constructive criticism I would have had no problem....but making negative comments just for the heck of it is not intelligent at all. IMO...

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dudes, its his loss, really. i mean, we all know he's terribly terribly wrong, and he's missing out on the awesomeness that is mika, just because of some misplaced prejudice of his.


i love how the comments are all mika fans. i left one.

i bet this is the most replies he's ever had on a post, anyway. haha.

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okay, i wrote this to him. i'm a bit disappointed that i spent so much of my time writng to a jerk though. oh well, whats done is done.


Mika doesn't write about how gay people can have sex too, and if you're referring to lollipop, i suggest you listen one more time because you are way off. If you are going to bash an artist, please make sure that you know what you are talking about first. What does doing an Orbitz jingle as a kid have anything to do with his career now? He doesn't go to concerts and sings jingles. this just means that he had talent, even as a child. I started laughing when i read that you said he has no soul. Mika has more soul that nearly every artist out there. If you did research and knew his background, or even took the time to understand his songs, you would know that what he sings is more relevant to life and how it's lived than ninety percent of the music out there now. You completely missed the point of the song Big Girl because you were already bent on hating him, so i won't even bother. I'm not sure why i'm spending so much time writing this, because it isn't worth it. If you are going to write a negative review, please make sure that you get your facts straight and write it about somebody who deserves it. Of which you did neither here.

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Look's like Mika's got his own little army.


He does

i don't mind when people don't like his music- to each their own, right?

But when people don't like it, spread that AND don't like it for IDIOTIC reasons, then i get mad. I'm one tough cookie though, i don't like to lose lol.

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Can we all just look a few entries above his Mika one.

And listen to what he apparently thinks is 'good, soulful music.'

I laughed. That is the worst s hit I've ever heard.



oh my. Is he serious? That guy sounds like he is dying. Looks like it too.

i think they're in a broom closet as well.

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oh my. Is he serious? That guy sounds like he is dying. Looks like it too.

i think they're in a broom closet as well.



Not that it matters WHERE an artist plays really.

But the fact of the matter is people probably payed 2dollars (toomuch) to see those ****ty guys play in a broom closet, when people pay 30dollars(toolittle) to see Mika in "delicious" venues. That says something right there..

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ah, i see he read my comment. lovely. When he says "Thanks for the comment!" you can tell he really means "I hate you bitc*!" its all good though. And apparently "gay men can have sex" is the theme of billy brown now as well.....


Haha...that made me laugh!:naughty:

I'm not going to get bothered over this...it's like Mika says, "Love me or hate me, just don't ignore me.." Well, he's not getting ignored...and he's getting lots of love...

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Haha...that made me laugh!:naughty:

I'm not going to get bothered over this...it's like Mika says, "Love me or hate me, just don't ignore me.." Well, he's not getting ignored...and he's getting lots of love...


This is true, tht was the reason why i am disappointed in myself for spending so much time over this ugh.



but should i post this back or not?

Alright, well is it the artist that you "hate" or is it a lyric from Billy Brown? Billy Brown was a real person that Mika knew. The song is about a man who has everything going for him, but then he falls in love with another man. I'm not sure where the theme "Gay people can have sex too" fits in with that". While sex may be a part of the song, as it is with many songs today, it isn't a main message in the song, so i'm not sure why you would choose to single it out.

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This is true, tht was the reason why i am disappointed in myself for spending so much time over this ugh.



but should i post this back or not?

Alright, well is it the artist that you "hate" or is it a lyric from Billy Brown? Billy Brown was a real person that Mika knew. The song is about a man who has everything going for him, but then he falls in love with another man. I'm not sure where the theme "Gay people can have sex too" fits in with that". While sex may be a part of the song, as it is with many songs today, it isn't a main message in the song, so i'm not sure why you would choose to single it out.


that's good.

But I mean, as far as the ' it isnt a main message in the song '

it really isn't...at all.

I know YOU know that, but I think you should make this guy feel as stupid as he sounds. :thumb_yello:

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that's good.

But I mean, as far as the ' it isnt a main message in the song '

it really isn't...at all.

I know YOU know that, but I think you should make this guy feel as stupid as he sounds. :thumb_yello:


lol, alright. i was trying to be kind of nice. but i read other comments below mine just now, so i'm going to be a bitc* now. I know it isn't worth it, but i'm bored and its for a good cause.


thats a quote worth remembering lol.

EDIT: okay, i ended up posting this. wow, i must be REALLY bored.


Alright, well is it the artist that you "hate" or is it a lyric from Billy Brown? Billy Brown was a real person that Mika knew. The song is about a man who has everything going for him, but then he falls in love with another man. I'm not sure where the theme "Gay people can have sex too" fits in with that". While sex may be a part of the song, as it is with many songs today, the message you got out of it doesn't fit within the song...at all. There is nothing sung about how gay men can have sex in Billy Brown, in fact, the only sex directly mentioned is between him and another girl. I wouldn't mind if you had posted that you just didn't care for his music- to each their own, right? But it's when you say that you absolutely hate it and i see that you hate it for the wrong reasons and haven't a clue what you're talking about that i have a problem.

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