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This One's for Us Girls (Part 15)


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Hello! It's been a while! How have you been?


Hi! I'm good :D you? did you go to any of the London gigs?


ELIIIIINAAAAA!!!! *runs over to hug her*


i got your loooooong myspace comment, i haven't been bothered to reply to it yet :roftl: how are you?


*tiiight squeeze*


Understandable :lmao:

I'm good! :bleh: How are you after that amazing last week?

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Yes, i'm really looking forward to it! Although I'm a bit sad that this chapter is almost over!


Me too! :punk:

And me too.. And I'm sad that I never got to experience his first tour(s) and show.


ooh, i'm fantabulous :biggrin2: kinda upset it's over now though :sad:


:biggrin2: but what great memories you now have! I'm not at all jealous. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

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