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This One's for Us Girls (Part 15)


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Say whatever you like!

Umm...i know something!

we have to do a presentation every 2/3 months (and that one is really important!) and i have to do some parts in english :shocked:

hiya!! how are you both?


I'm fineee! =)

woot! how r u?

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What subject are you going to do it on?


it's a presentation about my research question and... well everything at schooool!

and my english um... report/summary was written totally wrong ! :thumbdown::roftl:

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yeah i'm good thanks! how's your day been?

oooh my day was fine! =)

how was ur day?

lol !


But you english is good! How can it be wrong?


but the point is; i write everything wrong in english! :shocked:

and my teacher is correcting everything :mad3:

mpf :bleh:

she's only laughing right in front of me (in a positive way though)



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They shouldn't laugh at you!


but it's a positive way :lol3:

and we have to think positive at school :lmao:

but it is positive but now she's in america and now we have another (very annoying) english teacher :mf_rosetinted:

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exactly! arrrgh, i'm getting so impatient now lol


I even logged on this morning to see if there was any news!


yeah it is!

oooh yeah :lmao:

well a dutch teacher is also ok... :lol3:

but someone from england would be better!


You might learn better then!

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You might learn better then!


I don't know!

but no one ever says to me that I'm doing something good at school so I'm 100 percent sure that I'm doing everything not correctly! :hypo:

but um.. how was ur day? =)

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