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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS for Mika @ The Hammersmith Apollo - London (25 Feb)


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We saw Fortune in the hall, and Paloma, Yasmine and Ma Penniman outside.

Yasmine asked if we were the ones who made her lovely book. ( I wasn't but the others said yes) and she thanked them, I think she was impressed!


who said yes!? :sneaky2::shocked:

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*wonders if she's getting a reputation for talking too much* :blink:


God no lol :wink2:


I love your reports and you could never type too much for me to read and enjoy. I just don't have your play with words is all.


Anyway gonna try GK again now - stupid sendspace stopped working last night and I only have two vids left too do.


Yep Grace Kelly is up now too




Not the whole song - but quite abit of it

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Not me! :naughty: It was just a general yes, I mean she asked and the yes was on behalf of you and the MFC. Honest!


lol :roftl: its ok don't worry i believe u :bleh: cos she asked again yesterday but she didn't hear me when i said it was me :sad: lol

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lol :roftl: its ok don't worry i believe u :bleh: cos she asked again yesterday but she didn't hear me when i said it was me :sad: lol


thursday will be your night hopefully :biggrin2:


i have the strongest urge to travel up to london in the evening to catch everyone *and hopefully incl. yasmine and mika* after the gig, but it wont happen lol. i hate my busy life.



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thursday will be your night hopefully :biggrin2:


i have the strongest urge to travel up to london in the evening to catch everyone *and hopefully incl. yasmine and mika* after the gig, but it wont happen lol. i hate my busy life.




Oh how I wish *crosses every finger, toe, eye and anything possible to cross* :naughty:


Ever thought about being rebellious and just coming up here :fisch: lol

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God no lol :wink2:


I love your reports and you could never type too much for me to read and enjoy. I just don't have your play with words is all.


Anyway gonna try GK again now - stupid sendspace stopped working last night and I only have two vids left too do.


Yep Grace Kelly is up now too




Not the whole song - but quite abit of it


Laurel, I can't thank you enough for all of these videos! They're amazing, and I love that you got some Mika banter in there as well. Like when he said he needs some time off to figure out what to do with all of the sh*t he bought on eBay during the tour! LOL! :roftl:

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didn't quite like that one if anyone interested...


- cold crowd


- exhausted me


- burning eyes because of f*cking contact lenses (all my fault)


- mika and the band looking (IMO) like they were playing in an aquqrium just teasing us "we're having the time of our life upthere but you're never gonna come and be part of it" : i'm not saying i would have liked to be on the stage that night, i'm saying that THEY were having fun but i didn't FEEL anything reaching me...


- i just enjoyed the 2 songs i was sure i would, and was thinking "come on, go ahead" during the other songs and was deeply relieved when it ended...


- i'm certainly not saying that it's what EVERYBODY thought, i'm talkimg about me, myself and i...


- i still got to meet cherisse before and after, and she still likes me and still rocks, so everything is ok on that side :thumb_yello::wub2:


bye ! rocks throwing starting........................... NOW !!! :mf_rosetinted:

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didn't quite like that one if anyone interested...


- cold crowd


- exhausted me


- burning eyes because of f*cking contact lenses (all my fault)


- mika and the band looking (IMO) like they were playing in an aquqrium just teasing us "we're having the time of our life upthere but you're never gonna come and be part of it" : i'm not saying i would have liked to be on the stage that night, i'm saying that THEY were having fun but i didn't FEEL anything reaching me...


- i just enjoyed the 2 songs i was sure i would, and was thinking "come on, go ahead" during the other songs and was deeply relieved when it ended...


- i'm certainly not saying that it's what EVERYBODY thought, i'm talkimg about me, myself and i...


- i still got to meet cherisse before and after, and she still likes me and still rocks, so everything is ok on that side :thumb_yello::wub2:


bye ! rocks throwing starting........................... NOW !!! :mf_rosetinted:



LOL, I LOVED all the banter the band had going on onstage! :roftl:

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didn't quite like that one if anyone interested...


- cold crowd



- mika and the band looking (IMO) like they were playing in an aquqrium just teasing us "we're having the time of our life upthere but you're never gonna come and be part of it" : i'm not saying i would have liked to be on the stage that night, i'm saying that THEY were having fun but i didn't FEEL anything reaching me...


I have exactly the same feeling!! yesterday was a lot better!!


yeah I'm back btw, I'm recovering from my awful flight this morning... I don't know when I'll be able to upload my pics and maybe write a short report, but sometime this week I guess I can do it

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LOL, I LOVED all the banter the band had going on onstage! :roftl:


i prefered yesterday, cause it was such a big mess :naughty: :naughty: nothing was going well :roftl: not technically, but random people coming on stage when they had nothing to do there, staying for 3 songs doing a hilarious choregraphy, etc. etc. not that we were more involved into it, but even mika was getting more feedback from the crowd so we were getting more from him, logical...

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Well, I'm back and have rested enough to come on here.


Firstly, and I hate to start a post on a bad note but this needs to be said.


What the hell is all the nastiness about the fact that I was let in early?


Anyone that knows me or has met me at other gigs knows that I'm not afraid to queue. I have queued for hours (something like 9 hours at Doncaster). The whole time I have had a disabled badge, not once had I used it because I was capable (although it was often painful) of queueing. Unfortunatly I've had a severe relapse, queueing for me for that amount of time then stading at a gig would not be possible, my legs would give out and I'd probably end up back in a wheelchair.


I have the added problem that I have hearing aids in each ear that means anthing coming out of the speakers doesn't make much sense to me, for this reason I like to be close to Mika so i can here him, not him thro the speakers. I want to enjoy the gig as much as everyone else.


Because of this the staff at Hammersmith very kindly agreed to allow me to enter a few minutes before everyone else so i could get into position with the barrier to support me, without being pushed and knocked over by the running of fans when the doors opened. I'm only very short so i doubt I really effected anyone's view by being there.


Also, about Holy Johnny (Silver.Lemon). He was not let in because of his costume or because he has been on stage before. He comes to the gigs as my carer. He always buys a full ticket although he could get in free for being my carer. When he first dressed as HJ we had no idea that he would be pulled up, and that is not the reason he continues to do it, we had alot of people request and encourage that he come as HJ again. I'm really upset that fellow MFCers are making the snide comments.


Thanks to my position have have a few amazing pictures (I can't take many as I can't balance very well for long). Would anybody like to me to post them or will just cause more nasty remarks?

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Well, I'm back and have rested enough to come on here.


Firstly, and I hate to start a post on a bad note but this needs to be said.


What the hell is all the nastiness about the fact that I was let in early?


Anyone that knows me or has met me at other gigs knows that I'm not afraid to queue. I have queued for hours (something like 9 hours at Doncaster). The whole time I have had a disabled badge, not once had I used it because I was capable (although it was often painful) of queueing. Unfortunatly I've had a severe relapse, queueing for me for that amount of time then stading at a gig would not be possible, my legs would give out and I'd probably end up back in a wheelchair.


I have the added problem that I have hearing aids in each ear that means anthing coming out of the speakers doesn't make much sense to me, for this reason I like to be close to Mika so i can here him, not him thro the speakers. I want to enjoy the gig as much as everyone else.


Because of this the staff at Hammersmith very kindly agreed to allow me to enter a few minutes before everyone else so i could get into position with the barrier to support me, without being pushed and knocked over by the running of fans when the doors opened. I'm only very short so i doubt I really effected anyone's view by being there.


Also, about Holy Johnny (Silver.Lemon). He was not let in because of his costume or because he has been on stage before. He comes to the gigs as my carer. He always buys a full ticket although he could get in free for being my carer. When he first dressed as HJ we had no idea that he would be pulled up, and that is not the reason he continues to do it, we had alot of people request and encourage that he come as HJ again. I'm really upset that fellow MFCers are making the snide comments.


Thanks to my position have have a few amazing pictures (I can't take many as I can't balance very well for long). Would anybody like to me to post them or will just cause more nasty remarks?


Can we see the pictures??

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Well, I'm back and have rested enough to come on here.


Firstly, and I hate to start a post on a bad note but this needs to be said.


What the hell is all the nastiness about the fact that I was let in early?


Anyone that knows me or has met me at other gigs knows that I'm not afraid to queue. I have queued for hours (something like 9 hours at Doncaster). The whole time I have had a disabled badge, not once had I used it because I was capable (although it was often painful) of queueing. Unfortunatly I've had a severe relapse, queueing for me for that amount of time then stading at a gig would not be possible, my legs would give out and I'd probably end up back in a wheelchair.


I have the added problem that I have hearing aids in each ear that means anthing coming out of the speakers doesn't make much sense to me, for this reason I like to be close to Mika so i can here him, not him thro the speakers. I want to enjoy the gig as much as everyone else.


Because of this the staff at Hammersmith very kindly agreed to allow me to enter a few minutes before everyone else so i could get into position with the barrier to support me, without being pushed and knocked over by the running of fans when the doors opened. I'm only very short so i doubt I really effected anyone's view by being there.


Also, about Holy Johnny (Silver.Lemon). He was not let in because of his costume or because he has been on stage before. He comes to the gigs as my carer. He always buys a full ticket although he could get in free for being my carer. When he first dressed as HJ we had no idea that he would be pulled up, and that is not the reason he continues to do it, we had alot of people request and encourage that he come as HJ again. I'm really upset that fellow MFCers are making the snide comments.


Thanks to my position have have a few amazing pictures (I can't take many as I can't balance very well for long). Would anybody like to me to post them or will just cause more nasty remarks?


thanks for the clearup :) and thats really nice of HJ.

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all pics gratefully received and I dont think the commenst were aimed at you MF :)


ps HJ needs to go an ecclesaistical shop and get some of those swinging incencse balls for the next tour.


and I know you queue - saw you at Glasgy ;)



Just to let you know I doubt HJ will be appearing again, thanks to the MFC.


I really don't care who the comments were aimed at, I know to whom everyone is refering and I know that you have no ideal about the reality of the circumstance. If the people posting spent a single day in the life of someone with a disability they would perhaps understand.


That MFcer in question wanted to enjoy a Mika gig the same way that everyone else does, for once she wanted not to be in the disabled section. They found themselves in the position to be able to do that and is now being slated for doing so.


I'm very angry right now. The MFCer is very very hurt by all this. To the point that they considered to attending other gigs. Who has the right to make someone feel like that?


I'm going to leave it there, I'm too emotional involved with this to trust myself not to post things that I may regret.

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Hi Mikafish.

I know you queue for ages (I saw you both at the Manchester Apollo and Doncaster)

Do you think the comments were aimed at you? Don't feel guilty if you did nothing wrong.

And yes, please post your pictures :)

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Well, I'm back and have rested enough to come on here.


Firstly, and I hate to start a post on a bad note but this needs to be said.


What the hell is all the nastiness about the fact that I was let in early?


Anyone that knows me or has met me at other gigs knows that I'm not afraid to queue. I have queued for hours (something like 9 hours at Doncaster). The whole time I have had a disabled badge, not once had I used it because I was capable (although it was often painful) of queueing. Unfortunatly I've had a severe relapse, queueing for me for that amount of time then stading at a gig would not be possible, my legs would give out and I'd probably end up back in a wheelchair.


I have the added problem that I have hearing aids in each ear that means anthing coming out of the speakers doesn't make much sense to me, for this reason I like to be close to Mika so i can here him, not him thro the speakers. I want to enjoy the gig as much as everyone else.


Because of this the staff at Hammersmith very kindly agreed to allow me to enter a few minutes before everyone else so i could get into position with the barrier to support me, without being pushed and knocked over by the running of fans when the doors opened. I'm only very short so i doubt I really effected anyone's view by being there.


Also, about Holy Johnny (Silver.Lemon). He was not let in because of his costume or because he has been on stage before. He comes to the gigs as my carer. He always buys a full ticket although he could get in free for being my carer. When he first dressed as HJ we had no idea that he would be pulled up, and that is not the reason he continues to do it, we had alot of people request and encourage that he come as HJ again. I'm really upset that fellow MFCers are making the snide comments.


Thanks to my position have have a few amazing pictures (I can't take many as I can't balance very well for long). Would anybody like to me to post them or will just cause more nasty remarks?

You completely deserved to do this; My little sister has bad eyesight and unless she is at the very front she can't see a thing. And because she is young (11) she hates to be alone. So when she got a good place for her, she called me over. When I politely asked someone 'excuse me please, I have to get to my little sister' they went into one! I explained she had bad eye sight and was going to say 'and she need someone with her' but they just ignored me. So I called over to my sister and said I couldn't get to her. She came back and ended up not seeing pretty much anything throughout the show. To be quite honest, you did the right thing for you. And you deserved that place. Ignore the nasty remarks :thumb_yello:

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