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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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a skeleton hanging by it's neck flung open. Finn jumped a million feet in the air and if I hadn't been sticking my nose in the books, he probably would have ended up in my arms.Everyone glanced over. "M-M...M!" He continued backing up. I stood up and glanced around the group.

"I seriously I think, we should leave, guys." Artsy grimaced.

"We're leaving!" shouted Kelzy.

Everyone grabbed some blankets and we headed for the door. I turned the knob and heard a painful creaking noise. The knob then fell and shattered to pieces on the floor.

"Sh!t....CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP POO POO !" yelled Artsy. She looked at he walls and began to burst into tears.

Calvin comforted her. I bit my lip and tried to make what I could of the situation.

"This door is jammed."

Phunky rolled her eyes.

"Thanks, that was useful." she replied sarcastically.

I smiled shortly and went to the back of the house.

"M, Don't leave me..er..us!" cried Finn.

I checked the old school doors that were locked...from the outside... weird.

"Guys, I think we're stuck in here." I stated.

I heard a girlish whine, noticeably calvin, and I began to check some windows.

"Help me find a way out , people." I whined. Everyone checked everywhere. We were left in a dark, scary old mansion. God help us now.


Clutching Calvin's hand, I frantically checked every door and window in sight. With each lock, my panic rose.

"Arts," Calvin gasped through gritted teeth, "Calm the hell down."

I looked at him, then followed his gaze to our hands, where his fingers were bent at an almost unnatural angle and turning blue from my grip. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to loosen my hand. Cal gave me a kiss on the cheek, then led the way to the next window.


M was walking through the house, checking for any unlocked opening. She stepped into a bath tub and reached up for the small bathroom window, but that too was locked. As she was stepping out of the tub, she noticed a string hanging against the wall.

It wasn't the string itself so much as the place where it was randomly hanging from that caught her eye. It seemed to come straight out of the wall. It was not a new string, either, but brown with dirt and age. Curious, she grabbed it and experimentally tugged.

It didn't move.

She pulled harder, and it tore through the layers of wallpaper. She blinked. The string must have been there since the house was built. When had that been? Fifty years ago? A hundred years ago? Pulling on it some more, she ripped a tear in the paper for a couple of feet, then the string suddenly veered downward. Continuing to pull, M discovered that the string was positioned in the shape of a square. When the square had been fully torn, the weight of the many layers of wallpaper was enough to pull it down, and the thick square fell at M's feet.

She looked at it for a moment in wonder, then stared at the square of wall that had been revealed. It was whitewashed, but gray-ish brown from the years of use. Something dark was in the middle of the wall. Reaching up, M rubbed the cobwebs, dust, dirt and other stains off as much as she could and looked again at the dark markings.


you are not safe outside.


stop trying to leave.


M stared at the two sentences in shock, then began to scream.


Calvin and I were walking under a skylight, and the moonlight was falling on him, turning his gray eyes silvery. I gazed at him dreamily, even though we were probably stuck in this bloody house until we died of starvation, and began to tug him closer when a shriek knocked me from my reverie.

We wasted no time running to M to see what had happened.

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Clutching Calvin's hand, I frantically checked every door and window in sight. With each lock, my panic rose.

"Arts," Calvin gasped through gritted teeth, "Calm the hell down."

I looked at him, then followed his gaze to our hands, where his fingers were bent at an almost unnatural angle and turning blue from my grip. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to loosen my hand. Cal gave me a kiss on the cheek, then led the way to the next window.


M was walking through the house, checking for any unlocked opening. She stepped into a bath tub and reached up for the small bathroom window, but that too was locked. As she was stepping out of the tub, she noticed a string hanging against the wall.

It wasn't the string itself so much as the place where it was randomly hanging from that caught her eye. It seemed to come straight out of the wall. It was not a new string, either, but brown with dirt and age. Curious, she grabbed it and experimentally tugged.

It didn't move.

She pulled harder, and it tore through the layers of wallpaper. She blinked. The string must have been there since the house was built. When had that been? Fifty years ago? A hundred years ago? Pulling on it some more, she ripped a tear in the paper for a couple of feet, then the string suddenly veered downward. Continuing to pull, M discovered that the string was positioned in the shape of a square. When the square had been fully torn, the weight of the many layers of wallpaper was enough to pull it down, and the thick square fell at M's feet.

She looked at it for a moment in wonder, then stared at the square of wall that had been revealed. It was whitewashed, but gray-ish brown from the years of use. Something dark was in the middle of the wall. Reaching up, M rubbed the cobwebs, dust, dirt and other stains off as much as she could and looked again at the dark markings.


you are not safe outside.


stop trying to leave.


M stared at the two sentences in shock, then began to scream.


Calvin and I were walking under a skylight, and the moonlight was falling on him, turning his gray eyes silvery. I gazed at him dreamily, even though we were probably stuck in this bloody house until we died of starvation, and began to tug him closer when a shriek knocked me from my reverie.

We wasted no time running to M to see what had happened.

My eyes filled with tears and streams fell upon my dirt stained cheeks. I immediately clung onto the first person to pop through the door who happened to be mika. I hugged him so tightly against me, I thought i'd shatter him. My hole body shook and my vision was blurred so badly i needed mika more than ever.

"Whoa, M, calm down, what happened babe?" he asked, eyes wandering towards the box on the ground.

"M, let go for a sec." he persisted reaching towards the ground and extending his arm. I remained teary eyed, clinging on to his fingers.

Mika read the note and his heart thumped. At that very moment, bad timing indeed, cal and Arts came to the door. I screamed, more manly than mika it seemed, and i threw an old rusty toothbrush at the two. It bounced off of cal's forehead.

"What's going on?" asked Artsy. I noticed them holding hands.

I started crying again, and Mika showed them the box. Finally finn showed up and i ran into his arms.

"M, shhh, M calm down." he repeated staring at the box.

"Can this open?" he asked Mika.

Mika took it and shook it. We heard a rattling inside. As if it could get any creepier, we heard a splash, and took notice of a red substance splash against the window.

We all screamed and ran down the stairs landing in a pile at the landing. We all breathed heavily. I remained at the very bottom, clutching something I wasn't sure what it was...or who's. I heard Arts give out a cry.

"M, let go of my big toe please." I imediately let go.

Our cluster was like one big heaving, shivvering, pile of snow. Not one of us, wasn't cold.

I saw the rest of the PPRs staring at us. We got up with dignity at all times, and mika showed everyone the box. We all shared cold glances, as Finn began to open the box. Inside was a rusty old axe with a hard reddish brownish substance covering it. I went into the corner and began throwing up. This was just too unreal. I looked over to the couch where becky sat with all of the children, her head turned towards us. "Guys, what are we going to do about the kids." our eyes were now focused on JJL's little ones and ER's. We formed a circle with some chairs and other bits of furniture. Not many due to the fact all the couple, and some random singles, were bound to eachother. I saw more writing on the far left wall. "Coz." I said pointing at the wall. He looked at Becky and Kairi and kissed becky deeply. He walked over to it.

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My eyes filled with tears and streams fell upon my dirt stained cheeks. I immediately clung onto the first person to pop through the door who happened to be mika. I hugged him so tightly against me, I thought i'd shatter him. My hole body shook and my vision was blurred so badly i needed mika more than ever.

"Whoa, M, calm down, what happened babe?" he asked, eyes wandering towards the box on the ground.

"M, let go for a sec." he persisted reaching towards the ground and extending his arm. I remained teary eyed, clinging on to his fingers.

Mika read the note and his heart thumped. At that very moment, bad timing indeed, cal and Arts came to the door. I screamed, more manly than mika it seemed, and i threw an old rusty toothbrush at the two. It bounced off of cal's forehead.

"What's going on?" asked Artsy. I noticed them holding hands.

I started crying again, and Mika showed them the box. Finally finn showed up and i ran into his arms.

"M, shhh, M calm down." he repeated staring at the box.

"Can this open?" he asked Mika.

Mika took it and shook it. We heard a rattling inside. As if it could get any creepier, we heard a splash, and took notice of a red substance splash against the window.

We all screamed and ran down the stairs landing in a pile at the landing. We all breathed heavily. I remained at the very bottom, clutching something I wasn't sure what it was...or who's. I heard Arts give out a cry.

"M, let go of my big toe please." I imediately let go.

Our cluster was like one big heaving, shivvering, pile of snow. Not one of us, wasn't cold.

I saw the rest of the PPRs staring at us. We got up with dignity at all times, and mika showed everyone the box. We all shared cold glances, as Finn began to open the box. Inside was a rusty old axe with a hard reddish brownish substance covering it. I went into the corner and began throwing up. This was just too unreal. I looked over to the couch where becky sat with all of the children, her head turned towards us. "Guys, what are we going to do about the kids." our eyes were now focused on JJL's little ones and ER's. We formed a circle with some chairs and other bits of furniture. Not many due to the fact all the couple, and some random singles, were bound to eachother. I saw more writing on the far left wall. "Coz." I said pointing at the wall. He looked at Becky and Kairi and kissed becky deeply. He walked over to it.


Cosmo's eyes flicked over the sentences on the wall. Watching him from behind, we saw his back slowly tense up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "What does it say?"

"'keep it with you. trouble is coming. don't let him walk behind.'"

I gulped, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. More splashing sounded from outside, and we jumped.

Finn dropped the axe and it hit the floor with a loud clatter. Someone, (I think it was ER) screamed.

"Get rid of that thing!" said Phunky.

"How?" asked Mika, "We can't put it outside."

"Hide it somewhere then, just get it away from us." said JJL.

Another splash was heard outside, and I walked to the window, pushing back a drape. It wasn't raining. There was no excuse for the splashing. Remembering the red substance on the bathroom window, I shivered. Just then, a shadow moved just beyond the window. I squinted trying to see out of the thick layer of grime on the glass pane. I just barely heard a faint rustling, then silence. I had the sensation of being watched. Then, without warning, something hit the window.


M looked up at the wet-sounding thwap from where I was standing at the window. My back was straight and tense, and my hand was clutching the drape with white-knuckled intensity. Looking closer at me, she noticed that I didn't appear to be breathing.

"What is it, Arts?" she asked tentatively. I didn't respond, didn't make any sort of move at all. A sickening, sucking, squishy sound from the window was the only reply.


Finally, her curiosity got the better of her and she walked over to the window, where the squishy noise was continuing. She glanced at my face and saw that I was blindly staring out the window, my bottom lip trembling in fear. I had been literally been scared silent. I was past hyperventilating, past screaming, past thinking. Worried about the fact that we didn't have a therapist handy to calm me down, M looked at the window.

There was a bloody smear down the side of the pane, and towards the bottom was something unidentifiable and covered in blood sliding down the glass, making that sickening sound as it did so, before hitting the bottom and falling off onto the ground.

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Cosmo's eyes flicked over the sentences on the wall. Watching him from behind, we saw his back slowly tense up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "What does it say?"

"'keep it with you. trouble is coming. don't let him walk behind.'"

I gulped, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. More splashing sounded from outside, and we jumped.

Finn dropped the axe and it hit the floor with a loud clatter. Someone, (I think it was ER) screamed.

"Get rid of that thing!" said Phunky.

"How?" asked Mika, "We can't put it outside."

"Hide it somewhere then, just get it away from us." said JJL.

Another splash was heard outside, and I walked to the window, pushing back a drape. It wasn't raining. There was no excuse for the splashing. Remembering the red substance on the bathroom window, I shivered. Just then, a shadow moved just beyond the window. I squinted trying to see out of the thick layer of grime on the glass pane. I just barely heard a faint rustling, then silence. I had the sensation of being watched. Then, without warning, something hit the window.


M looked up at the wet-sounding thwap from where I was standing at the window. My back was straight and tense, and my hand was clutching the drape with white-knuckled intensity. Looking closer at me, she noticed that I didn't appear to be breathing.

"What is it, Arts?" she asked tentatively. I didn't respond, didn't make any sort of move at all. A sickening, sucking, squishy sound from the window was the only reply.


Finally, her curiosity got the better of her and she walked over to the window, where the squishy noise was continuing. She glanced at my face and saw that I was blindly staring out the window, my bottom lip trembling in fear. I had been literally been scared silent. I was past hyperventilating, past screaming, past thinking. Worried about the fact that we didn't have a therapist handy to calm me down, M looked at the window.

There was a bloody smear down the side of the pane, and towards the bottom was something unidentifiable and covered in blood sliding down the glass, making that sickening sound as it did so, before hitting the bottom and falling off onto the ground.


My eyes widened. I was paralyzed. Literally frozen. I focused my attentiveness on what was lying before us on the ground. It appeared to be a liver. I felt my non-existant food rush back up to greet me and ran off to puke in the throw up corner.The PPRs all joined Amy at the window, slapping her awake. Becky stayed with the kids humming a tune to have them calm, which seemed surprisngly easy.

"Oh my god." Mika said nauseously. Everyone headed back to the meeting area.

"Guys, we really need sleep just look at kelz." said phunky noticing kelzy was half asleep.

"I'm not sleeping." Finn said his eyes drifting to the window here and then.

I came back to the group with some blankets from the linen closet. They were dusty and smelled of pee, but they seemed warm and cozy, so it was worth a try. A large amount of the blankets were covered in what we suspected blood. Gross, but the men said they would use them. We huddled up on the floor and everyone uncomfortably hugged eachother, some sobbing, mainly me. Finn kissed me which seemed the best thing to happen since finding that bit of jam in the cupboard.

"I-I'm s-sorry m-y br-br-eath i-s b-b-bad." I stuttered. He grinned. "It's fine, M."

The kids sat in the middle of our huddle as to not be disturbed. Each one sound a sleep, unaware of the danger around them.

I heard a massive thud against the window and let out a grunt. I got up and walked toward the window beginning to crank it open. "What the hell is rong with you?" asked phunky. "Go slap sense into your wife." she demanded to finn. I popped my head out the screen-less window.

"Listen you, sick, twisted, bastard, leave us alone or I'll ..... get my husband to do horrible things to you. You better leave us alone!" I started to tremble as I felt something brush against my face. My eyes looked toward the left and I saw a hand brush against my cheek. I saw a dark, slimey looking face grinning back at me. "Hello, beautiful." a dark menacing voice mellowed at me. I screamed and tried to get back inside but my shoe got caught in the bottom of the vent and i flew out the window.

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My eyes widened. I was paralyzed. Literally frozen. I focused my attentiveness on what was lying before us on the ground. It appeared to be a liver. I felt my non-existant food rush back up to greet me and ran off to puke in the throw up corner.The PPRs all joined Amy at the window, slapping her awake. Becky stayed with the kids humming a tune to have them calm, which seemed surprisngly easy.

"Oh my god." Mika said nauseously. Everyone headed back to the meeting area.

"Guys, we really need sleep just look at kelz." said phunky noticing kelzy was half asleep.

"I'm not sleeping." Finn said his eyes drifting to the window here and then.

I came back to the group with some blankets from the linen closet. They were dusty and smelled of pee, but they seemed warm and cozy, so it was worth a try. A large amount of the blankets were covered in what we suspected blood. Gross, but the men said they would use them. We huddled up on the floor and everyone uncomfortably hugged eachother, some sobbing, mainly me. Finn kissed me which seemed the best thing to happen since finding that bit of jam in the cupboard.

"I-I'm s-sorry m-y br-br-eath i-s b-b-bad." I stuttered. He grinned. "It's fine, M."

The kids sat in the middle of our huddle as to not be disturbed. Each one sound a sleep, unaware of the danger around them.

I heard a massive thud against the window and let out a grunt. I got up and walked toward the window beginning to crank it open. "What the hell is rong with you?" asked phunky. "Go slap sense into your wife." she demanded to finn. I popped my head out the screen-less window.

"Listen you, sick, twisted, bastard, leave us alone or I'll ..... get my husband to do horrible things to you. You better leave us alone!" I started to tremble as I felt something brush against my face. My eyes looked toward the left and I saw a hand brush against my cheek. I saw a dark, slimey looking face grinning back at me. "Hello, beautiful." a dark menacing voice mellowed at me. I screamed and tried to get back inside but my shoe got caught in the bottom of the vent and i flew out the window.


We all screamed and looked out the window.

"We've got to go get her." said Finn.

"We can't! Remember what the bathroom message said, it isn't safe outside!" I said, wringing my hands.

"It isn't safe anyways, and now something's got M!" Finn insisted, his eyes bright with worry.

We all looked at each other.

"We've got to go," whispered Cal, and we all filed out through the window. It was dark, and we tripped on our way out. We heard screaming from the left and followed it, trying not to make much noise.


M was screaming, being dragged through the woods by this...thing. It brought her to a dark clearing, the moonlight the only way to see anything. She saw a pile of something bloody, and knew, with a sick feeling in her stomach, exactly what it was. Suddenly, they stopped and she saw the cold glitter of a knife in the moonlight. Shrieking even louder, she rolled out of the way just in time.


We ran into the clearing and grabbed M off the ground and away from the attacker. It stood up and looked at us. My eyes began to glow as I prepared myself for battle. The attacker looked at us, then dropped the knife and slumped his shoulders.

"Thank God you're all here!"


We blinked at the man.

"Um...what?" asked Calvin hesitantly.

"You're all out of the house!" said the man, "A killer lives there. I've been trying to rescue you since the moment I saw that you were trapped."

"But the messages..." I whispered.

"Told you to stay? Yeah, that's how he gets you. He hides in the basement and leaves notes for his victims to find."

I stared at the man, not mentioning that some of the messages were much too old to have been written recently. He still hadn't proved his innocence yet.

"Well, what was with the blood and organs?"

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We all screamed and looked out the window.

"We've got to go get her." said Finn.

"We can't! Remember what the bathroom message said, it isn't safe outside!" I said, wringing my hands.

"It isn't safe anyways, and now something's got M!" Finn insisted, his eyes bright with worry.

We all looked at each other.

"We've got to go," whispered Cal, and we all filed out through the window. It was dark, and we tripped on our way out. We heard screaming from the left and followed it, trying not to make much noise.


M was screaming, being dragged through the woods by this...thing. It brought her to a dark clearing, the moonlight the only way to see anything. She saw a pile of something bloody, and knew, with a sick feeling in her stomach, exactly what it was. Suddenly, they stopped and she saw the cold glitter of a knife in the moonlight. Shrieking even louder, she rolled out of the way just in time.


We ran into the clearing and grabbed M off the ground and away from the attacker. It stood up and looked at us. My eyes began to glow as I prepared myself for battle. The attacker looked at us, then dropped the knife and slumped his shoulders.

"Thank God you're all here!"


We blinked at the man.

"Um...what?" asked Calvin hesitantly.

"You're all out of the house!" said the man, "A killer lives there. I've been trying to rescue you since the moment I saw that you were trapped."

"But the messages..." I whispered.

"Told you to stay? Yeah, that's how he gets you. He hides in the basement and leaves notes for his victims to find."

I stared at the man, not mentioning that some of the messages were much too old to have been written recently. He still hadn't proved his innocence yet.

"Well, what was with the blood and organs?"


"They were just animals" he said. I was looking at every feeling he had so closely I was almost him, I could just feel the thoughts that came with every slight feeling change... he felt guilty... for scaring us I think, he looked at my children, one in each arm and felt more guilty. He was no killer, they never felt guilty. I thought to Kelz 'He checks out on my end' then, she told me that there was good on ER's side too. M was still too close to him, she asked "How do we know that your not lying?" Kelz musta missed her in the broadcast to everyone.

The guy replied "If I was trying to kill you guys, I would have done it by now."

Fair point I thought. He SEEMED nice enough... then there was a giant BANG and the house we were in exploded.

"Bomb much?" I asked "No wonder we needed to get out... we wouldn't have exsisted... can you imagine us in the afterlife?" Ok, I was kinda scared... I blabbled when I was scared. Suddenly everything went black...


Crappy post I know... I just wanted to fuel Artsy's thing she has going

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They woke up in a truck, tied up and gagged. When everyone had awoken properly, Kelzy felt like she was being attcked by thoughts.

"Oh perfectly safe!" Came one of many sarcastic thoughts. That was, until they noticed him gagged along with them. His eyes were wide, and he kept staring at the back of the truck.

"He has us." Kelzy broadcated the man's thoughts. "They were no safer with me than in the house. I knew I shouldn't have killed his sheep!"

"You're not broadcsting to him are you?" Lolly asked Kelzy. She didn't even bother to reply with words, but just gave her a 'look'.

"How do we know he's not double bluffing?" Artsy said.

"Why do you say that?" M asked.

"Well, it's just... Nevermind." Yet she couldn't help but wonder how this supposed 'killer' knew they would be there. And why arm them? It all seemed a bit suspicious.

"We'll be careful from now on. Suspect everyone." Mika contributed.

"Where are the kids?!" Came a loud thought from JJL, send her, Becky, Nico and Glow into a panic.

"They'll be fine." Kelzy tried to reason with them, but they were slightly frantic.

"What if they're using them as ransom or something?" Nico said. "Oh, my baby..."

Becky tried to shout something muffled through her gag, but it made no sense.

About 5 seconds, later, the truck came to a halt, send the PRRs flying across the small space in the truck. They all sat, waiting for thier kidnapper to show themselves.

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They woke up in a truck, tied up and gagged. When everyone had awoken properly, Kelzy felt like she was being attcked by thoughts.

"Oh perfectly safe!" Came one of many sarcastic thoughts. That was, until they noticed him gagged along with them. His eyes were wide, and he kept staring at the back of the truck.

"He has us." Kelzy broadcated the man's thoughts. "They were no safer with me than in the house. I knew I shouldn't have killed his sheep!"

"You're not broadcsting to him are you?" Lolly asked Kelzy. She didn't even bother to reply with words, but just gave her a 'look'.

"How do we know he's not double bluffing?" Artsy said.

"Why do you say that?" M asked.

"Well, it's just... Nevermind." Yet she couldn't help but wonder how this supposed 'killer' knew they would be there. And why arm them? It all seemed a bit suspicious.

"We'll be careful from now on. Suspect everyone." Mika contributed.

"Where are the kids?!" Came a loud thought from JJL, send her, Becky, Nico and Glow into a panic.

"They'll be fine." Kelzy tried to reason with them, but they were slightly frantic.

"What if they're using them as ransom or something?" Nico said. "Oh, my baby..."

Becky tried to shout something muffled through her gag, but it made no sense.

About 5 seconds, later, the truck came to a halt, send the PRRs flying across the small space in the truck. They all sat, waiting for thier kidnapper to show themselves.


The truck smelled of old corpses , sweat , and musty PPR. I sniffed back some more tears, i was this close to being here just by myself. I rested my head on Calvin's shoulder and began to cry. Suddenly, the truck door opened and a gust of early sunrise shown in on us. We all squinted as I saw the recognisable creep's silhouette appear.

"Please...no..." I heard Becky plead, as the guy reached in and grabbed a hold of my arm. He tugged but I only shifted further towards kelzy.

"I won't hurt you." he said tugging harder. I let out a loud wale.

"Pick on somebody else!" the rest of the PPRs squinted at me.

"WHAT THE HELL, M!?" screeched phunky as the guy pulled her out of the truck and she ended up in a thud on the ground.

"No amount of duct tape will fix this." she muttered angrily.

The guy reached in and started pushing out PPRs willy-nilly, each one landing in a thud in the fresh sand. When I landed, I had noticed something weird happening to phunky. She was slowly sinking through the sand, but her screaming was muffled from sand reaching around her. Before we knew it, we all started sinking as well.

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The truck smelled of old corpses , sweat , and musty PPR. I sniffed back some more tears, i was this close to being here just by myself. I rested my head on Calvin's shoulder and began to cry. Suddenly, the truck door opened and a gust of early sunrise shown in on us. We all squinted as I saw the recognisable creep's silhouette appear.

"Please...no..." I heard Becky plead, as the guy reached in and grabbed a hold of my arm. He tugged but I only shifted further towards kelzy.

"I won't hurt you." he said tugging harder. I let out a loud wale.

"Pick on somebody else!" the rest of the PPRs squinted at me.

"WHAT THE HELL, M!?" screeched phunky as the guy pulled her out of the truck and she ended up in a thud on the ground.

"No amount of duct tape will fix this." she muttered angrily.

The guy reached in and started pushing out PPRs willy-nilly, each one landing in a thud in the fresh sand. When I landed, I had noticed something weird happening to phunky. She was slowly sinking through the sand, but her screaming was muffled from sand reaching around her. Before we knew it, we all started sinking as well.




The sand slowly creeped up my chest, then my neck, and then I took one last gasp of air as it began to slide over my face. I made a muffled scream as I sank lower and lower...

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The sand slowly creeped up my chest, then my neck, and then I took one last gasp of air as it began to slide over my face. I made a muffled scream as I sank lower and lower...

I saw Phunky, then artsy, then becky, then finn, it was too much none of us would survive this. I said my prayers to the good lord, shouted out my undieing love for my husband and parents, told my cat angel i loved her, and then sunk deeper and deeper into the darkness.




my eyes opened and i glanced around at countless sandy bundles of PPRs. We were in a chrome coloured room, sort of like a lab, but completely empty except for 2 passage ways on opposite ends. "Guys?" I whispered.

"M!" finn shouted, a deadly echo that bounced off the walls.

We all cringed. JJL lasered off her ropes and began untieing the others. We went into a massive group hug .

"Where do you think we are ?" asked Becky knocking on the wall, listening to the echo .

"It's like a ... like ... a... i don't know. Lab or... underground man-made cave or... I'm not sure." said Nico. Everyone's eyes widened for a moment. THE BABIES! We all looked up at the strange mound of sand that didn't collapse above us. All of the babies began to slip through each one being caught by a PPR. We all hugged the babies tightly wondering what to do next.

"I say we take the right passage...it looks, lighter." I said eyeing it.

"Left is the way to go." calvin said eye the left passage. I turned to look at him.

"If you're suggesting we split up, you've gone insane, and I won't stand for it."

He grinned. "Then we'll take the left." he patted my shoulder and began to take off down the hall.

"WAIT!" I shouted. Cal stopped in mid step.

"Are you coming?" he shouted. I looked around at everyone else. They couldn't care less. I nodded and clutched finn's hand, left passage it was.

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