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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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I saw Phunky, then artsy, then becky, then finn, it was too much none of us would survive this. I said my prayers to the good lord, shouted out my undieing love for my husband and parents, told my cat angel i loved her, and then sunk deeper and deeper into the darkness.




my eyes opened and i glanced around at countless sandy bundles of PPRs. We were in a chrome coloured room, sort of like a lab, but completely empty except for 2 passage ways on opposite ends. "Guys?" I whispered.

"M!" finn shouted, a deadly echo that bounced off the walls.

We all cringed. JJL lasered off her ropes and began untieing the others. We went into a massive group hug .

"Where do you think we are ?" asked Becky knocking on the wall, listening to the echo .

"It's like a ... like ... a... i don't know. Lab or... underground man-made cave or... I'm not sure." said Nico. Everyone's eyes widened for a moment. THE BABIES! We all looked up at the strange mound of sand that didn't collapse above us. All of the babies began to slip through each one being caught by a PPR. We all hugged the babies tightly wondering what to do next.

"I say we take the right passage...it looks, lighter." I said eyeing it.

"Left is the way to go." calvin said eye the left passage. I turned to look at him.

"If you're suggesting we split up, you've gone insane, and I won't stand for it."

He grinned. "Then we'll take the left." he patted my shoulder and began to take off down the hall.

"WAIT!" I shouted. Cal stopped in mid step.

"Are you coming?" he shouted. I looked around at everyone else. They couldn't care less. I nodded and clutched finn's hand, left passage it was.


They walked along the cold corridor, searching for a door, until they finally found what they were looking for. A metal door, cutting off the corridor, which looked about as welcoming as shark infested waters.

"Open it then." Kelzy said after a moment of just standing their, staring at the cold, metal door.

Calvin looked at her, as if to say 'But I don't want to'. Kelzy rolled her eyes, and stared at the next man nearest the door, Finn, who just shrugged.

"Oh for god's sake." Artsy said irritably, opening the door. To Calvin surprise, it wasn't a room full of booby traps and murderers. Infact, it was a science lab-cum-surgery. There was numerous cupboards around, with small bottles on the side, with very technical look equipment. In the middle of the room was a theatre table, with mirrors and, scarily enough, straps to the side of it. This would suggest it wasn't well run, however, the sparkling clean equipment and disposable plastic gloves box on the small table next to it otherwise.

"I have this horrible feeling this is for us, you know." Calvin said after examining the straps.

"But why," ER contradicted, "have they not joined us, drugged us, or booby trapped us, or something? Surely it would have been easier to catch us off guard rather than show us what we have in store."

"Maybe thats part of the torture. See how we react." M shrugged. Artsy looked at her, and mind messaged Kelzy.

*Thats it! They're waiting for us to use our powers, to make sure we have them, along with proof, I guess, so then they can experiment and find out what's caused it or something!*

*Why that? No one's ever actually known, except baddies.* Becky asked, while Mika began examining the walls.

*Exactly. Surely its run through the 'baddie' network.* Artsy began. *And they know if we don't hae our powers, we'll be a hundred times weaker.*

"Who do you think put us here? Let's face it, it couldn't be a random, could it? There must be someone we know behind it." Phunky asked aloud, making sure it wasn't clear they'd been communicating through Kelzy.

"I can't think of anyone, personally." Nico shrugged, looking at the others for answers.

"A-Ha!" Mika exclaimed, staring at the wall behind what seemed like a pulled out microwave, making everyone look at him.

"What?" Artsy voiced everyone's thoughts.

"They're watching us. I mean, a microwave in a science lab? It's not like they're eating while performing god knows what to their patients, or victims, or whatever. Look, threre's a whole at the back of the microwave, and obviously the front isn't opaque." Mika explained, pointing out the small hole in the microwave. As everyone came to investigate, sure enough there was a small hole in the wall, exactly where the hole in the microwave had been placed.

"I never knew you knew words like 'opaque'." Luke said, with raised eyebrows. Mika narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oi. If you ever need saving again, don't ask me."

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They walked along the cold corridor, searching for a door, until they finally found what they were looking for. A metal door, cutting off the corridor, which looked about as welcoming as shark infested waters.

"Open it then." Kelzy said after a moment of just standing their, staring at the cold, metal door.

Calvin looked at her, as if to say 'But I don't want to'. Kelzy rolled her eyes, and stared at the next man nearest the door, Finn, who just shrugged.

"Oh for god's sake." Artsy said irritably, opening the door. To Calvin surprise, it wasn't a room full of booby traps and murderers. Infact, it was a science lab-cum-surgery. There was numerous cupboards around, with small bottles on the side, with very technical look equipment. In the middle of the room was a theatre table, with mirrors and, scarily enough, straps to the side of it. This would suggest it wasn't well run, however, the sparkling clean equipment and disposable plastic gloves box on the small table next to it otherwise.

"I have this horrible feeling this is for us, you know." Calvin said after examining the straps.

"But why," ER contradicted, "have they not joined us, drugged us, or booby trapped us, or something? Surely it would have been easier to catch us off guard rather than show us what we have in store."

"Maybe thats part of the torture. See how we react." M shrugged. Artsy looked at her, and mind messaged Kelzy.

*Thats it! They're waiting for us to use our powers, to make sure we have them, along with proof, I guess, so then they can experiment and find out what's caused it or something!*

*Why that? No one's ever actually known, except baddies.* Becky asked, while Mika began examining the walls.

*Exactly. Surely its run through the 'baddie' network.* Artsy began. *And they know if we don't hae our powers, we'll be a hundred times weaker.*

"Who do you think put us here? Let's face it, it couldn't be a random, could it? There must be someone we know behind it." Phunky asked aloud, making sure it wasn't clear they'd been communicating through Kelzy.

"I can't think of anyone, personally." Nico shrugged, looking at the others for answers.

"A-Ha!" Mika exclaimed, staring at the wall behind what seemed like a pulled out microwave, making everyone look at him.

"What?" Artsy voiced everyone's thoughts.

"They're watching us. I mean, a microwave in a science lab? It's not like they're eating while performing god knows what to their patients, or victims, or whatever. Look, threre's a whole at the back of the microwave, and obviously the front isn't opaque." Mika explained, pointing out the small hole in the microwave. As everyone came to investigate, sure enough there was a small hole in the wall, exactly where the hole in the microwave had been placed.

"I never knew you knew words like 'opaque'." Luke said, with raised eyebrows. Mika narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oi. If you ever need saving again, don't ask me."

I walked closer to the microwave and squinted my eyes. Surely enough were a group of scientific-looking people taking notes. As they all looked up from their clipboards they all ducked after seeing me. I clenched my fists. "Well, this is sick, isn't it."

everyone nodded checking out the room.

"Do you think they'll do experiments on us?" asked phunky looking at some of the stretchers with straps on them. There were exactly the same amount of stretchers as there was PPRs. Phunky started to talk when all of a sudden 4 massive steel walls closed us in a cage. We checked out what little space we had, being locked in with the stretchers no doubt. Phunky sighed. "I knew this was going to happen."

We looked at the steel door open and the group of scientists walked in. They immediately took notes and talked amongst themselves as if we were invisible.

"Tall, slender, red hair, seems attached to the man..." said one of them checking out artsy.

"Couple, couple, couple, single, couple, single, single, single, single, single..." carried on one of them grouping us, they would point at us and take more notes. We all awkwardly stood there. One of them grabbed my shoulders and lead me to a strecher.He forced me to sit down.

"Tall, blonde, perky..." he called out writing down once again on his clipboard. The scientists were oddly enough stereotypically receeding hairlines, glasses wearing dorks. He motioned over at a similar looking man who grabbed finn and sat him down on the stretcher beside me.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked. The scientists gasped at me and wrote notes as quickly as they could.

5 minutes passed and all of us had been quickly assessed and assigned stretchers.

"This is insane, would someone please explain what is going on?" calvin said as he was beginning to be strapped in.

The scientists gasped like they had done before with me and began to take more notes.

Kelzy rolled her eyes and focused on reading their thoughts. They all had the same thought. They were so immensely engaged in their notes that all they could think about was fathaming what our powers could be.

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Oooh do tell :das:


I was thinking about how I have nothing to write PPR-wise, and how my writing ideas have mostly been gone for quite a while now...and how cool it would be to start over.:bleh:


So I was like, "What if it all got wiped away and we startd over with new characters?"


But then I realized that nobody would want to do that because we've got a lot of history with our characters and we're all very fond of them and don't want to just kill them off or send them off into the sunset, etc.


Then I thought maybe if we made like, a side story. Like starting over, but in the same thread and in between PPR posts. But then I realized that would get confusing.


And then I thought, "What if there was a whole new story thread?"


But then I realized that the last time someone tried to do a story thread, it got shut down and the only reason this one has hung around is because there's so many members and it's stuck in for so long, and plus, I don't want to start over with a whole new thread anyhow. I'm proud of us for getting to Part 8.


So in actuality, I have no idea what I was thinking.:blink: I was just thinking.:naughty:

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I was thinking about how I have nothing to write PPR-wise, and how my writing ideas have mostly been gone for quite a while now...and how cool it would be to start over.:bleh:


So I was like, "What if it all got wiped away and we startd over with new characters?"


But then I realized that nobody would want to do that because we've got a lot of history with our characters and we're all very fond of them and don't want to just kill them off or send them off into the sunset, etc.


Then I thought maybe if we made like, a side story. Like starting over, but in the same thread and in between PPR posts. But then I realized that would get confusing.


And then I thought, "What if there was a whole new story thread?"


But then I realized that the last time someone tried to do a story thread, it got shut down and the only reason this one has hung around is because there's so many members and it's stuck in for so long, and plus, I don't want to start over with a whole new thread anyhow. I'm proud of us for getting to Part 8.


So in actuality, I have no idea what I was thinking.:blink: I was just thinking.:naughty:

maybe ... we could starts fresh, wipe off some characters (un-active ones.... and if they feel like coming back we'll write them back in) and then have some conflicts add in some new people, have new adventures, different powers....


:o I kindof like this...

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maybe ... we could starts fresh, wipe off some characters (un-active ones.... and if they feel like coming back we'll write them back in) and then have some conflicts add in some new people, have new adventures, different powers....


:o I kindof like this...




Yeah, I don't know. It was all kinda vague in my head; hard to describe when it comes to actually doing something.

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Yeah, I don't know. It was all kinda vague in my head; hard to describe when it comes to actually doing something.

just .. try your best to explain , love :) I was happy with how the story was going now...actually...but you already sortof gave us a fresh start with the f months later we woke up blind thing..

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just .. try your best to explain , love :) I was happy with how the story was going now...actually...but you already sortof gave us a fresh start with the f months later we woke up blind thing..


There isn't much to explain. That was pretty much it.:bleh:


The plot we've got now is really interesting, so it's not really super necessary right now; I just have some extra time and thought I'd tell you what's been knocking around inside my head for a few weeks now.



My roommate just let a complete stranger into the house.

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I actually like the idea. If we end it here and now, make this where the government 'put us down' and the kids get put into homes, because 'they don't have powers'. We find out about the supposed prophercy, metioned by the PM (and the guy who taught us our powers?) give a little bit of an aftermath thing, of Kairi and that, leaving a bit of an open ending, maybe, just in case, and begin an entirely new story.

You never know, one of us may write the sequel to this one day and make a best seller.


Edit: Maybe not here and now then. But whenever.

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I actually like the idea. If we end it here and now, make this where the government 'put us down' and the kids get put into homes, because 'they don't have powers'. We find out about the supposed prophercy, metioned by the PM (and the guy who taught us our powers?) give a little bit of an aftermath thing, of Kairi and that, leaving a bit of an open ending, maybe, just in case, and begin an entirely new story.

You never know, one of us may write the sequel to this one day and make a best seller.


Edit: Maybe not here and now then. But whenever.

yeah but then get sued by the other pprs for stealing their idea. :naughty:


I like the idea of having the children taken away by maybe.... like child services or something.

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Thing is, is if we do end it, you'd want your kids to 'go on' as such, or something, wouldn't you Mzee? Arts? Phunky? Maybe you could all be preggers and they hold you for nine months :naughty:


Well, if I wrote it, I'd write you all a cheque first and tell you to leave off, it mine! :bleh:

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oh god.... is it a guy or... why... explain, please.


*walking out to make some maple/brown sugar oatmeal*


"Hello sunshine."


"Hello refrigerator."


"Hello large unknown man standing in my kitchen.":blink:


*cue roommate walking out of her room*


"Hi Ames!"

"Hi. Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Jeremy."

"Jeremy who?"

"I don't know. I just met him in the laundry room."

"Nice to meet you, Jeremy Whoever. Noelle, darling...come here. I need to discuss the meaning of the phrase 'date rape' with you..."

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Thing is, is if we do end it, you'd want your kids to 'go on' as such, or something, wouldn't you Mzee? Arts? Phunky? Maybe you could all be preggers and they hold you for nine months :naughty:


Well, if I wrote it, I'd write you all a cheque first and tell you to leave off, it mine! :bleh:


Yeah, that's a tough situation. I don't want to be preggers.:naughty:


If I get a large enough check, I won't sue.:bleh:

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