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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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:lmfao: Aww , well it's good you stopped to talk to him you made a new friend!


Is he attractive?


Yeah, that was nice. It'll be interesting to see if he remembers me after he completely sobers up.:bleh:


He is somewhat attractive, but I don't get butterflies in my stomach when I look at him. It's not his looks, it's his personality...he's just not the type I'm into. I've seen his type. They make good friends. They suck in romantic relationships.:bleh:


Plus, he's way shorter than me.:naughty:

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The drinks. They're called Elemental 028 extra, or thats what it says on the side of the box. It had all the stuff I needed to stay alive in it. It didn't taste nice.


The dietician said yesterday about the amount I should eat 'I would advise at least two portions a day' and I just thought 'Two porrtions? Are you mad? I'll be eating more than that!' but now I realise why. A few mouthfuls are very filling. It's really weird.

Huh. Maybe I should try them. I eat way too much.


Then again, 6 weeks with no food...maybe not.




I need help.:bleh:


In a choice between three identical zip-up hoodies, one in each of the following colors:








Which should I choose?!


Ok, but I forgot to mention that there are subtle situations with each color.


I LOVE green and it looks great on me, but because of these facts, I already have about four green hoodies.


I like blue, but out of those three, it doesn't stand out as much, and I like people to stare, whether it be in horror or in admiration, when I walk past.:naughty:


Lastly, I really like pink, but the color tends to clash a little bit with the color of my hair.


I know this really isn't that important, but this is the last day of the sale, there's only one hour left before they close, I could never afford these things without the sale, and I'm limited on money, so I'm trying to spend it on something I'll really be happy with.:sweatdrop:


I'd have said blue...you can wear other things with it that'll make people stare...but it's too late anyways.


Oh, your more than welcome to. But keep in mind this answer won't give you the nicest visual :naughty:


Basically, since I was 8, I've had this thing, and I say thing cause no one knows what it is, when in cycles I just can't keep down solid foods. It's really weird, as it doesn't really have a pattern or anything, so it's difficult to track what causes it. Anyway, I've been back and forth to hospitals and whatever, undergone numerous tests and stuff, and this is their lastest tryout. Both to heal the inflammation and ulcers they found in my stomach in the last endioscopy and the slow back onto food thing is 'to see if it's an intolerance'. Pfft. Crap, as far as I'm concerned, since I think I might have noticed if it was a certain food, but doctors have the brains, so I go along with it.


Ugh, that's awful, it sounds like they're treating you like a guinea pig


PS, you would have been proud of me. I displayed knowledge of canadian politics, not only in the politics thread, but in a discussion last night with some idiot who didn't know a damn thing about Canada.


You're more politically aware than me, then.

Well, actually, I'm quite informed on the American election. But seeing as I don't actually live in America, the point is moot.


Haha, in Drama class this year the 8th graders brake into groups and make a movie (and we only have a month to do it) and my group's is a goth version of hansel and gretel :lmao: instead of hansel dropping bread crums along to way to find his way back he drops body parts but when he comes to find his way back the vultures ate them.



and the scary thing is that my drama teacher thought it was a good idea.


That is quite emo. But cool.


I am so sorry that I cant keep up witht he current hip names :lmao: What is mine?


P-unit *bursts out laughing*




Oh, and M....I saw cute mail room guy again.:das:


Finally got the courage to ask his name....it's Nick.:wub2:


I love new school years. We get loads of German exchange students each year, and there's one in my French class. He has glasses which are not nerdy in the slightest, they are le sexy :das:


It's like the school's version of laughing at the unfit kids/child cruelty. You have to get to the other side of the hall/to the marker before the beep. At first you walk it, slowly building up until you're sprinting across the room. There are 10 runs in every level. I got to level 5 the last tme I did it. I've 'had a bad leg' in those tests ever since.


I'd get up to, like, level 1.


AHAHAH now we have it figured out :wink2:


LMAO I'm in somewhat good shape since i play football, rugby, dance, volleyball, etc.


Oh you're fit :das: (Using the british meaning of fit)


I keep using the word fit, forgetting that I'm back in Canada. I say, 'Ohh, he's so fit...' and my friends say, 'What? Why do you care if he's fit?'

omg that's totally not big at all, dear. There isn't like...5's or 6's is there? So really you're like an eight!


Plus at our age we're SUPPOSED to have hips that we'll have when we're older.


Like me? I'm size 8 but the thighs are always too small... big hipzz )))


Sizes 4 and 6 exist, I believe, but they're only for anorexics. Literally. The waistband is the size of a normal person's leg...

I'm a UK size 8/sometimes 10, which is about a 1 or 2 in North America.


omg. i SUCK at running. i really do. i am unfit, and it iusnt because i am fat, because you can be anorexic and unfit.


Me too. I hate physical activity.


Curious story I'd like to share:


So I've decided to do an all-nighter, because my sleeping schedules are all messed up. Unfortunately, by 1:30am, all aussies are gone off to do more important things.:sneaky2: So I'm by myself. And sitting on a bed, not doing anything, is most likely going to mess up my plans to stay awake. So I went for a walk around the dorms. I'm passing the parking lot when I hear someone say hello.

I glance off to the side and see a young man holding a beer bottle in one hand and a cell phone in the other and looking directly at me. I stop and stand stock still, prepared to scream/run if he does anything shifty. He appears friendly and is about five or six inches shorter than me anyways, but I stay on guard just in case he tries anything.

"So you're just walking around by yourself?" he asked, slightly slurring his words. I nod, still on the verge of fleeing. He comes closer, stumbling a little, and I realize he's completely smashed. This makes me feel a bit better. No matter what he does now, I'm positive that I can get away from him. Drunks cannot run after you with enough coordination to catch you.

He continues talking, oblivious to the fact that I'm barely answering him. His name is Julio, he says, he's 22, he doesn't even go to school here, but he knows a few friends that do. He is aware of the fact that he's quite drunk. He's standing by himself in the parking lot because his friends went off somewhere and left him with their roommates, who apparently hate him. The roommates have gone to bed, and now he's alone and waiting for his friends to come back so he can either get a ride home or crash on their floor.

He appears very upset, and I become less wary and more sympathetic towards him. It's unheard of for friends to do such a thing, I tell him, and that he should seriously consider finding new ones who won't screw him over. He concurs. We begin to chat, with him pausing periodically to call Melena, the friend of his who lives in the dorm. She never answers. It's not fair, he complains, to bring him all the way here to a place where he doesn't know anyone, and then leave him with no way to get home. He lives 30 minutes away and since it's 2am, is disinclined to attempt walking home. I express my sympathy for his plight, but apologetically explain that the only vehicle I have is a bicycle, and it's not meant for two. He understands, and asks only that I wait with him until his friends arrive.

Having nowhere to be and feeling rather lonely and bored myself, I agree. We chat and walk around campus for another hour, before Melena finally answers her phone. Her and the others drove back 30 minutes ago, she grumbles, and were looking for him in the parking lot, but he was gone. She's tired and wants to go to bed. He has a few choice words to say to her, but having sobered up some during our walk, actually does sound quite justified in his anger. We walk back to the dorm and before we part ways, he thanks me for keeping him company and takes my phone number, promising to call within the week. He wants to hang out when he isn't drunk and making a fool of himself, and I'm deemed a good person for listening to his problems and watching over him for a while. His friend discreetly thanks me for bringing him back safe and sound, and they go to bed while I walk back to my dorm.


God, college is a strange place.:blink:


That's actually really sweet...and that poor guy!

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Curious story I'd like to share:


So I've decided to do an all-nighter, because my sleeping schedules are all messed up. Unfortunately, by 1:30am, all aussies are gone off to do more important things.:sneaky2: So I'm by myself. And sitting on a bed, not doing anything, is most likely going to mess up my plans to stay awake. So I went for a walk around the dorms. I'm passing the parking lot when I hear someone say hello.

I glance off to the side and see a young man holding a beer bottle in one hand and a cell phone in the other and looking directly at me. I stop and stand stock still, prepared to scream/run if he does anything shifty. He appears friendly and is about five or six inches shorter than me anyways, but I stay on guard just in case he tries anything.

"So you're just walking around by yourself?" he asked, slightly slurring his words. I nod, still on the verge of fleeing. He comes closer, stumbling a little, and I realize he's completely smashed. This makes me feel a bit better. No matter what he does now, I'm positive that I can get away from him. Drunks cannot run after you with enough coordination to catch you.

He continues talking, oblivious to the fact that I'm barely answering him. His name is Julio, he says, he's 22, he doesn't even go to school here, but he knows a few friends that do. He is aware of the fact that he's quite drunk. He's standing by himself in the parking lot because his friends went off somewhere and left him with their roommates, who apparently hate him. The roommates have gone to bed, and now he's alone and waiting for his friends to come back so he can either get a ride home or crash on their floor.

He appears very upset, and I become less wary and more sympathetic towards him. It's unheard of for friends to do such a thing, I tell him, and that he should seriously consider finding new ones who won't screw him over. He concurs. We begin to chat, with him pausing periodically to call Melena, the friend of his who lives in the dorm. She never answers. It's not fair, he complains, to bring him all the way here to a place where he doesn't know anyone, and then leave him with no way to get home. He lives 30 minutes away and since it's 2am, is disinclined to attempt walking home. I express my sympathy for his plight, but apologetically explain that the only vehicle I have is a bicycle, and it's not meant for two. He understands, and asks only that I wait with him until his friends arrive.

Having nowhere to be and feeling rather lonely and bored myself, I agree. We chat and walk around campus for another hour, before Melena finally answers her phone. Her and the others drove back 30 minutes ago, she grumbles, and were looking for him in the parking lot, but he was gone. She's tired and wants to go to bed. He has a few choice words to say to her, but having sobered up some during our walk, actually does sound quite justified in his anger. We walk back to the dorm and before we part ways, he thanks me for keeping him company and takes my phone number, promising to call within the week. He wants to hang out when he isn't drunk and making a fool of himself, and I'm deemed a good person for listening to his problems and watching over him for a while. His friend discreetly thanks me for bringing him back safe and sound, and they go to bed while I walk back to my dorm.


God, college is a strange place.:blink:


This is the exact reason you are nicer than me :lmao:

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Huh. Maybe I should try them. I eat way too much.


Then again, 6 weeks with no food...maybe not.






I'd have said blue...you can wear other things with it that'll make people stare...but it's too late anyways.




Ugh, that's awful, it sounds like they're treating you like a guinea pig




You're more politically aware than me, then.

Well, actually, I'm quite informed on the American election. But seeing as I don't actually live in America, the point is moot.




That is quite emo. But cool.




P-unit *bursts out laughing*




I love new school years. We get loads of German exchange students each year, and there's one in my French class. He has glasses which are not nerdy in the slightest, they are le sexy :das:




I'd get up to, like, level 1.




I keep using the word fit, forgetting that I'm back in Canada. I say, 'Ohh, he's so fit...' and my friends say, 'What? Why do you care if he's fit?'



Sizes 4 and 6 exist, I believe, but they're only for anorexics. Literally. The waistband is the size of a normal person's leg...

I'm a UK size 8/sometimes 10, which is about a 1 or 2 in North America.




Me too. I hate physical activity.




That's actually really sweet...and that poor guy!

****. 1 or 2? That is incredibly tiny.

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Yeah, that was nice. It'll be interesting to see if he remembers me after he completely sobers up.:bleh:


He is somewhat attractive, but I don't get butterflies in my stomach when I look at him. It's not his looks, it's his personality...he's just not the type I'm into. I've seen his type. They make good friends. They suck in romantic relationships.:bleh:


Plus, he's way shorter than me.:naughty:

Awww :naughty: If you make friends with him, show me photos.

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Ahhh we're at like opposite ends of the highschool spectrum! :eek:


Oh well, i dont act like im in grade 9 so we can still be fwends.


:lmfao: Oh dear...


:roftl: M dearest, it's not exactly as if I'm going to say 'you're a grade 9, I'm not speaking to you again ever!' And no, you don't.


All the exchange students are my age this year...:das:

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:huglove: People who are older than me speak to you, and you know why? Because we like talking to you, whether it's "uncool" or not.



:das: There's quite an excellent crop this year too...

:shocked::wub2: That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard.


..."Spend part of your time moddeling and part of your time next to me" :wub2:


AHA! where are they from?

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:shocked::wub2: That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard.


..."Spend part of your time moddeling and part of your time next to me" :wub2:


AHA! where are they from?




Modeling? :lmfao: Have you SEEN the size of my arse??

Actually, no, you haven't, and I'd rather you didn't. Ahem.


They're mostly from Germany and Asia, but sometimes Brazil or Mexico.

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Modeling? :lmfao: Have you SEEN the size of my arse??

Actually, no, you haven't, and I'd rather you didn't. Ahem.


They're mostly from Germany and Asia, but sometimes Brazil or Mexico.

I just took the nicest part out of that song. *Hihi*


'You're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen


with a cabab"




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I just took the nicest part out of that song. *Hihi*


'You're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen


with a cabab"





Oooh. Hehe.


Kebab? Random...



Yeah. You should see Franz. He has glasses that are le sexy. Like, le sexy in the way that Mika's glasses are le sexy. He's in my French class...:fisch:

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