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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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His genes would make up for mine....it's true; the father usually has a lot more dominant genes and determines the gender...and my babeh would come ready-made with merry-making skillz.:das:



I look like my mom and have my dad's mind.


Except my mom and i share the sense of humour :glasses3:

Hot fudge, i have to go now TTFN!

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Oh jeez. I have missed a lot. Boobz? FUN!



know what I recently found out is VERY entertaining. staring my science teacher in the eye when he is talkin to the class. i dont think he likes making eye contact with people so when i look at him without blinking he starts like...twitching:blink: and then keeps looking away from my gaze. Its pretty funny.:mf_rosetinted:

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Odd. Sounds like he might be extremely shy, then.

I have an english teacher kinda like that, only he has an eye condition that makes one eye much lighter and it's always in a perpetual squint, so when he turns to stare at you, and you don't look in his good eye, he says something like,

"What the hell's the matter with you? Haven't you ever seen *long medical term that I don't really remember and couldn't pronounce anyways* ? You've been in this class a month now. Get over it.":naughty:

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Well, first of all, it's Thursday, which means I was assisting Chef Danny and Sous-Chef Rob, and they are awesome. They were both ten minutes late this morning because the two of them were painting Danny's living room last night and they decided to do Jager bombs while painting, which resulted in much hangover-ness today.:naughty:


Then, I went on my union-mandated ten minute-break and ACTUALLY TALKED TO SOMEONE!:woot_jump:


I went to the cashier to get a paper cup for soda, and the two cashiers are nuts because in the morning, there's nobody to talk to and they start talking to anyone within ten feet, and they are hilarious.

Max: "Hey you! Stuck-up kitchen person! Do you think I'm sexy?"

Me: "Not after you called me stuck-up..."

Dave: "That looks like a delicious donut you've got there. Wanna share with the sexy cashier who DIDN'T call you stuck-up?:das:"

Me: "Ummm....I actually just wanted a cup..."

Dave: "So it's all a lie. You're just using us for beverage containers!"

Max: "And we loved you so much. How could you do this to us?"

Me: "I told you in the beginning that I didn't want to be tied down...."

Random Customer: "Hey, you guys are out of ketchup."

Me: "I'm sorry, lemme get you some more. Hey guys, guard my donut."

Max: "What's that? You want to date me?"

Me: "Nope, just need a donut-watcher."

Max: "I heard you distinctly. You said 'I want to date you, Max.' Didn't she say that?"

Dave: "That's what I heard."

Me: "Just don't let anyone put poison on my donut."


*cue me going to get more ketchup, then coming back*


Max: "Your donut, my lady. It's just as you left it. Happy?"

Me: "Yes."

Max: "Your break almost over?"

Me: "Yes."

Max: "So, I'll pick you up Friday night?"

Me: "No. Goodbye.:naughty:"


Then, when I came back from my break, Danny let me make a dish! Not just bacon, not just pasta, not just cutting up random fruit or veggies, but actually cooking! I made stew and he only checked my work once, and he said that I did a great job AND I'LL GET TO COOK AGAIN!!!:woot_jump:

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They're not bad, but they're freshmen (practically younglings, almost two years younger than me) and they're completely unserious.:bleh:


I got to cook beef stew today, but usually I just do prep-work for the chefs, little time-consuming things like stocking the deli cart and making sure there's plenty of bacon and potatoes and pasta, etc. This was the first time I got to use a recipe and actually spend time on something.:wub2:

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They're not bad, but they're freshmen (practically younglings, almost two years younger than me) and they're completely unserious.:bleh:


I got to cook beef stew today, but usually I just do prep-work for the chefs, little time-consuming things like stocking the deli cart and making sure there's plenty of bacon and potatoes and pasta, etc. This was the first time I got to use a recipe and actually spend time on something.:wub2:

Yeah that's basically what i do except for sammies and such *rolls eyes*


:lmfao: : P Not bad compared to what the age cap that my future ambitions are.

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Danny calls me his bacon bitch.:naughty: He started out calling me his bacon girl, but I'm the only girl in the kitchen as it is, and the guys were making fun of me, so he switched to bitch because "she is in charge of all the big knives, and if you guys don't leave her alone, I'm going to convienently be in the walk-in so that there's no witnesses when her patience runs out.":devil:


Yeah, it's not that bad, but I have the feeling that if anyone actually accepted a date invitation, they'd be horrified. They're just shy little boys when it comes down to it.:naughty:

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Danny calls me his bacon bitch.:naughty: He started out calling me his bacon girl, but I'm the only girl in the kitchen as it is, and the guys were making fun of me, so he switched to bitch because "she is in charge of all the big knives, and if you guys don't leave her alone, I'm going to convienently be in the walk-in so that there's no witnesses when her patience runs out.":devil:


Yeah, it's not that bad, but I have the feeling that if anyone actually accepted a date invitation, they'd be horrified. They're just shy little boys when it comes down to it.:naughty:

:lmfao: awesome.


:P Awww.... but ARE they attractive?

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