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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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I woke up. I was restrained, I didn't know where my children were. And I was pissed. I felt a serious of very intense feeling heading towards me, left over from earlier when I had been asleep. Emense anger, a craving for chicken... I didn't want to know what had caused that. Then nothing. Zip. Nil. It was the same thing that had happened to Reece and it surprised me that even though I had left him, he had still been marked. I mentally went through all of the known drugs in my head, then plants, then any other things that could have caused it. Then I remembered Artsy and Cal, it would have taken something powerful to make them this way. Something like that gas that had been used on a forest over here in America, it had shot down every single animal there, even the big bears. Made them all like this. I had seen this for myself way back before I could even control my powers, and I had been so angry at these people for doing such a thing, and the anger had spread so far through the forest that it had awoken every animal there. I had nearly died when I did that, because of course the sudden anger of the animals hit me then I had passed out and couldn't be revived in that sort of enviroment. But I figured it was worth a shot, cause if Artsy could be made angry everyone but me could be saved. I wriggled my hands and found I could take it out of the shackle easy, it was good having small hands and digged in my pocket till I found a napkin and looked for a pen. I found a sharpie on the desk next to me. I wrote one thing.




And put it in my neighbours pocket. They would understand what I meant. Then I dropped all of my mental shields and barriers I'd put up over the years. And then I got angry. I thought of every single bad thing that had ever happened to me. Then they began to wake up. Slowly but surely. The Artsy woke up and I blacked out.


Something was trying to drag me out of the warm darkness. I didn't want it to. It was so peaceful here. I didn't need to think in this state. But it was too insistent. It tugged me reluctantly out of my unconsciousness, all the while trying to convey something to me. I couldn't quite understand. Was it a thought, a memory?

My eyes snapped open and I knew what it was. It was a feeling. A raging, intense feeling of hate and anger. The light that had afflicted me the last time I was conscious was now dulled by a pulsing red haze in front of my eyes. My fists clenched. I couldn't breathe; I was still surrounded by liquid and I needed OUT. A surge of adrenaline rushed through me and I suddenly had the strength to swim through it and reach the glass. However, this energy wasn't enough to break the glass when I kicked at it. The liquid that contained me was too thick, too restrictive.

How dare they. I wasn't just some science experiment. I didn't--

All of a sudden, the red haze that clouded my vision warped and shifted. I glimpsed a red transparent shield shoot from what appreared to be my body before the glass shattered.

I tumbled out with a mighty crash and landed on the shiny white floor, surrounded by shards of glass and viscous liquid. The room spun as I gasped for air.

It took a while for me to realise that alarm bells were ringing.

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Something was trying to drag me out of the warm darkness. I didn't want it to. It was so peaceful here. I didn't need to think in this state. But it was too insistent. It tugged me reluctantly out of my unconsciousness, all the while trying to convey something to me. I couldn't quite understand. Was it a thought, a memory?

My eyes snapped open and I knew what it was. It was a feeling. A raging, intense feeling of hate and anger. The light that had afflicted me the last time I was conscious was now dulled by a pulsing red haze in front of my eyes. My fists clenched. I couldn't breathe; I was still surrounded by liquid and I needed OUT. A surge of adrenaline rushed through me and I suddenly had the strength to swim through it and reach the glass. However, this energy wasn't enough to break the glass when I kicked at it. The liquid that contained me was too thick, too restrictive.

How dare they. I wasn't just some science experiment. I didn't--

All of a sudden, the red haze that clouded my vision warped and shifted. I glimpsed a red transparent shield shoot from what appreared to be my body before the glass shattered.

I tumbled out with a mighty crash and landed on the shiny white floor, surrounded by shards of glass and viscous liquid. The room spun as I gasped for air.

It took a while for me to realise that alarm bells were ringing.

The ringing stopped. Artsy's heart raced faster and faster as she saw the look on everyone's face. I had hidden my eyed by turning my head to the side and shutting them tightly. Calvin's face went into a pale disgusting state. Mika's eyes fluttered back the tears. Finn's jaw was so unhitched it hit the floor. Phunky had crawled into a ball. A small burning in my throat told me I was still alive as I creased my eyes into turning into a 50 year old. The scientist took off his goggles and looked at us all taking jot notes onto his clipboard. I saw a small glimpse of remourse on his face, and as he took notice of this, he turned stone cold again, carefully watching the horror in our eyes.



It had been 7 and a half hours since anyone spoke, or made any movements. There was a low pitched huming noise coming from Becky. A scientist would come back every 5 minutes to check on us. Calvin's peaceful, yet still amazingly hot, body sat quietly. His eyes seemed a different shade. They had the horror too in them. The look most of us got the exact moment it dawned calvin was dieing. I sat up realizing my straps were gone. The scientist had gone and everyone was still motionless. I looked at calvin and I got up and walked over to him. I stared into his eyes. "He's not dead you guys." I gave a very-knowing smile. "He can't be, and if he was, I would know. I WOULD KNOW!" I pointed to myself over and over while keeping a grim expression. He was in a pool of his own blood. More tears formed in my eyes as I whispered. "I would know if he was dead." I searched through my little bag they let me keep, and got a tide-to-go. I dabbed at his white shirt while wheeping.

"Blood stains are not good, cal. Nope." I hugged him and smoothed out his hair. Everyone else had begun to sit up and look at me. Everyone looked dead themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*feels wetness and looks at hand covered in lipstick*


:huglove: Thanks, lovergggh. Postwhore around the forum with me to take my mind off it.:das:


It's awesome!:shocked::wub2: I'm thinking a Katy/Mika duet should happen in his next tour.

*whistles and looks away* :fisch:


:das: Vill do my bahbe.


I KNOW! I am OBSESSED with it, except it's getting as large as I kissed a girl which bugbed the **** out of me :thumbsdown: *Doesnt want her pressshuss katy to become rihanna*


I dont because then all these pubescent teens will be all "OOH MIKA!" and it wont be individual and cool to like him, he'll be...hannah montana :eek:

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She IS that, and it makes me :S


Hopefully :wub2: Though i'm pretty sure i could look like im justliking his music 'cuz everyone else is. Though today i wore knee high browna nd pink argyle socks that went up to my bright green track pants and my bright pink sweater and a crazy frazzled hair-do :punk:


That's the mums, the kids still love 'er.

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I woke up at 3:40 this morning, got up, took one look at myself in the mirror, and called in sick for work.:naughty:


After I woke up a second time at 11, I got dressed in skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a video game-looking skull and crossbones on it, and my hot pink hoodie, ft. bright blue earrings and headband. I looked so.....mainstream.:thumbdown:

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