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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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I haven't decided yet. I need to get to know him first.


And yes, I realize the discrimination of being willing to date a guy my age or older almost instantly and wanting to get to know someone younger before an actual date.:naughty:


It's just that he's got this....quality about him that makes him seem so young and naive. Like, even more so than James! It makes him seem really sweet, but I would like to date an adult, not a high school boy. We'll see how movie night goes.

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I haven't decided yet. I need to get to know him first.


And yes, I realize the discrimination of being willing to date a guy my age or older almost instantly and wanting to get to know someone younger before an actual date.:naughty:


It's just that he's got this....quality about him that makes him seem so young and naive. Like, even more so than James! It makes him seem really sweet, but I would like to date an adult, not a high school boy. We'll see how movie night goes.

If not....:das: Give me his numbah.

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I've seen the guys you like. You like very pretty.:lol3:


He is very tall, very large, (not fat, exactly, but BIG) and on a scale of male prettiness, he's closer to the Shrek side than the Mika side.


After a year of seeing who you find attractive, I think I can say somewhat confidently: He's not your type.:bleh:

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He is. *nods enthusiastically*


I'm not saying that I don't like the guys you like. I'm saying I don't think you like all of the guys that I like.:bleh:

*shrugs* I am a bit picky, and i do admit to carrying my gym clothes to school in an A+F shopping bag just so i could stare at the guy on it.

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Keep that quality. Never settle. I'm sick of seeing my friends settle for so-so guys.


Kinda how I silk-screened a picture of Johnny Depp onto the back of a shirt, then gave it to Andrea so I could stare at Johnny when she sat in front of me in history class.:naughty:

Well...it's a bit too..picky. i only know 3 people who look like that, and they're either in grade 10 or 11, and are taken or ignore me, and i havent ever dated anyone and i think it might because i have too much of a high expectation that i let some good people slip.

Yes. I'm right behind you. :mf_rosetinted:



Bahaha, no...what song are you listening to then? :blink:

I was listening to the soundtrack XD

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Well, in my school it seems...or it is that everyone has dated someone at some point. But last year the guys WERE unfortunate (N)


Yeah. I think I'm the only one out of my friends who hasn't dated anyone...and certainly one of the very few in my school...most of my peers started dating in middle school. I think I might emit a smell that makes guys avoid me or something.

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Yeah. I think I'm the only one out of my friends who hasn't dated anyone...and certainly one of the very few in my school...most of my peers started dating in middle school. I think I might emit a smell that makes guys avoid me or something.

:lmfao: AS IF, MY LITTLE FRIEND! they're probably just imtimidated of you.

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