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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Did you mean me, Sara? :blush-anim-cl::huh: I'M SORRY, I had to go...maybe I can post quickly tonight?


i was kidding :wink2: i'm not mad

i just didn't know how to post mika and me in the story again...

if you want to post... that would probably help me a bit!:biggrin2:

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JJL had snuck off when somebody had knocked at the door, she was so angry that if she didn't let off some steam soon, somebody could seriously get hurt. She entered her room quietly and then all of a sudden the blast from her eyes went, and hit a mirror, bounced of and hit one of the light bounced and and forth until it managed to break almost everything in there and escape out of the window. JJL opened her eyes after ducking down and saw the damage. "Shhhhhhh****t!" she whispered and drew out to herself "I really need one of those dartboard things I have at home" She stumbled over everything and saw her wardrobe was thankfully unscathed, afterall she had some importent things from home in there, and a couple fake ID's. 'Fake ID's... that's how this is meant to work.... the passports... everything... Andy's not his name... I think I know him, I was drunk though... stupid Rum and Coke's'. She thought, and continued to rumage through her wardrobe, she found a jewellary box and opened it to find a beautiful engagement ring. 'I'd forgot I shared this wardrobe with... him' She wiped a few tears away and continued her search, she found shoes (a pair of expensive heels she thought she had left at home, that watch he'd lost a few nights before, and a picture, it was of her children's father. (Only abit taller then her, blonde and English, they had never really spoken afterwards and never considered that she could be pregnant)) There was a knock on her door "Can we come in?" asked ER

"Erm... getting changed" JJL's voice was chocked sounding she hadn't relised that she had continued crying

"Don't give us that, we can tell your crying" said ER and then her and Mika opened the door and walked in and saw that the room was pitch black and then switched on a light to reveal the mess and destruction.

"Jeez you don't get mad" said Mika wide-eyed

"Sorry, but it could have been one of you guys if I hadn't gotten away"

"Alright, Cranky JJ is bad"

"Way to state the obvious" JJL said dryly

"So why the long face...." BANG...


The bang had come from down the hall. Everyone froze for a second, and then 20-odd people attempted to sneakily peer out of JJL's door. Most of us ended up either underneath or on top of someone else, or both.

Everyone stared in shock as Sara picked herself out of the rubble that dropping through the ceiling had created.

'Hi guys,' she said breathlessly. 'Miss me?'


Andy paced his secretly located apartment angrily. He was running out of ideas, it was impossible. No, it wasn't that, it was that he'd let himself get too attached to Phunky. But that was a good thing, wasn't it? It fit in with his plan. At least now he didn't have to kill them all. The fact that Luke was trying to get with Rosie already was a good thing. Lolly and Becky already hated eachother over Cosmo. If only he had a way of...

Oh, excellent, Andy. He grinned to himself. He had a plan. It involved a false cause for celebration, and lots and lots, and LOTS, of booze.

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The bang had come from down the hall. Everyone froze for a second, and then 20-odd people attempted to sneakily peer out of JJL's door. Most of us ended up either underneath or on top of someone else, or both.

Everyone stared in shock as Sara picked herself out of the rubble that dropping through the ceiling had created.

'Hi guys,' she said breathlessly. 'Miss me?'


Andy paced his secretly located apartment angrily. He was running out of ideas, it was impossible. No, it wasn't that, it was that he'd let himself get too attached to Phunky. But that was a good thing, wasn't it? It fit in with his plan. At least now he didn't have to kill them all. The fact that Luke was trying to get with Rosie already was a good thing. Lolly and Becky already hated eachother over Cosmo. If only he had a way of...

Oh, excellent, Andy. He grinned to himself. He had a plan. It involved a false cause for celebration, and lots and lots, and LOTS, of booze.


'' SARA??? '' they all asked '' is that you?? ''

'' euh.. yes..'' she answered embarassed

'' i didn't even notice you weren't there anymore '' becky said

'' it's alway nice to see you '' sara said sarcastically '' btw have you seen mike?? ''

'' no! but where have you been '' ER asked curious, pulling a chair for her

'' it's complicated... that genie thingy you see... anyway... you're sure you don't know where he is! '' she asked worried


for a moment he thought about giving up on it and leave the ppr's alone.. at least phunky. the phone rang at this very moment and of course it was george.

'' i know you're doubting! i felt it when you left but if you betray me you're gonna regret it... you wouldn't want me to be angry... '' george said calmly but there was something agressive in his voice

'' no i wouldn't '' andy immediately changed his mind and his thought about phunky was for him a moment of madness.

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'' SARA??? '' they all asked '' is that you?? ''

'' euh.. yes..'' she answered embarassed

'' i didn't even notice you weren't there anymore '' becky said

'' it's alway nice to see you '' sara said sarcastically '' btw have you seen mike?? ''

'' no! but where have you been '' ER asked curious, pulling a chair for her

'' it's complicated... that genie thingy you see... anyway... you're sure you don't know where he is! '' she asked worried


for a moment he thought about giving up on it and leave the ppr's alone.. at least phunky. the phone rang at this very moment and of course it was george.

'' i know you're doubting! i felt it when you left but if you betray me you're gonna regret it... you wouldn't want me to be angry... '' george said calmly but there was something agressive in his voice

'' no i wouldn't '' andy immediately changed his mind and his thought about phunky was for him a moment of madness.



"Michael? No, I have no idea, he left with you..." said Calvin.

Sara stared at us, horrorstruck, for a moment and then burst in to tears.

"Oh NOOO!" She wailed. "I left him in the raisin dimension!!"

"The what?" Everyone said at once.

Sara looked at us. "You know, the raisin dimension...that's where I was. It's where raisins come from. Didn't you know that raisins come from another dimension?"


"I thought they came from grapes," said Jack stupidly.

"What were you doing in the raisin dimension?" I asked.

"Oh, ummm...sorting out...stuff," Sara replied evasively.

I raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't question her any more. Instead, I said: "So, how are we gonna get Michael back?"

"One of us could wish him back!" Piped up Glow.

Sara shook her head sadly. "You can't wish people out of dimensions..." she paused, thinking. "You can wish them into them though."

The next thing we knew, we were standing under the hole in the ceiling, after Sara had explained to us that you could only get into the raisin dimension through a ceiling and there was no use in making another hole in the roof of the hotel. Our bill would be pretty hefty.

"OK, everyone stand as close as possible," Sara instructed. "Right, hold hands--wait for me--now, Lolly, make the wish!" She shouted.

Lolly squeezed her eyes shut and yelled, "I wish the PPRs into the raisin dimension!"

"GRANTED!" Screamed Sara, and we felt ourselved being yanked off the ground and crashing through multiple ceilings. After about five minutes of rushing through air/time/space/whatever it was, we all felt like we were being squeezed through a very small hole. Then, it was over. We fell on the ground gasping, and then took a look around us.


Raisins everywhere. The whole place was made of raisins. There were huge raisins walking around, going into raisin stores and buying raisin groceries. There was a funny quality to the air, and it tasted like raisin.

"OK guys, we have to find him quick, or else you'll all turn into raisins, like them." Sara pointed to the raisin people.

"What??!" Spluttered Artsy. "You didn't mention that! We wouldn't have come!"

Calvin hit her. "Yes we would." Artsy glared.

Sara giggled. "It's OK. We'll find him easily, just listen."

We strained our ears, and sure enough, there was the sound of Thriller coming from a distance.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go before we shrivel up." I said, and we set off in the direction of Michael's singing.

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"Michael? No, I have no idea, he left with you..." said Calvin.

Sara stared at us, horrorstruck, for a moment and then burst in to tears.

"Oh NOOO!" She wailed. "I left him in the raisin dimension!!"

"The what?" Everyone said at once.

Sara looked at us. "You know, the raisin dimension...that's where I was. It's where raisins come from. Didn't you know that raisins come from another dimension?"


"I thought they came from grapes," said Jack stupidly.

"What were you doing in the raisin dimension?" I asked.

"Oh, ummm...sorting out...stuff," Sara replied evasively.

I raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't question her any more. Instead, I said: "So, how are we gonna get Michael back?"

"One of us could wish him back!" Piped up Glow.

Sara shook her head sadly. "You can't wish people out of dimensions..." she paused, thinking. "You can wish them into them though."

The next thing we knew, we were standing under the hole in the ceiling, after Sara had explained to us that you could only get into the raisin dimension through a ceiling and there was no use in making another hole in the roof of the hotel. Our bill would be pretty hefty.

"OK, everyone stand as close as possible," Sara instructed. "Right, hold hands--wait for me--now, Lolly, make the wish!" She shouted.

Lolly squeezed her eyes shut and yelled, "I wish the PPRs into the raisin dimension!"

"GRANTED!" Screamed Sara, and we felt ourselved being yanked off the ground and crashing through multiple ceilings. After about five minutes of rushing through air/time/space/whatever it was, we all felt like we were being squeezed through a very small hole. Then, it was over. We fell on the ground gasping, and then took a look around us.


Raisins everywhere. The whole place was made of raisins. There were huge raisins walking around, going into raisin stores and buying raisin groceries. There was a funny quality to the air, and it tasted like raisin.

"OK guys, we have to find him quick, or else you'll all turn into raisins, like them." Sara pointed to the raisin people.

"What??!" Spluttered Artsy. "You didn't mention that! We wouldn't have come!"

Calvin hit her. "Yes we would." Artsy glared.

Sara giggled. "It's OK. We'll find him easily, just listen."

We strained our ears, and sure enough, there was the sound of Thriller coming from a distance.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go before we shrivel up." I said, and we set off in the direction of Michael's singing.


'' MICHAEL!! '' sara screamed as they ran to him'' you're a lil.. violet, michael, and... wrinkled .. ouch!''

'' sara!! he's becoming a raisin! we have to get him outta here!!'' m4l screamed

'' ah ! oh! yes sorry! '' sara said, turning red

'' quick lolly!! make a wish '' ER said looking at her hands starting to shrivel!'' i don't wanna be a raisin'' she cried

'' i wish the ppr's (and michael) in our dimension ''

sara clapped her hands '' granted!! ''

they were now back in the human dimension

'' why didn't you follow me the first time michael?? you could have turne into a raisin! i was worried '' she said angrily

'' i don't know...and why are you mad you ain't my mom or my girlfriend pff....'' he said insulted... she turned her back to him, embarassed.

they all looked at each others then artsy broke the silence '' i'm hungry!! let's call for pizzas ''

ER nodded '' yeah ! good idea... coming sara? i'll show you where the toilets are..! ''

'' what?? i don't nee... oh yeah! thanks! '' she followed her

they got out of the room and ER suddenly spoke '' you know you're there since 5 mins and already you're fighting! ''

'' no i'm not!! '' '' it's his fault !OMG!!''she said pointing ER'S face

'' what?? WHAT?? ''




( a little update of my situation in the story and micheal's... not dating at all:wink2:):naughty:


i feel bad i can't find good ideas!

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