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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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:boxed:i just came back and you're turning against me... i'd rather go back to the mjfc then...


I meant in the story!! Because Andy is trying to split us up, I thought she was trying to twist it so Sara tricked us, so we got pissed. Once we've worked out his plan, everyone will be friends again.

She meant her anyway, not you.

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As the PPRs waited, going insane, worring about the size of their heads, they all stared at Sara's bottle, where she said she could get to the Boss.

"Hurry Sara... My head feels double the weight." Calvin said into the bottle, as if he expected her to hear.

"I feel sick." Luke said, looking rather ill. Phunky felt her heart skip a beat, and almost ran over, as she would have done before, to make him feel better in whatever way she could, yet she remembered how cold he'd been, breaking up with her when she'd lost the babies. Talk about timing.

"Andy?" She whispered.

"Yes, shnookums?" Phunky looked at him oddly, before continuing.

"You don't think, any of them, could, I don't know... Have and allergic reaction?"

"I hope you aren't saying that because Luke said he felt sick." He replied, giving her an evil look.

"Well, yeah, because I don't want to clean it up. And I hate the smell of puke." She lied. Well, not a total lie. She didn't want to clean it up, and she couldn't stand the smell. Yet that wasn't the real reason. Not that she cared, of course.

"Hmm. I doubt it. They'll pass out soon. Then you can turn cold and tell them it was a joke." He kissed her, and Phunky saw Luke watching.

Pfft, like he cared. She could do what she likes. Loads of girls liked him anyway, despite his reputation. Yet he still got a lump in his throat everytime he watched her kiss another guy. Especially Andy. She could do so much better.


Sara followed the boss, scared of what was going to come. She could feel a headache coming on. Stress. She'd heard about this room; she'd never been in, since usually she'd twist the boss the other way, until he found out about Micheal. As in the first Micheal. He sent her a rude and hurtful letter, yet she knew, deep down, she had lead him on. She couldn't help but think he was going to enjoy this.

As they walked down the pretty corridor, she could feel the atmosphere getting colder, despite the beautiful décor.

The walk seemed to last at least 5 minutes, despite it was only short. Sara was trying to think happy things, and anytime smeone she loved or was attracted to came into her mind, her boss would look at her.

"We're here." He told her coldly. The door was nothing like the rest of the bottle. A huge plain, ugly metal door. She tried not to think of the room inside, yet she couldn't block out the cries coming from the inside.

Sara could feel herself getting panicky. She was feeling sick, her head was throbbing harder, her palms were sweaty, and her breathing was speeding up.

"Are you okay?" The boss asked with no emotion in his voice, yet Sara could see a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Y..Yeah." She replied, trying to catch her breath. He nodded, and opened the door.

Before she could see what was inside, she passed out.


"..And you all believed every word!" Phunky was in hysterics, as Andy had told her, but secretly she wanted to cry and hug all of them, apologise. They had all passed out, all within the same minute, not long after they complained of side affects. Phunky and Andy had switched off the gas, and had chinese while waiting for them to arise.

"So.. You gassed us all, putting us in serious danger, put Sara through a roof, which could have killed anyone, especially the little'uns, should they have been underneath, all for a joke. Well funny, Phunky, but leave me out of it next time." Calvin seemed very angry after finding out what had happened, along with everyone else. It didn't help they all felt like they had a hangover.

"If I didn't have such a bad headache, we all would have turned on you." JJL told her.

"If anything, anything has happened to my kid, I swear with God as my witness, I will kill you." Nico threatened Phunky. JJL nodded in agreement, sending her a very nasty look.

As they all left to their own rooms, Phunky turned to Andy with tears in her eyes. The moment the last person, Jack, left, she took his hand.

"Are you sure me doing this will have benefits?" She asked, upset by the reaction she had got.

"Of course honey. Would I lie to you?" Phunky shook her head, unconvinced. "Good. Now just to plan the 'reveal all' celebration."



"Oh god, my head" JJL moaned to ER, she had moved in with ER, beacause, she didn't feel like moving in with any of the couple or being with Luke in his mopey state. "I feel like I'm 16 all over again"

"Did you seriously get you're first serious hangover at 16" asked ER her face relaying how much pain she was in

"Yea, a friends 16th... mind you I had more then one first that night" JJL said looking like she was going to giggle and then gagged "Oh crumbs I'm gunna hurl" and she ran off into the bathroom, within a minute everyone who had inhaled the gas was puking their guts out, but for Nico and JJL it was worse. After an hour of insistent puking, they suddenally stopped, headaches gone. And then they were angry.

"Somebody cool JJL down enough to get back under control" a random voice came out of the crowd said

"It's not me" JJL growled though her gritted teeth. "Somebody elses anger is influencing me, and I can't cool them down"

"Can you tell who it is?" M asked

"I could except the anger is screwing with how well and rationally I can think" JJL said still talking through her teeth "Are any of you feeling so angry you could kill a city worths of people about anything, cause that's the only thing that could affect me so bad when it comes to other peoples anger"

Murmer of No's were heard. 'Ok this isn't helping at all' JJL thought to herself. 'I know'

"Oi Kelz, can you tell, everyone but Andy and Phunky to think the happiest thoughts ever, that should make them feel happier, and it will lessen how I'm feeling" JJL thought to Kelz

"Ok, happy thoughts starting... now!" She thought back to JJL

And then JJL's head didn't ache with unwanted anger so much... she saw instantally how everyone was feelling, and in some cases what caused the strongest of emotions, Each of the mothers or mothers to be in Nico's case thinking about their children, a few of the couples thinking of eachother, Mika thinking about... cherry pie?!?! That was one strong emotion for pie. In Phunky's case she was sad, sadder then said, and she was thinking about the plans Andy had made and how she should tell everyone without looking bad, of course JJL showed them to Kelzy, and told her to show everyone and worried about her morals afterwards... and then she found the anger, Andy was seething that of all the things her had to do, it was to be stuck with Phunky, the girl was so clearly in love with Luke, and all she thought of was how to create more drama, the sooner he was off this mission the better. 'What horrible thought... I feel so bad for Phunky'. Reece's mood came to her at full ball, it was the day she had first met him, she had literally fallen into his arms, she was clumsy back then, and she still was now, but then, a girl came past them, it was the girl he had a child with, she had winked at him and blown a kiss. That was his happiest memory. She broke down and cried, she wasn't sure whose shoulder, she only knew they were taller. Everything fell into place. The ring was not for her. He never wanted a marriage to her at least. He was to break up with her anyway. He used her for her money, and house. He was never friends with her. It was one sided. His thoughts always on Jessica, and little Lisa. That's why he was so guared around her. It was never embrassing like her said. It was a lie. She didn't know where she was. She couldn't even remember her own name. She just buried her head into whoever had lent their shoulder to her, and cried. She felt comfort and sympathy all around her. She couldn't see faces though, she could only feel the pain. The pain of her heart breaking into one thousand little pieces. And the arms, the arms wrapped around her holding her together.

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"Oh god, my head" JJL moaned to ER, she had moved in with ER, beacause, she didn't feel like moving in with any of the couple or being with Luke in his mopey state. "I feel like I'm 16 all over again"

"Did you seriously get you're first serious hangover at 16" asked ER her face relaying how much pain she was in

"Yea, a friends 16th... mind you I had more then one first that night" JJL said looking like she was going to giggle and then gagged "Oh crumbs I'm gunna hurl" and she ran off into the bathroom, within a minute everyone who had inhaled the gas was puking their guts out, but for Nico and JJL it was worse. After an hour of insistent puking, they suddenally stopped, headaches gone. And then they were angry.

"Somebody cool JJL down enough to get back under control" a random voice came out of the crowd said

"It's not me" JJL growled though her gritted teeth. "Somebody elses anger is influencing me, and I can't cool them down"

"Can you tell who it is?" M asked

"I could except the anger is screwing with how well and rationally I can think" JJL said still talking through her teeth "Are any of you feeling so angry you could kill a city worths of people about anything, cause that's the only thing that could affect me so bad when it comes to other peoples anger"

Murmer of No's were heard. 'Ok this isn't helping at all' JJL thought to herself. 'I know'

"Oi Kelz, can you tell, everyone but Andy and Phunky to think the happiest thoughts ever, that should make them feel happier, and it will lessen how I'm feeling" JJL thought to Kelz

"Ok, happy thoughts starting... now!" She thought back to JJL

And then JJL's head didn't ache with unwanted anger so much... she saw instantally how everyone was feelling, and in some cases what caused the strongest of emotions, Each of the mothers or mothers to be in Nico's case thinking about their children, a few of the couples thinking of eachother, Mika thinking about... cherry pie?!?! That was one strong emotion for pie. In Phunky's case she was sad, sadder then said, and she was thinking about the plans Andy had made and how she should tell everyone without looking bad, of course JJL showed them to Kelzy, and told her to show everyone and worried about her morals afterwards... and then she found the anger, Andy was seething that of all the things her had to do, it was to be stuck with Phunky, the girl was so clearly in love with Luke, and all she thought of was how to create more drama, the sooner he was off this mission the better. 'What horrible thought... I feel so bad for Phunky'. Reece's mood came to her at full ball, it was the day she had first met him, she had literally fallen into his arms, she was clumsy back then, and she still was now, but then, a girl came past them, it was the girl he had a child with, she had winked at him and blown a kiss. That was his happiest memory. She broke down and cried, she wasn't sure whose shoulder, she only knew they were taller. Everything fell into place. The ring was not for her. He never wanted a marriage to her at least. He was to break up with her anyway. He used her for her money, and house. He was never friends with her. It was one sided. His thoughts always on Jessica, and little Lisa. That's why he was so guared around her. It was never embrassing like her said. It was a lie. She didn't know where she was. She couldn't even remember her own name. She just buried her head into whoever had lent their shoulder to her, and cried. She felt comfort and sympathy all around her. She couldn't see faces though, she could only feel the pain. The pain of her heart breaking into one thousand little pieces. And the arms, the arms wrapped around her holding her together.


As JJL leaned against Artsy, as everyone crowded round. Through the arms, she felt a hand caress hers.

"What's wrong J?" Reece asked through the questions of 'What's wrong?' she was ignoring. She wanted to scream at him, throw him with her eyes so he'd be gone from her life for good. Instead, she decided she'd hurt him so badly, just like he had her.

"I don't know... Just hormones I guess." She sobbed. A few of the girls looked at each other, knowing that wasn't true. Homones didn't make you this hysterical. "I'm going to sleep for a while."

I want you all to come in an 'comfort me' in about 10 minutes. Except Reece and Andy. JJL thought.

Done. Kelzy replied.


Making an excuse for 'girl time' everyone filed into JJL's room.

"Where are the others?" JJL asked, not seeing any of the guys.

"We had to use the girl time excuse. They wouldn't have believed us otherwise. It'd seem odd that we just left those two. So they're playing cards, and the others are making sure they don't come in." Kelzy explained.

"What was the outburst about?" M asked.

"Reece. He loves Jessica and Lisa, not me. His happiest thought is with them. He's just using me." JJL replied, trying to hold back tears.

"Why don't you just thump him and dump him?" Phunky asked.

"I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me." JJL replied. "So Jess and Lisa will be told. When they turn up, after I've called them."

"I suppose that would work. Now, problem number two." Everyone looked at Phunky.

"What..? Is this about the raisin thing? It was a joke. Jeez, get over it." Phunky rolled her eyes, hiding the Andy thing.

"No, Andy. We know what's going on. And we're going to get you out of his grasp, and back to Luke." Kelzy replied.

"Pfft. Like I want him back." Phunky lied.

"Oh please. You've been pining for each other the moment you broke up." ER rolled her eyes.

"He doesn't want me. He's been flirting with you."

"To make you jealous." Phunky shut up, and they knew she didn't want to say anymore on the subject.

"What's Andy's next plan?" Sara asked. Phunky looked at the door, expecting him to be listening.

Don't tell your friends. Don't think I won't realise. You and your little pals can't stop me. We can either be a team, or you go down with them.

"He won't know, Phunks. We're here for you." Kelzy told her gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. "No one gets hurt from someone on the inside."

The others nodded, as if to reassure her.

"An apology party. We all get drunk, me and him go around twisting thing, causing fights and all that kind of thing. He told me I have to go around and bitch. Obviously, drunk, no one see's rationally, and everyone argues. It would cause a huge rift, he said." Phunky told them quietly, staring at her feet.

"This will be perfect!" JJL grinned. "I'll invite Jess and Lisa to the party! I'll get him there!"

"How?" Sara asked.

"If we let him get drunk, Phunky can say Artsy keeps eyeing him up-"

"Me?" Artsy asked, not pleased she'd been chosen.

"Yeah, well, he's always thought you were pretty." JJL shrugged.

"Fine." Artsy sighed.

"-And he, thinking I'm asleep in the other room, due to 'hormones' will go over, and Jess will walk in on him. She knows about me, but if he's playing around with other girls, she'll go mental."

"We can get Andy, too." Kelzy grinned.

"This is going to be a fun party." M grinned evilly.


Later that evening, after telling everyone but Reece and Andy their plan...

"You know, I'm really sorry about what I did. It was cruel and nasty. I should have realised that it was probably takinng things a bit to far. So Andy suggested we should have a party to apologise for it. We'll pay for everything, obviously. So... What do you think?" Phunky asked, knowing everyone in the room knew. She could see the encouragement of fear in Andy's eyes.

"Sounds good. Will it include gas?" Calvin asked. Phunky almost laughed.

"No, of course not."

"Good." He smiled.

"When will it be?"

"Tomorrow night. In the hall downstairs. We've hired it for the night."

"We'll all have to go out and buy some good party dresses, girls." M smiled happily.

"Yeah, a good shopping trip."

"And make up session."


Sorry it took so long :biggrin2:

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I meant in the story!! Because Andy is trying to split us up, I thought she was trying to twist it so Sara tricked us, so we got pissed. Once we've worked out his plan, everyone will be friends again.

She meant her anyway, not you.


i was kidding... :wink2::naughty: i wouldn't mind :roftl:

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As JJL leaned against Artsy, as everyone crowded round. Through the arms, she felt a hand caress hers.

"What's wrong J?" Reece asked through the questions of 'What's wrong?' she was ignoring. She wanted to scream at him, throw him with her eyes so he'd be gone from her life for good. Instead, she decided she'd hurt him so badly, just like he had her.

"I don't know... Just hormones I guess." She sobbed. A few of the girls looked at each other, knowing that wasn't true. Homones didn't make you this hysterical. "I'm going to sleep for a while."

I want you all to come in an 'comfort me' in about 10 minutes. Except Reece and Andy. JJL thought.

Done. Kelzy replied.


Making an excuse for 'girl time' everyone filed into JJL's room.

"Where are the others?" JJL asked, not seeing any of the guys.

"We had to use the girl time excuse. They wouldn't have believed us otherwise. It'd seem odd that we just left those two. So they're playing cards, and the others are making sure they don't come in." Kelzy explained.

"What was the outburst about?" M asked.

"Reece. He loves Jessica and Lisa, not me. His happiest thought is with them. He's just using me." JJL replied, trying to hold back tears.

"Why don't you just thump him and dump him?" Phunky asked.

"I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me." JJL replied. "So Jess and Lisa will be told. When they turn up, after I've called them."

"I suppose that would work. Now, problem number two." Everyone looked at Phunky.

"What..? Is this about the raisin thing? It was a joke. Jeez, get over it." Phunky rolled her eyes, hiding the Andy thing.

"No, Andy. We know what's going on. And we're going to get you out of his grasp, and back to Luke." Kelzy replied.

"Pfft. Like I want him back." Phunky lied.

"Oh please. You've been pining for each other the moment you broke up." ER rolled her eyes.

"He doesn't want me. He's been flirting with you."

"To make you jealous." Phunky shut up, and they knew she didn't want to say anymore on the subject.

"What's Andy's next plan?" Sara asked. Phunky looked at the door, expecting him to be listening.

Don't tell your friends. Don't think I won't realise. You and your little pals can't stop me. We can either be a team, or you go down with them.

"He won't know, Phunks. We're here for you." Kelzy told her gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. "No one gets hurt from someone on the inside."

The others nodded, as if to reassure her.

"An apology party. We all get drunk, me and him go around twisting thing, causing fights and all that kind of thing. He told me I have to go around and bitch. Obviously, drunk, no one see's rationally, and everyone argues. It would cause a huge rift, he said." Phunky told them quietly, staring at her feet.

"This will be perfect!" JJL grinned. "I'll invite Jess and Lisa to the party! I'll get him there!"

"How?" Sara asked.

"If we let him get drunk, Phunky can say Artsy keeps eyeing him up-"

"Me?" Artsy asked, not pleased she'd been chosen.

"Yeah, well, he's always thought you were pretty." JJL shrugged.

"Fine." Artsy sighed.

"-And he, thinking I'm asleep in the other room, due to 'hormones' will go over, and Jess will walk in on him. She knows about me, but if he's playing around with other girls, she'll go mental."

"We can get Andy, too." Kelzy grinned.

"This is going to be a fun party." M grinned evilly.


Later that evening, after telling everyone but Reece and Andy their plan...

"You know, I'm really sorry about what I did. It was cruel and nasty. I should have realised that it was probably takinng things a bit to far. So Andy suggested we should have a party to apologise for it. We'll pay for everything, obviously. So... What do you think?" Phunky asked, knowing everyone in the room knew. She could see the encouragement of fear in Andy's eyes.

"Sounds good. Will it include gas?" Calvin asked. Phunky almost laughed.

"No, of course not."

"Good." He smiled.

"When will it be?"

"Tomorrow night. In the hall downstairs. We've hired it for the night."

"We'll all have to go out and buy some good party dresses, girls." M smiled happily.

"Yeah, a good shopping trip."

"And make up session."


Sorry it took so long :biggrin2:



bip bip i got a question!!:biggrin2: you said i passed out before i entered the room.. what happened after...:boxed:


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Because you were under the gas, you thought it was happening. It was all a hallutionation. You actually passed out in your own bottle, and you never saw the boss, because the raisin dimention didn't exist. All part of Phunky's plan.


Oh good :naughty: I didn't want to start an argument.

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Because you were under the gas, you thought it was happening. It was all a hallutionation. You actually passed out in your own bottle, and you never saw the boss, because the raisin dimention didn't exist. All part of Phunky's plan.


Oh good :naughty: I didn't want to start an argument.



what happened to michael then??:shocked:

we did hear him but we didn't really found him??

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No, he would have been with you when Phunky found you. She would have convinced you he was in the Raisin dimention, wehn really he was in another room or something, singing. She would have decorated the room with raisins, causing that particular hallutionation.

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No, he would have been with you when Phunky found you. She would have convinced you he was in the Raisin dimention, wehn really he was in another room or something, singing. She would have decorated the room with raisins, causing that particular hallutionation.


:shocked::lmfao: that make sense:roftl:

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As JJL leaned against Artsy, as everyone crowded round. Through the arms, she felt a hand caress hers.

"What's wrong J?" Reece asked through the questions of 'What's wrong?' she was ignoring. She wanted to scream at him, throw him with her eyes so he'd be gone from her life for good. Instead, she decided she'd hurt him so badly, just like he had her.

"I don't know... Just hormones I guess." She sobbed. A few of the girls looked at each other, knowing that wasn't true. Homones didn't make you this hysterical. "I'm going to sleep for a while."

I want you all to come in an 'comfort me' in about 10 minutes. Except Reece and Andy. JJL thought.

Done. Kelzy replied.


Making an excuse for 'girl time' everyone filed into JJL's room.

"Where are the others?" JJL asked, not seeing any of the guys.

"We had to use the girl time excuse. They wouldn't have believed us otherwise. It'd seem odd that we just left those two. So they're playing cards, and the others are making sure they don't come in." Kelzy explained.

"What was the outburst about?" M asked.

"Reece. He loves Jessica and Lisa, not me. His happiest thought is with them. He's just using me." JJL replied, trying to hold back tears.

"Why don't you just thump him and dump him?" Phunky asked.

"I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me." JJL replied. "So Jess and Lisa will be told. When they turn up, after I've called them."

"I suppose that would work. Now, problem number two." Everyone looked at Phunky.

"What..? Is this about the raisin thing? It was a joke. Jeez, get over it." Phunky rolled her eyes, hiding the Andy thing.

"No, Andy. We know what's going on. And we're going to get you out of his grasp, and back to Luke." Kelzy replied.

"Pfft. Like I want him back." Phunky lied.

"Oh please. You've been pining for each other the moment you broke up." ER rolled her eyes.

"He doesn't want me. He's been flirting with you."

"To make you jealous." Phunky shut up, and they knew she didn't want to say anymore on the subject.

"What's Andy's next plan?" Sara asked. Phunky looked at the door, expecting him to be listening.

Don't tell your friends. Don't think I won't realise. You and your little pals can't stop me. We can either be a team, or you go down with them.

"He won't know, Phunks. We're here for you." Kelzy told her gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. "No one gets hurt from someone on the inside."

The others nodded, as if to reassure her.

"An apology party. We all get drunk, me and him go around twisting thing, causing fights and all that kind of thing. He told me I have to go around and bitch. Obviously, drunk, no one see's rationally, and everyone argues. It would cause a huge rift, he said." Phunky told them quietly, staring at her feet.

"This will be perfect!" JJL grinned. "I'll invite Jess and Lisa to the party! I'll get him there!"

"How?" Sara asked.

"If we let him get drunk, Phunky can say Artsy keeps eyeing him up-"

"Me?" Artsy asked, not pleased she'd been chosen.

"Yeah, well, he's always thought you were pretty." JJL shrugged.

"Fine." Artsy sighed.

"-And he, thinking I'm asleep in the other room, due to 'hormones' will go over, and Jess will walk in on him. She knows about me, but if he's playing around with other girls, she'll go mental."

"We can get Andy, too." Kelzy grinned.

"This is going to be a fun party." M grinned evilly.


Later that evening, after telling everyone but Reece and Andy their plan...

"You know, I'm really sorry about what I did. It was cruel and nasty. I should have realised that it was probably takinng things a bit to far. So Andy suggested we should have a party to apologise for it. We'll pay for everything, obviously. So... What do you think?" Phunky asked, knowing everyone in the room knew. She could see the encouragement of fear in Andy's eyes.

"Sounds good. Will it include gas?" Calvin asked. Phunky almost laughed.

"No, of course not."

"Good." He smiled.

"When will it be?"

"Tomorrow night. In the hall downstairs. We've hired it for the night."

"We'll all have to go out and buy some good party dresses, girls." M smiled happily.

"Yeah, a good shopping trip."

"And make up session."


Sorry it took so long :biggrin2:


they all heard a sparkling sound:naughty:

'' uh oh!! '' sara suddenly said

'' what's that '' becky asked

'' the boss is calling me ... ''

'' will you be back before tomorrow night?? '' ER asked

'' of course, time stops when i go up there... ''

'' cool... you can go then '' becky smiled

'' don't let me go!! i don't want to see the boss again!! pleaseeeeeeeeeee ! he's gonna punish me yet i don't know if he knows every rules i broke since a month''

but before they could say a word she disappeared.

m4l and finnwere sitting on the sofa when he asked: '' what with the party?? ''

'' yeah, let's have fun '' m4l replied while kissing him

'' i'm gonna look after cosmo, i don't feel like having fun '' becky left

jjl was on the phone trying to join her friends!

michael entered the room with a blowpipe screaming '' where are these raisins!!? i'm gonna get them! ''

they didn't wanted to explain it all again so ER just said '' it's a bad dream... come and eat something ... ''


during this time... sara was walking down the corridor again

'' twice... i've been walking here twice today! it is a nightmare! ''

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Um... To be honest I have no inspiration.

Come in the chat room thing (you too Phunks!) and we can discuss.


the chat room?? where is it??:fisch:

haven't been here for so long i can't remember:roftl::roftl:

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