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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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I.....*sob*....miss....*sniff*....you....*gasp*....guys!!!! WAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crybaby:


BUT....I now have an idea of when I'll be back! I've got five more hellish weeks of summer classes (during which I've barely got time to shower and sleep, much less keep in contact with anyone, unfortunately.) and then on August 1st, I'm done. Then I've got two weeks to pack all my crap into a moving van (and fit in a visit with Taylor) and I'm off to SSU. I should be back online around the time I move into my dorm, around August 15th-17th, presuming everything goes according to plan. It probably won't, but give or take a few days around that time, so about a month and a half.


Remember me fondly until then?:wub2:





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I.....*sob*....miss....*sniff*....you....*gasp*....guys!!!! WAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crybaby:


BUT....I now have an idea of when I'll be back! I've got five more hellish weeks of summer classes (during which I've barely got time to shower and sleep, much less keep in contact with anyone, unfortunately.) and then on August 1st, I'm done. Then I've got two weeks to pack all my crap into a moving van (and fit in a visit with Taylor) and I'm off to SSU. I should be back online around the time I move into my dorm, around August 15th-17th, presuming everything goes according to plan. It probably won't, but give or take a few days around that time, so about a month and a half.


Remember me fondly until then?:wub2:


AMYYYYY! *takes a flying leap and lands on your back* I was just wondering yesterday whether you were still alive or not...of course it works out that you'll come back and I'll be away...:doh:

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Hey guys! Just came to say im having a joyous time in hospital, now im staying forr a few days. On the upside, i have lots of magazines (including one with a gorgeous poster of Kevin Jonas :wub2: ) and a new book :)

So i will possibly post soon. All messages of support welcome :bleh:


Oh, annd obviously until imm home i can't continue with the book, though any profiles done, please send to: sparkle1993@msn.com :biggrin2:

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Hey guys! Just came to say im having a joyous time in hospital, now im staying forr a few days. On the upside, i have lots of magazines (including one with a gorgeous poster of Kevin Jonas :wub2: ) and a new book :)

So i will possibly post soon. All messages of support welcome :bleh:


Oh, annd obviously until imm home i can't continue with the book, though any profiles done, please send to: sparkle1993@msn.com :biggrin2:


Why are you in hospital!!!!???? *worries and frets about you*

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*tiptoes online and promises the nagging voice in her head that she'll only be on until ten*

*small heart attack*






*huggles until death*


And for your viewing pleasure :das:




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I'm good, although sleepy. Pulling 14-hour school days lately. The nagging voice can bite me; I've been listening to it for the last two months anyways.


How are you? Enjoying summer?

14 hours?! :boxed:


As for my summer...YES, it's looking very exciting ft. England and Ireland in August and Coldplay (plus others) at Pemberton festival at the end of July...:biggrin2:


And M...I love that ad. :roftl:

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14 hours?! :boxed:


As for my summer...YES, it's looking very exciting ft. England and Ireland in August and Coldplay (plus others) at Pemberton festival at the end of July...:biggrin2:


And M...I love that ad. :roftl:

:das: The music video for the song is really weird.


Where'd ames go?

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14 hours?! :boxed:


As for my summer...YES, it's looking very exciting ft. England and Ireland in August and Coldplay (plus others) at Pemberton festival at the end of July...:biggrin2:


And M...I love that ad. :roftl:

WOO HOO!!!! Sounds great! I'm so jealous...:boxed::thumb_yello:

:das: The music video for the song is really weird.


Where'd ames go?


Very strange ad. I'm here, but I'm leaving now. I'll leave you with a vid of my own.....

My brother is the redheaded zombie and the narrator.

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WOO HOO!!!! Sounds great! I'm so jealous...:boxed::thumb_yello:



Very strange ad. I'm here, but I'm leaving now. I'll leave you with a vid of my own.....

My brother is the redheaded zombie and the narrator.

I'll watch it right now.


:sad: Oh, okay. bye love bean :wub2:

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WOO HOO!!!! Sounds great! I'm so jealous...:boxed::thumb_yello:



Very strange ad. I'm here, but I'm leaving now. I'll leave you with a vid of my own.....

My brother is the redheaded zombie and the narrator.


Noooooooooooooooooooo :crybaby:

*waves sadly*

I have to go as well. My mum wants the computer...how inconsiderate :sneaky2:

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Noooooooooooooooooooo :crybaby:

*waves sadly*

I have to go as well. My mum wants the computer...how inconsiderate :sneaky2:

say ; ' i ' m too beautiful to give you the computer m i s s u s . ' that ' s what i always do : )



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In reply to JJL, I'm not keeping any food down so they want to keep me in. And my potassium is down too, apparently.


As for my summer...YES, it's looking very exciting ft. England and Ireland in August and Coldplay (plus others) at Pemberton festival at the end of July...:biggrin2:


*Ears pipe up* England? Where abouts?


ARTSY!!! :huglove: Doesn't sound fun. But it'll all be worth it in the end :biggrin2:

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I stared out the window at the hunky monkey climbing our stairs. He was beeeeaauutiful. I felt sort of guilty. I grabbed a hunk of chocolate and stuffed it in my mouth as I heard the doorbell ring. As our eyes met my heart became a puddle on the floor.

' Why hello there...' he said in an amazingly gorgeous accent.

' Hi.' I said in a fast mangled Canadian/British/Ausitralian and tonnes of other accents picked up in our travels tonne.

I saw him blush a little.

'Is .. Mika here?'

I nodded my head and let him enter.

'Come in.'

he glanced around at our house.

' You have a lovely house, are you and Mika..dating?'

I shook my head, while I was secretly trying to place where I had seen him before.

' Oh . no. So he hasn't mentioned me then ? We're housemates, somewhat. We dated quite some time ago.'

' Well , he must've but a beautiful girl such as yourself, I would've remembered. So.. you're single?'

I could feel regret build up in me.

' well...-' Thankfully Mika came jogging down the stairs.

' David!! My man! Lovely to see you , babe. How've you been doing?' He double kissed both cheeks.

' Good, good, just met this wonderful lady.' he said acknowledging me.

' That's M. David, M, M, David.' he said rushing our meet and taking David down the hall. It clicked, David Whitmay *i think? haha* Mika's new keyboardest ! Ohhh!





Artsy eyed ER as she bent over to get a puzzle for Kairi.

' You have a nice butt.' Artsy managed.

ER stood up immediately.

' Excuse me?'



Luke closed his phone.

' Mikey is @#$%@^@&*!*@&' he said angrily shutting the phone.

'I'm fired!!' Becky hugged him.

' We know.'

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