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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Hello my peoples! I am home, and even if it is only for 2 days, I am sooo happy! It's nice to use a proper keyboard, and smell home, and be licked by my lovely doggie.... Oh I am just warm inside :wub2:

Of course, being home, that means I can post without my arm and/or fingers hurting, so I will post either tonight or tomorrow morning (or afternoon, depending when I wake up).



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I stared out the window at the hunky monkey climbing our stairs. He was beeeeaauutiful. I felt sort of guilty. I grabbed a hunk of chocolate and stuffed it in my mouth as I heard the doorbell ring. As our eyes met my heart became a puddle on the floor.

' Why hello there...' he said in an amazingly gorgeous accent.

' Hi.' I said in a fast mangled Canadian/British/Ausitralian and tonnes of other accents picked up in our travels tonne.

I saw him blush a little.

'Is .. Mika here?'

I nodded my head and let him enter.

'Come in.'

he glanced around at our house.

' You have a lovely house, are you and Mika..dating?'

I shook my head, while I was secretly trying to place where I had seen him before.

' Oh . no. So he hasn't mentioned me then ? We're housemates, somewhat. We dated quite some time ago.'

' Well , he must've but a beautiful girl such as yourself, I would've remembered. So.. you're single?'

I could feel regret build up in me.

' well...-' Thankfully Mika came jogging down the stairs.

' David!! My man! Lovely to see you , babe. How've you been doing?' He double kissed both cheeks.

' Good, good, just met this wonderful lady.' he said acknowledging me.

' That's M. David, M, M, David.' he said rushing our meet and taking David down the hall. It clicked, David Whitmay *i think? haha* Mika's new keyboardest ! Ohhh!





Artsy eyed ER as she bent over to get a puzzle for Kairi.

' You have a nice butt.' Artsy managed.

ER stood up immediately.

' Excuse me?'



Luke closed his phone.

' Mikey is @#$%@^@&*!*@&' he said angrily shutting the phone.

'I'm fired!!' Becky hugged him.

' We know.'


"You can still enjoy the party though." She smiled.

"You are joking, right? With Andy and.... Sunshine in there. I have to deal with both my replacements. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes." He flopped himself down, and put his face in his hands.

"Sunshine? Ha! I haven't heard anyone call anyone that since my police days... Anyway, the party will be great! You know Andy is a creep. You need to be there to, y'know, protect Phunky. He's getting to her, you know."

"I know, but she won't let me near her! What can I do?" He looked up at her, his eyes showing his vunerability.

"Trust me. All will be fine, my lovely. In the meantime, put on something that'll wow her. Like a tux, or whatever. I have to get ready." Becky wandered off, picking up the crutches he'd fetched for Cosmo. Becky wouldn't let him miss it, now, after Lolly's efforts, he had more flexibilty.


"You do! It'll look gorgeous in that dress you got!" Artsy smiled, trying to avoid the dreading thoughts of flirting with Reece later.

"Um... Thanks..." Er replied, giving her an odd look. Must be nerves. She thought.


"Who's blondie?" Lolly asked M as she came in with their dresses.

"Mr. Gorgeous is Davod Whitmey. Mika's new keyboardist."

"Uh oh. Poor Lukie. And I don't think you should be thinking of other men like that with Finn around." Lolly scolded jokingly, yet M wasn't listening. He thoughts - and eyes - were on David.


"Like our guest?" Mika grinned, as he saw the girls chatting.

"How come he's here?" Lolly asked, after realising M probably wouldn't have the most appropiate answers to his question.

"Well, I thought I'd introduce him at this party. We need a nice single dude here for that girl anyways."

Like that girl will get his hands on him. M thought to herself, as she vaugely listened to the conversation. Then her thoughts went back to Finn, and she felt somewhat guilty.


A few hours had passed by the time the girls were ready, in there dresses and high heels, with there hair either neatly up or prettily down. Becky, ER, Artsy and Lolly had persuaded Luke to come along, and once he saw Phunky all dolled up, he knew it would be worth it. She'd knocked him dead, even if her eyes were cast downwards. She was as beautiful as ever. Jealousy had hit him when he watched Andy put his arm round her waist and whisper something in her ear. He wanted to hit him and tell him where to take his lying, yet he felt the girls glaring at him, and Kelzy was scrwaming in his head 'don't you dare'!

JJL was the best dressed by far. She had clearly made herself look amazing to make Reece realise what he was missing. His eyes were practically on stalks when she walked in, last to enter.

"Sorry I took so long." She smiled confidently.

"You look amazing baby." Reece told her. Before he got a chance to actually get near her, she quickly made an excuse.

"We best get going, or we'll be late."


*Pretty crappy, I know, but it's better than nothing. And I think JJL has plans for the party:wink2:

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"You can still enjoy the party though." She smiled.

"You are joking, right? With Andy and.... Sunshine in there. I have to deal with both my replacements. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes." He flopped himself down, and put his face in his hands.

"Sunshine? Ha! I haven't heard anyone call anyone that since my police days... Anyway, the party will be great! You know Andy is a creep. You need to be there to, y'know, protect Phunky. He's getting to her, you know."

"I know, but she won't let me near her! What can I do?" He looked up at her, his eyes showing his vunerability.

"Trust me. All will be fine, my lovely. In the meantime, put on something that'll wow her. Like a tux, or whatever. I have to get ready." Becky wandered off, picking up the crutches he'd fetched for Cosmo. Becky wouldn't let him miss it, now, after Lolly's efforts, he had more flexibilty.


"You do! It'll look gorgeous in that dress you got!" Artsy smiled, trying to avoid the dreading thoughts of flirting with Reece later.

"Um... Thanks..." Er replied, giving her an odd look. Must be nerves. She thought.


"Who's blondie?" Lolly asked M as she came in with their dresses.

"Mr. Gorgeous is Davod Whitmey. Mika's new keyboardist."

"Uh oh. Poor Lukie. And I don't think you should be thinking of other men like that with Finn around." Lolly scolded jokingly, yet M wasn't listening. He thoughts - and eyes - were on David.


"Like our guest?" Mika grinned, as he saw the girls chatting.

"How come he's here?" Lolly asked, after realising M probably wouldn't have the most appropiate answers to his question.

"Well, I thought I'd introduce him at this party. We need a nice single dude here for that girl anyways."

Like that girl will get his hands on him. M thought to herself, as she vaugely listened to the conversation. Then her thoughts went back to Finn, and she felt somewhat guilty.


A few hours had passed by the time the girls were ready, in there dresses and high heels, with there hair either neatly up or prettily down. Becky, ER, Artsy and Lolly had persuaded Luke to come along, and once he saw Phunky all dolled up, he knew it would be worth it. She'd knocked him dead, even if her eyes were cast downwards. She was as beautiful as ever. Jealousy had hit him when he watched Andy put his arm round her waist and whisper something in her ear. He wanted to hit him and tell him where to take his lying, yet he felt the girls glaring at him, and Kelzy was scrwaming in his head 'don't you dare'!

JJL was the best dressed by far. She had clearly made herself look amazing to make Reece realise what he was missing. His eyes were practically on stalks when she walked in, last to enter.

"Sorry I took so long." She smiled confidently.

"You look amazing baby." Reece told her. Before he got a chance to actually get near her, she quickly made an excuse.

"We best get going, or we'll be late."


*Pretty crappy, I know, but it's better than nothing. And I think JJL has plans for the party:wink2:

I love it becks. POSTING!!!

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"You can still enjoy the party though." She smiled.

"You are joking, right? With Andy and.... Sunshine in there. I have to deal with both my replacements. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes." He flopped himself down, and put his face in his hands.

"Sunshine? Ha! I haven't heard anyone call anyone that since my police days... Anyway, the party will be great! You know Andy is a creep. You need to be there to, y'know, protect Phunky. He's getting to her, you know."

"I know, but she won't let me near her! What can I do?" He looked up at her, his eyes showing his vunerability.

"Trust me. All will be fine, my lovely. In the meantime, put on something that'll wow her. Like a tux, or whatever. I have to get ready." Becky wandered off, picking up the crutches he'd fetched for Cosmo. Becky wouldn't let him miss it, now, after Lolly's efforts, he had more flexibilty.


"You do! It'll look gorgeous in that dress you got!" Artsy smiled, trying to avoid the dreading thoughts of flirting with Reece later.

"Um... Thanks..." Er replied, giving her an odd look. Must be nerves. She thought.


"Who's blondie?" Lolly asked M as she came in with their dresses.

"Mr. Gorgeous is Davod Whitmey. Mika's new keyboardist."

"Uh oh. Poor Lukie. And I don't think you should be thinking of other men like that with Finn around." Lolly scolded jokingly, yet M wasn't listening. He thoughts - and eyes - were on David.


"Like our guest?" Mika grinned, as he saw the girls chatting.

"How come he's here?" Lolly asked, after realising M probably wouldn't have the most appropiate answers to his question.

"Well, I thought I'd introduce him at this party. We need a nice single dude here for that girl anyways."

Like that girl will get his hands on him. M thought to herself, as she vaugely listened to the conversation. Then her thoughts went back to Finn, and she felt somewhat guilty.


A few hours had passed by the time the girls were ready, in there dresses and high heels, with there hair either neatly up or prettily down. Becky, ER, Artsy and Lolly had persuaded Luke to come along, and once he saw Phunky all dolled up, he knew it would be worth it. She'd knocked him dead, even if her eyes were cast downwards. She was as beautiful as ever. Jealousy had hit him when he watched Andy put his arm round her waist and whisper something in her ear. He wanted to hit him and tell him where to take his lying, yet he felt the girls glaring at him, and Kelzy was scrwaming in his head 'don't you dare'!

JJL was the best dressed by far. She had clearly made herself look amazing to make Reece realise what he was missing. His eyes were practically on stalks when she walked in, last to enter.

"Sorry I took so long." She smiled confidently.

"You look amazing baby." Reece told her. Before he got a chance to actually get near her, she quickly made an excuse.

"We best get going, or we'll be late."


*Pretty crappy, I know, but it's better than nothing. And I think JJL has plans for the party:wink2:

We all piled into the car and I smiled sweetly at David. He was dreamy and I wanted him in a heart beat. I looked beside me to finn who had his eyes widened on me.

'What?' I asked with a bit of attitude.

'Nothing.' he said glancing out the window.

I got to hand it to Finn , he cleaned up well. Man, was he ever hot as well.

I bit my lip and stared out the window.

Reece creased his eyebrows at JJL, rolled his eyes and got into the car after her. Our driver started the engine and we took off for a local ballroom we rented. I noticed how Artsy was strangely seated beside Rosie. She looked a tad uncomfortable but tried to ignore Artsy by talking to Alek (Is is alek? I forget) I sighed loudly which made the whole car quiet and staring at me.

Finn's eyes caught David's and they had an awkward moment staring at eachother. Finn held my hand and I have him a weirded out look before looking back out the window. David made an unimpressed look.

'M , you look lovely.' he stated checking out my black audrey hepburn type dress.

I smiled.

' Thanks!' I took into recognition finn had said nothing about my appearance this evening.

' Want a momosa, love?' he asked pouring orange juice and champagne into a glass.

I nodded and took the glass , quickly devouring it.

' We have arrived.' said our driver.

I sighed with relief and we all got out checking out eachotgher with our dates.

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We all piled into the car and I smiled sweetly at David. He was dreamy and I wanted him in a heart beat. I looked beside me to finn who had his eyes widened on me.

'What?' I asked with a bit of attitude.

'Nothing.' he said glancing out the window.

I got to hand it to Finn , he cleaned up well. Man, was he ever hot as well.

I bit my lip and stared out the window.

Reece creased his eyebrows at JJL, rolled his eyes and got into the car after her. Our driver started the engine and we took off for a local ballroom we rented. I noticed how Artsy was strangely seated beside Rosie. She looked a tad uncomfortable but tried to ignore Artsy by talking to Alek (Is is alek? I forget) I sighed loudly which made the whole car quiet and staring at me.

Finn's eyes caught David's and they had an awkward moment staring at eachother. Finn held my hand and I have him a weirded out look before looking back out the window. David made an unimpressed look.

'M , you look lovely.' he stated checking out my black audrey hepburn type dress.

I smiled.

' Thanks!' I took into recognition finn had said nothing about my appearance this evening.

' Want a momosa, love?' he asked pouring orange juice and champagne into a glass.

I nodded and took the glass , quickly devouring it.

' We have arrived.' said our driver.

I sighed with relief and we all got out checking out eachotgher with our dates.


"I'll be back in a minute, just need to ask Kelz something" I said to Reece while thinking I could kill for some kind of alcohol. I was so nervous! I knew the plan would work, I had the PPR's on my side although M looks a little distracted. But that's not her fault David was HOTT, not my type though, all that lust. I shuddered and began walking over to Kelz, hoping that tonight of all nights I wouldn't trip on anything or fall over, I was doing surprisingly well as it was. I reached Kelz. "Kelz do you think he's just guilty that's why he's acting like nothing happened, although, after all this time we've known each other you'd think he'd know what I liked" I said all in a rush

"Oh JJ, what did he do? Kelz asked

"He sent me a bunch of flowers, daisys to be precise, and he worte on the card saying he knew how much I loved them and how they reminded him of me so delicate. The worst bit is I'm allergic to them, and so is Rosie, so I had to get Artsy to read out the card and then throw them out. And if I remember correctly they are JESS'S favourite. Mine are roses. What the hell is with that. I mean-

Kelz cut me off "Sweetie, he's messing with you. That's what the point of tonight is"

"I know, but it still hurts, that somebody who I was ready to marry. Never really loved me" I said biting back tears

"It's ok" Kelz hugged me "Oh and if there is a mic in there, I stongly suggest keeping it away from Mika if he has had anything to drink, he tends to sing very obscure and very private stuff when drunk"

"Oh great, mic can go down somebody's dress" I laughed wetly

"You do relise, he's like a child, he won't see it as trying to get in somebody's pants he'll see it as getting his favourite toy that somebody's hidden"

"Right I'll hold onto it for the night then, it's a good excuse not to have to dance."

"You can't dance?"

"I can do ballroom and that's about it"

"That's what we're doing untill we are all drunk, Finn may need to make M jealous at some point and he's an excellent dancer" Kelz said wiggling he eyebrows

"I'll consider it, now I need to find that mic, see ya later"

I rushed through the doors and nearly ran to the mic, yes I got it. Then I was hit with three very stong emotions coming from Artsy and Rosie, a mild sort of love and lust mixed and hurt comming from Artsy and exteme awkwardness coming from Rosie. I made a note not to go too near to them tonight, at least not until Artsy has to flirt with Reece. M's lust hit me almost as hard as David's, except we weren't in a little area so it was alot more dilated, I also made note to stay as far away as possible from them. Finn, was hurt but unsurprised. Mika was hoping there was no mic here in case of karoke, which apparently happened at every party that they have ever had, (Little did he know he was the one that always started it). Lolly and Jack were talking quietly in a corner, I was guessing trying to sort everthing out. Becky and Cosmo, had a quiet, but stong love coming from them, as they laughed about something. Kelzy seemed to be the person to come to for emotional problems, as Luke was practically in tears over Phunky and Andy dancing. Nico was sitting there with her hand on her stomach, talking to Alek, and Alek was looking over at Rosie, with love coming from him in regular waves. I knew that after tonight nothing would be the same again.

Finn came over to me "Gah, he's such a pretty boy! And M is all over him, he asked her to dance, and she said yes, and look at how they are dancing"

I looked and then shuddered, it was like chicken with clothes on "You don't want to know what their feelings are" I muttered and shuddered again

"Do you wanna dance?" he asked me

"Is it cause I'm the only woman alone at the moment?" I smiled to show I was teasing

"Yep, it sure is" he smiled back

"Sure then, besides, it's like an hour till nine, and I need to avoid Reece for as long as possible" Nine was when Jess got here, and just before that was when the plan went into action, Glow was staying with all the kids, she just wasn't up to dancing, and as soon as Jess dropped Lisa off with her she'd call me and 'Operation Get Reece Back For Breaking My/JJL's heart' or 'OGRBFBM/JH' would be set in motion. My musings were cut short when Finn took my hand and began to dance with me, Kelz was right, he was a wonderful dancer, I felt bad for him though, the skin connection made his emotions unescapable (Is that even a word?) He knew M would come back to him eventually. Just not tonight. Then all of a sudden, my phone rang, I could hear it comming from my purse halfway across the room, Reece ran to get it but Nico was closer, she answered it, and said a few words and then hung up. I walked over to her, Finn following, I guessed he was curious.

"Who was it I asked her?" In my head I asked Kelz the same thing

Nico replied, "it was one of your brothers lame prank calls"

Kelz replied "It was Glow, Jess is going to be way early"

"Mum's going to kill him" I said aloud "I'm going to kill her" I said to Kelz "Tell Arts now, and tell everyone else what's going on"

Artsy walked over to Reece and started to hit on him, his emotions were discusting... the thoughts that followed were so strong I shuddered and then they got to Kelz, went right though her to everybody else, and we all shuddered. I grabbed someones hand. I was holding it so hard, it took all of my control not to just kill him, I had Kelz in my head repeating everybody's thoughts to me, trying to keep me calm, I had so many strong calming emotions hitting he that if I were any less angry, I would have passed out by now, somebody grabbed my other hand, and they had very stong calm comming from then, I steadly, lost my anger, at least down to a managable rate, and the calming slowed, I looked down to my hands and saw Rosie on one side, she was the massive calm, and Mika on the other, wondering if I broke his hand, I looked at his fingers and pushed him over to Lolly, who instantly healed them, I sent a massive sorry through Kelz and then Jess walked through the door. Dramatic entrance. I forgot to tell everyone, that Jess made so much drama she made Phunky look normal. Kelz told everyone that, and I got a look from Phunks, I shrugged. Jess came over to me.

"Julia, you look ready to burst" She said in her horrible nasal voice

"Thanks, I only have two months to go" I replied dryly, I really did hate this girl "I should introduce you to everybody" I feighed cheerfulness

I walked over to Artsy, who was still flirting, and Reece, looked like he was going to have chicken with her right there and then "This is Artsy" I said and then Jess attacked her "Oops" I said and walked away.

Reece ran after me. "Jules, wait for me" he yelled

"Now?" I thought to Kelz

"NOW!" she yelled to everyone, Phunks kneed Andy where it hurts most, and Luke came and and held her, while she cried into him. While Cal tied him up, Arts had pinned Jess. I stopped looking, and set my eyes on Reece, I came up to him, as if to kiss him, and then I punched him, as hard as I could. I broke his nose. He looked at me shocked, as if he'd never seen me before, I never used violence, at least never around him. I was always so calm, and never did anything rash, at least that's how I appeared to him, that's how he could easily screw with my heart and mind.

"What the hell Julia?" he asked me through all the blood

"Your wall in your mind" I replied

"What? T-there was n-never no w-wall" he said stuttering

"You're so full of it" I punched him again

"Ow. Stop it" Then he punched me. Knocked me to the ground, I was my nose was bleeding but thankfully not broken. Rosie, ran to Reece, and kicked him down. Alek followed to help. Lolly came and healed me, and held my hand trying to calm me, I took a reckless shot, I zapped him where it hurt most and screamed to him

"Like to see you have a girlfriend now!" and then Rosie knocked him out, and burst into tears, I wasn't sure what to do.

Then, Nico screamed "MY WATER BROKE!!!" and we all went quiet then, Lolly jumped up to help...

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"I'll be back in a minute, just need to ask Kelz something" I said to Reece while thinking I could kill for some kind of alcohol. I was so nervous! I knew the plan would work, I had the PPR's on my side although M looks a little distracted. But that's not her fault David was HOTT, not my type though, all that lust. I shuddered and began walking over to Kelz, hoping that tonight of all nights I wouldn't trip on anything or fall over, I was doing surprisingly well as it was. I reached Kelz. "Kelz do you think he's just guilty that's why he's acting like nothing happened, although, after all this time we've known each other you'd think he'd know what I liked" I said all in a rush

"Oh JJ, what did he do? Kelz asked

"He sent me a bunch of flowers, daisys to be precise, and he worte on the card saying he knew how much I loved them and how they reminded him of me so delicate. The worst bit is I'm allergic to them, and so is Rosie, so I had to get Artsy to read out the card and then throw them out. And if I remember correctly they are JESS'S favourite. Mine are roses. What the hell is with that. I mean-

Kelz cut me off "Sweetie, he's messing with you. That's what the point of tonight is"

"I know, but it still hurts, that somebody who I was ready to marry. Never really loved me" I said biting back tears

"It's ok" Kelz hugged me "Oh and if there is a mic in there, I stongly suggest keeping it away from Mika if he has had anything to drink, he tends to sing very obscure and very private stuff when drunk"

"Oh great, mic can go down somebody's dress" I laughed wetly

"You do relise, he's like a child, he won't see it as trying to get in somebody's pants he'll see it as getting his favourite toy that somebody's hidden"

"Right I'll hold onto it for the night then, it's a good excuse not to have to dance."

"You can't dance?"

"I can do ballroom and that's about it"

"That's what we're doing untill we are all drunk, Finn may need to make M jealous at some point and he's an excellent dancer" Kelz said wiggling he eyebrows

"I'll consider it, now I need to find that mic, see ya later"

I rushed through the doors and nearly ran to the mic, yes I got it. Then I was hit with three very stong emotions coming from Artsy and Rosie, a mild sort of love and lust mixed and hurt comming from Artsy and exteme awkwardness coming from Rosie. I made a note not to go too near to them tonight, at least not until Artsy has to flirt with Reece. M's lust hit me almost as hard as David's, except we weren't in a little area so it was alot more dilated, I also made note to stay as far away as possible from them. Finn, was hurt but unsurprised. Mika was hoping there was no mic here in case of karoke, which apparently happened at every party that they have ever had, (Little did he know he was the one that always started it). Lolly and Jack were talking quietly in a corner, I was guessing trying to sort everthing out. Becky and Cosmo, had a quiet, but stong love coming from them, as they laughed about something. Kelzy seemed to be the person to come to for emotional problems, as Luke was practically in tears over Phunky and Andy dancing. Nico was sitting there with her hand on her stomach, talking to Alek, and Alek was looking over at Rosie, with love coming from him in regular waves. I knew that after tonight nothing would be the same again.

Finn came over to me "Gah, he's such a pretty boy! And M is all over him, he asked her to dance, and she said yes, and look at how they are dancing"

I looked and then shuddered, it was like chicken with clothes on "You don't want to know what their feelings are" I muttered and shuddered again

"Do you wanna dance?" he asked me

"Is it cause I'm the only woman alone at the moment?" I smiled to show I was teasing

"Yep, it sure is" he smiled back

"Sure then, besides, it's like an hour till nine, and I need to avoid Reece for as long as possible" Nine was when Jess got here, and just before that was when the plan went into action, Glow was staying with all the kids, she just wasn't up to dancing, and as soon as Jess dropped Lisa off with her she'd call me and 'Operation Get Reece Back For Breaking My/JJL's heart' or 'OGRBFBM/JH' would be set in motion. My musings were cut short when Finn took my hand and began to dance with me, Kelz was right, he was a wonderful dancer, I felt bad for him though, the skin connection made his emotions unescapable (Is that even a word?) He knew M would come back to him eventually. Just not tonight. Then all of a sudden, my phone rang, I could hear it comming from my purse halfway across the room, Reece ran to get it but Nico was closer, she answered it, and said a few words and then hung up. I walked over to her, Finn following, I guessed he was curious.

"Who was it I asked her?" In my head I asked Kelz the same thing

Nico replied, "it was one of your brothers lame prank calls"

Kelz replied "It was Glow, Jess is going to be way early"

"Mum's going to kill him" I said aloud "I'm going to kill her" I said to Kelz "Tell Arts now, and tell everyone else what's going on"

Artsy walked over to Reece and started to hit on him, his emotions were discusting... the thoughts that followed were so strong I shuddered and then they got to Kelz, went right though her to everybody else, and we all shuddered. I grabbed someones hand. I was holding it so hard, it took all of my control not to just kill him, I had Kelz in my head repeating everybody's thoughts to me, trying to keep me calm, I had so many strong calming emotions hitting he that if I were any less angry, I would have passed out by now, somebody grabbed my other hand, and they had very stong calm comming from then, I steadly, lost my anger, at least down to a managable rate, and the calming slowed, I looked down to my hands and saw Rosie on one side, she was the massive calm, and Mika on the other, wondering if I broke his hand, I looked at his fingers and pushed him over to Lolly, who instantly healed them, I sent a massive sorry through Kelz and then Jess walked through the door. Dramatic entrance. I forgot to tell everyone, that Jess made so much drama she made Phunky look normal. Kelz told everyone that, and I got a look from Phunks, I shrugged. Jess came over to me.

"Julia, you look ready to burst" She said in her horrible nasal voice

"Thanks, I only have two months to go" I replied dryly, I really did hate this girl "I should introduce you to everybody" I feighed cheerfulness

I walked over to Artsy, who was still flirting, and Reece, looked like he was going to have chicken with her right there and then "This is Artsy" I said and then Jess attacked her "Oops" I said and walked away.

Reece ran after me. "Jules, wait for me" he yelled

"Now?" I thought to Kelz

"NOW!" she yelled to everyone, Phunks kneed Andy where it hurts most, and Luke came and and held her, while she cried into him. While Cal tied him up, Arts had pinned Jess. I stopped looking, and set my eyes on Reece, I came up to him, as if to kiss him, and then I punched him, as hard as I could. I broke his nose. He looked at me shocked, as if he'd never seen me before, I never used violence, at least never around him. I was always so calm, and never did anything rash, at least that's how I appeared to him, that's how he could easily screw with my heart and mind.

"What the hell Julia?" he asked me through all the blood

"Your wall in your mind" I replied

"What? T-there was n-never no w-wall" he said stuttering

"You're so full of it" I punched him again

"Ow. Stop it" Then he punched me. Knocked me to the ground, I was my nose was bleeding but thankfully not broken. Rosie, ran to Reece, and kicked him down. Alek followed to help. Lolly came and healed me, and held my hand trying to calm me, I took a reckless shot, I zapped him where it hurt most and screamed to him

"Like to see you have a girlfriend now!" and then Rosie knocked him out, and burst into tears, I wasn't sure what to do.

Then, Nico screamed "MY WATER BROKE!!!" and we all went quiet then, Lolly jumped up to help...

Best line ever :lmfao:


Best post ever :lmfao:


*continues reading*

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David and I stopped dancing and ran over to the big commotion. He looked at me as if to say 'what the hell?' and i shrugged my shoulders. I bent over to see JJL when I heard Nico's screech.

'Oh my god, she liked peed everywhere! ewww!' screamed Mika in a girly voice. I patted him on the back and made the infamous 'awkward face' then put my arm around nico.

'Uh..Uh...I'm going to get the limo driver to..drive us..to..uhm..hospital.' I said struggling to lift her.

'I think it's better we walk.' I said giving up and walking out.

'I'm...coming.' said Finn glaring at David and grabbing his coat.

' Well, if he's going, I am too!' said David to Sara.

Sara blinked and followed behind us, leaving the drama in their hands.

' As am I!' Mika said, almost gagging at the baby juice on the ground.

Jesse bit Artsy's restraining hand.

'Bitch!' muttered artsy.

JJL walked over to Reece her face covered in blood.

'How...how...c-c-could yoooou?' she said spitting in his face.

she stormed off to the bathroom.

reece looked at the ground a bit confused.

' The sad thing is, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever known. And...I feel nothing right now.'

Alek grunted at him.

' Oh don't look at me like that.' said Reece rolling his eyes.


We finally arrived at the hospital and schucked Nico into a wheel chair.

' she's all..ew.' said Mika looking away.

David whispered something in Mika's ear and he ran off to throw up. He looked back to me to see if I was impressed. But I just giggled and looked back to Nico as we wheeled her to the front desk.

'Uhm, yes, she's..pregnant..right word, M?' asked sara .I nodded.

'avec.. bebe.' she repeated.


I rolled my eyes.

' What do we do with preggo?' I said shifting my eyes to Nico.

The nurses nodded her head.

'Name, date of birth, place of residence-'

'Her water is broken!' I said getting annoyed.

'Eeeh!Oooh!Eeeh!Oooh!' Finn was making pregnant people breathing techniques I couldn't help but giggle and David shot him a look.

' Come with.' said the nurse wheeling Nico into her room.

We followed.

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