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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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Finn blushed and turned to the man who then spat on him.

' She was totally into me.' he said trying to get finn rilled up.

Finn gave him an 'as if' look after checking out the guy.

I ran down the hall way and started biting my nails. We saw Michael staring at a painting.

Sara rushed up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss.

'I thought someone had taken you...' she said after pausing.

' What do you mean sara?' I asked.

She bit her lip.

'Let's go see if finn has done anymore damage.' sara said giggling.

We headed off to my room and I came in to see finn slap our hostage again.

' Hunny what are you doing?' I said holding back his wrist.

' he thinks you two are "inlove" ' he said squinching his wrist that i was holding to do in air quotations.

I giggled and patted the guy's shoulder.




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Finn blushed and turned to the man who then spat on him.

' She was totally into me.' he said trying to get finn rilled up.

Finn gave him an 'as if' look after checking out the guy.

I ran down the hall way and started biting my nails. We saw Michael staring at a painting.

Sara rushed up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss.

'I thought someone had taken you...' she said after pausing.

' What do you mean sara?' I asked.

She bit her lip.

'Let's go see if finn has done anymore damage.' sara said giggling.

We headed off to my room and I came in to see finn slap our hostage again.

' Hunny what are you doing?' I said holding back his wrist.

' he thinks you two are "inlove" ' he said squinching his wrist that i was holding to do in air quotations.

I giggled and patted the guy's shoulder.


'Jools, I'm really not sure you should go in there--wait until you calm down a bit, at least, please!' I pleaded, trying to hold a furious JJL back whilst dodging randomly aimed blasts from her eyes.

'Let me go in there! That f*cker is what made me such a mess, I'll--get off me!' She yelled, shoving my hand away. I grabbed her arm to restrain her and she turned and glared at me. I winced.

'I said, get off me. Go back to your bloody Alek, you obviously prefer his company to mine,' she hissed, and yanked her arm away.

'OK, fine!' I yelled at her back. I knew I shouldn't be pissed off, but I was. She was being so grumpy--and besides, she would hardly have enjoyed sleeping in my room that night, not with--

I shook my head to clear it, and realised what JJL was probably about to do. I sprinted down the hall to catch up, but she had already reached the door to where her ex was tied up. She didn't have much problem getting past Fin and David, who just stood watching. In fact, she shoved them out of the room and slammed the door, just as the PPR girls came running.

We stood there worrying.

'She's really pissed off...what if she blasts him?'

'She might control it, but she hasn't really been able to since she got pregnant...'

'Guys, shut up and listen!'

We put our ears to the door but we couldn't hear...anything. We dragged M over and she translated.


'Hello, Thom,' said JJL, her voice soft.

Thom gulped. 'Er...Julia! What, um, I didn't know you were a--'

'What? Didn't know I'm a PPR? Didn't expect me to pull my life back together after you f*cked me over like that? Thought I'd just dwindle into depression and eventually suicide? Well, guess what. I'm still here.'

'Um, that's, um, great. I see you've got anoth--um, a baby on the way.'

'Yeah. Yeah, this is the child of another piece of pond scum, just like you. Looks like you've doomed me for life, Thom. I no longer have the sense to find someone who can treat me like an equal.'


He didn't get the chance to reply. JJL slapped him--hard.


'Sh*t, she just hit him! Sounds like it hurt,' said M.

I swore. 'We've got to get her out of there--she seems like the 'kill first, ask questions later' type of person. We still don't know what this guy wants with us. He might be working for the government.'

I turned to ask David and Finn to pin JJL down, but they weren't there. Just then, Cosmo came running up, panting.

'David and Finn are going at eachother outside. I can't find any of the other guys, can you help me? I think they might kill eachother...'

Crap. Where were Mav's ninja skills when you needed them?

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'Jools, I'm really not sure you should go in there--wait until you calm down a bit, at least, please!' I pleaded, trying to hold a furious JJL back whilst dodging randomly aimed blasts from her eyes.

'Let me go in there! That f*cker is what made me such a mess, I'll--get off me!' She yelled, shoving my hand away. I grabbed her arm to restrain her and she turned and glared at me. I winced.

'I said, get off me. Go back to your bloody Alek, you obviously prefer his company to mine,' she hissed, and yanked her arm away.

'OK, fine!' I yelled at her back. I knew I shouldn't be pissed off, but I was. She was being so grumpy--and besides, she would hardly have enjoyed sleeping in my room that night, not with--

I shook my head to clear it, and realised what JJL was probably about to do. I sprinted down the hall to catch up, but she had already reached the door to where her ex was tied up. She didn't have much problem getting past Fin and David, who just stood watching. In fact, she shoved them out of the room and slammed the door, just as the PPR girls came running.

We stood there worrying.

'She's really pissed off...what if she blasts him?'

'She might control it, but she hasn't really been able to since she got pregnant...'

'Guys, shut up and listen!'

We put our ears to the door but we couldn't hear...anything. We dragged M over and she translated.


'Hello, Thom,' said JJL, her voice soft.

Thom gulped. 'Er...Julia! What, um, I didn't know you were a--'

'What? Didn't know I'm a PPR? Didn't expect me to pull my life back together after you f*cked me over like that? Thought I'd just dwindle into depression and eventually suicide? Well, guess what. I'm still here.'

'Um, that's, um, great. I see you've got anoth--um, a baby on the way.'

'Yeah. Yeah, this is the child of another piece of pond scum, just like you. Looks like you've doomed me for life, Thom. I no longer have the sense to find someone who can treat me like an equal.'


He didn't get the chance to reply. JJL slapped him--hard.


'Sh*t, she just hit him! Sounds like it hurt,' said M.

I swore. 'We've got to get her out of there--she seems like the 'kill first, ask questions later' type of person. We still don't know what this guy wants with us. He might be working for the government.'

I turned to ask David and Finn to pin JJL down, but they weren't there. Just then, Cosmo came running up, panting.

'David and Finn are going at eachother outside. I can't find any of the other guys, can you help me? I think they might kill eachother...'

Crap. Where were Mav's ninja skills when you needed them?

"Oh lord." I said just like my cousins with their southern accents.

I dragged my ear away from the door and jogged outside to see finn pinning david on the ground.

"I HATE YOU!" he yelled quite loudly for some security guards to jump.

"I HATE YOU MORE!" yelled david.

It was like watching to baby kittnes play. Two baby girl kittens.

"Good god, what are you doing finn?" I asked impatiently.

Finn headlocked david.

"Teaching him a lesson."

I rolled my eyes.

"We need your help to get JJL to stop abusing thom."

David's eyes sparkled. "I would help if this wuss wasn't ontop of me. I'm actually letting him win to make him feel more of a woman than the little girl he is." David winked at me and finn got up and body slammed him.

I cringed.

Cosmo's eyes widened.

"Finn get off of him, dude!"

Finn looked at Cosmo. "I would take your advice any other time than this. He is trying to steal my woman!" and with that david wacked finn so hard he flew off of him.

" YOUR woman?" he looked astonished.

Cosmo made a wise buddha type face.

"It's true , that's number one worst thing to do to another guy."

"I shouldn't be "possessed" by any of you. I am not a possession. I am a lady!" I stormed off back to the room.

JJL Had thom pinned on the ground and was biting his ear so hard it was bleeding.

"Holy cow!" Exclaimed artsy.

"Holy cow, holy cow, holy cow, holy cow!" she repeated not knowing what to do.

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