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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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hehehe.. You don't want me to post.. I once made a baby explode.. Kaboom Syndrome *zhhz*



oh memories.


(this will be sucky cos I haven't written for ages :naughty:)


We finally got to the hospital and instantly JJL was rushed into the emergency room while the rest of us were seen to by a doctor. After examining each us we were told that, luckily, the blindness was temporary and should pass within a few days. We went back out to the waiting room to wait. (surprisingly that's what waiting rooms are for.)


Suddenly, we all heard a scream come from the room JJL was in and all stood up quickly to rush to it, but being blind we all just ended up bumping into it each other and landed on the floor. Tristan laughed as we rubbed our heads and then offered to go look for us. We nodded, gratefully and grinning stupidly.

When Tristan returned he spoke in a low voice to us.

"I've never seen anything like it" he said

"What?" replied Artsy. "What is it?"

"The baby. It has no body." said Tristan. "It's just a head"









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*suspicious look*


And just what do you mean by that, eh?:sneaky2:

everything was so planned


"No, Mika4life13 you can't have mika's babies."

"No, Mika4life13 you cant be a runway supermodel with long legs."

"No,Mika4life13 you can't have superhuman hearing."



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I heard my baby had no body and teared up wondering what the hell. Tristan walked out obviously to tell the rest. I let out another mighty scream. I was having Twins, I'd forgotten. After half an hour had passed, I had given birth to the second of my babies. It was a boy. A lovely boy with a body. Then the nurses screamed one at a time. "It has a body"

Obviously indecating the other one. It- She apparentally had been born invisible... so that was her power. Grand... that'll be an interesting child to have. After washing them down and bundling them up. I had both of my lovely children in my arms. I had no clue what they looked like but their feelings were enough. I could feel the bond we had to each other. I couldn't wait till I could go home and show my parents. Not to mention when I had my sight back. Then I remembered. I'd have to track down their father... Rather he'd have to track me down. I remembered he was American. We had met in a nightclub in Fance, both a little tipsy. The night had ended good. All I knew was his name was Mick, and he truely was beautiful. So hopefully. My children would grow up with a father. I felt the midwife take my babies one at a time and lay them in their cribs. And then I feel asleep.


When I woke up I could see again. The PPR's had just collapsed around my bed... in quite a few weird positions. Then I looked around and I saw my children. One in a pink blanket. She had a thick blob of dark brown hair... one eye slightly open to reveil vivid green eyes. She had my face and pale skin though. Then a blue blanket. A little boy. My mum's red hair. It would be curly in a few years. My blue eyes. and a mixture of both mine and his fathers face. I just sat staring at them in wonder... the PPR's slowly began to wake up... all slowly coming to the conclusion that they could see again. Then they saw my babies and the questions came "Wasn't one without a body?" asked M

"What will you name them?" Artsy prodded

"Who was the father?" Mika asked and the room went silent

"The little girl WAS born invisible. Apparentally she can turn invisible so that'll be a joy ride. I'm still deciding on the names. And the father... I have to track him down." I replied to the questions

Then "What are the names?" was thrown at me from various directions

"I have Alex for either. Rose, girl obviously. Anthony or Michael. Or for the girl Rain. I'm not entirely sure yet."

"Alex and Rose" was called out to me from everyone. And I agreed. They were the names for my kids.

"Alex and Rose it is then. The father can choose middle names if he wants when I find him. Which reminds me. Hand me that waterproof bag somebody" I said. And Calvin handed me the bag I pointed to. "Thanks" I muttered while typing in various names, passcodes and other illegal things. The PPR's watched over my shoulder in shock.

"Where did you learn to do that?" ER asked with wide eyes

"Mum. Computers. Hacking. Don't ask. Don't tell." I muttered again in reply I pressed enter a few times and then "Yes! I found him!"


"Where is he?"

"Who is he?" was asked various times.

"He appears to live not to far away in (Insert name of place) only an hour or so trip. So once they let us out. And I get some more baby stuff. We can go and find him."

Then... There was a knock at the door...




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everything was so planned


"No, Mika4life13 you can't have mika's babies."

"No, Mika4life13 you cant be a runway supermodel with long legs."

"No,Mika4life13 you can't have superhuman hearing."




You almost had Mika's babies, but everything was SO unplanned that it went into a different direction.:bleh:


And you DO have superhuman hearing. I included it in my last post!:blink:


I don't know about everyone else, but the last (and only, as far as I remember) planning that I did was plotting to kill Kevin.

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You almost had Mika's babies, but everything was SO unplanned that it went into a different direction.:bleh:


And you DO have superhuman hearing. I included it in my last post!:blink:


I don't know about everyone else, but the last (and only, as far as I remember) planning that I did was plotting to kill Kevin.

But i wasnt allowed at first because baby could translate different languages ... reeemmmeeemmbbbeeerrr!?!?!

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I heard my baby had no body and teared up wondering what the hell. Tristan walked out obviously to tell the rest. I let out another mighty scream. I was having Twins, I'd forgotten. After half an hour had passed, I had given birth to the second of my babies. It was a boy. A lovely boy with a body. Then the nurses screamed one at a time. "It has a body"

Obviously indecating the other one. It- She apparentally had been born invisible... so that was her power. Grand... that'll be an interesting child to have. After washing them down and bundling them up. I had both of my lovely children in my arms. I had no clue what they looked like but their feelings were enough. I could feel the bond we had to each other. I couldn't wait till I could go home and show my parents. Not to mention when I had my sight back. Then I remembered. I'd have to track down their father... Rather he'd have to track me down. I remembered he was American. We had met in a nightclub in Fance, both a little tipsy. The night had ended good. All I knew was his name was Mick, and he truely was beautiful. So hopefully. My children would grow up with a father. I felt the midwife take my babies one at a time and lay them in their cribs. And then I feel asleep.


When I woke up I could see again. The PPR's had just collapsed around my bed... in quite a few weird positions. Then I looked around and I saw my children. One in a pink blanket. She had a thick blob of dark brown hair... one eye slightly open to reveil vivid green eyes. She had my face and pale skin though. Then a blue blanket. A little boy. My mum's red hair. It would be curly in a few years. My blue eyes. and a mixture of both mine and his fathers face. I just sat staring at them in wonder... the PPR's slowly began to wake up... all slowly coming to the conclusion that they could see again. Then they saw my babies and the questions came "Wasn't one without a body?" asked M

"What will you name them?" Artsy prodded

"Who was the father?" Mika asked and the room went silent

"The little girl WAS born invisible. Apparentally she can turn invisible so that'll be a joy ride. I'm still deciding on the names. And the father... I have to track him down." I replied to the questions

Then "What are the names?" was thrown at me from various directions

"I have Alex for either. Rose, girl obviously. Anthony or Michael. Or for the girl Rain. I'm not entirely sure yet."

"Alex and Rose" was called out to me from everyone. And I agreed. They were the names for my kids.

"Alex and Rose it is then. The father can choose middle names if he wants when I find him. Which reminds me. Hand me that waterproof bag somebody" I said. And Calvin handed me the bag I pointed to. "Thanks" I muttered while typing in various names, passcodes and other illegal things. The PPR's watched over my shoulder in shock.

"Where did you learn to do that?" ER asked with wide eyes

"Mum. Computers. Hacking. Don't ask. Don't tell." I muttered again in reply I pressed enter a few times and then "Yes! I found him!"


"Where is he?"

"Who is he?" was asked various times.

"He appears to live not to far away in (Insert name of place) only an hour or so trip. So once they let us out. And I get some more baby stuff. We can go and find him."

Then... There was a knock at the door...

The doctor walked in and stared at JJL. "

There's been a complication we need to see you and..baby girl." He scooped up Rose, and lead JJL out of the room. We all stared, our eyes a bit weary from some meds.

"Well, at least I can see you again." said finn kissing my face as if he was intentionally forcing it inwards for me to be a concave faced woman.

The others gawked and turned away.

Phunks stared out the window.

"So...san antonio bound?"

We all nodded. Something wasn't as fufilling as being blind. The hospital stench wasn't as strong though.

I broke away from Finn's grasping lips as I heard a scream far away.

"What M?" he asked tugging on my shirt.

"Shh.." I said listening. Someone was screaming words. It sounded like JJL. Impossible, she just went down the hall with the doctor. I rushed to the window to see a familiar girl's head popped out of a grey van screaming.I noticed finn pop up beside me.

"Is that...?'

"Julia.. JULIA! GUYS!" finn yelled grabbing his drenched coat.

"JJL's .. kidnapped, i... i think!" I said pointing at the van.

Everyone stared.

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Honestly? No........was I present for this conversation?:blink:

Hmm maybe not, I just remember some PPRs were on gabbly thinking up powers, and i had no idea what kindof power i wanted, but i remembered i had good hearing, so i *asked* if i could have superhuman hearing, but then i started controversy :lmfao: In the end i got my hearing.

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Hmm maybe not, I just remember some PPRs were on gabbly thinking up powers, and i had no idea what kindof power i wanted, but i remembered i had good hearing, so i *asked* if i could have superhuman hearing, but then i started controversy :lmfao: In the end i got my hearing.

Baby could understand mumbling and she said if you had superhearing then her power would be useless. :wink2: And she was right.

But she's not here anymore *evil laughter* :lol3:

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I was in there from 10 til 1, and halfway through, I desparately wanted to say 'Stop! No, my hairr!' as I watched it fall off, but it turned out really well :biggrin2: I'll take a piccy later tonight and email it to ya in the morning. I can't be bothered to do stupid things with my mobile :naughty:

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I was in there from 10 til 1, and halfway through, I desparately wanted to say 'Stop! No, my hairr!' as I watched it fall off, but it turned out really well :biggrin2: I'll take a piccy later tonight and email it to ya in the morning. I can't be bothered to do stupid things with my mobile :naughty:

:lmfao: I'm looking forward to it!

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i got some new clothes, but it's boring, and im hot. :sad:


(: sounds lovely :)


Awww...no AC? *hands you a glass of iced tea*


I'm sure it's hot here too, but I'm holed up in the house with the curtains and blinds completely closed and the air conditioner on high.:naughty:

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David Suzuki would kill you :lmfao:


Hey, I'm going to the #1 most eco-friendly university in California and #5 in the US in a little over a week. We have solar panels on our roof and a water conserver thingy in our toilet tank. We recycle paper, plastic, and aluminum at an almost obsessive level in this household.


I'm not losing any sleep over cool air.:naughty:

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