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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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No.... *gives yu big bloo puppy dog eyes*

:naughty: Where's the last post?!

Seriously? Talk more about me *combs hair and listens*


They're always like that I'm the normal one *fake smile*


You were almost normal.:bleh: Like texting or msn. Proving once more that practice makes perfect.


Suuuuuuuuuure you are.:arf2:

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:naughty: Where's the last post?!



You were almost normal.:bleh: Like texting or msn. Proving once more that practice makes perfect.


Suuuuuuuuuure you are.:arf2:

Go find ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. it's by JJL.


almost? :lmfao: closer than ive ever been before...


Awww yay that made my day.

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So close!


Aw, I'm glad.


What made my day was when skinny-pretty-Kim watched me down a HUGE stack of pancakes this morning and was like, ":shocked:ZOMG, how do you eat that much and stay thin?! If I took one bite of those, I'd balloon up to a size 18!!"


*cue sweet smile on the outside/evil cackle on the inside and a confidence boost because the size 2 thinks I look thin*



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So close!


Aw, I'm glad.


What made my day was when skinny-pretty-Kim watched me down a HUGE stack of pancakes this morning and was like, ":shocked:ZOMG, how do you eat that much and stay thin?! If I took one bite of those, I'd balloon up to a size 18!!"


*cue sweet smile on the outside/evil cackle on the inside and a confidence boost because the size 2 thinks I look thin*



Awwww that's sweet/

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Is this it?


I smelt the man who was kidnapping my child and adultnapping me. It was Reece, F*ck. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him hoping you know it was something me... power could influence.

"Because." Is all he said

I tried to read his emotions, but the wall had come back up, it was like he was a robot, or a totally different person. You have to mask your emotions with another emotion. There was nothing. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. Then I was tied up, gagged and put in this room where this constent dripping was happening. It was driving me NUTS!!! I kept on hear weird noises too. And my baby. I was such a bad parent, I couldn't even last a full day without SOMETHING happening. I started crying. Grand. I really wanted something to do. It just occured to me. I have powers, why aren't I using them. I zapped the blindfold off, and the ropes on my arms and legs. Took the gag out and ran for the door. Zapped the handle off and killed every known to find my baby. It was like PMS-ing, but to a whole new level. I heard a cry and followed it. I found my child, alone on the ground, covered in Pee. I grabbed her and ran. I found the door outside and waited for a couple minutes. Then a hippie van pulled up, I saw Beaky up the front and hopped in.

"Thank you guys! Now how do I fix her?" I thanked then begged.

They helped me clean her up, and we went and collected the others then...

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I smelt the man who was kidnapping my child and adultnapping me. It was Reece, F*ck. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him hoping you know it was something me... power could influence.

"Because." Is all he said

I tried to read his emotions, but the wall had come back up, it was like he was a robot, or a totally different person. You have to mask your emotions with another emotion. There was nothing. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. Then I was tied up, gagged and put in this room where this constent dripping was happening. It was driving me NUTS!!! I kept on hear weird noises too. And my baby. I was such a bad parent, I couldn't even last a full day without SOMETHING happening. I started crying. Grand. I really wanted something to do. It just occured to me. I have powers, why aren't I using them. I zapped the blindfold off, and the ropes on my arms and legs. Took the gag out and ran for the door. Zapped the handle off and killed every known to find my baby. It was like PMS-ing, but to a whole new level. I heard a cry and followed it. I found my child, alone on the ground, covered in Pee. I grabbed her and ran. I found the door outside and waited for a couple minutes. Then a hippie van pulled up, I saw Beaky up the front and hopped in.

"Thank you guys! Now how do I fix her?" I thanked then begged.

They helped me clean her up, and we went and collected the others then...


...we drove to a small hotel and commandeered an entire floor for all of us to use. It cost a fortune, but it was worth it. I left the main room to go get ice for soda (why don't they ever keep ice in the room?!) and strolled down the hall with the bucket, whistling a tune and feeling generally content with the world.

I filled the bucket at the machine and began to walk back to the room, passing the stairs when something caught my eye. It looked like writing on the wall. Pausing in my whistling, I stepped up to the wall, standing in front of the stairs. Squinting, I peered at the tiny letters written in a neat, round print in green magic marker.


don't drop the ice.


My brow wrinkled in confusion. Don't drop the ice? Was this some sort of riddle or joke? Why would I (or anyone, really) drop the ice?

Just then, someone shoved me from the side, toppling me over. I didn't scream, but was silent in shock as I watched the stairs rush up to greet me. The ice bucket slid from my nerveless fingers as I fell, and I rolled over and over, finally stopping at the stairwell in between floors. As I landed, I heard a rattle, and barely had time to react as I saw the dropped ice bucket tumbling down the stairs after me. I ducked my head out of the way as it landed with a clatter next to me. So that's why I should have held onto the ice.

I ached all over, and I knew that if it weren't for my special DNA cocktail, I'd be dead. A normal human neck would have snapped on impact. I looked up the stairs, but whoever had pushed me had, naturally, disappeared. Ice cubes littered the steps. Slowly standing, I picked up the bucket and climbed the stairs, watching carefully for any sign of the culprit. Filling the bucket again, I walked back down the hall, scanning every doorway and too much on edge to whistle. When I got back to the others, I told them what happened, and we began to secure our rooms against intruders. We couldn't leave, it was too late at night, but we could at least keep an eye out and make sure everyone was safe.

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...we drove to a small hotel and commandeered an entire floor for all of us to use. It cost a fortune, but it was worth it. I left the main room to go get ice for soda (why don't they ever keep ice in the room?!) and strolled down the hall with the bucket, whistling a tune and feeling generally content with the world.

I filled the bucket at the machine and began to walk back to the room, passing the stairs when something caught my eye. It looked like writing on the wall. Pausing in my whistling, I stepped up to the wall, standing in front of the stairs. Squinting, I peered at the tiny letters written in a neat, round print in green magic marker.


don't drop the ice.


My brow wrinkled in confusion. Don't drop the ice? Was this some sort of riddle or joke? Why would I (or anyone, really) drop the ice?

Just then, someone shoved me from the side, toppling me over. I didn't scream, but was silent in shock as I watched the stairs rush up to greet me. The ice bucket slid from my nerveless fingers as I fell, and I rolled over and over, finally stopping at the stairwell in between floors. As I landed, I heard a rattle, and barely had time to react as I saw the dropped ice bucket tumbling down the stairs after me. I ducked my head out of the way as it landed with a clatter next to me. So that's why I should have held onto the ice.

I ached all over, and I knew that if it weren't for my special DNA cocktail, I'd be dead. A normal human neck would have snapped on impact. I looked up the stairs, but whoever had pushed me had, naturally, disappeared. Ice cubes littered the steps. Slowly standing, I picked up the bucket and climbed the stairs, watching carefully for any sign of the culprit. Filling the bucket again, I walked back down the hall, scanning every doorway and too much on edge to whistle. When I got back to the others, I told them what happened, and we began to secure our rooms against intruders. We couldn't leave, it was too late at night, but we could at least keep an eye out and make sure everyone was safe.

Finn and I walked back to our room hand in hand. We admired the lovely view of the ocean for what seemed hours. Just lieing on the bed wrapped in eachother's arms. I noticed something odd happening outside on the beach. I leaned out of his arms to take a peak. There was a man running and checking behind him every few steps. Suspiscous. I carefully lied back down and closed my eyes.

"M , wake up." My eyes opened and I saw a blurry finn attempting to kindly wake me up. I smiled at him.

"M, wake up!" he persisted, obviously something was up.

I frowned.


He grabbed my hand and hoisted me up, I noticed our door was open. Kelzy's eyes were opened wide as she sat on the ground with the PPRs standing in a circle around her.

She was explaining she had picked up someone's mind signals not from the PPRs.

"And he thought smething like "I hope that chick didn't see me or I'd have to..." she looked at Artsy then at the ground. Artsy groaned and sat down on the floor.

"Yeah yeah i know."

I got up and hobbled tiredly overr to the group. It was nearing 6am. I must have fell asleep with finn.

Kelzy bit her lip. And we all looked scaredly around my room.

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oops, so so sorry, arts.


*awkwardly edits post*



This name thing is making me a little paranoid.:naughty:

artsy is awesome.....*hides*

What did I do to prompt such praise?:blink:



did you JUST realize that?


..why am i so dizzy?


I'm not sure, why ARE you so dizzy?

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Finn and I walked back to our room hand in hand. We admired the lovely view of the ocean for what seemed hours. Just lieing on the bed wrapped in eachother's arms. I noticed something odd happening outside on the beach. I leaned out of his arms to take a peak. There was a man running and checking behind him every few steps. Suspiscous. I carefully lied back down and closed my eyes.

"M , wake up." My eyes opened and I saw a blurry finn attempting to kindly wake me up. I smiled at him.

"M, wake up!" he persisted, obviously something was up.

I frowned.


He grabbed my hand and hoisted me up, I noticed our door was open. Kelzy's eyes were opened wide as she sat on the ground with the PPRs standing in a circle around her.

She was explaining she had picked up someone's mind signals not from the PPRs.

"And he thought smething like "I hope that chick didn't see me or I'd have to..." she looked at Artsy then at the ground. Artsy groaned and sat down on the floor.

"Yeah yeah i know."

I got up and hobbled tiredly overr to the group. It was nearing 6am. I must have fell asleep with finn.

Kelzy bit her lip. And we all looked scaredly around my room.


We talked it over and decided to check out early. We'd barely made it through the night, and the situation was feeling just a bit too risky, especially with all of the children with us. We hopped in the van and got out on the road. We were on the highway for hours, no civilization in sight except for run-down gas stations. In them, we were able to fill up on gas, but everytime we asked each tough, ancient-looking attendant where the nearest hotel or motel or hostel, or heck, just some sort of shelter where we could stay for the night was, the answer was less than what we wanted. Each time, the attendant's eyes, either beady black or watery blue, would narrow, (whether in distrust or thought, we were never quite sure) and the leathery, bronzed face would, if possible, become even more wrinkled, and after a few moments of silence that made all of us twitchy, an answer would finally be given. It was so quiet and husky, in a thick accent deeply eroded by years of smoking, that we couldn't understand a word, and with fake smiles on our faces, nodded like we understood, then quickly backed out the door. Morning passed, then afternoon came and went, and soon, it was evening, then night. It was around 11 at night that we passed an old farmhouse that looked deserted.

There was a brief argument over the moral implications, but finally, our need for a place to stay overrided any guilt we felt over forcing ourselves in without invitation.

After searching for a doorbell and finding none, we lifted the large brass knocker on the door and let it fall. It clanked loudly and resonated throughout the house. No one answered, even after waiting for fifteen minutes and many more knocks. Finally, hesitantly, Mika placed his hand on the large doorknob and slowly turned. The door swung open as if it had been waiting for us. We exchanged nervous glances, then stepped inside.

The house was empty, and from the looks of things, had been for sometime. Everything was blanketed with a thick layer of dust, and when Finn accidentely brushed against some drapes hanging over a window, we were sent into fitful coughing for a few minutes.

I tiptoed into the kitchen and looked around. There didn't appear to be anything edible, and I grimaced as I watched a huge spider creep around on the table, unafraid of being squished or squashed.

As I turned to walk back to the others, I noticed something on the wall. Briefly remembering the last time I had seen something on a wall, I tensed up, then told myself I was being ridiculous, that it was a deserted house and there was no one for miles around. I stepped closer to see the writing.

It, like everything else, was covered with dirt and grime, and I silently chided myself again for being worried. Whatever it was, it had obviously been written years ago, or else it wouldn't have been so aged. Using my sleeve, I wiped at the wall, trying to remove a bit of the dust to better see the writing.


move to the left.


My blood ran cold. It was the same rounded lettering, in the same green marker, but it had to have been written at least five or ten years ago. I felt my breathing speeding up at this revelation, when I glanced below the first line and noticed a second and third one. Wiping this spot clean as well, I peered at the next sentence with a mixture of excitement, trepidation, and fear.


move to the left, artsy.


My vision narrowed and fixated on that one word. My name. How? Why? Who? HOW??! Feeling my hands begin to shake, I hurriedly read the last line. It was just one word.




"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, then heard a creaking sound from the ceiling above my head. Barely thinking about it, I jumped to the left, and a huge chunk of the ceiling fell right onto the spot where I had been standing. Looking up, I saw M and Phunky peering down at me with bewildered looks on their faces.


"We were just walking, and then it started to cave." M said, wringing her hands nervously. Becky peered into the kitchen, looked at me, Phunky, M, and most of all, the large piece of plaster and wood in the middle of the floor, and quickly summed up the situation.

"Better stay on the bottom floor, guys," she said, brows wrinkling in worry, "It's obviously not safe to be up there."

As I followed her out of the kitchen, I looked down and noticed that my hands were still shaking from the eerie experience.


For those of you who might be wondering whether or not this idea is from that one episode of a certain popular british science fiction show...well, it is.:bleh:

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