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So it seems things are changing for him...


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I don't really think he's forgotten about us or is shunning us or whatever. I get what you're saying, but his time can only be stretched so thin. He's got interviews, award shows, shows, meet and greets (if time allows), etc, etc, and he's constantly traveling. When does Mika get Mika time? I can only imagine how tired he must be after shows, and it must take a lot out of him to have to go outside and meet with fans. It just can't happen every time, especially with it being so cold outside. Weren't we all just saying we wanted him to be healthy?


It may be sad, but that's what's gonna happen as his popularity goes up. He can't meet with everyone, no matter how hard he tries. I hope his management doesn't set too many boundaries, but they've got to put Mika first and when you do the same thing over and over, concert after concert, I think any sane person would get at least a little annoyed.

I do so agree. He's gaining more fans, which is great. He is bound to soon start playing to stadiums, which is great. But it means he can't meet everyone, unless he clones himself. It is going to get harder, plus, his people are going to protect him (even if they don't really need to protect him from us) because he's their meal ticket.

I don't believe that Mika is ignoring his fans. Only the other week, we were concerned about Mika inviting the fans onstage. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't love his fans!

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:wub2: Well ... yes ... I was thinking about this today ........ how fortunate we were to MEET Mika .... sounds silly .. I know ... 'cos he's just a bloke with a great voice & wonderful musical arrangements ... pfffttt ... why DO WE get ourselves all hot & bothered about this guy ..... (my first time as a self confessed fan) ........ :blink::blush-anim-cl:


You make a very good point with this!!


If he wasn't different from all the others would we be so bothered about meeting him after? He is different, he is special, even though he's just a bloke making music, that's true.


I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly (do I ever :naughty: ), but I know that in all my 39 years I have never before felt the urge to meet a 'famous' person as much as Mika. I think he has that effect on most of us even if some of us don't /won't admit it :wink2: . Quite why he exerts this power over us, I do not know, maybe it's undefinable.


But, we also have to be realistic now. Things are going to change drastically. We mustn't be tempted to judge Mika on how long he stays around after a gig, or take it personally. I reckon the situation last night may have been a response to the idiotic behaviour of some 'fans' after the Brixton gig in December...banging on his car door? Was it Brixton? Maybe John/Mika haven't forgotten that and were just taking sensible precautions. We cannot blame them for that.


I sometimes get bitter and twisted about only having been to one Mika gig so far. But, looking back, I now feel so lucky to have just had the opportunity to say hello to Mika, thanks, get an autograph and a smile. It wasn't much, but it was something. Many people haven't had that yet. Some people have had much more than that. It's arbitrary and random and not, I believe, something Mika consciously plans; I am sure he doesn't consciously want to ruin anyone's night, and anyway, the most important thing surely is seeing him perform..??


It's just worth standing back from it all and seeing the bigger picture.

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I have only skimmed this thread but from what I have read so far....I wasn't there last night as was too tired and needed to sleep for tonight so went back to hotel but if you guys had taken notice of what I write. The ones who have been here for ages like Freddie and I have said this all along once MIKA! gets bigger it is impossible to do meet and greets as he would be there all night!

Yes at the beginning I met him and I am very, very, lucky that we have met on every occasion but last night. For those who are young or haven't met him it must be frustrating but that's when the competitions take over and you get to meet him that way and more intimate meetings.

Unfortunately he has made it hard for himself as fans EXPECT him to do meet and greets but the sooner you realise the bigger the place and more famous he becomes the more difficult it will become.

Remember guys there is only 1 MIKA to go around us all so please don't EXPECT him to do anything then it will be a nice surprise when you do meet him!

Have to go as soooo tired falling asleep over my laptop!

BTW last night one word.......FANTASTICAL! :thumb_yello:


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I have only skimmed this thread but from what I have read so far....I wasn't there last night as was too tired and needed to sleep for tonight so went back to hotel but if you guys had taken notice of what I write. The ones who have been here for ages like Freddie and I have said this all along once MIKA! gets bigger it is impossible to do meet and greets as he would be there all night!

Yes at the beginning I met him and I am very, very, lucky that we have met on every occasion but last night. For those who are young or haven't met him it must be frustrating but that's when the competitions take over and you get to meet him that way and more intimate meetings.

Unfortunately he has made it hard for himself as fans EXPECT him to do meet and greets but the sooner you realise the bigger the place and more famous he becomes the more difficult it will become.

Remember guys there is only 1 MIKA to go around us all so please don't EXPECT him to do anything then it will be a nice surprise when you do meet him!Have to go as soooo tired falling asleep over my laptop!

BTW last night one word.......FANTASTICAL! :thumb_yello:



Wise words daisylou :thumb_yello:


Have a nice sleep!!

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i have to go to sleep...

but i wanna say something about this...


i think mika would like to say hi after the shows... but i think it has to do with security at the venue to....


from what ive seen in the USA and the UK... its more orgenized in the US and thats why its easier to see him...


but i allso think that mika has 2 more shows left and he will probably give more time tomorrow or a day after... i just hope the orgenizing part will be good cause from what i remember in brixton it wasnt that great... i hope this time it will be better for everyone that will go...


i didnt read all the reviews from tonight but i hope people will leave happier tomorrow and a day after.



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You make a very good point with this!!


If he wasn't different from all the others would we be so bothered about meeting him after? He is different, he is special, even though he's just a bloke making music, that's true.


I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly (do I ever :naughty: ), but I know that in all my 39 years I have never before felt the urge to meet a 'famous' person as much as Mika. I think he has that effect on most of us even if some of us don't /won't admit it :wink2: . Quite why he exerts this power over us, I do not know, maybe it's undefinable.


But, we also have to be realistic now. Things are going to change drastically. We mustn't be tempted to judge Mika on how long he stays around after a gig, or take it personally. I reckon the situation last night may have been a response to the idiotic behaviour of some 'fans' after the Brixton gig in December...banging on his car door? Was it Brixton? Maybe John/Mika haven't forgotten that and were just taking sensible precautions. We cannot blame them for that.


I sometimes get bitter and twisted about only having been to one Mika gig so far. But, looking back, I now feel so lucky to have just had the opportunity to say hello to Mika, thanks, get an autograph and a smile. It wasn't much, but it was something. Many people haven't had that yet. Some people have had much more than that. It's arbitrary and random and not, I believe, something Mika consciously plans; I am sure he doesn't consciously want to ruin anyone's night, and anyway, the most important thing surely is seeing him perform..??


It's just worth standing back from it all and seeing the bigger picture.

I haven't met him yet, and I'm going to the concert on Thursday. I hope to meet him and have even got him a gift. but I realise I might not meet him, and that's okay. After the concerts he must be shattered! It's good of him to even meet 50 or so people. I think what we have to consider here, is that it's WHEN HE'S ON THE STAGE THAT HE'S GREETING HIS FANS. We need to remember the effort he puts into all his shows. He's already planning things for when he starts playing to stadiums. He said, in some interview, he's going to make sure there is something happening all over the stadium, so people don't feel left out!

Those are not the words of a person shunning the fans who put him where he is. If I don't meet him on Thursday, I'll understand why I couldn't, and just take the memory of his wonderful concert home with me.

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I haven't met him yet, and I'm going to the concert on Thursday. I hope to meet him and have even got him a gift. but I realise I might not meet him, and that's okay. After the concerts he must be shattered! It's good of him to even meet 50 or so people. I think what we have to consider here, is that it's WHEN HE'S ON THE STAGE THAT HE'S GREETING HIS FANS. We need to remember the effort he puts into all his shows. He's already planning things for when he starts playing to stadiums. He said, in some interview, he's going to make sure there is something happening all over the stadium, so people don't feel left out!

Those are not the words of a person shunning the fans who put him where he is. If I don't meet him on Thursday, I'll understand why I couldn't, and just take the memory of his wonderful concert home with me.


Have a great time Marilyn, you will love it; you'll feel connected to Mika by witnessing his performance and interacting by way of the songs more than by saying hi to him afterwards. I did! Meeting him is lovely, yes, but it is secondary. Even if you are lucky enough to meet him, if you are like me, the thing you'll remember most is the performance, especially in a few weeks/months time.:thumb_yello:

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Backfired? That's quite an egoistical way of putting it

I'm aware that many have not been able to meet him,but if it was probably up to him,they would have

But again,that is what management is for ,to be the ones we get to hate ,and the ones who impose boundaries (for his sake)


BUT, has the big time changed him for good?

HE hasn't change much,but the proportions of his success have


And remember ,you started this thread as a reaction to a UK concert

Keep in mind,how huge he is there


You can't compare UK to US,or the rest of Europe for that matter

There are more MFC-ers there per square meter than anywhere else ,which mean more people waiting afterwards than anywhere else


So It's normal that more complex meet and greets will happen where there are less fans involved

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Ive always wanted him to be huge , an internatinal mega star , it was obvious from day one to me he would do that and even more so at the concerts as more and more people expected him to be there.


It must be insane after 2 hours of the energy he puts in to then see 100+people waiting for him .. eekkkk tough


And will get tougher :boxed:

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Ive always wanted him to be huge , an internatinal mega star , it was obvious from day one to me he would do that and even more so at the concerts as more and more people expected him to be there.


It must be insane after 2 hours of the energy he puts in to then see 100+people waiting for him .. eekkkk tough


And will get tougher :boxed:


unlucky brits :mf_rosetinted:

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I'm not accusing or attacking anyone with the stuff I'm writing in this post, it's just some thoughts that have been on my mind for some months, while reading the forum...


I think, looking at Mika's newfound fame and success as a personal loss is very selfish, though understandable.


Of course people want to keep him "their" artist forever, yet wanting him to be so big he'll continue to be able to tour the world and come to their city, their venue, to play for them.


And to wish Mika's success was limited to just that, so that they're able to enjoy him on a more personal level, is very egoistic, as Mika clearly wants to "Rule the world". I know he says otherwise, but his work and determination to actually become more known everywhere, speaks for itself.


Also, to be so proud of being the first to love him, and to put that on a pedestal is a sort of elitism I feel is a bit... sickening in a way. The first fans are no better than the later fans, we just had the fortune of hearing of him earlier than the rest of the world.


We were indeed lucky to know him the days when he WOULD come out and meet with the fans before and after shows, and we can keep those times in our hearts, but not mourn that they are gone.. Rather should we be happy that Mika is getting to where he wants, even if that means we won't get as much time with him as we did.. At least we did! Alot of people will never get that, but will be happy with less.. and frankly, so should we.


Mika is not OURS. He never was, and he never will be.


Mika is Mika's.


We only got to borrow him for a little while, and we should treasure that, instead of mourn it.

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Also, to be so proud of being the first to love him, and to put that on a pedestal is a sort of elitism I feel is a bit... sickening in a way. The first fans are no better than the later fans, we just had the fortune of hearing of him earlier than the rest of the world.


Totally agree , I was just referring to the rise in his fortunes ..... Ive seen it happen first hand compared to maybe a newbie just coming in


There is no elitism in my eyes , I for one was just lucky and am speaking 1) being very proud and 2) experience

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I feel like people have gotten me wrong again...and that's no rarity:wub2:


My first post was written in a state of nostalgia... I'm not being "selfish" which has been the word tossed around (not particularly at me...but pretty much implied) I think people assumed that I was upset with his success or rather saw what they wanted to see from me...but my first sentence states otherwise.


I knew it was risky to start a thread like this, but I only said what many felt...and as far as being the first to love him, that is something to be proud of for me. I didn't mean that we deserve better treatment because some of us were his first fans. That would be an absurdity.


I'm going to school, be back later...or not... I already want a nap:wink2:

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Also, to be so proud of being the first to love him, and to put that on a pedestal is a sort of elitism I feel is a bit... sickening in a way. The first fans are no better than the later fans, we just had the fortune of hearing of him earlier than the rest of the world


Thank you for saying that

I decided not to because I'm not "one of the first",only joined in April so I figured I'd restrain from replying to any comments like "it's unfair that some that have joined later,got to meet him"

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Thank you for saying that

I decided not to because I'm not "one of the first",only joined in April so I figured I'd restrain from replying to any comments like "it's unfair that some that have joined later,got to meet him"


I dont get the thought pattern ... :boxed:


Why saying meeting at the start of his career and describing what that was like and saying to be proud , then describing how he has moved forward .. how does that equal being better??

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I dont get the thought pattern ... :boxed:


Why saying meeting at the start of his career and describing what that was like and saying to be proud , then describing how he has moved forward .. how does that equal being better??


It's because of the 'being better ' part


it's "I'm better and still didn't get to meet him (or didn't get the chance to do smth ,that others who joined later did)"


I'm not talking about the meeting at the start of his career

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It's because of the 'being better ' part


it's "I'm better and still didn't get to meet him (or didn't get the chance to do smth ,that others who joined later did)"


I'm not talking about the meeting at the start of his career


Ohh who said that ?? wasnt me was it :shocked:


Anyways Im dropping out .. tum te tummm .....


Nobody is "better" ... :boxed:

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Well i think it was a Brit concert and he's of course more famous over there and he has another gigs this week as well...so we should wait and see ! maybe he was a bit tired? or just wanted to go home for that he is in his hometown now....just leave the poor guy to his own decision... :naughty:

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I feel like people have gotten me wrong again...and that's no rarity:wub2:


Well that's because you used the word "backfired." (And the implication that a change in the way Mika interacts with fans due to logistics and difference in situation could mean a change of his personality.)


"Backfired" makes it sound like we were supporting him and trying to promote him with the idea that he would "owe" us or that he would still come and see us after every show, and then surprise! it did not happen. In fact, there is no surprise to this whatsoever--Mika being less accessible to fans is the natural consequence of his becoming more popular. It did not backfire on us that our support of him caused him to be more remote--it was the inevitable result of his success and of our success in supporting him.



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Of course people want to keep him "their" artist forever, yet wanting him to be so big he'll continue to be able to tour the world and come to their city, their venue, to play for them.


I've actually said exactly this recently -- in looking at how he's not

quite as widely known in the US, it's really a double-edged sword.


On one hand, I want him to be incredibly successful and can't figure

out why he isn't HUGE yet in the US -- why can't everyone see how

wonderful he is like I do?! :shocked:


Yet on the other hand I (selfishly, I admit it!)

would like to keep him exactly at this level of

popularity here -- popular enough to sell records and

want to tour here, but not SO popular that he is



I have a feeling that's not going to happen. He's

eventually going to get the attention here that he

has elsewhere, I'm sure *sigh*


I feel like people have gotten me wrong again...and that's no rarity:wub2:


My first post was written in a state of nostalgia... I'm not being "selfish" which has been the word tossed around (not particularly at me...but pretty much implied) I think people assumed that I was upset with his success or rather saw what they wanted to see from me...but my first sentence states otherwise.


I think people are just expressing opposite views from yours, that's all,

Mel. I certainly don't mean to come across as preachy or

like I'm attacking you, because I'm not feeling that way.


But while I agree that things are changing,

I *don't* think things have necessarily changed

that much... in this regard, at least.

I recall last year when bab and several

others were pretty disappointed that they didn't get to see him after

some London gig -- he just ran off. After so many other fans had had

wonderful post-gig meet-ups with him, they were left out in the cold.

OK, so bab isn't a REAL fan, but she was waiting to meet him, and she

has been NOT A REAL FAN for a pretty long time... :naughty:

I think after all

the shows she's been to, she STILL doesn't have a photo with him,

either. So even though a lot of us have gotten our piece of the Mika

pie (to borrow Mana's analogy), many are still hungry because

there's only so much to go around.


I think it's just going to happen sometimes, especially in the big cities,

like London and even New York to a degree, that Mika isn't going

to spend as much time with the fans afterwards. It's been hit or miss,

really, all along.


So yeah, things ARE changing for him, absolutely. I'm just not sure that

him not meeting the fans this one time is indicative of a wholesale

change in philosophy toward meet and greets, or that it means "the

big time" has changed Mika in a negative way.



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But while I agree that things are changing,

I *don't* think things have necessarily changed

that much... in this regard, at least. [...] It's been hit or miss,

really, all along.


So to sum up, my argument: He hasn't changed! We're still able to meet him most of the time, which is by far better than what you get with other artists!


Deb's argument: He hasn't changed! He's always been a bastard who runs off after shows when he feels like it. :naughty:



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