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So it seems things are changing for him...


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So to sum up, my argument: He hasn't changed! We're still able to meet him most of the time, which is by far better than what you get with other artists!


Deb's argument: He hasn't changed! He's always been a bastard who runs off after shows when he feels like it. :naughty:



:roftl: :roftl: Hahahaha !!! Also well said Jack ... !!!!!:thumb_yello:

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So to sum up, my argument: He hasn't changed! We're still able to meet him most of the time, which is by far better than what you get with other artists!


Deb's argument: He hasn't changed! He's always been a bastard who runs off after shows when he feels like it. :naughty:




:roftl: Well, if you're going to put it like that... hmmm...


Although I would never use the b-word in conjunction with Mika... I

don't know him that well. :wink2:


Bottom line: We agree. He hasn't changed! :naughty:



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So to sum up, my argument: He hasn't changed! We're still able to meet him most of the time, which is by far better than what you get with other artists!


Can I also add to this that I have NO idea what other performers do?

Until Mika, I have NEVER waited after a show to meet anyone.

(OK there was that one time after The Music Man on Broadway to meet

Craig Bierko, but that was because my friends really wanted to wait...

:naughty: )


And I don't think I ever would have stayed after to try to meet Mika

if a precedent hadn't already been set -- even though I said it was

hit or miss, it was and has been definitely more hit than miss... Your

chances of meeting Mika after a show have almost always been better

than 50/50.


So yes, I do think you're taking a chance on getting disappointed if you

wait after a show for him, but I do still think your chances are better

than 50/50 that you WILL get to see him. So in that respect really

nothing's changed... Unless from this day forward we see that he

repeatedly rushes out of gigs without meeting any of the fans after

a show. :blink:



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This conversation has cropped up a few times lately, in a bunch of other threads.


Yes, our l'il boy is growin' up. Did you see the size of the venue he's playing in Paris this July? Something like 47,000 people! I can't imagine. After seeing him in a 2,000 person venue, I sort of don't even want to imagine. That's July of 2008. As recently as November/December 2006, he was playing to crowds of less than a thousand.


500 people to 45,000 people in the space of 18 months is freakin' massive.


I don't necessarily think that the "fame" aspect was his goal when first making LICM. I think he wanted to get far enough with his music so that he could make a living with it, go on tour, and do what he obviously loves - perform.


I think that if we went back in time and told Mika in February 2006 that within two years he'd be selling out stadiums, and that LICM would sell more than five million copies...he'd probably giggle at us, not believing a word of it.


That said, it has happened...and a by-product of that is that access is getting sadly more limited. John gets to double as a bit of a drill sergeant after the shows, in order to make sure Mika doesn't get mobbed, or spend half his life signing things and posing for photos.


I don't believe for a moment that the fame has "changed" him, or that he's not deeply appreciative of his fans. I think he also knows that many an act has released a killer first album, only to have their second album flop. But, I'm sure that Mika himself has days when he dreads the thought of standing out in the cold to meet a long line of fans...not because of anything against his fans, but because he's cold/tired/sick/grumpy, or whatever.


But, it IS the end of an era. We got a fair bit of access at most stops on this last North American tour, even in LA were there was probably between 100 and 200 people lined up to meet him. But thinking back, less than a year ago he was playing in CD shops and bookstores.


So it's all an evolution. Moments like that, sadly are going to become rare things. And that postively sucks for the fans who have never gotten a moment with him, as well as for those who have gotten these moments but crave more. On this side of the pond, we're kind of lucky that US radio has been slow to embrace Mika. He may never play more to more that 3,000 people at most shows here, and while I wish him the best, I can't say I'd be too upset if that turns out to be the case.


I've waxed before about how, for us fans, it's sh*tty to think that we won't get pics and autographs. We won't get to give him gifts, and it'll be harder and harder to be front row at his shows.


The tradeoff is that this guy that we all love is getting to do what HE loves...and even if it's changing, at least we get to benefit. A new album is on the horizon, but who knows what Meeks has in store beyond that. A stadium tour? Followed by a rebel-against-stadiums intimate acoustic tour? Another DVD? So many possibilities.


I think that as bittersweet as it is, its helpful to focus on the fact that his star is only beginning to rise...even if he personally isn't as accessible, there's oh so much more still to come from him.


I'm not sure if any of that made sense, but it's my two cents...

As always, you put down in words in an excellent way!:thumb_yello:





As I think everybody else said (I haven't read every single page, I confess:blush-anim-cl: ), things are really changing. Though, the reason why I buy the ticket for his gig, hop on a plane to see him again in other countries it's cause I want to see him live, with all the other MFCers I've come to know so far. The chance to meet him after the gig is "just" the cherry on the top. I always hope to meet him, but that's not the main reason to go to his gigs, in my opinion. He doesn't have to come out to meet his fans, it's something he's almost always done so far, and it's wonderful, but he's not forced to.

I really feel sorry for all those who haven't met him yet, but we can't claim anything.

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I wanna back Deb up on this subject.

Things haven't changed THAT much.

Back in the summer, I remember some fans couldn't meet him after the gigs either. And I was certain, back at the time, that the old days were gone, that he had become to huge to greet his fans, and that I would never meet him.

This was in July 2007.


But he kept coming out to greet us, he kept posing for pics (if you were lucky enough, I agree)... So I don't think you can draw any conclusions from what happened last night.


Moreover, he has 3 gigs in a row, it's London, and the weather s*cks.

What can you expect? He must protect his health and he probably has realized by now that standing out in the cold after his performances wasn't such a good idea. :wink2:


Let's wait and see.

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I cannot complain.


I was totally gutted being the ONLY MFCer at his show in Tokyo last May, and not getting to meet him. The PMD after that was INTENSE.


But it eventually came full circle, and my avvie says it all after his second trip to Tokyo in July. But I am 100% certain that I only met him BECAUSE I was part of MFC. MFCers everywhere have passed on messages for others, mentioned friends and fellow MFCers to MIKA, we have all been part of the various projects, which we know he reads/looks at etc.... and he is definitely aware of many of us by name.


The change is purely in the level of his success which has natural consequences for us all.


More people need the loaves and fishes!! :naughty:

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i know i missed out, and it does make me feel bad, like it wasn't a 'real mika gig'

and i'm really tired of everyone telling me they wish they could have gone to this one. yes, it was amazing, but it wasn't complete. it was over in basically an hour, if that.


and IF he comes back to SLC.

I would feel the exact same way! Mika has to come back! :shocked: He didn't even give you a real concert! LOL I know he did his best with the cards he was dealt, but it still wasn't the real thing! :wub2: You'll get to see the full show some time!

yeah i have to say the confetti is pretty cool haha but still acoustic seems like you would get more pure uninterupted mika talent. i dont' know. acoustic just sounds cool, and unique :)



actually there were two barriers, and he met/took pictures with/hugged everybody on the LEFT side.


i was on the right. :(

The only thing better about the SLC gig was his hair and him talking more and Everybody's Talkin', but wouldn't you rather have a longer concert with more songs and more of Mika moving around the stage?! :wub2:

Why didn't you shove the people to the left of you out of the way?! :shocked: You have to be aggressive if you really want to get to say hi! :glasses2:

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I feel like people have gotten me wrong again...and that's no rarity:wub2:


My first post was written in a state of nostalgia... I'm not being "selfish" which has been the word tossed around ...I knew it was risky to start a thread like this, but I only said what many felt


I don't see why starting a thread like this should be considered risky.


The fact remains that a year ago, this whole success thing was still new to Mika - his shows were a lot smaller, and he was able to spend more time with fans (you only need to look to the DVD, which shows footage of him being casual and taking pictures with fans).


Things HAVE changed, on a general level - and I don't think Melanie is making that judgement based solely on this one London show. Her two experiences in Chicago, eight months apart, were quite different.


This isn't Mika's "fault". It's simply a bittersweet by-product of his enormous success. But the end result is that it, for better or for worse, it changes the "fan experience".


On one hand, we get a mind-blowing show with confetti, Gray Skelly, and the fabulous costumes. The trade off is that when Mika IS able to meet fans afterward, it's (as I think CharlotteChristy put it) a cattle call, being barked at by security and John. Yes, we are thankful for every little bit Mika is able to give us...but that doesn't make anyone on here a bad person for wanting a little bit more, and pining for the days when he WAS able to give more.


There's also, I think, a bit of (understandable) entitlement going on with some longer-term fans. These people were in on the Mika Secret when it WAS just a secret, and have loyally gone to gigs, bought the album, the singles, the DVD...and still haven't had their moment with him. I don't fault them for wanting a piece of the Mika pie. Especially being on here, and constantly reading about everyone else's slice. I think, though, that more and more, disappointment is going to be increasingly common.


That said, there are plenty of people who are okay with Mika getting up, doing his shows, and getting out of there. That's fine too - each of us envisions the "Mika Experience" to involve different things, and I don't think it's fair to fault someone for hoping to get certain things out of their Mika Experience.


...in looking at how he's not quite as widely known in the US, it's really a double-edged sword.


On one hand, I want him to be incredibly successful and can't figure out why he isn't HUGE yet in the US -- why can't everyone see how wonderful he is \ like I do?! :shocked:


Yet on the other hand I (selfishly, I admit it!) would like to keep him exactly at this level of popularity here -- popular enough to sell records and want to tour here, but not SO popular that he is inaccessible.


I agree 100%. The thought of seeing him in a stadium is a bit depressing. So I feel no shame in sitting here hoping that his next US tour is still small-ish...especially since it's out of our hands. Deb and I can selfishly hope that Mika remains more accessible here, but since it's not exactly within our control (:mf_rosetinted:), there's no harm in doing a bit of wishful thinking.

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I feel like people have gotten me wrong again...and that's no rarity:wub2:


My first post was written in a state of nostalgia... I'm not being "selfish" which has been the word tossed around (not particularly at me...but pretty much implied) I think people assumed that I was upset with his success or rather saw what they wanted to see from me...but my first sentence states otherwise.


I knew it was risky to start a thread like this, but I only said what many felt...and as far as being the first to love him, that is something to be proud of for me. I didn't mean that we deserve better treatment because some of us were his first fans. That would be an absurdity.


I'm going to school, be back later...or not... I already want a nap:wink2:


Honestly, I don't think anyone's really got you wrong or misunderstood you. In the nicest way possible I am trying to say this: I've notice that you start a lot of threads asking for opinions and then when an opposing opinion comes along, they've misunderstood you. It's not that at all. These opinions would have been brought forth had ANYONE made this thread. It's got nothing to do with misunderstandings or picking on people or analyzing words. You've put yourself out there in creating this thread and you just have to accept that people aren't going to agree, plain and simple.


Yes, a lot of people feel the same way you do, however, as you can see, a lot don't feel the same way, and they should get just as much say as anyone without being told they've been mistaken or they're being too analytical.


As far as being a fan first, I joined up over two months before you. Does that mean I'm a better fan? No, it's doesn't and it would be silly to think otherwise.


Anyway, I'm gonna have to agree heavily with Deb and Jack, especially with the 'backfire' comment.


I hope this post doesn't make you mad or anything, it's just an honest opinion (which you said you wanted). It just doesn't happen to go your way. This isn't supposed to be a mean post nor is it supposed to be "preachy" either. It's just something I've notice, and I'd say it to anyone else that was doing the same thing. I just think it's unfair to always write off opposing opinions as a misunderstanding.

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i hope what you huys are saying isnt true, coz then il never get to meet him if he ever comes here!!!


but.... just for my input, there was an interview or something where he said the fame is getting to his head and he is not as "nice" as he was before (i dont remember the real words)

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Have a great time Marilyn, you will love it; you'll feel connected to Mika by witnessing his performance and interacting by way of the songs more than by saying hi to him afterwards. I did! Meeting him is lovely, yes, but it is secondary. Even if you are lucky enough to meet him, if you are like me, the thing you'll remember most is the performance, especially in a few weeks/months time.:thumb_yello:

Yes Rach. The thing I always think is great about Mika, is the way he involves his fans when he performs. It's more like a party and he is the host. Other stars on the stage are like... "Look at me and listen to me singing." But Mika holds out the mic and encourages his fans to join in. He's always thrilled that we know all his songs. His concerts are truly interactive, and that's what's most amazing about our Mika!

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I just wanted to post my simple thoughts on this subject. This is in no way directed at anyone.


Things are changing and that is always hard. We are, in a way, lucky here in the US because he is not as popular here YET. The venues have been smaller and therefore, there are less people. It is extremely tiring after a show that you have given your all to then turnaround and give EVEN more. Especially knowing that you have to turn around and do it again the next day. Traveling and touring is grueling. As an artist gets larger and more successful, access to them will diminish.


I feel really sad for all the fans that still wish to meet him. I imagine it is more difficult when you read about others that have had an awesome experience when you haven't had anything. It is a valid feeling! It almost seems unfair.


Please don't flame me. :blink:


Also, with regards to Chicago, I know for a fact that Mika and family left immediately after on the big tour bus. They were traveling overnight. I'm sorry to hear the security guards told people an untruth.

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Yes Rach. The thing I always think is great about Mika, is the way he involves his fans when he performs. It's more like a party and he is the host. Other stars on the stage are like... "Look at me and listen to me singing." But Mika holds out the mic and encourages his fans to join in. He's always thrilled that we know all his songs. His concerts are truly interactive, and that's what's most amazing about our Mika!


That's so true! Mika STILL gets surprised when people know and sing along to his songs, and that should be a pretty good give-away that he's not becoming a diva or big headed in any way. He's just a lad from... well.. all over the world really, but the system and the circus surrounding him is growing rapidly, which makes the intimate meetings alot more difficult to come by. Also there's the health issue, and the fact that he's been sick the past half year/ year (and now with bronchitis), no wonder he and his people are being careful..

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So to sum up, my argument: He hasn't changed! We're still able to meet him most of the time, which is by far better than what you get with other artists!


Deb's argument: He hasn't changed! He's always been a bastard who runs off after shows when he feels like it. :naughty:




Lmaoooooooo. My ass just physically left my body.

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That's so true! Mika STILL gets surprised when people know and sing along to his songs, and that should be a pretty good give-away that he's not becoming a diva or big headed in any way. He's just a lad from... well.. all over the world really, but the system and the circus surrounding him is growing rapidly, which makes the intimate meetings alot more difficult to come by. Also there's the health issue, and the fact that he's been sick the past half year/ year (and now with bronchitis), no wonder he and his people are being careful..

Agreed! I think we all know that Mika needs to take care of himself. He gets a lot of viruses, and after he's been on stage giving the best performance of any artist in the world, and also touring more than any other artist or group. IF he is to tired to meet the fans, we should be okay with that. It has been said several times on this thread, Mika is only one man, and a human being. His fan base is growing all the time. Let's all just be thrilled by the wonderful shows he gives us, and the planning and thought behind it, and then, if we DO get to meet him, it will be a bonus, not a necessity.

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its hard to see everyone all the time. I know I have an illness that prevents me from seeing more people than I want to after performances etc with piano...

so I understand with him...he does get alot of viruses...maybe he wants to protect his health too. I trust there are reasons for certain things. I have faith in him...

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To be honest I think we've been spoiled. He has always been really generous with his time so people come to expect it more and more, but as he gets more and more successful there just isn't enough time in the world to meet everybody after every show. Lots of bands don't even bother showing their face or stopping after any gigs, and lots more don't do it regularly.


It's also worth remembering that it's not the artist who makes these decisions a lot of the time, because half the time they don't know what they're doing one day to the next, they just get taken to places and they do what they have to do and they leave when they have to leave and that's how it goes unfortunately.

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i hope what you huys are saying isnt true, coz then il never get to meet him if he ever comes here!!!


but.... just for my input, there was an interview or something where he said the fame is getting to his head and he is not as "nice" as he was before (i dont remember the real words)


I'm sure if Mika ever makes it to South Africa, he should go straight to your house. :)

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It's also worth remembering that it's not the artist who makes these decisions a lot of the time, because half the time they don't know what they're doing one day to the next, they just get taken to places and they do what they have to do and they leave when they have to leave and that's how it goes unfortunately.


Exactly!! I mean, how many times have we had his manager or other security tell us that he won't be coming out after the show; won't pose for pictures; won't sign autographs; won't give hugs; won't talk or use his voice, only for Mika to then come out and do it anyway? All the while having the security looking annoyed because Mika didn't follow their orders?

Everyone knows it happens for his own good, and Mika clearly shows that he still wants to do those things even though they might damage him. I think it's a good thing he has people looking out for him :roftl:

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I've been having this exact conversation with people off forum. I think the title of this thread is true, things are changing for him. And it is possible that, shocking as it might be, Mika himself may be changing. People continue to change and grow and evolve their whole lives, adapting and changing to meet their circumstances. And Mika's circumstances are a whole lot different now than they were when he started out. And with these changed circumstances come a completely different set of pressures and responsibilities. He would have to change to some degree or he'd crack! The essence of who Mika is may not change, but it's all out of our control anyway.


I wonder if, in the midst of all the success he's having, he ever looks back to the days when things were quieter and calmer and he could just have a chat and maybe a beer with people, if there's a small part of him that mourns the change? Probably from the less pressure point of view he probably does lol, although he does like running the circus and having his finger in all the pies, but just as a human being, connecting on a human, individual level, does he miss it?

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