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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS for Mika @ Brixton Academy, London : 26-02-2008


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i met mika again last night

he remembers everything from new yorkk :)

we were like on a roundabout to get to brixton, when i saw like a huge crowd of people and cameras and what looked like to be mika in the middle, so i lept out of the car and ran over to him

there were people like MIKA MIKA!

and i just shoutedd "mikaa!" and he turned round and looked at me and erin,

then i was like

"Hii do you remember us from last year in new york city?"

and he was like

"oh yeahh! you're the girls who made that video, and haha remember we were all in our pyjamas?!"

andd i was like


and he was like

"that plane was a ****ing nightmare, i mean, er, nightmare "

then all the paparazzi like moved out the way as they realised he knew us :)

then he was like

"so how are youuu?!"

and we said

"yeahh we're good you?"

and he saidd

"yess im good, arent you cold?"

and i was like "yes :)" haha

sorry that was random but i had to tell somebody :)


he like came into the crowd and i touched him hah

and we nearly got up on stage!

but everyone was doing it so we thought hmmm better not,

mannnn all his songs were amazing, it was so so so so so good :)


i forgot how much i loved him

he is so amazing



imetmika...video, pajamas, plane, what??? What was this first meeting like? *is lost* :bleh:


With regards to waiting in line, the pushing, the shoving, etc, I do think seated venues are ideal. The only downside is that you can't wait in line really early to get front row. The most dedicated Mika fan might be in the back, while someone who doesn't really care might be front row. That kind of sucks. (But I would love it if MFC members could get pre-sale tickets.)


For those of you who don't know, I've been a Hanson fan for over 10 years, and Hanson fans are CRAZY. Fans would spend the night outside venues to get front row the next day. I just don't have the dedication to do that. I wouldn't make it. :blink:

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imetmikainnewyork :cheerful_h4h: Cool!


i still started my sentence with a negative word... all is not lost


actually, it was such a funny gig and exciting one, but nothing to see with mika, so don't read if you wanna hear about him...


- yelle was the support, i like her so it was quite warming me up... and ANDY was singing every single french word ot her top song !! dancing his head off to her... the security guy came to him to tell him off LOL he was in the gap between the stage and the barrier...

there is a video of andy dancing his head off to YELLE, AS (french girl) will post it here (if not done yet) she said


- Iceman is back, took a picture of him


- mickey gave his middle finger to andy filming from the gap between the barriers and the stage for quite a long time


- the chords came on stage for happy ending but at the last time mika decided to do how much do you love me... so they had nothing to do there anymore... saranayde was ABSOLOUTELY not ready, she wasn't even on stage when he started, the 4 chords decided they would stay there since they were already there and started doing a hell of a choregraphy dancing at the back in front of luke keyboard :roftl: , saranayde arrived half naked her microphone not ready and her ear thing not quite in her ear, she was dying laughing, trying to sing at the same time she was finding the ear thing, putting it in her ear, arranging her dress and everything ...


- the chords finally stayed on stage for 3 songs doing nothing else but their choregraphy, hilarious !! and finally, the song they were supposed to play on arrived...


- hmmm... what else... oh yeah !! i finally ended up on stage whereas the song had been over for about 2 minutes, not quite knowing what to dom and ran straight to the back of the stage directly to cherisse and did the ;ost stupid thing in my life which i'm sure quite freaked her out (even if she recognized me and welcomed me)... but honestly, i would have freaked me out :roftl: i think i passed right in front of mika when was heading to her...

i must have been looking like a very gracious elephant going over the barrier then kata lifted me up on stage, but still, i was still the gracious elephant i was 2 seconds earlier... oh yeah ! that means kata got on stage too :naughty: the security guy stopped christinem but she was on her way... maybe he thought 2 apples on stage was waaaaaaaay enough


- martin slapped saranayde's ass during one of the songs, i think it was big girls...


- apparently, mika messed up the words of stuck in the middle, but i didn't noticed, i was in my own little world not listening to him, singing out loud, watching what the hell would happen next on stage :naughty:


- this gig was such a mess it was hilarious !


Great!!! :punk: A very funny gig!!!


Personal message: AS, you know me, i know you! :das:

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And we all know how such threads get treated :wink2:


Reviews are being posted and respected.

Peoples actions at the concert are all a part of the process and why shouldnt they be discussed also.

We all know the conversation will stop when last nights 'chosen ones' appear.


Come on, you know full well what I meant.

I never said people's behaviour at gigs shouldn't be discussed, I merely requested this didn't turn into an endless discussion about the whole disability issue.

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Let's try and keep this thread on topic by discussing and posting REVIEWS.


The whole fairness/unfairness of the disability issue is a different subject.. best left for a different thread, not this one.


All of the queue jumping and poor security practices affect my review of the gig because it affected my experience. Given my place in the queue I should have been front and centre and instead I may as well have been at home watching the DVD.


Not much else to report.

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Even if you are not able to queue for 10 hours and have to get special treatment, there's no rule saying that you can't be let in first and then take a modest spot a bit to the side while still being able to lean on the rail. You don't have to turn up at 6 pm and march straight to front row and center several nights in a row :thumbdown:


*Cue yesterday's 'if you were in a position with that opportunity' discussion*


I have a feeling we are all talking about, whilst not talking about, the same person.

I happen to think that that person was in the 'genuine excuse' category, maybe im biased - thats not the point.

What im heading at (and thankfully people like sariflor agreed with) was that before we charge head first into being official, glitches in the system like the etiquette of mfcers when in queues could be looked at and sorted so to set a good example and be a decent face for the fan base.

It isnt a personal attack on anyone, its a 'you all took issue with it, so lets get it sorted'

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i'll be honest here, too.


I was number 53. Which wasn't bad. When Danika arrived with Yasmine's book, it still wasn't finished, and I offered the day before to help her. I didn't quite know how to get to her but to climb over the barrier, so I did *and had immense trouble doing so, as I'm only 5"* so I got there, and we stuck things in. We then left the queue *I crawled under the barrier on the ramp, by the doors* and we handed it to a security guy. I then crawled back under the barrier on the ramp to get back to where I was with Danika. The queue was already really long and it was at about 5pm, so there was no way in hell i could have gone to the back and walked amongst all those people to get the my original "53" place. Even before i crawled under the ramp to hand the book in with Danika, the queue was already getting squished. It was worse when we got back, and if I had trouble getting over the barrier when there was hardly anyone there, it would have been 10x worse when the queue was rimmed with people. Aurelien was trying to get the queue in order and I do give him a thumbs up for it, I really do cos that takes guts (someone could have easily smacked him lol) but I'm not joking when i say this and others around me can defend me when they come on cos they were in the same place as me, we were SQUISHED. We all had trouble moving. I couldn't even move my arms that much. It was so restricted. If the queue wasn't so tight, I would have returned to my place with my dad I swear right up to the lord above. I, too, never meant to cause offence. It was awful timing, and I only meant to help Danika with the book :tears:


Funny how I managed to get in and out of that excact spot in the queue several times though (seeing that you went in with my number) :mf_rosetinted: It's perferctly fine, I had left the queue, but stop making excuses like that, it's getting annoying :blink:

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All of the queue jumping and poor security practices affect my review of the gig because it affected my experience. Given my place in the queue I should have been front and centre and instead I may as well have been at home watching the DVD.


Not much else to report.




Funny how I managed to get in and out of that excact spot in the queue several times though (seeing that you went in with my number) :mf_rosetinted: It's perferctly fine, I had left the queue, but stop making excuses like that, it's getting annoying :blink:



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All of the queue jumping and poor security practices affect my review of the gig because it affected my experience. Given my place in the queue I should have been front and centre and instead I may as well have been at home watching the DVD.


Not much else to report.


I was referring to the disability discussion, not the queue jumping.


That stopped a while ago actually :)

Keep up child! :naughty:


It's not my fault ya'll post at the speed of light! :sneaky2:

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All of the queue jumping and poor security practices affect my review of the gig because it affected my experience. Given my place in the queue I should have been front and centre and instead I may as well have been at home watching the DVD.


Not much else to report.


Which is why Miss. Diana, Miss. Kata, Miss. Everybody else...we are having such a discussion in void of reports

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*Cue yesterday's 'if you were in a position with that opportunity' discussion*


I have a feeling we are all talking about, whilst not talking about, the same person.

I happen to think that that person was in the 'genuine excuse' category, maybe im biased - thats not the point.

What im heading at (and thankfully people like sariflor agreed with) was that before we charge head first into being official, glitches in the system like the etiquette of mfcers when in queues could be looked at and sorted so to set a good example and be a decent face for the fan base.

It isnt a personal attack on anyone, its a 'you all took issue with it, so lets get it sorted'



I was in that position last time at Brixton ( I was offered by security to go in early) and turned it down. So you know where I stand.

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All of the queue jumping and poor security practices affect my review of the gig because it affected my experience. Given my place in the queue I should have been front and centre and instead I may as well have been at home watching the DVD.


Not much else to report.


Exactly :thumbdown: . I'm gonna wait until after tomorrow until I report on any of the gigs.

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Im outta here , the travels down to london start , REALLY hope tommorow is better :thumb_yello:


You'd better send me some reports or ill kick your ass



Edit: Posting your personal phone number on a public board isn't really very wise.

There's lots of lurkers here and you can't be too careful with sharing personal information like that.

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Speed of broadband :P

Anyway, how are you feeling now? Any better?


Yeah, a little.


Im outta here , the travels down to london start , REALLY hope tommorow is better :thumb_yello:


Have fun Freds!

Keep me posted on the event occurring tomorrow. :naughty:


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