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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS for Mika @ Brixton Academy, London : 26-02-2008


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...ok, pointless rush for the british security:If you spotted a plastic bottle of water in my bag, just return me it without the cap instead of seize it, for then launch bottles at people {the first time, and it was almost a revolt} or sprits some water randomly at the first row

and much more important: If you see a big man surfing the crowd and acting violent towards the public, take him out of the venue and call the police, instead of put him aside in the venue with the risk he'll jump on stage{as he did} or wait til he may punch people outside{as he could have done if they'll leave him free for missing the danger}


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Sorry Pinky!! :sorry:

Just posted it in the other thread :)


No worries, im not telling you off, well i am.

But what i mean is, these threads are dedicated to actual reports about the content of the shows and afterparties, not anything else.

There is a thread for that.

You have to feel sorry for the management and mika if they read this in search of some feedback for all the effort they made by only find racial insults and arguements - so please move anything related to that to the conduct thread.

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Here goes for my report - I apologize in advance for the length of it!!!

Part 1 - of my 57 hours!!


My journey south started with a grumpy rail worker saying I could not take my wheelchair on the train as I had not booked assistance!! I knew I was getting met at the other end, and my son was putting me on the train here, so I didn't think I needed to!! Anyhow, the guard on the train was great. He took the wheelchair and put it in the space reserved for wheelchairs and buggys!!

The journey was long and relatively boring, apart from lots of coughs and pointed looks at a young guy with an MP3 player, and I could hear the music from his headphones 4 rows of seats away!! It was quite nice music, but not Mika, so didn't mind too much when the guard asked him to turn it down!! :naughty:

Was met at Kings Cross by my friend Simon, who whisked me out of the station, and on to one of these bendy buses, that have neat hidden ramps, that the driver can put down for wheelchairs. Cool!!!

We got off at Soho and up to Simon's 4th floor flat. After a hot drink and a good chinwag I felt the need of a cigarette. Boy - was THAT an experience!!

I had just got downstairs on to the pavement when two rather scary looking folk came up to me - and just stared right into my face. I was not in my Mika coat, so thought I looked reasonably normal!! :blink: They eventually just wandered off, so I walked slowly past a few shops, just looking in the windows. I was quite tired so just stopped, and leaned against a doorway. People seemed to be walking past very quickly - and I suddenly realised - here I was, in Soho, hanging round doorways, and looking at people - as if I was waiting for a pick-up!!!! :shocked: That was the fastest cigarette in all time - and I shot back up to the safety of Simon's flat!!!

We had a lovely meal when Lucy, his girlfriend, came home and then we just sat and chatted, with various texts from the girls in the queue, then in the gig coming through. (All the texts made it seem like I have a LOT of friends!!!! :roftl: )

About 10pm Simon drove me to the hotel, passing Buckingham Palace and a few other amazing places. A great wee sight-seeing trip!!!

At the hotel the guy took Simon and I up to the room, and once he was sure I had everything I needed, Simon left to go home.

I decided to go down to reception for a while as I felt a bit cut off sitting up in the room on my own - and I knew it would be hours before the others were back. I was sitting in reception when my b/f phoned. Was having a lovely chat when three lassies came in. On one of the suitcases I saw the word MIKA. I said to my b/f that I had to go as I still had to collect bedding from reception (that was true :sneaky2: ), and said goodnight to him. I went over to the girls and just said "Mika Fan Club?" They looked slightly startled, but realised quite quickly that I was not mad!!! They said Wendi? - and I told them I was glad to see them. Then they told me Diana could not come as she was sick - that was a real blow :( The girls were IngieV, Staratts and Rockinbabbz - hope I didn't scare you too much girls :blush-anim-cl:


Part 2 in a minute

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Here goes for my report - I apologize in advance for the length of it!!!

Part 1 - of my 57 hours!!


My journey south started with a grumpy rail worker saying I could not take my wheelchair on the train as I had not booked assistance!! I knew I was getting met at the other end, and my son was putting me on the train here, so I didn't think I needed to!! Anyhow, the guard on the train was great. He took the wheelchair and put it in the space reserved for wheelchairs and buggys!!

The journey was long and relatively boring, apart from lots of coughs and pointed looks at a young guy with an MP3 player, and I could hear the music from his headphones 4 rows of seats away!! It was quite nice music, but not Mika, so didn't mind too much when the guard asked him to turn it down!!

Was met at Kings Cross by my friend Simon, who whisked me out of the station, and on to one of these bendy buses, that have neat hidden ramps, that the driver can put down for wheelchairs. Cool!!!

We got off at Soho and up to Simon's 4th floor flat. After a hot drink and a good chinwag I felt the need of a cigarette. Boy - was THAT an experience!!

I had just got downstairs on to the pavement when two rather scary looking folk came up to me - and just stared right into my face. I was not in my Mika coat, so thought I looked reasonably normal!! :blink: They eventually just wandered off, so I walked slowly past a few shops, just looking in the windows. I was quite tired so just stopped, and leaned against a doorway. People seemed to be walking past very quickly - and I suddenly realised - here I was, in Soho, hanging round doorways, and looking at people - as if I was waiting for a pick-up!!!! :shocked: That was the fastest cigarette in all time - and I shot back up to the safety of Simon's flat!!!

We had a lovely meal when Lucy, his girlfriend, came home and then we just sat and chatted, with various texts from the girls in the queue, then in the gig coming through. (All the texts made it seem like I have a LOT of friends!!!! :roftl: )

About 10pm Simon drove me to the hotel, passing Buckingham Palace and a few other amazing places. A great wee sight-seeing trip!!!

At the hotel the guy took Simon and I up to the room, and once he was sure I had everything I needed, Simon left to go home.

I decided to go down to reception for a while as I felt a bit cut off sitting up in the room on my own - and I knew it would be hours before the others were back. I was sitting in reception when my b/f phoned. Was having a lovely chat when three lassies came in. On one of the suitcases I saw the word MIKA. I said to my b/f that I had to go as I still had to collect bedding from reception (that was true :sneaky2: ), and said goodnight to him. I went over to the girls and just said "Mika Fan Club?" They looked slightly startled, but realised quite quickly that I was not mad!!! They said Wendi? - and I told them I was glad to see them. Then they told me Diana could not come as she was sick - that was a real blow :( The girls were IngieV, Staratts and Rockinbabbz - hope I didn't scare you too much girls :blush-anim-cl:


Part 2 in a minute


Wendy on the pull in soho??!! Well i Never!


Grrr child, why did you start your reports just when i am about to leave - cruel heartless woman.

I shall be back later and i will catch up then :)

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Wendy on the pull in soho??!! Well i Never!


Grrr child, why did you start your reports just when i am about to leave - cruel heartless woman.

I shall be back later and i will catch up then :)


I couldn't pull a hamster!!!!! :roftl:

Well, I kinda did later :wink2:

You will find out when you come back!!! :roftl:

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I don't think it has anything to do with nationality - I think it has to

do with basic respect and manners from everyone, from every country!! :thumb_yello:


I know, that's my point, but other people seem to think non-UK fans like me are invading their country and taking their places at gigs, which offends me deeply. I'm a dedicated Mikafan and I always behave VERY polite, I never queue jump, I don't push in the crowd, I don't behave stupid towards Mika, I'm just a respectful, loyal fan, but apparently because I'm not from the UK I don't deserve to be at a Londongig. I know this is not your opinion btw, I was referring to what other people said. It was lovely to meet you in the hotel :wink2:

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57 hours - part 2


The girls eventually managed to convince the guy behind the reception desk that they really WERE booked into the room, so off they went. I popped in to see them about 20 minutes later - and they showed me all the lovely gifts they had got for Mika. Diana then phoned - and Staratts put it on loud speaker, so at least I got to speak to her. Thanks for entertaining me girls!!:thumb_yello:

I hung around at the door for a while longer, then Kath, Abby, Robi, Vicky, Betta, Allegra, Rose and Juju all came in!!! Lots of hugs and great excitement ensued!! We headed upstairs to our rooms, which were all in the same corridor, and we chatted for a while about the gig they had just been to, the good and not so good points, and then decided in the wee small hours that it was time for bed.

On the Tuesday morning Kath, Abby, Robi, Betta, Allegra and I headed along the road to a small cafe for breakfast. There were no catering facilities in the hotel so it was our only chance for breakfast. The cafe was quite full - mainly road/construction workers, but we managed to find a table for the 6 of us. We had a good breakfast, for a very reasonable price!! When we had finished Robi, Betta and Allegra set off to find a printers for the poster. Kath and Abby went off to "do" the London Eye - and I went back to the hotel for a sleep!!

Vicky came to the door to find out what the plans were for later - but I didnt really know. The hotel was not good for phone reception at all!! Texts hardly came through - and sending them was nearly impossible!! I went back to sleep - and the fire alarm went off!! During my lurking in the hotel entrance the night before I had noticed that there was a fault with the alarm on our floor - so when the alarm went off I got a big fright!! I grabbed my bag with my gig ticket in it (of course :naughty: ) and set off down the corridor. It stopped after a minute or so, and as I made my way back along the corridor I saw Vicky sticking her head out of her room. She invited me in - so I crashed on her bed for a while. Poor Juju had just got out of the shower and naked when the alarm went off!! Eventually the girls were ready, so I went down to the front door with them, and they headed off for the queue. I was just having a cigarette outside when I noticed Kath and Abby on the other side of the road. They took their life in their hands trying to cross that really busy road!!

We went upstairs and got changed into our stuff for the concert - including a lovely necklace that looked like smarties from Robi!! (and she gave us a chicken oven glove too :das:). I then got a text through from Carri to say they had been held up as they had had to go to the Post Office to collect a parcel (the Tea project via Deb!!). We just hung around, then Carri and Sarahlou turned up. We loaded the wheelchair, and ourselves into Carri's car, and I handed her my Blue Badge!! We then took off - and I MEAN took off!!! :roftl:

Kudos for Carri driving in London - even the thought of it scared me half to death!!! With the badge firmly positioned on the dash board Carri took on buses, cars, taxis - showing great skill, while trying to listen to, and follow directions from Sarahlou!!! A few U turns - with nice waves to the drivers who "let" Carri in :naughty: , and we were on the right road!! The journey was great fun!!! When we approached the Academy I could not see anyone, until we drove past the front of it, and I saw the queue was down the side!! Carri headed round the back, then we drove up alongside the queue - and Carri stopped, and put Lollipop on her Cd very LOUD!!!! Quite a few folks sang along, and danced. I was looking out for Pinky, but that was kinda difficult as I didnt know what she looked like - I hoped the music would lure her out :sneaky2: but no sign :boxed:

Met The Black Queen, Avoca, Kata, saw the cute BBVix and Sariflor, the three dutch girls from the hotel, and I managed to mouth hello to Bere, but didn't get a chance to speak to her!! I saw others too - please forgive my memory for names!!

More to follow!!

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The forum kicked me off and I lost a huge post!! :(

Not got to the good part yet!! :wink2::roftl:


Your report is great Wendi!:thumb_yello: I am loving it..even though I was stuck to your side for most of the time it is still good to read it!!!:naughty:

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57 hours - Part 3


As I had nothing from breakfast, and my next meal would be the following day at lunchtime, we decided to go for something to eat!! First attempt at The Goose was a non-starter, as they were shutting down, and had no food!!

Carri went off to find somewhere else - The Beehive pub!! What a lovely enlightening experience for someone who's neighbours are Highland cattle and sheep!!! :shocked::roftl:

We got a table right at the back - and I almost managed to "pull" a 100 year old man!!! I must still have it!!! :das: I had seen him on TV months before, and he started chatting to me in Cornish as thats where he originally came from. He is a feisty old guy, who retired at 97, but felt all the spare time was killing him, so he went back to work!! He was also mugged for his beer money a few months ago, but fought back and they ran off!! Here's to the Pimlico plumber - what a guy!!!

We ordered our food, and happily sat in glowing and sparkly things, oblivious to what other bar customers may have made of us!!! While we were eating Robi got a call saying the Hot Chocolate was being served to the queue, so she and Betta left to get their share. We noticed a couple of young lassies sitting behind us, getting chatted up by an over enthusiastic man - and they didn't seem too keen to be there, so we called them over. Jenny and Sharon, it was great to meet you (Noticed today, Jen has signed up, watching for Sharon next!!)

We headed off about 6ish, to get stuff from the car and then to go to the Academy. We took a walk, or in my case a push!!, along the queue, and I met lots of folks, including Blue!! It was rotten, because of the barriers and the pavement edge, I couldn't really get to talk to many folk. As we were coming back up a security man told us we had to go to the door now!! As we made our way there we spoke briefly to Cynthia and Christine, and saw some others milling around. We just made it up the ramp to the main door - it was steep!!! As we waited I was getting quite cold, and was starting to shiver. Carri began pointing to me and suggesting security let me in as I had a "medical problem" that needed seen to!!!!!!!!! Cheeky mare!!!! :roftl:

They let us in shortly after that - and the discussion was about glowsticks - I didn't really follow what they were saying - but looked at the 12 I had on my chair and then at this security guy, who said they were ok, but I was not to be a hooligan!!! It was flattering to be seen as someone who could be!!!! :roftl:

When we got in the security said my ticket had to be stamped for the disabled area, so Carri had to go do that as she had the email with her. Kath and I waited, then getting the go-ahead, we made our way to the disabled section. It was over half way back like in Glasgow, but it was over to the side this time, not in the middle. We went right along to the end, and Kath was given a chair - very civilized!! :) I wheeled myself off to the toilet, then when I got back Kath went and got us a drink!! The railing in front of us had a really wide top, ideal for drinks, and resting the camera on as well!!

Watched as the hall got fuller and fuller as was really glad we were comfortable, had a good view, and were out of harms way. Carri had suggested before we got there that I could try standing - but I knew that I would have lasted 15 minutes at most!! My legs would have given way and I would not have been able to put up with the pushing and shoving, and if they had to try and get us out quickly for fire reasons etc I would not have stood a chance - I don't do quick!!!!! :roftl:

So I was happy with where I was - and really looking forward to the gig. I did not have tickets for the original ones in December, but when some came up for the February dates - I thought why not!!!!

Yelle came on - not really my kind of music, and I don't speak French, but she delivered with plenty of youthful enthusiasm!! When she was finished, the next 30 minutes seemed like hours - then........... 9 - 5 - that music sets

the hairs on the back of my neck up whenever I hear it now!!!!

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Your report is great Wendi!:thumb_yello: I am loving it..even though I was stuck to your side for most of the time it is still good to read it!!!:naughty:


Forum kicked me off again :blink: - but I had copied it this time!!!! :roftl:

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To Aurelien I'd like to say sorry if I was bitchy in the queue, you were only trying to help and it's much appreciated, I think everyone was just fed up of standing in the cold waiting all day and that's why the atmosphere was a bit nasty.


no problemo:punk:

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Even just reading about nine to five sets me shivering again!:naughty:


Don't like to butt in on Wendis brilliant report but would just like to point out that the 'drinks' that Kath got were in fact cokes!:naughty:

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57 hours part 4


Then the show started!! After Saranayde's beautiful angel routine, Mika

came on, glowing, and started singing in his crystal clear voice!! Just

listening to him sends me to happyville, so getting to see him as

well - totally incredible!!!! :wub2:

I can't remember the order of the songs - and Kath will correct me if I am

wrong, but I think it was during Billy Brown that I realised Kath was talking to someone. I was busy getting my phone set for my calls to Martine (by the way Shari - I gave Kath your home number to make things easier - hope you didn't mind :wink2: ) so when I turned round, there was the lovely Mrs Penniman asking if we would like a backstage pass to meet Mika!! I was totally gob smacked!!! She handed me the pass, and smiled, and left as quietly as she had come. I looked at it - looked at Kath, we hugged, I looked at it again, we hugged again - I started to cry!!! It was such a huge and unexpected surprise I really thought I was dreaming!! I had applied some light make-up before I left the hotel as I looked a bit white, and I suddenly realised, if I didn't want to meet Mika with a face with two white stripes and two black eyes, I had better stop the waterworks!! :blush-anim-cl:

I pulled myself together, sang louder, and hugged my lovely Kath some more!!!

The famous Gray Skelly greeted the crowd, and took a swipe at Martin on the way out, Martin slapped Saranayde's butt during Big Girls, Saranayde rushed on sorting her dress during HMDYLM, the SITM scatt was great - as was the Ka-ching fun at the end of Grace Kelly. Maybe its my childish side - but I love it when Mika has fun with his audience!!

I have video's of HMDYLM and Holy Johnny - I can post them - but they are not very close!!

All too soon it was Lollipop - normally I would feel sad that it was nearly over, but now I was SO nervous - I was going to meet Mika!!! I had met him briefly in Glasgow - outside in the crowd after the show - but it was cold, dark and wet, and there were lots of folk wanting to speak to him, so I had been quite brief!

As the show finished folk were drifting out - and I asked this lovely big security man where we had to go. He told me to stay where I was as Mika would come out to us. There were another four people in wheelchairs, and a lady on elbow crutches, all in the disabled area with their carers, and they had all been given passes too!! :thumb_yello:

Carri and Sarahlou appeared beside us - and they had found out about our backstage pass from texts from folk on the forum!!!! :roftl:

Jemma and Babs called over and came to chat with us too. Kath shot off to try and find Abby - she had been on her own during the concert, in the balcony, as she did not want to get crushed and sweated upon again like the night before!! When Kath and Abby came back the lovely Poohsticks came to say Hi!! She could not stay though, as her hubby was working early the next day. Hope its longer next time Pooh!! :thumb_yello:

We all just waited, chattering excitedly - then Carri spotted Andy. I pointed out in a very quivering voice that Mika was with him - but it was Andy getting the attention!!! He came straight over and said Hi - mentioned my coat again (I think).

The next bit is a blur I am afraid. Mika was taking photos with the other disabled guests, and their carers, and was chatting with them. Then he approached us!! He looked happy, relaxed, freshly showered and positively edible!!!! He looked round the 7 of us with a kind of "its THEM" - and then Carri gave him the Tea project she had received via dcdeb! He looked at it, taking his time, and made various comments with a slightly worried note in his voice, about how we knew what he liked etc - and how we knew so much about him. We just blamed Andy!!!! (I have a video of all this, kindly taken on my camera by Abby, but I need a new USB cable to transfer it - its ordered, so maybe early next week!!!) After the chat had died down I gave Mika my small gift, and told him he didn't need to open it there (mainly because I felt he was going to take off any minute!!). I said I had come down from Scotland, and asked if I could have a photograph with him - he said - and I am still in shock at this, and need to hear the video to confirm it again - "I remember you from Glasgow" - 5 words = very full heart!!!!

I felt like jelly - and if I had not been sitting down I would have fallen down!!!

As I looked at him I realised he had a Peter Pan t-shirt on - and I am called Wendy!!!!!!!!!:roftl: (I dreamt last night that "Wendy" was written further down on his t-shirt - dreams are wonderful things!!!)

He put his arm round me, and Kath took the photo. The whole thing was over so fast I forgot to ask about Australia, Argentina or "chicket" I had hoped Kath would get her picture too, but when he stood up he said he had to go - and he went!! I think he is so kind and generous with his time - he still had others to see backstage and outside - and yet there was no sign of irritation

when he is talking to you, and it feels like you are the only person in the room. I still have goosebumps when I remember him approaching me!!!!!!

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Even just reading about nine to five sets me shivering again!:naughty:


Don't like to butt in on Wendis brilliant report but would just like to point out that the 'drinks' that Kath got were in fact cokes!:naughty:


True - but I think I felt drunk anyway!!! :wink2:

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Ingievv... I forgot how to pronounce your name now.. but I salute you for wearing that dress in that weather.. it was freezing and yet you had no tights on ...brave girl.. whore :thumb_yello:


Just pronounce it the way you like:roftl: Yeah I was freezing my ass off, but had so much fun being that character seeing all the reactions:roftl:

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Here goes for my report - I apologize in advance for the length of it!!!

Part 1 - of my 57 hours!!


My journey south started with a grumpy rail worker saying I could not take my wheelchair on the train as I had not booked assistance!! I knew I was getting met at the other end, and my son was putting me on the train here, so I didn't think I needed to!! Anyhow, the guard on the train was great. He took the wheelchair and put it in the space reserved for wheelchairs and buggys!!

The journey was long and relatively boring, apart from lots of coughs and pointed looks at a young guy with an MP3 player, and I could hear the music from his headphones 4 rows of seats away!! It was quite nice music, but not Mika, so didn't mind too much when the guard asked him to turn it down!!

Was met at Kings Cross by my friend Simon, who whisked me out of the station, and on to one of these bendy buses, that have neat hidden ramps, that the driver can put down for wheelchairs. Cool!!!

We got off at Soho and up to Simon's 4th floor flat. After a hot drink and a good chinwag I felt the need of a cigarette. Boy - was THAT an experience!!

I had just got downstairs on to the pavement when two rather scary looking folk came up to me - and just stared right into my face. I was not in my Mika coat, so thought I looked reasonably normal!! :blink: They eventually just wandered off, so I walked slowly past a few shops, just looking in the windows. I was quite tired so just stopped, and leaned against a doorway. People seemed to be walking past very quickly - and I suddenly realised - here I was, in Soho, hanging round doorways, and looking at people - as if I was waiting for a pick-up!!!! :shocked: That was the fastest cigarette in all time - and I shot back up to the safety of Simon's flat!!!

We had a lovely meal when Lucy, his girlfriend, came home and then we just sat and chatted, with various texts from the girls in the queue, then in the gig coming through. (All the texts made it seem like I have a LOT of friends!!!! :roftl: )

About 10pm Simon drove me to the hotel, passing Buckingham Palace and a few other amazing places. A great wee sight-seeing trip!!!

At the hotel the guy took Simon and I up to the room, and once he was sure I had everything I needed, Simon left to go home.

I decided to go down to reception for a while as I felt a bit cut off sitting up in the room on my own - and I knew it would be hours before the others were back. I was sitting in reception when my b/f phoned. Was having a lovely chat when three lassies came in. On one of the suitcases I saw the word MIKA. I said to my b/f that I had to go as I still had to collect bedding from reception (that was true :sneaky2: ), and said goodnight to him. I went over to the girls and just said "Mika Fan Club?" They looked slightly startled, but realised quite quickly that I was not mad!!! They said Wendi? - and I told them I was glad to see them. Then they told me Diana could not come as she was sick - that was a real blow :( The girls were IngieV, Staratts and Rockinbabbz - hope I didn't scare you too much girls :blush-anim-cl:


Part 2 in a minute



You didn't scare us at all! In fact, you were very lovely:wub2:

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Wendi........what can I say..that is a beautiful report!:wub2: Saves me writing one!!!:naughty:

I have been a lazy Oldling...somwhat shell shocked from some of the events of this week...but your report has helped me to focus on how fantastic Tuesday night was :mf_lustslow:


You are absolutly right. Mika IS so amazingly generous with his time and attention. There is little wonder that we are all so besotted with him. Not only is he incredibly talented but he is a wonderful person too. The fact that he is...as you so eloquently put it , downright edible too, is just the icing on the cake!:roftl:


It was a fantastic night...and when I look at my pics......and read about some people's disapointment on Thursday night at not getting a Mika moment I am so incredibly grateful and feel very very priviledged.


I will post a couple of my pics now.

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Wasn't going to post this pic as I got into trouble for taking it...sorry Mika. However, I have decided that I will as it isn't anything private or personal...which I wouldn't, of course, ever take anyway..seriously I wouldn't! But I just wanted to share this fresh out of the shower look!:shocked:

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