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Did anyone else experience the earthquake lastnight ??!!


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WOW!! I hope everyone's ok and No severe injurys!! :huglove:

I've never felt an earthquake... It would scare the hell out of me..




awww thankyou :huglove: ... like i say , i feel lucky compared to some countries but yes it was scary especially for england :boxed: I hope noone has to go through that :thumbdown:


Thanks again :wub2:


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WOW!! I hope everyone's ok and No severe injurys!! :huglove:

I've never felt an earthquake... It would scare the hell out of me..




The news are saying that there are no reported injuries, which is definately good news. Apparently, one person has leg injuries from a colapsed chimney but thats about it. Thanks for the concern Kelzy! :huglove:


Everyone is so concerned!



I just read there was an aftershock at about 4am, that was only 1.8 though so it wouldnt have been enough to be felt really.


And the first one lasted 10 seconds! It felt like forever!

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An earthquake in England... Jinkies, the Earth's a weird place, isn't it? they're not the most nicest thing to go through, but luckily for me I don't have to deal with them that much. For me, being an Aussie we mostly have droughts, floods, fires, cyclones... and in places like (our) Newcastle etc, the occasional earthquake but they're not that common.


Hopefully everyone is fine and there's not many people with serious injuries.


Will ask this though to mikas_gal07, why are you thanking people who are concerned? I mean it's not like you're actually physically one of the injured, or even know any of the injured... I mean it would be like me thanking you if you showed concern over the people who were either hurt or died in the Mackay floods in Australia recently. Really, all you need to do is agree and pray (or think if you're not the kind of person who prays during times like this, religious or not) or just think of the people hurt etc. Just seemed silly, is all...


Sorry if I offended but I just thought it was strange...

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Oh I bet it would've felt like 10 minutes!! How scary!

And poor guy that had the chimney collapse..


I'm just glad to hear you're all OK.. *hugs*




Well, it was the worst earthquake we've had in 25 years, so i guess that's something right? We had a 4.3 last year in Kent but that's not much really. Nobody else really felt that one - this one was felt up to 125 miles away, even more.


But it is nice for people to be concerned about us! It's better than nobody caring really!

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I felt it. Woooooooooo it was so scary I have never felt anything quite like it.


Our house shook. I was in bed at the time and suddenly heard this rumbling sound and felt vibrating and shaking.


Guys, everyone in our house are okay.

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I felt something, but at the time I dismissed it, I thought it was a big lorry driving over the speed hump next to our house..


I was still up, on my laptop, and the furniture (the TV table mainly) started to rattle, it was about 5 seconds or so, it startled me but I thought no more of it until I heard the news this morning!



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An earthquake in England... Jinkies, the Earth's a weird place, isn't it? they're not the most nicest thing to go through, but luckily for me I don't have to deal with them that much. For me, being an Aussie we mostly have droughts, floods, fires, cyclones... and in places like (our) Newcastle etc, the occasional earthquake but they're not that common.


Hopefully everyone is fine and there's not many people with serious injuries.


Will ask this though to mikas_gal07, why are you thanking people who are concerned? I mean it's not like you're actually physically one of the injured, or even know any of the injured... I mean it would be like me thanking you if you showed concern over the people who were either hurt or died in the Mackay floods in Australia recently. Really, all you need to do is agree and pray (or think if you're not the kind of person who prays during times like this, religious or not) or just think of the people hurt etc. Just seemed silly, is all...


Sorry if I offended but I just thought it was strange...



Well , obviously i thanked people because they said they are glad noone was injured so said thanks for the concern , but all is ok , there werent many injuries ??! :blink: shall i say next time , well im not thankful for you saying your glad were ok , because were not injured and be ungrateful ?? It was still scary for people none the less , so yeah its the type of person i am when people show concern .... i dont see how that is strange and i shouldnt be thinking anything apart from my own thoughts , but you have your opinion and i have mine ... :boxed:


Jesus christ what is wrong with this place lately is it pick an arguement day or what :thumbdown:


(sorry for the religious people if my choice of words offended)

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Well , obviously i thanked people because they said they are glad noone was injured so said thanks for the concern , but all is ok , there werent many injuries ??! :blink: shall i say next time , well im not thankful for you saying your glad were ok , because were not injured and be ungrateful ?? It was still scary for people none the less , so yeah its the type of person i am when people show concern .... i dont see how that is strange and i shouldnt be thinking anything apart from my own thoughts , but you have your opinion and i have mine ... :boxed:


Jesus christ what is wrong with this place lately is it pick an arguement day or what :thumbdown:


(sorry for the religious people if my choice of words offended)




Nico and her sis .. chill over some drinkies later :naughty:

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Nico and her sis .. chill over some drinkies later :naughty:


I shouldnt have to chill , its supposed to be a nice forum not one where everything you say you get picked up on by some members :shocked: Saying thankyou to someone for there concern ?? too right im offended !! ... It carries on and ill report it , it quite obvious now whats happening :thumbdown:

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I shouldnt have to chill , its supposed to be a nice forum not one where everything you say you get picked up on by some members :shocked: Saying thankyou to someone for there concern ?? too right im offended !! ... It carries on and ill report it , it quite obvious now whats happening :thumbdown:


Ohh you know the background hun :wink2:


Anyways even my enginners felt all of it eeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk


I would sleep through it all ...Im a deeeppp sleeper :bleh:

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Well I appreciated the sentiment mikas_gal...:shocked:


My parents live in Barnsley, where the man was injured. I've had people email me today to ask if they are okay!


So yes, concern is nice!:thumb_yello:


Thankyou hun :wink2: x


I hope i dont get critisised for saying thanks to you ! :shocked::thumbdown: ... I think only the people that was there lastnight realised how scary it was to be woken up like that :) x

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Ohh you know the background hun :wink2:


Anyways even my enginners felt all of it eeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk


I would sleep through it all ...Im a deeeppp sleeper :bleh:


hehe its ok rach did too :naughty: ... everyone was on about it at uni , i think people are still unnerved by it x

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I shouldnt have to chill , its supposed to be a nice forum not one where everything you say you get picked up on by some members :shocked: Saying thankyou to someone for there concern ?? too right im offended !! ... It carries on and ill report it , it quite obvious now whats happening :thumbdown:


Yeahh. i guess people around the world are all different the way they handle emotions and things - but here in the UK it is definately polite and normal to thank somebody for their concern.


Don't worry about the small minority that want to spoil your day - there's always one!




Well I appreciated the sentiment mikas_gal...:shocked:


My parents live in Barnsley, where the man was injured. I've had people email me today to ask if they are okay!


So yes, concern is nice!:thumb_yello:


concern is very nice! it's custom here to show it and be thankful for it.


Ohh! He was on the news - he broke his pelvis apparently. :boxed: Poor guy. I bet that hurts so much.

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Yeahh. i guess people around the world are all different the way they handle emotions and things - but here in the UK it is definately polite and normal to thank somebody for their concern.


Don't worry about the small minority that want to spoil your day - there's always one!






concern is very nice! it's custom here to show it and be thankful for it.


Ohh! He was on the news - he broke his pelvis apparently. :boxed: Poor guy. I bet that hurts so much.


Exactly polite and nice .. asking how each other are is part of what makes us great :thumb_yello:


I hope everyone is ok .. hugsss all round

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Exactly polite and nice .. asking how each other are is part of what makes us great :thumb_yello:


I hope everyone is ok .. hugsss all round


To be honest, whats annoying me today is people saying 'Oh typical British, always making a big deal over nothing' etc.


We might be making a big deal, it might only be a tiny earthquake compared to some countries, but some of us have NEVER experienced it before - i was completely scared out of my mind. It's hardly something i'd want to ever experience again.


*hugs to everyone* :huglove:

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If it had been during the day, a lot more would've been injured...there were quite a lot of chimney pots falling onto pavements and the like.


It's like when we had those really strong storm-force winds a year or so ago...I was literally scared to go out as I was convinced something was going to fall on my head, or a piece of a garden fence was going to fly through the air and decapitate me.


it's no laughing matter, Mother Nature :wink2:

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To be honest, whats annoying me today is people saying 'Oh typical British, always making a big deal over nothing' etc.


We might be making a big deal, it might only be a tiny earthquake compared to some countries, but some of us have NEVER experienced it before - i was completely scared out of my mind. It's hardly something i'd want to ever experience again.


*hugs to everyone* :huglove:


If it had been during the day, a lot more would've been injured...there were quite a lot of chimney pots falling onto pavements and the like.


It's like when we had those really strong storm-force winds a year or so ago...I was literally scared to go out as I was convinced something was going to fall on my head, or a piece of a garden fence was going to fly through the air and decapitate me.


it's no laughing matter, Mother Nature :wink2:


Yeh exactly .. people dont HAVE to post in threads


As my mam says . if youve got nothing nice to say .. dont say it


Well everyone is here safe and counted for :thumb_yello:


The biggest earthquake weve had in 30 years!!!! .. its bound to generate some interest :bleh:

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If it had been during the day, a lot more would've been injured...there were quite a lot of chimney pots falling onto pavements and the like.



I never thought about that actually - youre right. There could have been accidents on the roads etc. horrible thought.


Apparently, the experts say that after an earthquake, you can experience aftershock for about 48 hours after - although theyre about 1-2 on the richter scale so nothing as huge as last night.


Im sure i felt it at 4am, i woke up again for some reason - bolt upright in bed, and the BBC said we had an aftershock around then.

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Yeh exactly .. people dont HAVE to post in threads


As my mam says . if youve got nothing nice to say .. dont say it


Well everyone is here safe and counted for :thumb_yello:


The biggest earthquake weve had in 30 years!!!! .. its bound to generate some interest :bleh:


:cheers: Yeah! My mum says that a lot also.....


Yep. Thank goodness we're all safe - thank goodness it wasn't worse to be honest - it could have been devastating. Like Gata just said, it could have been much worse if it was daytime.

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The most scariest thing ive experienced in my LIFE !!


But i have to say, because ive never experienced an earthquake before - it was scary. Very scary.



Wow, I'm so glad you are OK! I used to think I might like to experience

an earthquake -- just a teensy one to see what it was like -- but

after reading this, I guess I'm thankful I've never felt one! Hope you

don't have any aftershocks or discover any damage!



Will ask this though to mikas_gal07, why are you thanking people who are concerned? I mean it's not like you're actually physically one of the injured, or even know any of the injured... I mean it would be like me thanking you if you showed concern over the people who were either hurt or died in the Mackay floods in Australia recently. Really, all you need to do is agree and pray (or think if you're not the kind of person who prays during times like this, religious or not) or just think of the people hurt etc. Just seemed silly, is all...


Sorry if I offended but I just thought it was strange...


:blink: :blink: :blink:

Why is it silly? When 9/11 happened here in the states, and people

told me they were glad I was OK, and I said thanks -- was that silly?

I don't get it.


FWIW, *I* thank the people who are concerned and the earthquake

didn't even happen in my country! I think we need more people

to be concerned when bad things happen in the rest of the world.


Ahem. Sorry for going off-topic -- I really am glad that our UK

friends all seem to be none the worse for wear! :thumb_yello:



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Wow, I'm so glad you are OK! I used to think I might like to experience

an earthquake -- just a teensy one to see what it was like -- but

after reading this, I guess I'm thankful I've never felt one! Hope you

don't have any aftershocks or discover any damage!





:blink: :blink: :blink:

Why is it silly? When 9/11 happened here in the states, and people

told me they were glad I was OK, and I said thanks -- was that silly?

I don't get it.


FWIW, *I* thank the people who are concerned and the earthquake

didn't even happen in my country! I think we need more people

to be concerned when bad things happen in the rest of the world.


Ahem. Sorry for going off-topic -- I really am glad that our UK

friends all seem to be none the worse for wear! :thumb_yello:




Thanks for the concern dcdeb! :biggrin2::huglove:


We're all ok! Just a bit shocked to be honest! I never thought i'd experience it in my life!


Ive only heard of one casualty so far - a 19 year old lad broke his pelvis after a chimney colapsed on him, but that's all ive heard.

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