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Ah well rants are good, now we need to know what your suggestions are?

(Aside from preferabley purchasing trousers)


lmao I wore my bee on Thur which was a lil more coverage lmao. Sarah Nayde was amused by my chicken anyway :D All I suggest is that everyone BEHAVES. If there is a queue you stand at the back of it, if you need the loo then go, if you wanna grab something to eat then go you WILL get your space back but if you are gonna be gone more than an hour then it's not on tbh. I think those with disabiltiies maybe need to consider their position in the arena more thoroughly and perhaps people should stop queuiong from stupid hours in thge morning - but that aint gonna happen. Also those who are foreign fans who come to the England gigs - Have some decency and respect, queue like the rest of us and don't hog the whole front of the theatre if he goes to your country lots or has just been/going.


Please note this is not aimed at ALL foreign fans as I do undersdtand he doesnt come to everyone's country but those closer to the UK were somewhat disrespectful to the system

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Queuing since 1am when generally all the other people come at about 3/4pm?? It IS mad! there's no need.:blink:


Yes, of course it is mad...but people will start queuing up at the venue earlier and earlier (if MFCer or not), I guess this is a trend which can be observed with every artist getting more popular. So I am pretty much convinced that this tendancy cannot be stopped. There are always people who think that there IS need in going there as earlyish as possible (of course in the hope of getting a good spot). And actually I think that it is not that bad...Actually I've done that many times - sleeping outside a venue (not for Mika, or a concert though but for a sporting event, but yeah, this was pretty much the same). If you feel you wanna be front row and you have the time to do so, why not?

Of course not everyone can or want to go there this early, but that's life. And that's why I think those who arrive first should also have the best spots, they simply deserve it.


I don't like the seniority thing at all :thumbdown:

It's been discussed on the official thread a bit and I don't think fans who registered first deserve more than others to be front.


At worst I think it's better that the first that book tickets are front.

I think lots of ppl, I'm one of them, didn't register here as soon as they knew Mika and what about ppl who can't speak english?

And I think maybe the posting should count to avoid ppl registering just to take advantage of it...


I agree...this solution would be totally wrong. Being a Mika fan has got nothing to with with the time you registered here or your number of posts, or being a member of the MFC at all...that is nonsense.



The issues raised so far are:

- Queue Jumping

- The prevalent and inappropriate use of the word 'disability'

- Conduct of non-members

- Pushing and queue jumping leading to injury

- The Number System

- Consideration towards younger members

- Those attending with family/friends being separated

- Costs

- Parking for those with Blue Badges

- Holding places in queues for other members


Please tell me if i missed anything here on either list...


The current considered solutions:


- Higher and more involved security

(Brixton only had 1 member of staff for around 4hrs 'looking after' 100-200 people. He stood away from everyone and did not help.)

- Seated venues

- Extension of The Number System

- Tickets being checked before doors open

- People being allowed into the venue in short sharp bursts, not all in one rush


I think the first solution point is the most important one. But actually we can't do anything about it, it's not our business, it's the venues that decide how to organise things.


If the number system worked alright (I'm talking about a professional numbering system organised by the venue for example) there would be less problems. Because of course if we give out numbers ourselves mistakes are made as I explained in my last post. Whereas if this as somehow organised by the venues themselves and if everyone is aware of the system everybody had to accept it.


In combination it would also help to let people in in smaller groups...that would avoid the pushing at the entrance at least.


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I don't know, maybe.. but the mods could try to do sth about it.

I've no idea what's the best solution :annoyed_h4h:

I think more security staff couldn't hurt.


The mods are only in charge of the forum, it would be unfair to request any more from them.


I'm afraid we don't have the power to make things change, level28.


As an USER, I would suggest though, that people's behaviours at the gigs would be considered if the MFC becomes official and is offered some privileges not all members can enjoy at the same time.

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A summary:


People have been jumping the queue at several gigs now.

Others have been given preferential treatment because they faked a disability.. or at least made it seem worse than it was.

This is reason for concern ofcourse because it's simply not fair to the rest of us.


Especially with the queue jumping complaints have been made about people's behaviour or lack there of.


Now, what can we do about this? Is there something we can do?

What are your experiences in the queue? Etc. etc. discuss.

Brixton 28th Feb, was my first gig. I can honestly say that I didn't ask for, and didn't expect preferencial treatment because of my disability. I was grateful that I eventually managed to find a seat in the queue, because there was a chair there. I asked if anyone minded if I sat down, and no one did, so I used it. That made things easier for me. I also stayed in my place. Because I had queue'd for a long time I did get a good seat on the balcony, but i do understand what people mean about people pushing and shoving. It's not very nice, and it's not necessarry. If you have a ticket, you WILL get in!

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The time of queueing is getting bloody rediculous as well. The gig starts at 7pm. It takes one person to go Ooo I'll come at 3 and be at the front to start it off then it';s 2pm then 12 then 10am then we have people like Cynthia turning up at some ungodly hour in the morning in BRIXTON of all places. I mean by all means thats your choice love but things are just getting sillier and sillier, we shouldn't HAVE to be there the week before to get in the front line or so.


Personally I don't see how the time that someone arrives at the venue should matter to others who do not feel the need to be there early. Why is it 'silly'? It is their perogative. Why is it ridiculous? Just because YOU may not do it yourself...you should not judge those that do....cause they obviously feel it is needed FOR THEM and they are the ones suffereing after all NOT YOU.

hhhmmm... I wonder if you are talking about my Cynthia there! Gawd, to call her out like that - she MUST have been there before the rooster crowed.

Everyone who thinks I am crazy for getting to my show at 5 AM - I could care LESS what you think :mf_rosetinted: besides being front row center and all the amazing occurences throughout the day having Mika's undivided attention was worth everything.


I don't know if WE are going to be able to come up with a solution here - cause all of the things that would really help and make a difference are not up to us or within our power! SO THEREFORE - it is up to us to really focus on the things that are in our power..... like the way we conduct ourselves is the very first thing. If everyone would just worry about themselves and not what someone else is doing..... and just be respectful to those around you. Our line in NYC was SO awesome! Everyone was so nice and friendly and we all truly bonded, we all worked together and made 14 hours in the queue seem like 4 minutes. Time passed so fast, because we kept ourselves busy and entertained...singing songs and playing Chubby Bunny and other games! It was like a day at camp. I wouldn't have changed a THING about the day! Well, MAYBE the weather :naughty:

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Personally I don't see how the time that someone arrives at the venue should matter to others who do not feel the need to be there early. Why is it 'silly'? It is their perogative. Why is it ridiculous? Just because YOU may not do it yourself...you should not judge those that do....cause they obviously feel it is needed FOR THEM and they are the ones suffereing after all NOT YOU.

hhhmmm... I wonder if you are talking about my Cynthia there! Gawd, to call her out like that - she MUST have been there before the rooster crowed.

Everyone who thinks I am crazy for getting to my show at 5 AM - I could care LESS what you think :mf_rosetinted: besides being front row center and all the amazing occurences throughout the day having Mika's undivided attention was worth everything.


I don't know if WE are going to be able to come up with a solution here - cause all of the things that would really help and make a difference are not up to us or within our power! SO THEREFORE - it is up to us to really focus on the things that are in our power..... like the way we conduct ourselves is the very first thing. If everyone would just worry about themselves and not what someone else is doing..... and just be respectful to those around you. Our line in NYC was SO awesome! Everyone was so nice and friendly and we all truly bonded, we all worked together and made 14 hours in the queue seem like 4 minutes. Time passed so fast, because we kept ourselves busy and entertained...singing songs and playing Chubby Bunny and other games! It was like a day at camp. I wouldn't have changed a THING about the day! Well, MAYBE the weather :naughty:


I actually agree with the fact that the queuing is getting ridiculous.

IMO Nobody should feel the need to turn up at 1 am for a 5000 person gig that starts at 9 pm, just so they can (hopefully) secure a good spot. Yes, it's everyone's prerogative at what time they go, but it does come to a point that it gets stupid...You say that you made 14 hours seem nothing...I say how about we don't queue for 14 hours so that we can go to work, or do something nice or necessary, etc?

It does seem excessive to spend 14 hours waiting for something that will last for 1 hour and a half.

Of course the time at which one person turns up affects the rest- this is how social behaviours work: everyone wants the front, so it's a competition.

The earlier one person goes, the earlier the next will try to go to beat them, and so goes the chain, hence we end up with 10 people in the queue at 5 am.

This is exactly why queues are starting earlier and earlier now, when really there is no need for it.

At most gigs I've noticed a surge of people until certain times (usually early or mid morning) and then hardly anyone turns up for many hours.

Then everyone freezes/melts/fights all day until gig time.

Sure this doesn't make sense?:shocked:

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Yes, of course it is mad...but people will start queuing up at the venue earlier and earlier (if MFCer or not), I guess this is a trend which can be observed with every artist getting more popular. So I am pretty much convinced that this tendancy cannot be stopped. There are always people who think that there IS need in going there as earlyish as possible (of course in the hope of getting a good spot). And actually I think that it is not that bad...Actually I've done that many times - sleeping outside a venue (not for Mika, or a concert though but for a sporting event, but yeah, this was pretty much the same). If you feel you wanna be front row and you have the time to do so, why not?

Of course not everyone can or want to go there this early, but that's life. And that's why I think those who arrive first should also have the best spots, they simply deserve it.




I agree...this solution would be totally wrong. Being a Mika fan has got nothing to with with the time you registered here or your number of posts, or being a member of the MFC at all...that is nonsense.





I think the first solution point is the most important one. But actually we can't do anything about it, it's not our business, it's the venues that decide how to organise things.


If the number system worked alright (I'm talking about a professional numbering system organised by the venue for example) there would be less problems. Because of course if we give out numbers ourselves mistakes are made as I explained in my last post. Whereas if this as somehow organised by the venues themselves and if everyone is aware of the system everybody had to accept it.


In combination it would also help to let people in in smaller groups...that would avoid the pushing at the entrance at least.



Your right, it is out of our limitations, but we can promote it to the extent that it is within the views of others whos powers exceed ours.

E.g. maybe writing to venues in advance with requests/recommendations, and writing to those previous venues who have maybe failed in or need to reassess these duties.

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I'm not a particularly early queuer, mostly because I have college/work on weekdays, and my friend who I drag along to Mika gigs is most definitely NOT a queuer. The only thing that annoyed me about the gig yesterday was people who had turned up at half eight or something and shoving their way right down to the front and looking at us like we were complete and utter s***heads for not moving out of their way.


I also didn't like the evil looks I got when I was coming back from the toilet, and I wasn't even moving forwards, I was moving sideways, and I lost count of the amount of times I said "excuse me, thank you, sorry," etc yet still got the filthiest looks thrown at me of all time.


I think gigs bring out the best and worst in people to be honest, but once it starts, it's all forgotten.


Although I'm pretty sure a fight broke out yesterday, no clue what about, and that was somewhere around lollipop. I couldn't believe how stupid, pathetic, and inconsiderate it was, trying to have a punch up while people are trying to enjoy themselves in a crowded space where you can easily get hurt when there's no fights going on anyway.


There we go, my pet peeves, shoving, dirty looks and fighting.

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Then everyone freezes/melts/fights all day until gig time.


I can see how it could be that way. NYC was my first Mika gig.... so all I can go by is what I know. We sure did freeze! Especially being from Florida! I have never been in cold weather before. But there were no fights while waiting, no arguments. Everyone was happy and excited and just made it a GREAT day. I get the fact that those who weren't there cannot understand what the day was like for us. It was amazing! We sang....ordered pizza *and had it delivered to the streets of the venue* Played Chubby Bunny and games... Everyone was united. I know all queues are not like this - because different people...different attitudes.... but it could be this way for everyone. Ultimately it was not a competition for us, but a day of bonding with fellow MFCers. Perhaps that is too corny for some of yall to comprehend. Then again this is America.

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Guest tell_it_as_it_is

Raffles tickets for que numbers? Numbers 1 - 100ish(you know who you are) Constant musical chairs?? Whinging & whining??? What was the point????


Is this really the behaviour of a mature adult?? I think not! Get the letters MFC after your name & you seem to think you have the right to do as you please!


After travelling for a lengthy period & queing from stupid o'clock like the rest of you i feel qualified to say what a bunch of spoilt children you are! The pushing & shoving, ordering people about, sulking because they missed out on a wrist banned etc & misguidedly full of self importance. What a message to put across! As for the continental fans there...... Your not in your own country now, here in the UK we QUE! Not try side stepping in 20ft down the que! We dont stand with our elbows in the face of others & obscure there view - REPEATEDLY! We dont dance into smaller members of the audience in the hope they move! And thats just pointing out a few...... 28th Feb Brixton - What a disgusting display of so called Mika Fans!

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I can see how it could be that way. NYC was my first Mika gig.... so all I can go by is what I know. We sure did freeze! Especially being from Florida! I have never been in cold weather before. But there were no fights while waiting, no arguments. Everyone was happy and excited and just made it a GREAT day. I get the fact that those who weren't there cannot understand what the day was like for us. It was amazing! We sang....ordered pizza *and had it delivered to the streets of the venue* Played Chubby Bunny and games... Everyone was united. I know all queues are not like this - because different people...different attitudes.... but it could be this way for everyone. Ultimately it was not a competition for us, but a day of bonding with fellow MFCers. Perhaps that is too corny for some of yall to comprehend. Then again this is America.


I don't even know anymore. I thought mika was going to be such a good change for america.

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Personally I don't see how the time that someone arrives at the venue should matter to others who do not feel the need to be there early. Why is it 'silly'? It is their perogative. Why is it ridiculous? Just because YOU may not do it yourself...you should not judge those that do....cause they obviously feel it is needed FOR THEM and they are the ones suffereing after all NOT YOU.

hhhmmm... I wonder if you are talking about my Cynthia there! Gawd, to call her out like that - she MUST have been there before the rooster crowed.

Everyone who thinks I am crazy for getting to my show at 5 AM - I could care LESS what you think :mf_rosetinted: besides being front row center and all the amazing occurences throughout the day having Mika's undivided attention was worth everything.


I don't know if WE are going to be able to come up with a solution here - cause all of the things that would really help and make a difference are not up to us or within our power! SO THEREFORE - it is up to us to really focus on the things that are in our power..... like the way we conduct ourselves is the very first thing. If everyone would just worry about themselves and not what someone else is doing..... and just be respectful to those around you. Our line in NYC was SO awesome! Everyone was so nice and friendly and we all truly bonded, we all worked together and made 14 hours in the queue seem like 4 minutes. Time passed so fast, because we kept ourselves busy and entertained...singing songs and playing Chubby Bunny and other games! It was like a day at camp. I wouldn't have changed a THING about the day! Well, MAYBE the weather :naughty:


in Seattle we started quiing around 3:30 in the afternoon and it worked quite nicelely! except for some moment of squishing in the venue. the line up was great:) we laughed ! we had fun! we made valentines and singing and dancing:) we loved it! same for Vancouver, even tho it was an assigned seating venue..all fun by all:) I really do think that patience by all makes lots of sense and perhaps the # thing is the best really. All i know is that kindess and happiness and joy and patience by all seems to work:) and if you don't get the best seats,,don't you think that being happy with friends is really a nicer thing. I would rather go home with poor seating and a fun time then good seating with a bad taste in my mouth;)

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As for the continental fans there...... Your not in your own country now, here in the UK we QUE! Not try side stepping in 20ft down the que! We dont stand with our elbows in the face of others & obscure there view - REPEATEDLY! We dont dance into smaller members of the audience in the hope they move! And thats just pointing out a few...... 28th Feb Brixton - What a disgusting display of so called Mika Fans![/font][/size][/size][/b]


I really feel discriminate. I'm also a continental fan and the things that you've written are not like I do it! I think you can't generalize this for all the "continental fans"! I've read this discriminating texts yesterday written by other members too. I'm very sad and upset about it. :thumbdown:

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I really feel discriminate. I'm also a continental fan and the things that you've written are not like I do it! I think you can't generalize this for all the "continental fans"! I've read this discriminating texts yesterday written by other members too. I'm very sad and upset about it. :thumbdown:


I know ,,,that is not nice at all . It saddens me too! so many of us are not from UK ( me I am from Canada) and I know how you feel sweety. It upsets me too. :boxed: :boxed:

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As for the continental fans there...... Your not in your own country now, here in the UK we QUE! Not try side stepping in 20ft down the que! We dont stand with our elbows in the face of others & obscure there view - REPEATEDLY! We dont dance into smaller members of the audience in the hope they move! And thats just pointing out a few...... 28th Feb Brixton - What a disgusting display of so called Mika Fans!


That is a bad idea to generalise everyone from other sides of the globe just because you had a bad experience with some of them.

I am a continental fan as well and have flowen from far to see Mika, the people whom i met during qeueing were from different parts of the world, and are the nicest people i had a chance to meet. There was one fan who constantly made sure that i was able to see Mika as i was pushed from my original spot on the second row to the 5th row by some drunken idiot ( this was during the gig on the 26th).


I think your statement can be described as discrimination, if you had problems with some people who are from the other sides of the globe, then talk about them but don't generalize, its a stupid thing to do.



My 2 cents.

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The reason for the raffle tickets was not that MFCers should be special, one of the reasons for them was actually to prevent people from holding a spot for their 60 fellow MFCers in front of the rest of the people who arrived early :boxed: Might not have been a good idea, but it was an attempt to make it somewhat fair :boxed: I felt like a complete twat handing out those things to complete strangers, but I have not exactly felt better at other gigs knowing that people showed up at 6 pm and just jumped in with their friends in the front, so this was an attempt to give everyone, MFCers and non-MFCers, even chances based on when they arrived, not based on how many friends they had in the front :doh: The numbers were NOT intended as an excuse to leave the queue for 5 hours and then return to walk straight to the front, it was more intended to give us all a chance to walk around and speak to people IN the queue, instead of standing in the same spot for 10 hours :boxed:

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I have been reading some of this thread and the Aftershow party thread, and I can say my experience wasn't the best at Hammersmith, yet it seems others got it worse.

I was very surprised where I heard the guy at the front (I assume MFCer because everyone knew him) saying that some people had written fake numbers on their hands to get to the front of the queue. Desperation or not, this was totally out of order. I personally didn't get a number, because until I heard him say this, I didn't realise numbers were going on, so I would have got a really high number despite I was in the first hundred, I think.

Throughout the time in the line, I kept getting dirty looks from this woman. I smiled back, because, I didn't want (or need) a fight. Especially not with a 30-something woman. When we went to go in, she elbowed me and my sister in the face. To be honest, at that point I was extrememly annoyed, and was very tempted to ask her what her problem was. I don't see the need to pick on younger people, for whatever reason. If this woman is on here, PM me please, because I would like to know why you were so goddamn rude :sneaky2:


I read someone had written that the dedicated fans were those that followed Mika around the world, queueing from the early hours of the morning. Though these people are dedicated, I don't believe they are the only ones. For the younger, poorer fans, who have important exams and no money, along with parents that daren't let you leave the county for a Mika concert, let alone another country, I think this is a slightly unfair remark. I would love to go all around Europe to go to every corcert Mika performs at, but school and parents get in the way. I was only allowed to go to one Mika concert in London, even though I asked for an extra pair as a Christmas prezzie, instead of an iPod. I wasn't allowed to leave before 2:00pm either, even though I would have happily left at 6:00am, just to get to the front. I would love to be known as 'one of the usuals' but until I start earning my own money (and being allowed to stay out so late/leave so early on my own) it will never happen.

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As for the continental fans there...... Your not in your own country now, here in the UK we QUE! Not try side stepping in 20ft down the que! We dont stand with our elbows in the face of others & obscure there view - REPEATEDLY! We dont dance into smaller members of the audience in the hope they move! And thats just pointing out a few...... 28th Feb Brixton - What a disgusting display of so called Mika Fans!


Yeah, all these foreigners, coming over here, stealing our jobs, living in our council houses, let's send the lot of them to prison, eh?


You don't OWN this country, you don't OWN London, people can come and go as they please and it's people like you who think they rule the place who make queueing for gigs an unpleasant experience. What a ridiculous and grossly misinformed statement you have made. You clearly have the attitiude that "I'm British, I'm better than all of you when I'm in my own country."


If you went to another country for a gig I bet you'd be outraged if people were saying "All Brits are d***heads with no respect and they shouldn't be allowed in the country".


Seriously, sort your prejudices out before you come and post on here, because you are bang out of order and definitely need some more sophisticated education before you're allowed in civilised society.

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hi guys just want to say that i was on the phone to brixton on the way down as i had had a few messages about the problems and i laised with freddie.

brixtons event manager informed me that if people were leaving the queue nad getting back in if they was seen they would be asked by sercurity to get to the back of risk have there tickets invaild whicj i did not want to happen esp if you have been queueing all that time.

i was just saying ehat brixton had informed me of. iwould have been there earlier but FD got us all drunk firstxxxx


just do not want anyone to be mad with me i was trying to help i didi not want anyone mising out

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Guest tell_it_as_it_is
Yeah, all these foreigners, coming over here, stealing our jobs, living in our council houses, let's send the lot of them to prison, eh?


You don't OWN this country, you don't OWN London, people can come and go as they please and it's people like you who think they rule the place who make queueing for gigs an unpleasant experience. What a ridiculous and grossly misinformed statement you have made. You clearly have the attitiude that "I'm British, I'm better than all of you when I'm in my own country."


If you went to another country for a gig I bet you'd be outraged if people were saying "All Brits are d***heads with no respect and they shouldn't be allowed in the country".


Seriously, sort your prejudices out before you come and post on here, because you are bang out of order and definitely need some more sophisticated education before you're allowed in civilised society.


Misinformed? Were you stood next to me did you see what i saw?? I think not!

I am not better than anyone nor is anyone better than me! And yes people can come & go as they please but when it comes to queing no they cant... A que consists of 2 ends, the front for the fortunate & the early birds, and the back where everybody else goes!!! Really simple!!!

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Okay you two, please take a minute to calm down.

As a newble 'tell' i think that maybe you should be careful not to burn bridges in your first few posts, as a non-newbie jazzy, you should know better.


We are looking for solutions or ways to stop this from happening - NOT disputing if things have happend

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Guest tell_it_as_it_is
Okay you two, please take a minute to calm down.

As a newble 'tell' i think that maybe you should be careful not to burn bridges in your first few posts, as a non-newbie jazzy, you should know better.


We are looking for solutions or ways to stop this from happening - NOT disputing if things have happend


I have no bridges to burn! Just couldnt believe the way i was seeing grown people behave & had to get it off my chest. The only way this will stop happening is when guilty parties learn some manners & respect for fellow human beings!

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Though these people are dedicated, I don't believe they are the only ones. For the younger, poorer fans, who have important exams and no money, along with parents that daren't let you leave the county for a Mika concert, let alone another country, I think this is a slightly unfair remark. I would love to go all around Europe to go to every corcert Mika performs at, but school and parents get in the way.


I use the term "dedicated" because as I understand it, that's the word that John used when he was speaking to the people at the head of the queue about the wristbands. I wasn't there at that moment because I was off buying him a thank you card for helping us out, but I have it on good authority that that's what he said.


I understand that there are other people who are as big a fan of Mika as I am - some perhaps even moreso. But the fact of the matter is there are people who have spent thousands of dollars/euros/pounds and are now spending 14 hours at a time in the queue. Mika cannot hold private parties for all 5,000 people who show up at his gigs so I think it is reasonable that he wanted to reward the ones who are expending the most effort in actual fact and not just wishing that they could.


This is especially the case for these London gigs because not only did some of us queue up for 14 hours on Thursday, but we queued up all day on December 3rd for a gig that didn't even happen. Mika told us personally that he would make it up to us and I think this party was meant to do just that.


I'm sorry if there were other people who would queue up if they had the chance but many of us were actually there freezing our asses off and are going to get priority in a situation like this.


The youngest fans weren't invited to this party anyway because it was a champagne reception open to over 18s only.


I'm sure once MFC is official and these things are planned well in advance that there will be other opportunities for fans who are dedicated in other ways to MFC and to Mika to get their chance for special events. This was just the circumstance for this particular party.

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