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Okay, some valid points.

Sometimes there are huge issues with tickets because they get bent, scratched or as i saw on Tuesday; folded several times. But it can also be accidental and there is nothing we can do about it aside from asking people to take genuine care in the condition of their tickets, the scanning bars/codes in particular.

As for the queuing issue, why not compose a letter the the venues asking them to be more conscientious in their crowd control.

They are used to big crowds, probably on a nightly basis and the chances are slim to none that they would consider special treatment for certain gigs.

But playing the 'official' card might give some direction to it. We could ask that they limit the ammount of people coming in through the doors to give time to those having issues, maybe even ask them to check the numbering to an extent also?


Oh and kath - its great to have you back, i will go an hunt down your report in a minute :)

True! When I went to a Robbie Williams gig few years ago, it was the largest venue here in Milano (except for the stadium:wink2: ): people were queuing since early morning, and with early I mean 8ish. When the doors opened security men were smart: they did check the tickets way before the opening door time, and then they let in 15-20 people at time, not everybody all together. It doesn't take a lot. This way they could respect the order of the queue without the tickets/bags-checking/etc issues.

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Hehe, I remember that...and the scratches on your arm:shocked:

Though the gig was just....:wub2: fantastic.


the one who did that,was a very jolly queue jumper btw


She jumped the queue at the EMA's too,but that didn't matter much,cuz we had pre-assigned seats but she still bugged me


I'm a calm person,but if I see her again,she will not get out in once piece


Only wish I would have had you guys next to me,would have been even more of a blast

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I would never complain that queueing early is mad! I am all for that - it is the pushing, shoving, jumping line that SUCKS... not standing in the bitter cold for 14 hours straight :no: ...not at all :lmao:

Queuing since 1am when generally all the other people come at about 3/4pm?? It IS mad! there's no need.:blink:

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I just posted this in another thread and realized that it should have been here:


Honestly, the MFC can't be blamed or held responsible for bad manners. And, I think Management knows this. However, once we become official, these people that have bad manners, can be banned from contests, passes, etc.


Once official, rules can be set up. Right now, there really aren't any rules except for the HUMAN ones..the ones that should be followed but people forget about when they are only looking out for number 1. And, I'm not talking about Mika.


It's not shame on us, it's shame on them! For the most part, I find most of the MFCer's to be respectful. But, it's those few..that give the rest of us a bad name.

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True! When I went to a Robbie Williams gig few years ago, it was the largest venue here in Milano (except for the stadium:wink2: ): people were queuing since early morning, and with early I mean 8ish. When the doors opened security men were smart: they did check the tickets way before the opening door time, and then they let in 15-20 people at time, not everybody all together. It doesn't take a lot. This way they could respect the order of the queue without the tickets/bags-checking/etc issues.


They can run smoothly, unfortunately times have changed. Everyone is overly concerned with terror threats, hate crimes and general violence that some new or in depth checks have to go ahead. I have been to concerts where each attendee had to go through a metal detector similar to those at airports. But it is the conduct of the security companies at such events which make a difference, it is not limited to those who have tickets. And I think the man who had to be forcabley removed on Tuesday is somewhat an example of the change of time.

Although we cannot dispute that some of these proceedures are entirely necessary, we can rightly say that the way in which they a dealt with needs review. Maybe some formal letters of complaint to the venues where these problems have occured could go along way. (Because we all know the mfc can do these things in bulk).

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I just posted this in another thread and realized that it should have been here:


Honestly, the MFC can't be blamed or held responsible for bad manners. And, I think Management knows this. However, once we become official, these people that have bad manners, can be banned from contests, passes, etc.


Once official, rules can be set up. Right now, there really aren't any rules except for the HUMAN ones..the ones that should be followed but people forget about when they are only looking out for number 1. And, I'm not talking about Mika.


It's not shame on us, it's shame on them! For the most part, I find most of the MFCer's to be respectful. But, it's those few..that give the rest of us a bad name.


We are not saying that every member of the mfc who attends these concerts is to blame. We are saying that there are one or two, and that the mfc can set a possitive and productive face to the fan base at gigs and provide and example for those in attendance.

When the word 'official' is official, i have a feeling concerns will be directed elsewhere so it is important that this factor is dealt with before all eyes are in our direction.

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Just thought i'd post here and not spam the review thread :naughty:

I'm really disappointed with everything that I've been hearing and to think that once may be a mistake and ppl should know better, instead hearing that the queue today is just as bad or worst is really disappointing.

To think that I've never experienced it and i'm feeling so disappointed and saddened by the behaviour of ppl, esp MFCers, I can only imagine how those who prob didn't get any sleep to reachthere so early, only to be faced with that behaviour and end up getting a bad view or something.

Those individuals should be ashamed of themselves and even more so it reflects bad on MFC, esp trying to be the official fan club and all.

As i said in the other thread, *copy and paste:naughty: * i have never been to a gig, and considering i've known about him since april, i would obv love to get a front row if i ever go to a gig. i mean sure i'd love "special" treatment - best view/front row, backstage passes, etc, who wouldn't, but i for one would not push and carry on like that...actions speak louder than words and those who jump the queue and push and misbehave should be ashamed of themselves. u know i long sooo much to be there but i'll never do that to ppl. if they were there b4 me it's only fair they get in first. if u wanna be in the front row, get up early and go cause it's really really unfair to those who made sacrifices to be there early to get a good position, only to be pushed around by a late comer. they should put theirselves in those ppl positions.

this whole issue has me really sad and disappointed.

think about our reputation now with Mika and his management and we wonder why Mika doesn't do meet and greets/stay long for them/take posed pics

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We are on the same page. :thumb_yello:


We are not saying that every member of the mfc who attends these concerts is to blame. We are saying that there are one or two, and that the mfc can set a possitive and productive face to the fan base at gigs and provide and example for those in attendance.

When the word 'official' is official, i have a feeling concerns will be directed elsewhere so it is important that this factor is dealt with before all eyes are in our direction.

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Queuing since 1am when generally all the other people come at about 3/4pm?? It IS mad! there's no need.:blink:


There may be 'no need' to you..... but at the NYC gig there was 4 people there at 5 AM.... 5 more just a LITTLE while later and by 7 AM people were down the entire sidewalk. So generally speak obviously our gigs were 'different' the ones you attended people got there at 3 or 4 PM AT MINE by 3:00 PM there was over 100 people already in line!!!!!!!!! SO it was not mad to get there early... *if it is important to you to be close* and there DEFINATELY was a 'NEED'

..... you cannot judge all things in such a standard way....as every single gig is different....just as different as the people waiting in line!


I will be THANKFUL and greatful that I got there at 5 AM for the rest of my life!

TOO MANY unbeleivably wonderful things occured! I got to meet so many wonderful people.... and John and Jerry were so good to us..... letting us meet Mika before the gig...and buying us Hot Chocolate and donuts. They did not think we were stupid for getting there at 5 AM ..... they just thought we were dedicated!~ Even Mika thought we were loyal- devoted fans!


I will cherish my time with him... so for someone to say it was uncalled for or no need for is your opinion, and I respect that - but LOOK what I would have missed if I thought like you............

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I will be THANKFUL and greatful that I got there at 5 AM for the rest of my life!

TOO MANY unbeleivably wonderful things occured! I got to meet so many wonderful people.... and John and Jerry were so good to us..... letting us meet Mika before the gig...and buying us Hot Chocolate and donuts. They did not think we were stupid for getting there at 5 AM ..... they just thought we were dedicated!~ Even Mika thought we were loyal- devoted fans!



:shocked: That's so cool!!!

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There may be 'no need' to you..... but at the NYC gig there was 4 people there at 5 AM.... 5 more just a LITTLE while later and by 7 AM people were down the entire sidewalk. So generally speak obviously our gigs were 'different' the ones you attended people got there at 3 or 4 PM AT MINE by 3:00 PM there was over 100 people already in line!!!!!!!!! SO it was not mad to get there early... *if it is important to you to be close* and there DEFINATELY was a 'NEED'

..... you cannot judge all things in such a standard way....as every single gig is different....just as different as the people waiting in line!


I will be THANKFUL and greatful that I got there at 5 AM for the rest of my life!

TOO MANY unbeleivably wonderful things occured! I got to meet so many wonderful people.... and John and Jerry were so good to us..... letting us meet Mika before the gig...and buying us Hot Chocolate and donuts. They did not think we were stupid for getting there at 5 AM ..... they just thought we were dedicated!~ Even Mika thought we were loyal- devoted fans!


I will cherish my time with him... so for someone to say it was uncalled for or no need for is your opinion, and I respect that - but LOOK what I would have missed if I thought like you............


i will never again doubt you when you want to get there at 5 am! hey, next show we should get there at 2! what will they say then?!


about an hour before they started lining us up, people that got there WAYYY later than us were hanging about the front. so the people that were there WAYYY in the a.m were like "back up!" holly, finkster, lucy and i, were the first one's in line, and i was the first one in the venue. but in the front rows behind us, i didn't recognize a soul, all of those people managed to shove they're way inside, and got good seats while people that were waiting in the cold for 10+ hours, got crappy spaces.

i wished security would have put the barricade up a lot earlier, so there wouldn't have been a mess.

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Awe Holly...I haven't seen that picture...It's so cute. :wub2: That's as good as any posed pic. :thumb_yello:


THANK YOU!!! I like it even better than if we were standing together 'taking a picture' cause we are LOOKING into each others eyes!!!!! Aaahhh...the 'Moment' captured forever!!!!! LOVE IT!

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Hee hee! I have a picture like this of Josh Groban and me. I look just like you do in the pic...such an "Awe" expression. Dang, I have to go find that picture. LOL


THANK YOU!!! I like it even better than if we were standing together 'taking a picture' cause we are LOOKING into each others eyes!!!!! Aaahhh...the 'Moment' captured forever!!!!! LOVE IT!
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i will never again doubt you when you want to get there at 5 am! hey, next show we should get there at 2! what will they say then?!


about an hour before they started lining us up, people that got there WAYYY later than us were hanging about the front. so the people that were there WAYYY in the a.m were like "back up!" holly, finkster, lucy and i, were the first one's in line, and i was the first one in the venue. but in the front rows behind us, i didn't recognize a soul, all of those people managed to shove they're way inside, and got good seats while people that were waiting in the cold for 10+ hours, got crappy spaces.

i wished security would have put the barricade up a lot earlier, so there wouldn't have been a mess.


Thanks Alex! See.... I told you!!!!! GLAD YOU DID NOT PUT UP A FIGHT! But, to tell you the TRUTH...if you or Jess had NOT wanted to get the venue THAT early... I would have gotten a cab and went by myself.... THAT is HOW determined I was to be there early and it was a mission I just had to do.... GLAD I had some partners in crime to help make it less PAINFUL!!!! GREAT COMPANY makes ANY situation better!!!!!!

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Hee hee! I have a picture like this of Josh Groban and me. I look just like you do in the pic...such an "Awe" expression. Dang, I have to go find that picture. LOL


.....I was floating in the clouds!!!!!!!!


FIND THAT PIC!!!!!! :wub2:

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Barricades EARLIER in NYC would have been GREAT! But all - in - all everyone was pretty good! HOW the **** certain people made it to the FRONT row is beyond me! But to tell you the truth...at THAT point I was just concerned about ME, ALEX, JESS and LUCY getting in...............


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Just thought i'd post here and not spam the review thread :naughty:

I'm really disappointed with everything that I've been hearing and to think that once may be a mistake and ppl should know better, instead hearing that the queue today is just as bad or worst is really disappointing.

To think that I've never experienced it and i'm feeling so disappointed and saddened by the behaviour of ppl, esp MFCers, I can only imagine how those who prob didn't get any sleep to reachthere so early, only to be faced with that behaviour and end up getting a bad view or something.

Those individuals should be ashamed of themselves and even more so it reflects bad on MFC, esp trying to be the official fan club and all.

As i said in the other thread, *copy and paste:naughty: * i have never been to a gig, and considering i've known about him since april, i would obv love to get a front row if i ever go to a gig. i mean sure i'd love "special" treatment - best view/front row, backstage passes, etc, who wouldn't, but i for one would not push and carry on like that...actions speak louder than words and those who jump the queue and push and misbehave should be ashamed of themselves. u know i long sooo much to be there but i'll never do that to ppl. if they were there b4 me it's only fair they get in first. if u wanna be in the front row, get up early and go cause it's really really unfair to those who made sacrifices to be there early to get a good position, only to be pushed around by a late comer. they should put theirselves in those ppl positions.

this whole issue has me really sad and disappointed.

think about our reputation now with Mika and his management and we wonder why Mika doesn't do meet and greets/stay long for them/take posed pics


Really? Whats the news on that front?

I havent been stalking today's gig thread since i am off to lectures for 2h30 in about 40minutes and did not want to go get hooked in.

I would have thought that given we have raised concerns on here, and that everyone has been so upset by it this week that people would have been more conscientious.

Perhaps they took the 'in for a penny in for a pound' or 'if they do it, so can i' view.

Its rather sad....and puts a negative feeling on the whole evening - especially for the last concert of the tour.

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Hee hee! I have a picture like this of Josh Groban and me. I look just like you do in the pic...such an "Awe" expression. Dang, I have to go find that picture. LOL



what!?!? you've met josh groban!!??? i've wanting to see him in concert for YEARS!!! tell me everything!


Thanks Alex! See.... I told you!!!!! GLAD YOU DID NOT PUT UP A FIGHT! But, to tell you the TRUTH...if you or Jess had NOT wanted to get the venue THAT early... I would have gotten a cab and went by myself.... THAT is HOW determined I was to be there early and it was a mission I just had to do.... GLAD I had some partners in crime to help make it less PAINFUL!!!! GREAT COMPANY makes ANY situation better!!!!!!


i had a feeling you would...you would have looked EXTRA (:naughty: ) crazy when erin, jackie, liam, and neil showed up....they'd be like :shocked: "she's here alone?"


i wouldn't haved traded our gang for ANYTHING!

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