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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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I wouldn't blame him!


I wonder what these people were thinking.. and if they realize that this could seriously jeapordize the MFC becoming official.

I mean, the way they behaved after being given the privilege of attending a backstage afterparty?

Would you want to give those people even more privileges? Hell no.

I'm seriously pissed off, this kind of stuff gives the fanclub a bad name.. even if it's only a few of the members causing trouble.. it affects us as a whole.


Was the afterparty only for MFCers? How did everyone get invited?


I love your avatar!!!! :wub2:


Hehe, thanks. Emus are cool. :mf_rosetinted:

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Ok, I need to get to bed, but will be quick.

Gig was UNBELIEVABLE!! Soooo amazing!! He was in top form, full of energy, I got a great spot at the front, and the whole vibe was just incredible.

IMO, the best of the week BY VERY FAR. I'm not saying this to upset anyone, but it was really something else.

He was on fire, so were the band, so was the audience, everyone practically sang their lungs out to every song, and they were being quite jokey and stuff.

At one point Mickey stopped Mika in his tracks to offer him some flowers from them all, and it was relally sweet. I have it on video, but I will have to wait a bit to post it.....

Aaaaaanyway he did the usual setlist, but with extra bits of trumpets and the string girls were there again. They were very cute doing a lot of little dances and things like that.

All in all it just felt like one massive party.

Mika said that he'd been waiting to say this: "this is the last gig of a so and so long tour" etc...

Anyway I won't make much sense so I'll probably just skip to a couple of (other) highlights for me.

While we were waiting for the M to come out, I spotted Iceman walk past, so I prodded him and asked him to come over. He did, and I said I hoped he would not take it badly, but we call him Iceman as a joke.

Then HE SMILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have witnesses:naughty: .

He nodded (seriously, the guy doesn's speak!) and I said :"ah, you know then?" to which he nodded again and smiled.

So then I was feeling cheeky and figured that as I was having a "conversation" I may as well ask if I can get a pic with him:roftl: . First he said "no" with his head, but he stayed there and I said "ok, I understand, you're not allowed?" and then he said "ok,ok" and kinda gestured that we could take it.

So we took a couple of pics that haven't turned out very well of me against the barrier and Icey standing there, trying to look mean. It was hilarious.

He really is a bit of a sweetie, no matter what he tries to look like.

Aaaaaaaaaanyway so suddenly at Grace Kelly Mika comes out bouncing in his usual T-shirt and jacket combo...and a couple of seconds later I realise the Tshirt looks familiar...hmmmm......BECAUSE IT'S THE ONE I MADE FOR HIM!!!

I could NOT believe it!!

I gave him that tshirt in November after the Dusseldorf gig and had no idea of whether he'd like it, or even if it would fit!!

So I almost had a heart attack when I saw him wearing it on stage tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, it must have been the highlight of the year for me.

I couldn't stop telling everyone: "that's the Tshirt I made him!!!!". So from here I apologise to whoever I may have irritated about it, hehe..

Once the gig was over (with Lollipop and some more stage jumping, followed by a fantastic encore of Relax), we all went into the little bar room and waited for Mika and co while doing our thing.

He came in and started chatting to people; He was in great spirits, all jokey and funny, it was very relaxed and everyone was on top of him:boxed: so it probably got a bit much for him.

Anyway I was dying to ask bnout the Tshirt so I did, I said: "that was my tshirt you were wearing!!" and he said "I really like it, THANK YOU" and leant forward to squeeze my hand.

He said that he wears the tshirt all the time (:shocked:), that he's been wearing it during the US tour, and I said "no way, I don't believe it!" and he said "oh yes, seriously, I do, go ask my mum, she puts me in it".

I honestly don't know if he was getting confused, cause I haven't noticed the shirt. I will now have to check pics of the gigs, sigh!.

Of course at this point I was totally on a cloud, so I decided that I'd ask for a pic cause I never remember or dare to, and he said of course, who's gonna take it, and we took a very nice one.

Ah and speaking of Monday, he actually said himself that at the gig his voice had not been great. He said it himself! I said that I'd thought the same from when he started singing Relax, and I think Queenie was there at that moment saying the same thing to him.

Then off I went to check with his mum:roftl: and had a really lovely chat with her.

She's sooo nice and normal and genuine, so I told her that they are all so nice and talented, etc...and then about the tshirt, and she said "ooooh he really loves that tshirt, he's been wearing it all the time!!".

She thanked me again for making it and said that it "meant a lot" and I thanked her and Mika for liking it, so it was all very soppy.

We chatted a bit more, and then I think that at this point I was getting really silly with all the soppiness that I must have been blurting out because while I was speaking she said "do you mind if I film you while you say this?" :blush-anim-cl:

This was like Andy 2, hahaaaaa, so I tried my best to make sense for her camera and she was happy enough with it I think. Or maybe she'll delete it straight away LOL!!

Anyway this was very long and obviously I've focused on the bits that were most important to me, I'm leaving tons out, but I hope that people don't want to poke their eyes out when they read it.

Just think that I'm incredibly excited about it!! I'll try and elaborate more tomorrow or the day after.

All in all, I also want to thank all the MFC'ers that I've met and spent time with these days. The ones that I knew already, the "new" ones, etc.......It's been incredible spending this time with you guys, and I will look forward to my next MFC meeting.

I love you :wub2: .



OMG THAT IS AMAZING I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!U R SOOOO LUCKY U CANT EVEN IMAGINE!!!!! omg omg omg omg omg!!! btw what shirt was it i cant beleive u talked to mika and mrs penniman! they should have had an after party for terminal 5!

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Part 2

To cut all long story short:

Another interview at party, Andy said they all think I'd make a great tv presenter.

Mika singled me out in his speech, saying all the fans were great even the ones in the silly animal costumes, to which I replied no need to worry, the penguins retiring tonight. To which he replied so we'll get something bigger and better then, so I said I'm only short what do you expect from me. He asked what was next, and I told him he'd have to wait and see, heh heh!

Bearing in mind this conversation was happening over the heads of about 40 people, as he was by the bar,and I was stood on a bench seat the other side of the room!

I got a pic with Mikey (FINALLY!)and pinned him down to sign the flag, also got John to sign it too. Almost got Luke, (who was with his brother tonight) but me and Avoca got distracted by John, heh heh.

Talked to Cherrise, took some photos of her with Jemma and a couple of other people, spoke with Yasmine, told her that her brother was mad following me round with a camera for 3 months, which she thought was funny.

Talked quickly to Martin, who was with his wife(lovely lady, must have the patience of a saint, bless her), before he launched into singing Happy Birthday to one lady, and our Dani, who looked quite shocked by it.

Then the final interview with Andy, who got me to admit that Mika is now the greastest singer between him and JC Chasez, which I wouldn't do before, but because of the Champagne reception I had to conceed Mika,a puts on awicked meet & greet;-)

Then it looked like Mika was about to leave, but Avoca was on a mission to help me sign the flag. So we stood in front of him, which isn't easy, when he keeps zigzagging around the crowd.

Finally we were face to face, and the first thing he said to me was,"All this time, and I still don't know your real name" So I told him what it was, and I mentioned that he signed it on my vinyl copy of LT at HMV last year, but he said "You expect me to remember that far back!" So I said far enough. Then we got talking about my job, which he strangely remembered that I'm a courier, but can't remember my name!

He then signed the flag with "Mikaxxx, Dear Rose, better name than penguin"

The things that make him SO great!

Then I had 3 photos with him, taken by him!

He didn't like the first 2 but was happy with the 3rd.




I LOVE YOUR LIFE ALSO!!! omg i cant believe so many mfcers got into the after party! how did u manage to all get passes where and when did u get them and did u have to pay?

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I LOVE YOUR LIFE ALSO!!! omg i cant believe so many mfcers got into the after party! how did u manage to all get passes where and when did u get them and did u have to pay?


From the sounds of it - and someone can correct me if I'm wrong - but John came out to give passes to the first 70 or so people in the queue before the show. Then, it seems Avoca realized that some MFCers were left out, and arranged to give their names to John (and Mika) so that the majority of MFC did indeed have passes (wristbands, actually).



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From the sounds of it - and someone can correct me if I'm wrong - but John came out to give passes to the first 70 or so people in the queue before the show. Then, it seems Avoca realized that some MFCers were left out, and arranged to give their names to John (and Mika) so that the majority of MFC did indeed have passes (wristbands, actually).




ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wish i lived in the uk sooooooooo badly right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, let's hope they continue to do this sort of thing in the future. Maybe this is one of the benefits of being official? *shrug*


speaking of this website becoming official did any one talk to mika or mikas management about it and DID ANY ONE ASK HIM IF MIKA SAID CHICKEN ON JOOLS HOLLAND!!!! i am shivering from excitement and jealousy:naughty:

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OMG!!!!!!!!! if that was at the terminal 5 gig i would have been the 19th person to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shocked:


I wouldn't have been one of them if it was the line-up before the concert, but it was a seated venue so there was no incentive to be there early. I got to meet him anyways, though--even if it was only for a few seconds! The line was very orderly, we were on our best behaviour, so everyone got their chance. Still, for future gigs it's even more reason to be there early!!!

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Well, let's hope they continue to do this sort of thing in the future. Maybe this is one of the benefits of being official? *shrug*


I would like to agree, but I think the slight chance of that ever happening again has been ruined thanks to the pushy people :sad::thumbdown:

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I would like to agree, but I think the slight chance of that ever happening again has been ruined thanks to the pushy people :sad::thumbdown:


*sighs* Come on, MFC, you can do better than that! What happened to integrity? We're representing Mika's fan base from around the world here! Isn't that supposed to entail acting with maturity? (I'm not, of course, referring to the people who sacrificed their time with Mika - though not willingly, I'm sure - for the sake of respecting his wishes. That must feel awful, and I'm sorry.)

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It's quite funny to see how a great event can so easily be turned into a drama on this forum.


As Lollipop_monkey said it, there are always 3 sides at a story. It's not because the after party didn't go too well for some people (for whom I'm sorry, really, but after all some had not even the luck to be in London for any of the 3 gigs) that we should come to the conclusion that the MFC misbehaved or whatever. We could at least wait for more reports, don't you think?


I'm pretty sure Mika and his management never expected the crowd to stay politely in line waiting to Mika to come to them for a chat as if he was just "some guy at a party". They are not that silly and they've experienced signings before.


So yeah, maybe he was a bit mobbed, maybe he was called silly petnames, but no news under the sun, really.


People complain about him taking pics with the same people AGAIN, talking to the same people AGAIN, but when these people are your friends and come and post their reports, everybody's like "ooooooh, it's great blabla". Pffff


I am happy for everyone who had a chance to talk to him and get a pic with him last night, wether it was the first time or the 15th time. I'm sorry for those who didn't, of course, but the names I read had privileged moments with M in the past too and I'm sure they will have more in the future.


I try to focus on the positive aspects of this all: they organised something for the MFC as a whole while everybody was scared Mika would be more and more unreachable. That's just great !! Yeah for Avoca, Rose, and all the people without who that wouldn't have happened! Yeah for Rose (rah Pinguin you're a star!) and Sariflor for their lovely reports. And Thanks again to all the MFCers (and Mikawebsiters btw!) that rang me or others, texted, and let us shared a bit of their joy last night. :wub2:

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Well, I think each show is special for whatever reason. The nice gestures should be taken as a nice gesture. I don't think it would be reasonable to start EXPECTING nice things and being upset when it doesn't happen. NOT that I am saying anyone here is saying that.


Wishing is one thing, dreaming, hoping maybe but not expecting. Who knows what will happen, you know?


This after party was a very nice thing to do and a great way to end a long tour!

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I wouldn't have been one of them if it was the line-up before the concert, but it was a seated venue so there was no incentive to be there early. I got to meet him anyways, though--even if it was only for a few seconds! The line was very orderly, we were on our best behaviour, so everyone got their chance. Still, for future gigs it's even more reason to be there early!!!


I still got to my gig early and it was seated. First one there even! Then I left to get dinner.:naughty: It was really awkward being the only one around with crew walking around. I do have to say that having a seated gig was one of the best things... no waiting for hours during the winter but then again it was a hassle trying to find tickets some-what close because that was impossible. I felt spoiled for being so close to the front for my first gig for not even trying! Luck was on my side that day!



Everyone that reported... it sounds like an amazing experience! Most fans of bands can only DREAM of going to an after party!

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It's quite funny to see how a great event can so easily be turned into a drama on this forum...


I'm pretty sure Mika and his management never expected the crowd to stay politely in line waiting to Mika to come to them for a chat as if he was just "some guy at a party". They are not that silly and they've experienced signings before.


So yeah, maybe he was a bit mobbed, maybe he was called silly petnames, but no news under the sun, really.


Niki, I hope you're right.


I think that a lot of us sitting here are a bit taken aback my the notion that fellow MFCers - most of whom, I think, define themselves as being classy and respectful fans - would go more than a little crazy, even defying Mika's explicit requests. The idea that the MFC may develop a negative reputation with Mika and his people is heartbreaking. :tears:


I think most MFCers want Team Mika to come away with postive impressions of our club. I just hope we didn't disappoint, y'know?


That said, we've gotten some stellar reports, and for that I'm hoping that it wasn't as bad as first impressions would have us believe. It sounds like Mika and John were superstars to organize this, and those who got to go had the opportunity of a lifetime - great reports! I can't wait to hear more! :wub2:


goes to school without read anything :sneaky2:


Get outta' here! If you start reading now, you'll get stuck and won't get to class until noon. :roftl:

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Whew...so, I have mixed feelings. I'm so happy that the girls had their fab experiences, but saddened with the mishaps.

I'm so glad I had Nono text me the important stuff so catch up wasn't too bad...:naughty: Thanks girl! :wink2:

I'm actually going to bed now, just came back from opening night and i need sleep...

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It's quite funny to see how a great event can so easily be turned into a drama on this forum.


As Lollipop_monkey said it, there are always 3 sides at a story. It's not because the after party didn't go too well for some people (for whom I'm sorry, really, but after all some had not even the luck to be in London for any of the 3 gigs) that we should come to the conclusion that the MFC misbehaved or whatever. We could at least wait for more reports, don't you think?


I'm pretty sure Mika and his management never expected the crowd to stay politely in line waiting to Mika to come to them for a chat as if he was just "some guy at a party". They are not that silly and they've experienced signings before.


So yeah, maybe he was a bit mobbed, maybe he was called silly petnames, but no news under the sun, really.


People complain about him taking pics with the same people AGAIN, talking to the same people AGAIN, but when these people are your friends and come and post their reports, everybody's like "ooooooh, it's great blabla". Pffff


I am happy for everyone who had a chance to talk to him and get a pic with him last night, wether it was the first time or the 15th time. I'm sorry for those who didn't, of course, but the names I read had privileged moments with M in the past too and I'm sure they will have more in the future.


I try to focus on the positive aspects of this all: they organised something for the MFC as a whole while everybody was scared Mika would be more and more unreachable. That's just great !! Yeah for Avoca, Rose, and all the people without who that wouldn't have happened! Yeah for Rose (rah Pinguin you're a star!) and Sariflor for their lovely reports. And Thanks again to all the MFCers (and Mikawebsiters btw!) that rang me or others, texted, and let us shared a bit of their joy last night. :wub2:


I hardly think there's anything wrong if people whom Mika has interacted with before on previous occasions got to have another moment with him.


I'm only upset if anyone specifically monopolized him, depriving others of an equal chance, and if anyone specifically and directly went against exhortations to wait their turn.


Although as you rightly say, we don't really know anything yet.



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So I get back from work some 7 hours after my last post, spend 30 minutes speed reading everything (including the closed thread, coz I left it open to mark my page when I went, and didn't realise till the final page that it was closed, and then had to go off and start on this one!!).


We still have heard from only a handful of the 150 present. (Green-tinged Gratefulness to them)



There should be 150 stories here!! C'mon guys!!


I guess we wait till everyone gets up/gets home/gets back to Canada.


It sounds so amazing. I imagine there must have been quite a few of Mika's extended family there too. How nice......




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Ugh...finally got all caught up.

Firstly, I'm having the biggest battle of my life with that stupid green monster that keeps trying to appear on my shoulder! But seriously good for you all! And thanks for the reports!


I have mixed feelings too...I'm really happy for you guys who got to meet him, rose i'm glad he finally knows your name and sara I'm glad he was wearing your shirt!!! To try to think from Mika's point of view (although i'm sure i wouldn't know really) I would say it would be nice to talk to people whom you recognized from the beginning of the tour so he might have talked to those people first or longer, but i'd want to meet new people or less familiar people too just to hear someone differents opinion. But at the same time I hope no one became selfish and denied others like babs and christine or others who have never met him there time. I guess we'll just have to wait for the rest of the stories. I don't live in the "real world" where things aren't fair. i always think along the lines of "good things come to those who wait" but who knows.


I just hope after all mika's management did the majority of people were happy, and it didn't happen for people to just fight over and be unhappy.


I hope that makes sense, I'm not the best at writing out my feelings, they make much more sense in my head lol.

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