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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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Well as you can see, I said in my post "at some point" and not "right now."

I just have the feeling we're talking in circles and would like some input on how we can prevent this from happening in the future.

I think we have a bigger influence on eachother than a lot of people realize.

With that, I honestly believe we can make a change if we work together.


Heal the board

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire MFC

Besides giving some people a crash course in acceptable social etiquette, and a couple of slaps *joking* (or am I?:bleh: ) I have no idea how.

Well, obviously other than "control" as in fences, lines, tight rules, etc....

As I said, I think that the main problem is that many of those responsible, don't actually read the MFC. They have an alternative forum.

Have I said too much? :blush-anim-cl: I mean, we all know anyway....

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Besides giving some people a crash course in acceptable social etiquette, and a couple of slaps *joking* (or am I?:bleh: ) I have no idea how.

Well, obviously other than "control" as in fences, lines, tight rules, etc....

As I said, I think that the main problem is that many of those responsible, don't actually read the MFC. They have an alternative forum.

Have I said too much? :blush-anim-cl: I mean, we all know anyway....



Oooh tell me more..... An alternative forum? I havn't heard that one before........Is there really another one.....

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With all due respect, Diana, and I don't wish to start any confrontations here, but I don't think that anyone is ready to "let go" quite yet.

I think that posts like this, even if well intentioned, are part of why some people are feeling even angrier about last week's events.

The least we can do is allow everyone who feels the need to "vent" to do it, as long as it's respectful and in good manners.

And I think we've gotten to hear what was/is inside Mika's head, or as close as it will get.


I quite agree, as usual (you've made it easier for me to keep quiet all the way:naughty: ). I honestly believe "letting it go" will help and even encourage those we all know. Moreover, we're not at ease, we feel terrible for things we haven't even done (it's called self respect I think), and we need to "vent" as you said. In my experience letting things go is the easy way out, and if we care about Mika and the MFC we should fight for them and try to improve in every way we can. Discussions are a healthy habit as long as we keep them respectful as I think we are.

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Besides giving some people a crash course in acceptable social etiquette, and a couple of slaps *joking* (or am I?:bleh: ) I have no idea how.

Well, obviously other than "control" as in fences, lines, tight rules, etc....

As I said, I think that the main problem is that many of those responsible, don't actually read the MFC. They have an alternative forum.

Have I said too much? :blush-anim-cl: I mean, we all know anyway....


I dare you to open the "Social etiquette for dummies" thread :mf_rosetinted:


I will then work on my "Why you shouldnt do little things you know are stupid when people are likely to do them a hundred times worse and get you put into the same category of complete morons" lecture :yay:

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I dare you to open the "Social etiquette for dummies" thread :mf_rosetinted:


I will then work on my "Why you shouldnt do little things you know are stupid when people are likely to do them a hundred times worse and get you put into the same category of complete morons" lecture :yay:


I may well take you up on that! Just give me a bit of time, LOL

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I agree that the MFC can change you. I was perfectly happy to see Mika on stage, my first concert and I was thrilled! I was on my little cloud for ages, and so I joined the MFC so I could share my experiences. I heard of many people who had met Mika, spoken to him, had photos etc and I guess I got a tad jealous and though "hey, I deserve that too." I never did meet with him though or stay behind at the concert or go early to see him before as my parents wouldn't have let me, but in a sense I am glad they didn;t let me because I am scared that I would have been part of that mob which really might have ruined his evening. Now though, after reading this thread I completely understand how awful the situation was and how Mika deservesin every single way to be treated like a normal human being, and that he wasn;t on that night, and now I hope that if I do meet him in future it will be completely on HIS terms, and initiated by him.


I agree with all that you said! :thumb_yello:

Especially the end! That's exactly what I thought after the first Brixton concert was over and I wanted to meet him but when I saw all this ppl I just left.

When he signs stuffs it's to make fans happy and that's good, but now that I have my autograph I don't see the point in waiting for him with 100 persons knowing he'll sign but won't talk.

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I agree with all that you said! :thumb_yello:

Especially the end! That's exactly what I thought after the first Brixton concert was over and I wanted to meet him but when I saw all this ppl I just left.

When he signs stuffs it's to make fans happy and that's good, but now that I have my autograph I don't see the point in waiting for him with 100 persons knowing he'll sign but won't talk.


thanks!!! I understand what you're saying completely and I agree!!

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I am curious about Titanias comments about Mika and his family, not wanting to do the afterparty.

I don't purport to knowing the guy or his family. But from certain conversations I've had with people over the months of going around all the shows,, nothing happens unless he he says it does, and if he doesn't want to do something he won't. And fair play to him for that, he knows how he wants things and what works for him and as the buck stops with him he's right to do so. I think he is lucky to get a fair amount of leeway from his record company, they obviously have faith in him and his vision and it seems to be working.

So I'm pretty sure that he wanted to hang out for a while with his fans, I think after what happened, he may sit back and consider a better way of doing it next time. Maybe a more organised meet and greet, or if he wanted to do the same thing again, be a little more security concious, I think Iceman could have done with a little more help that night.

I really hope that what happened didn't put him off wanting to hang out with us again, and I'm sure he is aware it was a small minority of people that have spoilt it, he seems to be quite observant and appears to notice things like this.



It's hard to just swollow a comment like titianas, but if she care to explaine a little more....



Well, us spaniards don't really do "biting our tongue" very well, do we?:roftl: For better or worse, it always ends up coming out, and more often than not, in an explosive way, LOL!!


I have always belived that the spaniards made the world go round!

Seriously, do never stop making your long "ramblings"!:wub2:

How on earth are we supposed to know what people are thinking if they don't share their thoughts?:wink2:

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Don't know if this would be a good idea or not, but would naming names be wrong? Because for those who weren't there don't know who these ppl are and many have said they are regulars....but I'm still clueless as to who those ppl are, and there are prob a few others who may be clueless like myself, and I dunno, if people start posting names, maybe that might help? In the sense that it would embarass them and people might hopefully think twice before they do any such thing.

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I really really hope he knows that it is only a tiny proportion of his "fans" that do act like that, and that unfortunately a tiny proportion can make things go pear-shaped for the majority of people who care about Mika's wishes and wouldn;t in their wildest dreams do something that would go against that...



Well I never said that only a tiny proportion act that way, just that the "party" contained only a small cross section of fans... which included both the respectful and disrespectful types.

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Seriously, do never stop making your long "ramblings"!:wub2:

How on earth are we supposed to know what people are thinking if they don't share their thoughts?:wink2:


I love you Sienna:wub2:

CHEEK :shocked: I just meant I kinda act the same as Sarifour in that instance as mentioned in the past posts:bleh:


why on earth have you started calling me sarifour now?:roftl:

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Same goes for people asking his mum for passes- I find that incomprehensible and totally disgraceful, and if others disagree, then so be it, but it won't make me change my opinion on it. ]


I totally agree, I have heard reports from different sources, that people were asking (and not on Thursday - before that) for a huge amount of backstage passes, and that this has been going on for quite a while.

How can people pester the woman like that?


Well, one of the main problems is that many of them don't read or can understand the MFC in the first place:mf_rosetinted:


Perhaps someone could seek out the place they frequent then and explain the basics of good manners to them? :mf_rosetinted:


It is only MFCers who whinge that he should be doing more because through shared experiences we know that other people have had more attention from him and think we're all entitled to the same.


IMO it's time to modify those expectations and our sense of entitlement and stop making these ridiculous demands on Mika.


I hate to say 'I told you so' but I have been saying this since last summer. Some people have had amazing good fortune in terms of meeting and talking to Mika - but it is not, and should not be expected.


Hmm I promised myself I wouldn't reply to the subject anymore..


We can't look inside Mika's head so we don't know what he thought of the night.

If it was me in his place though, I probably wouldn't have been able to make a distinction between the "rude" people and the "respectful" ones.

Pointing the finger ("they ruined it for us") doesn't change anything, what happened that night affects the entire MFC.


Even though I completely understand the need to vent, I think at some point we need to accept what happened and let go.


Maybe we can look for ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

I personally don't know how we can achieve this yet but I'd like to hear your ideas.


My first idea would have been that people listened and allowed us to vent in the first instance. It's interesting, since titania has posted an alternative view, how many people have now come out in agreement with it, whereas when the few complained last Friday/Saturday, we were rubbished. This is one of the reasons I felt I had to take a week off from the MFC.

As someone pointed out earlier - why does everybody have no problem believing good and nice things, but things that are less palatable, they don't even want to discuss, let alone believe.



With all due respect, Diana, and I don't wish to start any confrontations here, but I don't think that anyone is ready to "let go" quite yet.

I think that posts like this, even if well intentioned, are part of why some people are feeling even angrier about last week's events.

The least we can do is allow everyone who feels the need to "vent" to do it, as long as it's respectful and in good manners.

And I think we've gotten to hear what was/is inside Mika's head, or as close as it will get.


Well, thanks, that says the rest of what I wanted to say.

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My first idea would have been that people listened and allowed us to vent in the first instance.


Even though I completely understand the need to vent, I think at some point we need to accept what happened and let go.


Maybe we can look for ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

I personally don't know how we can achieve this yet but I'd like to hear your ideas.


Well as you can see, I said in my post "at some point" and not "right now."



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Don't know if this would be a good idea or not, but would naming names be wrong?


No, we shouldn't start naming names. I just ask that everyone who was there examines their own behaviour and the people who see Mika in the future keep the "brain breaking experience" in mind so that they don't participate in causing another one.


Personally I don't know who was doing what exactly. The mob was so large I could barely see Mika so I don't know who was up in his face or who had a chance to talk to him and didn't leave him alone afterwards, etc.


I am making assumptions that these things happened and that MFCers were involved just because there were so many people around Mika for such a long period of time that there must have been MFCers who were not behaving appropriately. Even if I knew who one or two of them were, it's not fair to single them out when there are dozens of people who did things that they probably shouldn't have.

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I don't know how people in their right mind, think they can hassle his mother for backstage passes. That's just plain rude - I don't care how much you think you deserve them, or how many gigs you've been too and how much travelling you've done. Don't ask for things like that - learn some sodding manners.


Don't think it will help to name names either. Those people probably don't think they did anything wrong, or that Mika didn't mind them being in his face for how long they were.


Unless you have some normal sensible fans telling people to back off - they won't change either. Sad fact but they'd probably do the same thing tomorrow if given the chance.



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Whatever, but that wasn't the reaction we got when we first posted.

Nice to know that people can change their minds or admit they were wrong.


I've not changed my position on this.

But I think it's better if I don't post here anymore because everything I say gets misinterpreted. :mf_rosetinted:

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I've not changed my position on this.

But I think it's better if I don't post here anymore because everything I say gets misinterpreted. :mf_rosetinted:


Yes, me too. I haven't changed my position either, but it now seems to me, like it is an 'allowed' topic.

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I don't know how people in their right mind, think they can hassle his mother for backstage passes. That's just plain rude - I don't care how much you think you deserve them, or how many gigs you've been too and how much travelling you've done. Don't ask for things like that - learn some sodding manners.


Don't think it will help to name names either. Those people probably don't think they did anything wrong, or that Mika didn't mind them being in his face for how long they were.


Unless you have some normal sensible fans telling people to back off - they won't change either. Sad fact but they'd probably do the same thing tomorrow if given the chance.




As is usually the case in all different sorts of situations, people acted that way because they knew they could get away with it... their behavior was ridiculous and rude because they were blinded by the fact that their favorite star was in the vicinity and they felt they needed to attach themselves to him like leeches to get their fix. They were only out for their own interests and could care less about Mika's or anyone else's, even if they might fool themselves into thinking otherwise. But it's not like this behavior's very irregular either... it happens with every celebrity.


It's not a problem that anyone can solve simply by telling them not to do it next time. It's impossible to prevent people from acting that way when they don't wish to listen to reason. I have no doubt that your last sentence is true. :doh: Oh well.

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seriously, on a lighter note, I understand everyone's frustrations... and i definetly do not want to add more fuel to this debate.. for those who did not pester him and chase him.. and stalk him... look at the bright side, we are comfortable with who we are and we got much more than what we paid for...

I don't think I got more than I paid for, I paid for a gig and got a gig.


... just remember, you paid 24 pounds and in return you were one of the few who were previlaged to see him live on his last gig, drink champaign with him .. and hear his toast (to me hearing the toast was the icing on the cake.. though it wasshort lived) ...



I didn't get champagne, and I didn't hear a word of the toast. The most I saw of Mika was his hair above the crowd.

I'm very grateful that certain MFCers thought of me when getting the passes and I'm very grateful that Mrs Penniman wanted to give me a pass.

But the rest, well.

Excuse me not joining in the love-fest.

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i'm not sure i should do that... and i'm sure it will lead to some misplaced reactions... but i think it should be said :


for those who ask more details about mika's reaction/thoughts/ideas/anything to titania, you will not get the answers you're asking for... but i think you can trust her more for these subjects than other people who imply they are some sort of insiders or whatever else and know more that common members...


said ! out...

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