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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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I don't know how people in their right mind, think they can hassle his mother for backstage passes. That's just plain rude - I don't care how much you think you deserve them, or how many gigs you've been too and how much travelling you've done. Don't ask for things like that - learn some sodding manners.

Don't think it will help to name names either. Those people probably don't think they did anything wrong, or that Mika didn't mind them being in his face for how long they were.


Unless you have some normal sensible fans telling people to back off - they won't change either. Sad fact but they'd probably do the same thing tomorrow if given the chance.





OK Laurel I now love you!! You have completely summed up everything I wanted to say and said it 10 times better than I ever could! Thanks! I especially love your 1st paragraph!!:thumb_yello:

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i'm not sure i would do that... and i'm sure it will lead to some misplaced reactions... but i think it should be said :


for those who ask more details about mika's reaction/thoughts/ideas/anything to titania, you will not get the answers you're asking for... but i think you can trust her more for these subjects than other people who imply they are some sort of insiders or whatever else and know more that common members...


said ! out...


hmmm...but we/some of us once use to believe someone who turned out to be a fraud :thumbdown: ...plus there were/are some questionable characters.....so how can we be so sure in this instance??

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I've not changed my position on this.

But I think it's better if I don't post here anymore because everything I say gets misinterpreted. :mf_rosetinted:


I understood perfectly well what you've said :thumb_yello:

You have the right to post what you think and everyone have to respect everyone's opinion so keep on posting :wink2:

Btw, I like reading everyone's point of view but I think everything that could be said have been said, there is nothing new...apart from titania's comment but she disappeared.

And I think that ppl did not ASK for those badges from Mika's mom.

I was told by Olga on the 1st Brixton gig that, maybe on monday, Mika's mom told her that she would make her go backstage with 4 or 5 ppl because she's been travelling a lot etc...

I don't know more and I think too much have been said assuming things.

Maybe we should wait to hear more about this story from Mika himself or some official source...

And I'd like to add, if signings and meet and greets really bothered Mika he would/should say or do sth. Maybe for his next tour he won't do signings because he's fed up with it and then everyone will calm down. I think if he stop the meet and greets nobody will be angry or disappointed, himself included, everyone will be fine just going to see the gigs. Like so many ppl said it's because ppl have read stories about meeting Mika that they want the same treatment. I think the lollipop girls were a very good idea and did not create anger...


(Sorry, I'm saying the same as a lot of ppl, hope you don't mind me not quoting everyone :blush-anim-cl: )

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I don't know how people in their right mind, think they can hassle his mother for backstage passes. That's just plain rude - I don't care how much you think you deserve them, or how many gigs you've been too and how much travelling you've done. Don't ask for things like that - learn some sodding manners.


Don't think it will help to name names either. Those people probably don't think they did anything wrong, or that Mika didn't mind them being in his face for how long they were.


Unless you have some normal sensible fans telling people to back off - they won't change either. Sad fact but they'd probably do the same thing tomorrow if given the chance.





I totally agree, especially the first paragraph!!!!!

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I don't think I got more than I paid for, I paid for a gig and got a gig.


Don't take it badly, I totally understand your frustration but that exactly is the point that confused me so much about the whole magic/tragic wristband affaire. I said earlier when I joined the 'queue' on Thursday I was quite surprised to see so many puzzled, sad and downright devastated facial expressions in people's faces. And all that just because of some plastic ribbons and a vague promise of some sort of aftershow/backstage activity. Everybody was crying or almost and no, I'm not exaggerating here. Nobody was pleased, neiter those with a ribbon nor those without one. There was a lot of 'oh how unfair, to give them to the wrong people' in the air.

I am grateful to those who got me two wristbands in the end, but that's a lot more because I was just kinda moved as people were thinking about ME when arranging things. That was really a highlight for me. Not the wristbands for the wristbands sake. Or the party. To be honest, when I first heard about what they were for I was very very sure Mika would not show up there. I thought it was a very clever move to keep the mob from the stage doors so that he could just leave without big trouble.


So many times in life you get less than what you paid for. So I was quite happy to get a gig (and a really great one) when I paid for a gig.

And yes, I was quite pleased to be in the same room with Mika, even though it was just for watching. I know it didn't do for you and this is okay. But who can claim for themselves that Mika's mum wanted them to have a pass? There's really a curse to expectations, once they're met or exceeded we're never satisfied with what we get.

Isn't it funny how giving out these 'goodies' made things worse, not better? I think this is food for thought.

To be honest, if I had known HOW MUCH he was really NOT into this kind of thing, I would have gladly caught the last tube back to the hotel.

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hmmm...but we/some of us once use to believe someone who turned out to be a fraud :thumbdown: ...plus there were/are some questionable characters.....so how can we be so sure in this instance??


You can't be... but rather, just as with everything else on the internet, people should make the decision themselves whether or not they choose to believe what's been said.

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I don't think I got more than I paid for, I paid for a gig and got a gig.

I didn't get champagne, and I didn't hear a word of the toast. The most I saw of Mika was his hair above the crowd.

I'm very grateful that certain MFCers thought of me when getting the passes and I'm very grateful that Mrs Penniman wanted to give me a pass.

But the rest, well.

Excuse me not joining in the love-fest.


I wish not for an argument and please dont take this the wrong way but:


I paid also for a gig but I got more and so did you, we both got an incredible, amazing, out of this world gig! I loved the gig, and I was immensly pleased coming away from it, and it was definitely more than I expected.

You also got invited to the afterparty, which certainly wasn't what you paid for in the ticket last time I looked! I didn't get invited to the afterparty, yet I am still looking on the bright side, his music, which at the end of the day is why we are all here and why we go to his gigs: the music.

I understand that some people must be annoyed that they didn't have the best time at the afterparty and that things went a bit pear-shaped, and I understand your anger, but you did get more than you paid for, and that's what I wanted to point out.

Sorry, for that, I am in no way directing any negative points at you, and the last thing I want is conflict, but I just wanted to say what I had to say!

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And I think that ppl did not ASK for those badges from Mika's mom.

I was told by Olga on the 1st Brixton gig that, maybe on monday, Mika's mom told her that she would make her go backstage with 4 or 5 ppl because she's been travelling a lot etc...



And yet I have heard from different sources the opposite, that people were asking for passes, and a lot of them, and not only on Thursday.

Well, we may never know the truth, but there is no smoke without fire.

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I agree with you.. and of course, I do not mean to disrespect babspanky's feeling of frustration... I was there.. and I saw the chaos.. but I also saw one of the best shows ever... worth much more than 24 pounds


exactly my point....

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So many times in life you get less than what you paid for. So I was quite happy to get a gig (and a really great one) when I paid for a gig.

And yes, I was quite pleased to be in the same room with Mika, even though it was just for watching. I know it didn't do for you and this is okay. But who can claim for themselves that Mika's mum wanted them to have a pass? .


Well Jems and I can, because she came up to us and gave us one each, without us having spoken to her.


I'm not so bothered that I didn't get to speak to Mika, VS, as I have said before, but what does bother me was other people's behaviour and also the assumption in this thread, that we all should be grateful simply for being there.

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Isn't it funny how giving out these 'goodies' made things worse, not better? I think this is food for thought.


I could see this coming already with the N. American tour with people whinging that Mika never asked fans to be lollipop girls in their town.


It's sad but it's probably easier to keep people happy by giving them nothing than it is for some to enjoy benefits while others are feeling left out.


As someone has already said, no good deed goes unpunished, and the bad feelings that arise out of these situations cancel out the goodwill that you'd hope would be generated by it.


To be honest, if I had known HOW MUCH he was really NOT into this kind of thing, I would have gladly caught the last tube back to the hotel.


I wish the afterparty had not happened but as I told some friends when it was over, I'm glad that I went. Because I knew the next time I logged onto MFC I'd read all kinds of rose-tinted reports about how it was the greatest experience a Mika fan could ever hope to have.


I'm glad that I saw for myself what really happened and don't have to wonder if I missed out on something or whose version of events was accurate.

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finally just to let you all know My Lollipop finale vid is finally up on utube now :thumb_yello: it's lost a bit of quality cos I had to rotate a few sections at the start but I still love it cos it feels like your there again woo inside the crazy balloons, confetti and streamers etc, go rate and comment it for me :wink2:


PS hope this is the right place to post this btw.


PPS. sorry the pic quality is really naff compared to the other vid I put up I'm not tecky so I dunno how to put it right.



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I think a lot of time is spent on MFC trying to figure out what Mika thinks and feels about any given idea or topic. Things would just be so much easier if we had some means of knowing what his opinion truly is, instead of trying to guess.


However, since we can't simply call him up and say "So, Mika, what did you really think of the <insert subject here>?", we can only base our actions on our own ideas of what's right, what's socially acceptable.


In this case, Titania gave us a tidbit of insight into Mika's thoughts on the afterparty - a bit harsh, but appreciated. And, it only validates what many have suspected already.


I find it interesting, though, that "don't mob him when he's specifically asked us to back off and go mingle" has turned into "don't ask for pictures, autographs, hugs, etc."


Quoting another post by Titania, made in December in the personal life thread. The first bit is about the sexuality debate, followed by a comment about interaction:


This speculation does nothing more than to serve idle curiousity and in this way is not any different from any common tabloids with their so called hired "experts"...


But go ahead and ask him for a hug next time you see him...:doh:


Was that some sort of sarcasm that I missed? Again, without Mika's mobile number to ring him and ask him what his opinion truly is, I would - and this is my assumption - feel that he doesn't mind hugs/pics/autographs(that is, when he hasn't specifically asked people to give him space to move around and mingle). On days that he's tired, has other plans, etc, he has John lay down the law that there will be no pics, etc.


From the few minutes I spent with him, he struck me as a particularly touchy, open person. I'm no body language expert, but he certainly doesn't need to lean into fans and pull them in the way he does; the loose-arm-barely-around-the-shoulders hug would be more like what I'd expect from someone who is uncomfortable with the situation.


There's also the fact that if we somehow did manage to lay down some MFC laws about not waiting around the stage door before the show, and/or not asking for hugs, MFC is only 10,000 (and that's generous!) out of millions. Non MFCers will still do these things, and I can't imagine MFCers will be content to sit back and forgo these things while thousands of others still partake.

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I wish not for an argument and please dont take this the wrong way but:


I paid also for a gig but I got more and so did you, we both got an incredible, amazing, out of this world gig! I loved the gig, and I was immensly pleased coming away from it, and it was definitely more than I expected.

You also got invited to the afterparty, which certainly wasn't what you paid for in the ticket last time I looked! I didn't get invited to the afterparty, yet I am still looking on the bright side, his music, which at the end of the day is why we are all here and why we go to his gigs: the music.

I understand that some people must be annoyed that they didn't have the best time at the afterparty and that things went a bit pear-shaped, and I understand your anger, but you did get more than you paid for, and that's what I wanted to point out.

Sorry, for that, I am in no way directing any negative points at you, and the last thing I want is conflict, but I just wanted to say what I had to say!


Fair enough, your opinion I know, but although I agree, the gig was a good one, I don't know if it's the best I've seen, besides which I was right at the back and the view was really bad, so I obviously don't have the same viewpoint as you.


And I'm not really angry as such, I just get pissed off with the people who keep telling me how lucky I am and how I should feel.

And I still don't think I got more than I paid for. :bleh:

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Fair enough, your opinion I know, but although I agree, the gig was a good one, I don't know if it's the best I've seen, besides which I was right at the back and the view was really bad, so I obviously don't have the same viewpoint as you.


And I'm not really angry as such, I just get pissed off with the people who keep telling me how lucky I am and how I should feel.

And I still don't think I got more than I paid for. :bleh:


Fair enough!! Well, it was my best Mika gig, seeing as it was my only Mika gig! :bleh:

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So I'm pretty sure that he wanted to hang out for a while with his fans, I think after what happened, he may sit back and consider a better way of doing it next time.


IMO it's all very much related to the whole "how much physical contact is acceptable" discussion; at the end of the day it's all about invading his personal space one way or another.


I mean, why do people go so mad when he's around and behave like there were no rules? Mika is not our toy, not a slave who would do anything we want him to. He's a human being entitled to the same rights as any other human being. The fact that he's famous and has fans should never change that. I've been feeling really bad and really guilty for having been at the party and spoken to him (although it was him who addressed me first), mainly because I don't want to be considered part of that mob (I'll say it, I'm sorry: we all know who those people are) and because he look so tired and fed up though he tried to hide it.



i started reading this thread yesterday but i'm kinda lost...there're way too many posts to read so i can understand the whole thing. and i dont know how that whole meeting works out...i've only seen videos of him giving autographs and sometimes taking pics and things always seemed to be under control.

this whole thing you're talking about happened in that after-party that he made a toast and asked where people were from and stuff?

and people actually mobbed him or something?


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Was that some sort of sarcasm that I missed?


I think perhaps she was pointing out the irony of people sitting around on a message board speculating on Mika's sexuality in a way she finds as distasteful as tabloid journalism - and then approaching him in person to ask for a hug as if he should consider you a friend.


I'm not sure she's saying that Mika should be off limits to physical contact.

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I am finally back home after a great vacation in London.. as I promised, here are some pictures from the Q, concert and after party.. as you can clearly see no pics of me and Mika together (hint hint..)



seriously, on a lighter note, I understand everyone's frustrations... and i definetly do not want to add more fuel to this debate.. for those who did not pester him and chase him.. and stalk him... look at the bright side, we are comfortable with who we are and we got much more than what we paid for...


we can not change people but we take pride at being respectful of others... just remember, you paid 24 pounds and in return you were one of the few who were previlaged to see him live on his last gig, drink champaign with him .. and hear his toast (to me hearing the toast was the icing on the cake.. though it wasshort lived) ... I have been wanting to see him live for a while now and couldn't due to the fact that I live far far away from where he usually performs...


I am grateful for the after party (no matter how others made it end up being... am still proud of my behaviour and many others who were equally mature and respectful... and we were a lot (maybe we were not loud... but we were MANY)

I am thankful that I met great MFCiers...


here's some entertainment






videos to follow as they are taking ages on youtube




Nice photos Racha.


And you sum up my feelings too. All the bold is EXACTLLY what I want to say.


I'm concerned about titania's post because I saw no evidence on the night and have heard nothing on people's YouTube vids to make me think that Mika didn't want to be there. On the contrary I think he was very happy for most of the time. I have NO DOUBT that had there been a serious problem, Ice Man would have been in there like a shot.

I think Mika is very good with his fans and understands what they want. And although I couldn't get close I didn't see actual mobbing just a knot of people who made it impossible to get in without pushing. And we didn't push. There was no pushing that I saw till that last minute when he said he was going. I ducked out under some people's arms so as not to mob him. But that was the very end.

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babspanky, I hope you are not pissed of at ME, for being happy with MY experience??:boxed:


I would never imagine myself imposing my opinion on others... as I said, this is how I, and only I personally, feel this way... it is only fair that I can share my pics and MY OWN personal experience ...


I understand everyone's point of view...


Of course not. You be as happy as you like!:wink2:

I'm not pissed off about my experience as such, but can't put a rose tinted glow on it either.


I was pissed off with others' behaviour that night and that I felt certain members opinions were being disregarded earlier in this thread.

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