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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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Could someone explain to me where this figure o f 150 people came from, 'cause as far as I was aware there were only 100 passes given out.


True, the 70 originally, 3 later on, and at the end, 30 more. Makes 103 in total.

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Oh yes, I know he sometimes does this--but sometimes he does not. And sometimes, I'm sure, he really doesn't mind the one or two requests, especially if he's in a generally good mood, or has just received a gift that really amuses him, etc. I'm not saying that if you asked him for a pic and he said "sure!" he was silently cursing you the entire time. I'm sure he's totally fine with it when it's just the couple requests.


What I'm saying is, though, that even if he doesn't mind in these one or two cases, it is still going against what has been asked of us as fans respecting Mika's time and space. And that if more than one or two people decide to take advantage of this (as at the afterparty), then we get, well... the afterparty.




Well, I'm not. I mean, my remarks are not aimed at anyone that Mika initiated the encounter with, or who treated him in a polite, respectful manner (like Rak1 and Sariflor). It looked like he was enjoying those encounters.


If anyone decides to take offense or feel guilty because of something I didn't even say, that's hardly my responsibility.




Er... only if you pushed up into his face? Honey, you were a lollipop girl. You basically provided Mika with free work. :-P When he takes you on as part of the crew, I think it's ok to ask for a pic as long as you don't hold him from his own work, which you did not. In fact, I'd say the whole lollipop/big girl thing is the only time that you are perhaps entitled to a pic/autograph, since you are actually providing a service for his show, and you even lose your ticket price in the process (although you may think it worth it to be on stage).


I'm also--obviously--not directing my comments at any people who ask Mika for pics and autographs in those times when the security doesn't say anything about not doing so.




Ha ha, I was gonna ask if the photo subject included Mika grabbing your camera and going nuts with it.LOL!

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It just bugs me that ppl in the MFC make me feel "guilty" for having had a great time and a pic :boxed:


It bugs me that Mika had a "brain breaking experience" after being gracious enough to invite fans to his party.


No one is making you feel guilty. We're just discussing what happened that night. If you did nothing wrong and your conscience is clear then you have nothing to feel guilty about.


Let's be careful, though, to make sure that we don't make everyone who got a picture or an autograph that night (or any other night, for that matter) feel like a complete asshat for doing so. From the sounds of it, Mika initiated some of the photos that night, before things got more chaotic.


Just to be perfectly clear, my problems with that night are:


  1. There were people who did not respect Mika's request to stand away from him while he made his way around the room
  2. There were people who ignored Mika's request to take a break and continued to make demands on him
  3. There were people who crowded around him to eavesdrop and to seek his attention to the point where he was completely immobilized

None of this necessarily has to do with getting photos or autographs. It is clear from Blue's and Sariflor's photos that he wasn't being crowded at that time. I am not blaming them or anyone in particular because I don't know which people are responsible for these things I found disturbing and unacceptable.


In fact, I'd say the whole lollipop/big girl thing is the only time that you are perhaps entitled to a pic/autograph, since you are actually providing a service for his show, and you even lose your ticket price in the process (although you may think it worth it to be on stage).


Actually she didn't lose her ticket price. :naughty:


But I totally agree about lollipop girls being entitled. In fact, I thought the reports of Mana and Vero getting kicked out onto the street while there were parties going on inside the venue to be ridiculous.


It seems kind of ass-backwards to me that people who were effectively part of his crew were treated like out-of-control fangirls, and yet in London the out-of-control fangirls were invited to a VIP party. :blink:

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Hello everyone :biggrin2:

Are we still talking about this?:naughty:


apparently :boxed:


*i've been stalking this thread lol. not read every post bearing in mind, but i get the jist...*


but i also get the sense that we're just constantly saying the same things over and over...?

Same with the MFC rules, should we apply some concrete rules about this sort of thing if it ever happens again? I mean like, not quite as strict as the MFC (Is not quite sure what she is trying to say here) but trying to get some...firm conduct. lol, i doubt it would work...especially with all the other fans that are not part of the MFC...


Okay scrap that idea. Let's just see what happens when we finally turn officially official. :biggrin2:

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Hello everyone :biggrin2:

Are we still talking about this?:naughty:




Wondered where you'd gone!

Yes it would seem like this subject won't go away just yet.

How are you?

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That was so funny.. someone took a better picture with him posing with her and the flag as if he is scolding her..


Ahem..that would be me...unfortunately,I managed to delete most of my daytime pics and some gig pics that day and I can't recover them!! So I lost that one, and a few other great ones.Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I couldn't believe it- After I managed to get the cop to pretend tell her off:roftl:



And I think that ppl did not ASK for those badges from Mika's mom.

I was told by Olga on the 1st Brixton gig that, maybe on monday, Mika's mom told her that she would make her go backstage with 4 or 5 ppl because she's been travelling a lot etc...

I don't know more and I think too much have been said assuming things.

Maybe we should wait to hear more about this story from Mika himself or some official source...


I heard a different story.


And yet I have heard from different sources the opposite, that people were asking for passes, and a lot of them, and not only on Thursday.

Well, we may never know the truth, but there is no smoke without fire.





Did anyone notice if Mika was singing when everyone sang Happy Birthday?

How could I miss that?:shocked: Who sang HB, and why? For who? When?


oh no... i said i was out... anyway :


i don't think when titania says that none of mika or mika's family were involved or aware of that, she means that he learned it when he got out of the stage ! of course it is a bit prepared... but i think she meant that if they had been given choice they would have said no... and by "given choice" i'm not only talking about management and stuffs... harassement from fans can lead to an idea of "i have no choice, if i don't give them what they want, i won't get rid of them". that's what i'm talking about.


so yes he was quite prepared with the microphone...

yes he was there and smiling, and so on, cuddling, taking pics, "paying attention" to what you said, etc.

yes his mum was there too, filming everything...


but do you think he would have left "alive" if he had come with a 10ft long face not smiling, if his family was hiding from people, etc. ?? not quite sure, and critics from fans would have been even harder than what we already have here...


i think it's more like a "i'm there, let's get rid of it" "not aware of" than a "really not aware of that"...


not sure i'm really clear


I think you were clear

The thing is...I saw some of the conversation about the passes happen between Mika's mom and that fan Olga...


And it didn't came from her...nor the 70+ that ended up happenning...so I have my opinion on that and my conscience clear.


Many will say/think I didn't deserve to be there...My first gig was on the 25th, didn't follow him from the beginning (though I love his music from the very beginning)...maybe, but on Monday it was said (in front of his mom) that if some of us went backstage (the ones that have been following him), that I would go as well, since I was the first from Portugal to see a concert from him...and abroad


I know what you mean....but the backstage business was talked already on Monday...3 days before....but it was supossed to be a small thing


Who changed it to a bigger amount of ppl??? Have no clue :mf_rosetinted:


But on Monday after he left, things were talked with his mom...she "invited" some ppl to try and get them backstage (well, I say "invited" since my first language is Portuguese...but it seemed to me it came from her....it was just 5 ppl though)


I think (and I may be wrong,but somehow think I am probably not) that there's a very fine line between openly asking someone for something, and "suggesting" or sort of prompting them to give it to you. And I believe that in this case, things were "forced" out of her.

I may be talking utter cr@p, but seeing how some of the people I've seen there carry on, I think it makes sense.

It's always the same people thinking that they "deserve" special privileges, like some of these people think that they "belong" on the front row and will push anyone out of their way to get to their position. I think that the same happened with the passes.


Also, and I'm not talking out of envy here, because although I have "followed" Mika travelling to many places, I don't think I have as much as many others have, but this specification of "those who had followed" him makes me laugh.

There were plenty of people there on Thu (and the other days) that have "followed" Mika more than the ones who got the passes.


The difference is, these other respectful people did not harass anyone to try and find some self-assigned privileges.


At the end it seems to come down to being in his mum/manager/crew's face and trying to get friendly with the ones who can move things, to see what people can get.

I still find it disgraceful, no matter what colour you wish to paint it:thumbdown: .


Ah and please don't take this comment personally, you were lovely, but I've seen a few of these people's actions in a few gigs now, and I'm less than impressed.

Yes, they always get to Mika/his mum/whoever, but IMO the end doesn't justify the means.


Sara: I agree with most of what you said, so I won't even quote it. :thumb_yello: Although, I see you've gotten over the part where you said that Christine's earlier posts criticizing people's behavior were too harsh 'cause they made you feel bad... :naughty:


Nah, don't get me wrong, I still feel bad about it:naughty:.


It's in my nature to be super paranoid and I still think about what I did all the time trying to figure out if I did something wrong that may have made him feel uncomfortable after all.

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I think (and I may be wrong,but somehow think I am probably not) that there's a very fine line between openly asking someone for something, and "suggesting" or sort of prompting them to give it to you. And I believe that in this case, things were "forced" out of her.

I may be talking utter cr@p, but seeing how some of the people I've seen there carry on, I think it makes sense.

It's always the same people thinking that they "deserve" special privileges, like some of these people think that they "belong" on the front row and will push anyone out of their way to get to their position. I think that the same happened with the passes.


Also, and I'm not talking out of envy here, because although I have "followed" Mika travelling to many places, I don't think I have as much as many others have, but this specification of "those who had followed" him makes me laugh.

There were plenty of people there on Thu (and the other days) that have "followed" Mika more than the ones who got the passes.


The difference is, these other respectful people did not harass anyone to try and find some self-assigned privileges.


At the end it seems to come down to being in his mum/manager/crew's face and trying to get friendly with the ones who can move things, to see what people can get.

I still find it disgraceful, no matter what colour you wish to paint it:thumbdown: .


Ah and please don't take this comment personally, you were lovely, but I've seen a few of these people's actions in a few gigs now, and I'm less than impressed.

Yes, they always get to Mika/his mum/whoever, but IMO the end doesn't justify the means.



That I totally agree...the ideia I had was that it had come from one end...if it came from the other (the fans) and harrassment was involved, then I feel a bit ashamed of being put in the same "bag" as those fans...you get what i mean???


Alas, dunno if I'm making myself clear :boxed:


The thing is...I heard one story, you heard another...they are still second hand stories and don't know if we'll ever find out how everything happened really...I just don't know if I wanna fry my brain over this anymore :blink:


BTW, love the T-Shirt...thinking of making a franchise??? :naughty::wub2:

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Hello everyone

Are we still talking about this?


i guess so... and it's even soon time to open a "part 2" thread according to the number of posts :naughty: :naughty:


I think you were clear


thank you :biggrin2::roftl:





ok... i think i might be able to detail what is said by people about the "harassement" : what is said by a lot of different french people regularly attending the gigs the past year IS that especially 2 girls from the "french squad" have been asking/begging/loosing all dignity (last one is left to my personal appreciation) for backstage passes FROM THE FIRST GIG THEY ATTENDED... asking that to mika's mom who was replying "i don't know... i'm not the one taking care of that... i'm sorry, i don't know..." (sort of). they attended something like 13 gigs each, often the same gigs, and asked for those passes to mika's mom at EACH GIG.

This is what i call harassement. And this is what led to my comment (i think i said it that afternoon but didn't write it here) that she gave the f*cking passes to get rid of them... that was when we learned that the french squad had obtained a tenth of passes, in the early afternoon...




so the harassement and the wristbands could be separated stories...

OR they could be first separated stories mixed together by the management to avoid future harassement and so giving 70 passes...


but it was quite funny cause the "french squad" learned for their 10 or so passes through a phone call to one of them (from mika's mom) and were trying to keep it quiet... and then john came with 70 wristbands :roftl: :roftl: am i the only one laughing ?? :blink:

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That I totally agree...the ideia I had was that it had come from one end...if it came from the other (the fans) and harrassment was involved, then I feel a bit ashamed of being put in the same "bag" as those fans...you get what i mean???


Alas, dunno if I'm making myself clear :boxed:


The thing is...I heard one story, you heard another...they are still second hand stories and don't know if we'll ever find out how everything happened really...I just don't know if I wanna fry my brain over this anymore :blink:


BTW, love the T-Shirt...thinking of making a franchise??? :naughty::wub2:


I agree that we probably won't find out, and that it's second hand info, therefore why I said that I may be totally wrong (and if someone has first hand info, please correct me and I will shut up and apologise)

The reason that leads me to believe that it may not be as innocent as you were told, is that as I said before, I have seen how some of these fans behave at a good number of gigs now, and that was totally first hand experience for me.

What I'm trying to say is that I have seen a few character traits already that made it very easy for me to believe the harrassment story when I was told it...

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I agree that we probably won't find out, and that it's second hand info, therefore why I said that I may be totally wrong (and if someone has first hand info, please correct me and I will shut up and apologise)

The reason that leads me to believe that it may not be as innocent as you were told, is that as I said before, I have seen how some of these fans behave at a good number of gigs now, and that was totally first hand experience for me.

What I'm trying to say is that I have seen a few character traits already that made it very easy for me to believe the harrassment story when I was told it...


What bothers me the most was that I got the information from someone I trust....and I talked to his mom after that and she knew I was the portuguese girl to go backstage...and she seemed hyped about it :boxed:


Did I see too much in this????


I never doubted this girl's word when she said it had come from his mom's side....now, I'm not sure anymore...


I just know that the 70-100 passes happened on Thursday....in the morning it was supossed to be 10 ppl (from the 5 on Monday, it ended to be 10) and then 70....and then the passes that were given afterwards to ppl that should really be there....


The change from 10 to 70,THAT change...that I have NO ideia at all how it happened

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ok... i think i might be able to detail what is being said by people about the "harassement" : what is said by a lot of different french people regularly attending the gigs the past year IS that especially 2 girls from the "french squad" have been asking/begging/loosing all dignity (last one is left to my personal appreciation) for backstage passes FROM THE FIRST GIG THEY ATTENDED... asking that to mika's mom who was replying "i don't know... i'm not the one taking care of that... i'm sorry, i don't know..." (sort of). they attended something like 13 gigs each, often the same gigs, and asked for those passes to mika's mom at EACH GIG.

This is what i call harassement. And this is what led to my comment (i think i said it that afternoon but didn't write it here) that she gave the f*cking passes to get rid of them... that was when we learned that the french squad had obtained a tenth of passes, in the early afternoon...




so the harassement and the wristbands could be separated stories...

OR they could be first separated stories mixed together by the management to avoid future harassement and so giving 70 passes...


but it was quite funny cause the "french squad" learned for their 10 or so passes through a phone call to one of them (from mika's mom) and were trying to keep it quiet... and then john came with 70 wristbands :roftl: :roftl: am i the only one laughing ?? :blink:


Well, thank you! Exactly what I was trying to say.

And I know well who these people are...

They bullied the poor woman into giving the passes to them, and that is just soooo wrong, that they should really be mortified. But of course they won't be.

**And for the record, not that the amount of times one has seen him should matter at all, but I've gone to 13 gigs as well, and haven't asked for anything but (when it was allowed) an autograph or a pic:mf_rosetinted: **

That was my point when Jujuzita said that Mika's mum had given the passes to the ones who had "followed" him.

Anyway I don't know if I'm making sense anymore, and I should go to bed. Have been sick for a week now and I think that my brain needs some rest:naughty:

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Nah, don't get me wrong, I still feel bad about it:naughty:.


Oh no, I don't want you to feel bad! I've said before, I don't think this applies to you. But there was a lot of hoopla in the thread earlier about telling Christine and babs, etc, to stop being so negative because it was "making people feel bad," so I was kind of making a little dig there at the fact that we seem to have moved past that. :mf_rosetinted:


About asking Mika's mom for passes/her inviting people: Mika's mom is a lovely person, and she has done a lot of things for fans entirely voluntarily. However, it doesn't really sound like she just went through the crowd and found some fans all on her own just to give them passes from this situation... especially not when some of these same fans have been asking her whether it's possible to get backstage for a while now. Even if they didn't ask her that specific day, the fact that they've been asking every time before that could make her feel haggled into it.


Btw, I am not entirely against asking for passes, under certain conditions. For instance, I don't think it's a sin to ask John or Jerry, "hey, we have a group of MFCers here who have traveled a lot for this concert and have some gifts for Mika, would it be possible to get a meeting with him after the show?" At which point John or Jerry could either say "I'll see what I can do" or "Well, if you just wait for him outside he'll come and see you like everyone else."


But that's not the same thing as asking his mother/sister/etc.



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What bother me the most was that I got the information from someone I trust....and I talked to his mom after that and she knew I was the portuguese girl to go backstage...and she seemed hyped about it :boxed:


Did I see too much in this???? I never doubted her word when she said it had come from his mom's side....now, I'm not sure anymore...


I just know that the 70-100 passes happened on Thursday....in the morning was supossed to be 10 ppl (from the 5 on Monday, it ended to be 10) and then 70....and then the passes that were given afterwards to ppl that shiuld really be there....THAT change...that I have NO ideia at all how it happened



It's a wild guess, but it probably happened because "someone" decided (with a lot of insight) that giving a few of these people the passes would cause a civil war in the queue:naughty:..so they decided to make it a bigger event.

Still "forced" by the circumstances if you ask me though, but hey...

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Oh no, I don't want you to feel bad! I've said before, I don't think this applies to you. But there was a lot of hoopla in the thread earlier about telling Christine and babs, etc, to stop being so negative because it was "making people feel bad," so I was kind of making a little dig there at the fact that we seem to have moved past that. :mf_rosetinted:


About asking Mika's mom for passes/her inviting people: Mika's mom is a lovely person, and she has done a lot of things for fans entirely voluntarily. However, it doesn't really sound like she just went through the crowd and found some fans all on her own just to give them passes from this situation... especially not when some of these same fans have been asking her whether it's possible to get backstage for a while now.


Btw, I am not entirely against asking for passes, under certain conditions. For instance, I don't think it's a sin to ask John or Jerry, "hey, we have a group of MFCers here who have traveled a lot for this concert and have some gifts for Mika, would it be possible to get a meeting with him after the show?" At which point John or Jerry could either say "I'll see what I can do" or "Well, if you just wait for him outside he'll come and see you like everyone else."


But that's not the same thing as asking his mother/sister/etc.




It's ok, as I said it's in my nature to worry and feel bad about things like that, so I can't help it.

I never said to them that they couldn't be negative though, I think you may confuse me there? All I said was that I didn't think that the mob had been any different to any other "signing" session, that people behaved like they do after gigs, and that I didn't think Mika left "early" for that reason.......

Anyway, thanks :wink2:.

About the passes: it's very tricky. Now that people are openly asking, I think it got very difficult.

Many many (I'd say most, but can't be bothered to check the RSVP list now) MFC'ers who went to the London gigs had travelled for them I believe, so that leaves a difficult decision: who has the right to ask someone for passes?

It's getting a bit hard now and the only answer will sadly probably be: nobody:blink: .

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It's getting a bit hard now and the only answer will sadly probably be: nobody:blink: .


I totally agree with that. No one should be making such outrageous demands to start with.


If someone has the nerve to ask Mika's mother for anything, she should refer them to John and if it's not something Mika wants, John should politely tell them to f off.

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ok... i think i might be able to detail what is said by people about the "harassement" : what is said by a lot of different french people regularly attending the gigs the past year IS that especially 2 girls from the "french squad" have been asking/begging/loosing all dignity (last one is left to my personal appreciation) for backstage passes FROM THE FIRST GIG THEY ATTENDED... asking that to mika's mom who was replying "i don't know... i'm not the one taking care of that... i'm sorry, i don't know..." (sort of). they attended something like 13 gigs each, often the same gigs, and asked for those passes to mika's mom at EACH GIG.

This is what i call harassement. And this is what led to my comment (i think i said it that afternoon but didn't write it here) that she gave the f*cking passes to get rid of them... that was when we learned that the french squad had obtained a tenth of passes, in the early afternoon...




so the harassement and the wristbands could be separated stories...

OR they could be first separated stories mixed together by the management to avoid future harassement and so giving 70 passes...


I'll just shup now *slaps herself*


I guess ppl do change when in front of someone famous don't they???


I wouldn't have the GUTS (maybe not the right word but I can't seem to find it) to aproach his mom and say "Hey, can I go backstage?"


What I actually said to her was that if I didn't got the chance of giving the gift from the portuguese fans personally, if I could give it to her and she could pass to her son...that's all I said....and her answer was "You'll get to give it to him on thursday" :blink:


Now if passes were "harrassed" of her....I feel really dumb about being in the first 10 ppl to enter :boxed:


Well, thank you! Exactly what I was trying to say.

And I know well who these people are...

They bullied the poor woman into giving the passes to them, and that is just soooo wrong, that they should really be mortified. But of course they won't be.

**And for the record, not that the amount of times one has seen him should matter at all, but I've gone to 13 gigs as well, and haven't asked for anything but (when it was allowed) an autograph or a pic:mf_rosetinted: **

That was my point when Jujuzita said that Mika's mum had given the passes to the ones who had "followed" him.


I didn't went arround all over the place to see Mika, blame my college and parents for that :mf_rosetinted:


Either way....I never intended on going backstage or anything...yes I wanted to give a present, but that takes 5 seconds when he leaves the venue


The other 12 hours of the day was to be with you ppl and enjoy the gigs....and I did just that :thumb_yello:


Would have never travelled on my own to london to see Mika if it wasn't for some very lovely ppl on this forum :wub2:


About asking Mika's mom for passes/her inviting people: Mika's mom is a lovely person, and she has done a lot of things for fans entirely voluntarily. However, it doesn't really sound like she just went through the crowd and found some fans all on her own just to give them passes from this situation... especially not when some of these same fans have been asking her whether it's possible to get backstage for a while now. Even if they didn't ask her that specific day, the fact that they've been asking every time before that could make her feel haggled into it.


Btw, I am not entirely against asking for passes, under certain conditions. For instance, I don't think it's a sin to ask John or Jerry, "hey, we have a group of MFCers here who have traveled a lot for this concert and have some gifts for Mika, would it be possible to get a meeting with him after the show?" At which point John or Jerry could either say "I'll see what I can do" or "Well, if you just wait for him outside he'll come and see you like everyone else."


But that's not the same thing as asking his mother/sister/etc.






It's a wild guess, but it probably happened because "someone" decided (with a lot of insight) that giving a few of these people the passes would cause a civil war in the queue:naughty:..so they decided to make it a bigger event.

Still "forced" by the circumstances if you ask me though, but hey...


To prevent murder in the queue (of french ppl mainly)

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Just to be perfectly clear, my problems with that night are:


  1. There were people who did not respect Mika's request to stand away from him while he made his way around the room
  2. There were people who ignored Mika's request to take a break and continued to make demands on him
  3. There were people who crowded around him to eavesdrop and to seek his attention to the point where he was completely immobilized



thanks for being so clear! i've been reading the thread and i was wondering what exacly had happened..

really sad..:thumbdown:

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yeah, thanx for that little report Christine:thumb_yello: I was really curious about what actually happened.


Really, the whole thing was a bit of a disaster, the wristband thing was just a bad idea straight away. I mean no.61 and no band:(, and yet no numbered people had bands...ah well it's over now.

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Even though the audience was pretty manic during the concert in Toronto I would have been surprised if anyone had stepped out of line outside after the crowd was told what was expected of them.

Besides giving some people a crash course in acceptable social etiquette, and a couple of slaps *joking* (or am I?:bleh: ) I have no idea how.

Well, obviously other than "control" as in fences, lines, tight rules, etc....

Diana, did you want suggestions? Here's my suggestion: at an event Mika's management or security should clearly state what's allowed and not allowed to take place. I know that they shouldn't have to order a group of adults in such an authoritarian manner but in my view they forfeited that right when they decided to act like demanding children with no consideration for the needs and desires of others.


IMO it's time to modify those expectations and our sense of entitlement and stop making these ridiculous demands on Mika. We pay for a concert ticket and he delivers by busting his ass on stage. It is not part of his job to subject himself to an hour or two of mobbing every night. He should never feel like he has to do that to keep fans happy.
I hate to say 'I told you so' but I have been saying this since last summer. Some people have had amazing good fortune in terms of meeting and talking to Mika - but it is not, and should not be expected.

Hear hear!


Maybe this is something that could be included in the FAQ for everyone to read? Diana, here's another suggestion: I feel that the MFC really needs to find some way get this message across. I know that the MFC represents only a fraction of Mika's fanbase but informing some, especially since we do represent a portion of those who most frequently attend his shows, is a good starting point.


There's also the fact that if we somehow did manage to lay down some MFC laws about not waiting around the stage door before the show, and/or not asking for hugs, MFC is only 10,000 (and that's generous!) out of millions. Non MFCers will still do these things, and I can't imagine MFCers will be content to sit back and forgo these things while thousands of others still partake.

But one of the reasons why we're becoming Mika's official fan club is so that we can provide feedback to his management on how we feel is best to do things. The queue/entering the venue situation in the London gigs is a demonstration of how things can indeed be improved when Mika's management takes the MFC's suggestions. I think that if we combine both setting up some rules of conduct for MFC members (which still has merit despite its limited reach) and providing feedback to Mika's management on how to deal with mob scenes we can have an impact on the conduct of a large number of Mika's fans.


I wish not for an argument and please dont take this the wrong way but:


I paid also for a gig but I got more and so did you, we both got an incredible, amazing, out of this world gig! I loved the gig, and I was immensly pleased coming away from it, and it was definitely more than I expected.

You also got invited to the afterparty, which certainly wasn't what you paid for in the ticket last time I looked! I didn't get invited to the afterparty, yet I am still looking on the bright side, his music, which at the end of the day is why we are all here and why we go to his gigs: the music.

I understand that some people must be annoyed that they didn't have the best time at the afterparty and that things went a bit pear-shaped, and I understand your anger, but you did get more than you paid for, and that's what I wanted to point out.

Sorry, for that, I am in no way directing any negative points at you, and the last thing I want is conflict, but I just wanted to say what I had to say!

I'd like to make a distinction: everyone paid for a show and got it i.e. they recieved what they expected. Fair enough.


As for the afterparty, many of those who attended didn't ask for it but got to go i.e. they appear to have recieved more than they expected. However, it's not that simple: when they attended the afterparty they were lead to believe that they would get to talk to Mika while he "worked the room" as is custom at parties. So in the end they got less than they expected, and in my view have every right to feel disappointed and have no obligation to "feel grateful for what they got" because they didn't get what they expected to. The fact that the reason why they didn't get what they expected to was due to the behaviour of selfish others only adds insult to their unjury.


I have nothing against those who still want to feel grateful for being at the afterparty, I just think that they're being grateful for not recieving what they were told that they would and to me that doesn't make sense. (But it doesn't matter what I think, they can feel what they want to feel without being told how to feel by someone such as myself who wasn't even there. :thumb_yello:)


:lol3: I start thinking that it might have been best for the M to stick to Plan A and leave the building via the back door while everybody was locked up at the party :lmao:

A brilliant plan, I don't know why he didn't do it. :lmao:


Damn him! I prefer the before pics. :wub2:

Once again I'm the only one who's glad to say goodbye to the stubble. :mf_rosetinted:

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I know that the MFC represents only a fraction of Mika's fanbase but informing some, especially since we do represent a portion of those who most frequently attend his shows, is a good starting point.


We may represent only a portion but it is the hardcore fans that carry with them these expectations. It never occurs to the other 5 million people who bought his album that they need to hang out by the stage door and ask for hugs and autographs.


In fact I don't think it occurred to a lot of MFCers before they joined and people started telling them that it's fairly easy to get access to Mika and how to go about it.

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