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The Oldling Thread (PART 12!!!)


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pleased to meet ya ! i wish u could share yer boobs about maybe then mika would glance my way instead of running away :roftl:




I just watched the video you posted in your siggy there. What an awsome performance. I loved the part where he got the audience to help with when he was doing the percussion, he really makes the audience part of the show. That's an amazing feat for a performer. Gave me chills :) I even started singing along while he was doing the drumming myself, and clapping LOL


I can't wait, I'm gonna faint!

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I just watched the video you posted in your siggy there. What an awsome performance. I loved the part where he got the audience to help with when he was doing the percussion, he really makes the audience part of the show. That's an amazing feat for a performer. Gave me chills :) I even started singing along while he was doing the drumming myself, and clapping LOL


I can't wait, I'm gonna faint!


charlie was at that gig too ! i was at the gig on thursday theres some of that on my dailymotion too :thumb_yello:


right i need some sleep now im really tired *night all* yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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charlie was at that gig too ! i was at the gig on thursday theres some of that on my dailymotion too :thumb_yello:


right i need some sleep now im really tired *night all* yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Pleasant Mika dreams, Sheena :)

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Bumpity, bumpity, boogity boo!

Thought I would come here just to bug you!

I'm a little bored.

Watching T.V too

You may catch me

After I go to the loo. :naughty:


Hee hee, I'm a poet too! :wink2:


boogity boogity, bumpity boo! I'm here alone I think, what about you?


Hee hee I'm a poet, and boy do I know it!

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Bumpity, bumpity, boogity boo!

Thought I would come here just to bug you!

I'm a little bored.

Watching T.V too

You may catch me

After I go to the loo. :naughty:


Hee hee, I'm a poet too! :wink2:


Oh it's wonderful, so great, so grand

to have people here from across the land

I'm glad to have met you, I hope you are too

and I"ll definately talk to you when you get back from the loo!

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I just got back from the loo

to find this little message from you.

Yes, it's fun and quite great

We were all brought here by fate

Hope to meet you in person soon

Just hope you don't think I'm a loon. :naughty:


Oh it's wonderful, so great, so grand

to have people here from across the land

I'm glad to have met you, I hope you are too

and I"ll definately talk to you when you get back from the loo!

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I just got back from the loo

to find this little message from you.

Yes, it's fun and quite great

We were all brought here by fate

Hope to meet you in person soon

Just hope you don't think I'm a loon. :naughty:


If you're a loon, then so am I,

and Loonies together should always fly!

Fate, it's true, has brought me here

I'm sad I haven't been here for a year!

One day we'll meet, hug and cry,

and talk about our Mika with a sigh

We'll gush and gloat, fawn and flutter

and Mika will think I'm just a nutter!!! :)

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HEE HEE! We could continue this all night. Very good! LMAO!! Well, Terminator is on so I'm going to watch it. Will continue with the poet stuff later. Hope you are having a great night.


I love this rhyming stuff...very creative.


If you're a loon, then so am I,

and Loonies together should always fly!

Fate, it's true, has brought me here

I'm sad I haven't been here for a year!

One day we'll meet, hug and cry,

and talk about our Mika with a sigh

We'll gush and gloat, fawn and flutter

and Mika will think I'm just a nutter!!! :)

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HEE HEE! We could continue this all night. Very good! LMAO!! Well, Terminator is on so I'm going to watch it. Will continue with the poet stuff later. Hope you are having a great night.


I love this rhyming stuff...very creative.


well have fun :) I'm just bored, I guess. I should do schoolwork but I don't want to. I have tomorrow off, I could do it then, right?


have fun watching your movie! :)

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Oh life's not easy when you're a lonely olding!!!

Lifes no fun when it's not Mika I'm holding!

I seem to be in a poetic mood tonight

and well, that just seems to be right.


Mika makes my creativity flow

Which in turn makes my world glow

I feel the colors, i see the smells,

Flash it up, bring out the bells!


It's 11:15 and it's lonely here

not many folk, just one there and here

So i sit and let the words come out

sometimes they dribble, sometimes spout


Tonight they spring forth free and clear

which hasn't happened for many a year

I thank Mika, his inspiration is inspiring

....especially when he's.....

(wait for it)




Ok I think I'm done. Well, maybe I'm not, we'll figure that out later

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Hello Oldlings!


Mika Mika makes me freaka

oh what a night

its the best thing alright

can't stop remembering last week!



hey all! Charlotte! hi girl!




*BIG BIG SQUISHY HUGS* HI HIHI!! Welcome back!!! :)


mmmmmmYO MIKA!!!!!!!!

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oldlings...would you believe this has turned into a poet symposium?


well done you! :thumb_yello:


good morning europe! good night america!

i cannot be a poet, as english is not my motherlanguage, sigh....


have a good day all of you, let's hope today IS THE DAY! :punk:

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oldlings...would you believe this has turned into a poet symposium?


well done you! :thumb_yello:


good morning europe! good night america!

i cannot be a poet, as english is not my motherlanguage, sigh....


have a good day all of you, let's hope today IS THE DAY! :punk:


So sorry!! Mika has my creative juices flowing, and it's just spouting out of me! I can barely help myself!


I love it though, it feels so good!!

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Logged on to see about our official status, but still they make us wait ...getting very impatient now....:blowup:


Hello and goodbye oldlings, off to work now :thumbdown:

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Logged on to see about our official status, but still they make us wait ...getting very impatient now....:blowup:


Hello and goodbye oldlings, off to work now :thumbdown:


hello and goodbye Silver! have a wonderfully Mikaesque day! :)

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Roses are red, violet are blue

Missing Mika already, how about you? :sad:


I'm with you there friend, I miss him too

Sometimes so much it makes me blue

but then I listen to a wonderful song

I can't help but to sing along

and it's all back again, the love the joy

Oh who thought it could all come from this wonderful boy!!

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Oh, and it's just started snowing here. Hardly a novelty in BC, I know, but it's getting to be a rare occurrence in the south of England


Oh wow! Well congratulations then! If you like snow!


Its almost gone here, it snowed last night, but it rained this afternoon, so it's going away again

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Morning everyone.:punk:


Love the poetry...can't wait for Sheena's offering!:roftl:


(I better take cover before she sprays me with more than deoderant!):naughty:


I logged on the minute I got up this morning...but alas, still no news! I am sure it will spread like wildfire when it finally comes!:naughty:


OK..lots of things to do today so better get away from this computer but before I go I think I need to put my mind to a little verse although I am not renowned for my poetic skills.


We are a group of old nutters,

We are often misunderstood by others,

But there is one fact,

Whatever our lives lacked...........


Has been filled by a gorgeous sexy talented chickeny young guy called Mika.



OK...well, I did warn you! I will leave now:naughty:


Robi...if that doesn't give you inspiration to have a go I don't know what will....it couldn't be any worse!!!!:naughty:


Shari...are you feeling any better? Has your voice broken yet!?

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*peeks head in looking for signs of life*


Anybody in here?

not an oldling but i'm hoping there might be some activity in here. :mf_rosetinted:


Oh there is!! But be careful!! You might intercept a flying pie!!


Ok, that was random. sorry !!!!! LOL

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Morning everyone.:punk:


Love the poetry...can't wait for Sheena's offering!:roftl:


(I better take cover before she sprays me with more than deoderant!):naughty:


I logged on the minute I got up this morning...but alas, still no news! I am sure it will spread like wildfire when it finally comes!:naughty:


OK..lots of things to do today so better get away from this computer but before I go I think I need to put my mind to a little verse although I am not renowned for my poetic skills.


We are a group of old nutters,

We are often misunderstood by others,

But there is one fact,

Whatever our lives lacked...........


Has been filled by a gorgeous sexy talented chickeny young guy called Mika.



OK...well, I did warn you! I will leave now


Robi...if that doesn't give you inspiration to have a go I don't know what will....it couldn't be any worse!!!!


Shari...are you feeling any better? Has your voice broken yet!?


OMG that was awesome!!!!!!! chickeny young guy!!! *hugs* YOU'RE AWESOME!!! I've been having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun here


Oh,and I just wanted to say that I love my signature picture :) hee hee it makes me giggle every time I look at it :)

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