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The Australian Thread: Part Ten

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I had other things on my mind!


Such as snogging other people... I didn't notice him :(



GOD! Boys are such wusses when sick!

yes!!! OG they are wimps..

"acchhooo..:shocked::tears: arghh I'm dying.. look after me... waaahhh " :naughty:

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yes!!! OG they are wimps..

"acchhooo..:shocked::tears: arghh I'm dying.. look after me... waaahhh " :naughty:


Kelzy!!!!! howzya doing? I get to meet Crystal on Tuesday! woot! meeting new friends every month now!


One day I will have to meet you once I get to OZ! ONE DAY!

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In case anyone here asks... yes, I like my bed. :mf_rosetinted:


Hey Liz, can I call you Sliz?


Kelzy!!!!! howzya doing? I get to meet Crystal on Tuesday! woot! meeting new friends every month now!


One day I will have to meet you once I get to OZ! ONE DAY!

Suzanne!!! Oh wow! That will be fun!! Have you made plans on what you two will do for the day??


And OZ - one day!!!! yes!! Hopefully I can save up some money and come to Canada one day too!!

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Hey Liz, can I call you Sliz?



Suzanne!!! Oh wow! That will be fun!! Have you made plans on what you two will do for the day??


And OZ - one day!!!! yes!! Hopefully I can save up some money and come to Canada one day too!!


oops I meant Saturday!


ack!!!!!!!!!!!! I am day-of-the-week challenged!:)


we will have supper, I want to take her out for supper and then at her place she is staying at on sat watch the MIKA DVD and laugh and have fun! She loves MIKA so much! Me too! Life is changing rapidly, Kelz.....! so much so soon , so much so fast! ackkkkk!

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Hey Liz, can I call you Sliz?



Suzanne!!! Oh wow! That will be fun!! Have you made plans on what you two will do for the day??


And OZ - one day!!!! yes!! Hopefully I can save up some money and come to Canada one day too!!


won't be that pricey considering Victoria and Vancouver are the first cities in Canada on the way


(hence my suggestion of the pacific tour!)

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*points boys to "the suck it up before I hurt you" ward*

That bad huh? *hugs*

Need me to give someone a knuckle sandwich for you?

oops I meant Saturday!


ack!!!!!!!!!!!! I am day-of-the-week challenged!:)


we will have supper, I want to take her out for supper and then at her place she is staying at on sat watch the MIKA DVD and laugh and have fun! She loves MIKA so much! Me too! Life is changing rapidly, Kelz.....! so much so soon , so much so fast! ackkkkk!

Woo! Sounds fabby! You two will have so much fun! Things are getting better!! :punk:

won't be that pricey considering Victoria and Vancouver are the first cities in Canada on the way


(hence my suggestion of the pacific tour!)

I'll have to check out the prices later and see how much Plane Tix are.. I'd love to see Vancouver:wub2:


G'evening, Aussies.

Good Evening Miss Monkey. :das: How was your day?


And now I must go lay down for a bit.. Back later :biggrin2:

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Unstoppable Lust!! :mf_lustslow:


Indeed he is.. He also doesn't come unless I whistle for him.. And he's scared of the dark, so I have to turn the light on for him when he eats. If he's out late I leave the outside lights off to scare him home :naughty:


Burning desire. :mf_lustslow: (can't remember if that one was used yet)


Geez that IS a smart cat hahaha. That's really cute/funny that he's afraid of the dark though... gives new meaning to scaredy cat. :naughty:


Damnnnnn *really wants to know what it was now*


Well, technically you *were* talking to yourself

Woooww, still there? I can't beleive that was all snow, and I even more can't believe you could just go straight through it. I just expected it to be denser than that or something ...

Awesommeee! Making snow things to *get to* the top of the snow man! Do you have a picture of this legendary snow man?

An igloo! lol!

Ahhh "snowman/packy" snow!

On a related (but completely unrelated) note, the beaches in Esperance have this crazy crazy sand that ... well I never came up with a proper name for it, it's just crazy crazy sand. And it just doesn't follow the normal sand properties. It's extremely fine and if anything ... kind of resembes corn flour or something. It squeaks, and is awesome for sculpting, sand-ball fights (they really hurt), and has a weird "slap it and it turns liquid-y" property. I have some video of it. But I'm too slack to upload. I'm sure there are other beaches with this type of sand. Ohh, this reminds me of when I was in a sand museum (yeah, wtf?) and they had samples of sand from all different beaches, and apparently there's a beach somewhere where each grain of sand is shaped like a tiny star. Ow! Well, now this has reminded me of Shell Beach in Shark Bay, it doesn't have sand, it has just shells. The most in the world ... something like 10 metres deep. Lol, look at how much I just wrote about sand. I'm going to bed now...


Nighty night!


Yeah you're not going to know. : P


Gosh if that snow was more dense how in the world would we ever get through it?! :boxed:


I'm sure there's a picture somewhere of the snowman, but I highly doubt it's a digital picture. : P


That's a lot of writing for sand hahaha, but that's sooo interesting. How in the world does it turn into a liquid-y property?! I know if you add water to cornstarch (at least I think that's what it is) it turns into what looks like a liquid but it's more thick and sticks together, so you can put it on something and it looks like a wet mess when it's really not haha.


Are you serious.... grains of sand in the shape of stars? :blink: Also a beach that's just shells? Hello that would be the beach for me... a beach combers dream. :naughty:



Hello to everyone else. I really must go to bed soon.

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Good Evening Miss Monkey. :das: How was your day?


And now I must go lay down for a bit.. Back later :biggrin2:

Boring. I slept through three lectures at uni. Then I had to cancel my appointment with my personal trainer because I forgot to pack my trackies in my gym bag. But I at least picked up something for DC. :naughty:


Ttyl then.

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Hahaha.. Hello and Goodbye OD..!!




Nice cow


I know that I said I wouldn't be here for the next week but I couldn't stay away from, this place!


Our first performance was today and it was SO much fun! The primary schoool kids loved it heaps. Right now I'm completely exhausted and my head hurts a lot but I have so much homework! Grr.


Awesome! *goes to search youtube to see if any of the primary-schoolers uploaded it*


Yeah you're not going to know. : P


Gosh if that snow was more dense how in the world would we ever get through it?!


I'm sure there's a picture somewhere of the snowman, but I highly doubt it's a digital picture. : P


That's a lot of writing for sand hahaha, but that's sooo interesting. How in the world does it turn into a liquid-y property?! I know if you add water to cornstarch (at least I think that's what it is) it turns into what looks like a liquid but it's more thick and sticks together, so you can put it on something and it looks like a wet mess when it's really not haha.


Are you serious.... grains of sand in the shape of stars? Also a beach that's just shells? Hello that would be the beach for me... a beach combers dream.


Dammit! - lol.


Pshh, who cares, it's weird not being dense - lol.


Damn .. scan it - lol. (by the way, these lol's represent an appropriate "I'm being silly" smilie, but I'm using all my 7 pictures as the sand photos ..)


Yes, exactly. Cornstarch. Is that the same as Cornflour? Does Cornflour exist? I probably meant Cornstarch. But that's what I mean, it's like wet Corn-whatever. Very strange. Perfect for sandcastle building and snorkelling though. I'm going to upload some pictures.


Warning: These from Shell Beach photos were taken ages ago (re: technology - aka: 1MP camera) and I was pretty dense (re: having that 1MP camera set on the lowest quality setting so I could take more crappy pictures)






And this is the crazy-property sand in Esperance, although it's hard to show in photos, this one shows it's scuplting abilities (like wtf, a circle? out of sand?), the way it clumps a bit, and I dunno i you can see it in this small version, but the boy thats meditating or something has the liquid/cornstarch version on his hands. And the second one shows how blindingly white it is. and it's a funny continuation from the first one, because we made that egg-sandcastle-thing our God ("Ommm the ommlette god") and then later on in the trip we found that giant rock, which was obviously a sculpture of Ommm.






I'll see if I can find the video to upload, but I *think* I might not even have ever bothered to put the Esperance video on my computer yet...


Oh, and I googled "star sand" and it came up (creative name, huh?)




Boring. I slept through three lectures at uni. Then I had to cancel my appointment with my personal trainer because I forgot to pack my trackies in my gym bag. But I at least picked up something for DC.


I slept through three lectures last Friday! *sleep-in high five!*

And one today :naughty:

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I slept through three lectures last Friday! *sleep-in high five!*

And one today :naughty:

I'm 30cm shorter than you, I "low-five". :mf_rosetinted:


I meant it as in I was sitting in the lecture theatre and fell asleep and didn't wake up until the end. But luckily I was at the back where the lecturer didn't see me (people were playing UNO in the row in front of me and he didn't even realise it). :naughty:

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I'm 30cm shorter than you, I "low-five". :mf_rosetinted:


I meant it as in I was sitting in the lecture theatre and fell asleep and didn't wake up until the end. But luckily I was at the back where the lecturer didn't see me (people were playing UNO in the row in front of me and he didn't even realise it). :naughty:


Okay okay, *low five*


Ahh, yes, I do that too. So I just decide to purposely stay home and sleep instead. Although, I do love the stage where you try to fight it and do the whole "falling asleep for a millisecond and then jerking back up" thing every 5 seconds.


And I"m back all...



Oh the musical version of scrubs is on *disappears*


Love that episode :naughty:


Okay, I'm getting that video onto the computer, just because I am that desperate to do anything other than study.


Ey! the dog just walked over and licked my camera's LCD screen ... - why are my animals so weird!


Oh, and I went to Baldivis Red Dot today and they also had a billion copies of everything but Mika. I even went through every CD individually. False advertising if I've ever seen it ... :thumbdown:

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Okay okay, *low five*


Ahh, yes, I do that too. So I just decide to purposely stay home and sleep instead. Although, I do love the stage where you try to fight it and do the whole "falling asleep for a millisecond and then jerking back up" thing every 5 seconds.

My "witty" friends filmed me doing that last year. :thumbdown: I deleted all evidence. :mf_rosetinted:

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My "witty" friends filmed me doing that last year. :thumbdown: I deleted all evidence. :mf_rosetinted:


Hahaha excellent :naughty:


Okay .. for some reason only half the videos are coming up on the computer, I'm gonna try restarting. That's the only thing I know how to do lol.

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Very quick visit cause I gots to teach tomorrow (not so much teaching... more like going to see the catholic high school perform Beauty and the Beast :thumb_yello:)


My great uncle, who is almost 93 yrs old, loooves mika, especially Lollipop......so i made a video clip for Lollipop of my uncle dancing and stuff

He had the best time that day



Cheers :)




I love your uncle Norm...


*adopts uncle Norm*


We should totally put this in Mika's come-to-australia project! "Come to Australia, Uncle Norm wants to meet you!"


That is a good idea... I'm sure Meeks would love it...


*wonders why she is drenched with Ex-Nico water*


If you're gonna snot on all my towels... that means I need to wash them... and while they're getting washed I have no towels left...


Unless you're going to find me a unbelievably sexy man to dry myself on (Mika, Martin, Bruce or Isaac will do :wub2::mf_lustslow:)






Our first performance was today and it was SO much fun! The primary schoool kids loved it heaps. Right now I'm completely exhausted and my head hurts a lot but I have so much homework! Grr.


I get to watch a performance tomorrow... I love my job...


In case anyone here asks... yes, I like my bed.


Erm.... okay. :blink:


I meant it as in I was sitting in the lecture theatre and fell asleep and didn't wake up until the end. But luckily I was at the back where the lecturer didn't see me (people were playing UNO in the row in front of me and he didn't even realise it).


Noice! Uno during class!


I fell asleep during a lecture... and I was the 2nd or 3rd row from the front...


Obviously Education lectuers at CSU don't care if you sleep...




Ahh, yes, I do that too. So I just decide to purposely stay home and sleep instead. Although, I do love the stage where you try to fight it and do the whole "falling asleep for a millisecond and then jerking back up" thing every 5 seconds.


Oh, and I went to Baldivis Red Dot today and they also had a billion copies of everything but Mika. I even went through every CD individually. False advertising if I've ever seen it ...


I was doing that... then decided not to fight it...


And damn!!!If I get a chance, I'll check the Reject Shop here and see if they still have CDs...



Oh, and do you know what I'll be doing on thursdays from the start of april onwards? Basketball...


Even though I'm incredibly unco... and the nails will have to go...


But I'll be getting some form of exercise, so that's good... right?





Anyways... night night anyone who is on!

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Hello Everyone *waves*

Burning desire. :mf_lustslow: (can't remember if that one was used yet)


Geez that IS a smart cat hahaha. That's really cute/funny that he's afraid of the dark though... gives new meaning to scaredy cat. :naughty:

Yes. You already said that one!

And yes he is. He also attacks red things.

Boring. I slept through three lectures at uni. Then I had to cancel my appointment with my personal trainer because I forgot to pack my trackies in my gym bag. But I at least picked up something for DC.


Ttyl then.


Ohh.. wonder what you got DC.. and why?? :blink:



Love it!


And I"m back all...


Oh the musical version of scrubs is on *disappears*

ohh Love it too!


My "witty" friends filmed me doing that last year. I deleted all evidence. :mf_rosetinted:

*Plots with Bec and Teegs to attain similar incriminating footage of Miss Monkey* :das:


Anyways... night night anyone who is on!

Yes!! YOUR COW!!!!! We loves it:wub2:

I just woke up, but I'm going back to bed.. (I just come to check "official")

FY&GN all!!

For DC distancekiss.gif

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Very quick visit cause I gots to teach tomorrow (not so much teaching... more like going to see the catholic high school perform Beauty and the Beast :thumb_yello:)


I was doing that... then decided not to fight it...


And damn!!!If I get a chance, I'll check the Reject Shop here and see if they still have CDs...



Oh, and do you know what I'll be doing on thursdays from the start of april onwards? Basketball...


Even though I'm incredibly unco... and the nails will have to go...


But I'll be getting some form of exercise, so that's good... right?






Okay, my video is uploading. The way my camera orders the videos is really demented so I had to click on all the ones that looked like they might have been about sand to check, so I've ended up putting a bunch of completely random clips on there too. Inc me almost crashing into someone on a sandboard, water washing away someone's work they'd just explained to me, and a kangaroo :mf_rosetinted::blink::naughty:

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:lmfao: Nosejob Bassingthwaighte!!!!!!!! bow.gif

It's quite easy to attain such footage: simply sit in a lecture with me for one hour. :mf_rosetinted:

And I'd have to travel approx 3 hours to achieve that.


2think.gif Very Tempting...

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:lmfao: Nosejob Bassingthwaighte!!!!!!!! bow.gif

And I'd have to travel approx 3 hours to achieve that.


2think.gif Very Tempting...

But you know that 1 isn't enough for DC so I'm going to have to OMSS (obsessive multiple stealing syndrome). :mf_rosetinted:



I travel 2 hours every day to achieve it, it's doable. :fisch:

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I fell asleep during a lecture... and I was the 2nd or 3rd row from the front...


Obviously Education lectuers at CSU don't care if you sleep...

It's quite easy to attain such footage: simply sit in a lecture with me for one hour. :mf_rosetinted:


Do you know what? I think it can be concluded that Education is a lot more intriguing than science ... You seem so excited about this one time that you fell asleep. At least 5% of my lecture occupants are asleep every lecture.


2think.gif Very Tempting...[/color]



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But you know that 1 isn't enough for DC so I'm going to have to OMSS (obsessive multiple stealing syndrome). :mf_rosetinted:



I travel 2 hours every day to achieve it, it's doable. :fisch:

:lmao: OMSS


What time of day do you normally fall asleep? I'll need to plan this carefully to achieve maximum results.




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Do you know what? I think it can be concluded that Education is a lot more intriguing than science ... You seem so excited about this one time that you fell asleep. At least 5% of my lecture occupants are asleep every lecture.

I'm not studying Education, Soy's doing Education/Arts. I'm studying Pharmacy.


I'm usually half-asleep in all of my morning lectures (especially if it's Biochemistry Monday 8.30am or Pharmacology Thursday 8.30am :thumbdown:) but this is the first time that I've slept through two back-to-back lectures then the half hour break then the third lecture after that without waking up once due to noise or being uncomfortable in those tiny little lecture theatre chairs. That, by any standards, is a real accomplishment. :roftl:

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