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The Australian Thread: Part Ten

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I'm not studying Education, Soy's doing Education/Arts. I'm studying Pharmacy.


I'm usually half-asleep in all of my morning lectures (especially if it's Biochemistry Monday 8.30am or Pharmacology Thursday 8.30am :thumbdown:) but this is the first time that I've slept through two back-to-back lectures then the half hour break then the third lecture after that without waking up once due to noise or being uncomfortable in those tiny little lecture theatre chairs. That, by any standards, is a real accomplishment. :roftl:


Ok, you can have some of these then:


I'm going back to bed now..


Finger.gif &GoodNightTweety4.gif

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:lmao: OMSS


What time of day do you normally fall asleep? I'll need to plan this carefully to achieve maximum results.



What time of day? It varies a.k.a. whenever I have a lecture. :naughty: But most frequently any 8.30am lecture or any Microbiology lecture (that guy's monotone is murderous :boxed:).

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I'm not studying Education, Soy's doing Education/Arts. I'm studying Pharmacy.


I'm usually half-asleep in all of my morning lectures (especially if it's Biochemistry Monday 8.30am or Pharmacology Thursday 8.30am) but this is the first time that I've slept through two back-to-back lectures then the half hour break then the third lecture after that without waking up once due to noise or being uncomfortable in those tiny little lecture theatre chairs. That, by any standards, is a real accomplishment.


Haha, yes, exactly, no sarcasm:mf_rosetinted:, sounds like people stay awake in Education, unlike science. I start 8.30 with Biochem everyday :thumbdown: But she is an awesome lecturer, well, not awesome, but I have to try to stay awake through the boring bits because every fifteen minutes she stops and plays a random funny video. Completely unrelated :wub2:


It is. Well done. :thumb_yello: *pats back*


What time of day? It varies a.k.a. whenever I have a lecture. But most frequently any 8.30am lecture or any Microbiology lecture (that guy's monotone is murderous).


I've never once stayed awake or at least coherent through an anatomy lecture. He also has a murderous monotone.


I'm going back to bed now..


Finger.gif &


Haha, nighty night.




G'night (to myself since no one's here ). I'm going to get an "early" night tonight.


G'night :bleh:


Hiya !! Back from a great acting class ... Hi & bye to all !!!


Hi! How was it?


Omg! Youtube uploaded my video first try! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzGmOu9jDEM

(fyi, the demented shrieks when sand-balls are aimed at me are "ekk! my camera!" shrieks, not "ekk! my life!" ones ... :fisch:)

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Okaaay, going to bed now, nighty nights! :original:


I'm going to the farm tomorrow to work with farm animals! Yay! But because I have skipped/slept in so many lectures ... I think I missed the memo for when/where to pick up our overalls for it :blink:

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Okaaay, going to bed now, nighty nights! :original:


I'm going to the farm tomorrow to work with farm animals! Yay! But because I have skipped/slept in so many lectures ... I think I missed the memo for when/where to pick up our overalls for it :blink:

G'night OKD !!! Hope you find your overalls !!! :thumb_yello:


G'night everyone else .... & G'morning also to all who wake & read this post ..... :wub2:




EDIT: I Want You Back ..... !!!!!

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EDIT: I Want You Back ..... !!!!!


HK!! You are very sweet. :wub2: I'm here. :)


Smelzy Melzy Pelzy... Sliz kinda sounds nasty :boxed: , but then again it's kinda random and doesn't make any sense.... like anything around here :sneaky2::naughty: ...



*looks to see if her bed has been auctioned on ebay*

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Smelzy Melzy Pelzy... Sliz kinda sounds nasty :boxed: , but then again it's kinda random and doesn't make any sense.... like anything around here :sneaky2::naughty: ...



*looks to see if her bed has been auctioned on ebay*

Frizzy Slizzy Lizzy?? :naughty:


*finds your bed on Ebay*


*clicks bin_15x54.gif*


Hello everyone :wink2:


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She's good but i think her phone might have died :sad:


I'm good i turned my msn sound off somehow

Awwww Hopefully she recharges it soon.

What do you mean by somehow?? :naughty:

Turn it back on Fool!

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Ahhhh I have three msn chat boxes that I just found from this morning.


Silly Aussies. :naughty:

It's our hobby :wink2:

Silly Sleepy American:naughty:

kelzy is taking forever to respond to me.

MSN's being pooey with me..

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It's our hobby :wink2:

Silly Sleepy American:naughty:


MSN's being pooey with me..


I'll probably read it right now. I need something to distract me since that "lady" I live beside has shot me down once again.


I feel like I'm in freaking high school having someone watching over my shoulder breathing down my neck. :thumbdown:

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Howdy everyone...


Guess what the time is... thats right, its me lurking around whilst pretending to study time :mf_rosetinted:


*current pretending to studyness involves cutting pictures out of a magzine instead of studying*


There are no text books involved..


Oh and the puppies growl now (so cute....)


Awww, look, they're biting me! How cute, it drew blood! Hehehe.


Have fun!! See you later on!








Heya Raisin!!


Kelzy, you've got waaay too much time on your hands.

*realises she sounds like a complete hyporcrite*


I know that I said I wouldn't be here for the next week but I couldn't stay away from, this place!


Our first performance was today and it was SO much fun! The primary schoool kids loved it heaps. Right now I'm completely exhausted and my head hurts a lot but I have so much homework! Grr.


Yay! I'm glad it went well! I said the same thing, don't worry...

I had other things on my mind!


Such as snogging other people... I didn't notice him :(


OK...when you're snogging too much to notice Mika, you've got a problem, hun.


Hey Liz, can I call you Sliz?



Suzanne!!! Oh wow! That will be fun!! Have you made plans on what you two will do for the day??


And OZ - one day!!!! yes!! Hopefully I can save up some money and come to Canada one day too!!


You'd better come here. You will experience real cold. And Sliz sounds like sleaze, but I guess that's what you were going for, no? *zhhz*

That bad huh? *hugs*

Need me to give someone a knuckle sandwich for you?

Woo! Sounds fabby! You two will have so much fun! Things are getting better!! :punk:


I'll have to check out the prices later and see how much Plane Tix are.. I'd love to see Vancouver:wub2:



Good Evening Miss Monkey. :das: How was your day?


And now I must go lay down for a bit.. Back later :biggrin2:


Vancouver is lurvely when it's not raining...i.e, about 2 days per year, but it's still lurvely.


Burning desire. :mf_lustslow: (can't remember if that one was used yet)


Geez that IS a smart cat hahaha. That's really cute/funny that he's afraid of the dark though... gives new meaning to scaredy cat. :naughty:




Yeah you're not going to know. : P


Gosh if that snow was more dense how in the world would we ever get through it?! :boxed:


I'm sure there's a picture somewhere of the snowman, but I highly doubt it's a digital picture. : P


That's a lot of writing for sand hahaha, but that's sooo interesting. How in the world does it turn into a liquid-y property?! I know if you add water to cornstarch (at least I think that's what it is) it turns into what looks like a liquid but it's more thick and sticks together, so you can put it on something and it looks like a wet mess when it's really not haha.


Are you serious.... grains of sand in the shape of stars? :blink: Also a beach that's just shells? Hello that would be the beach for me... a beach combers dream. :naughty:



Hello to everyone else. I really must go to bed soon.


OMG, cornstarch and water...SO amusing. We named it magic mud.


Boring. I slept through three lectures at uni. Then I had to cancel my appointment with my personal trainer because I forgot to pack my trackies in my gym bag. But I at least picked up something for DC. :naughty:


Ttyl then.


Three lectures? *lo 5's*

OK, from what I've read, you all sleep through about half your classes...doesn't that have an effect on whether or not you pass the final exam? o_O

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And damn!!!If I get a chance, I'll check the Reject Shop here and see if they still have CDs...



Oh, and do you know what I'll be doing on thursdays from the start of april onwards? Basketball...


Even though I'm incredibly unco... and the nails will have to go...


But I'll be getting some form of exercise, so that's good... right?




I did that the other day (checked the reject shop)... we had mythbuster dvds, and random cds but no LICM







So sad that their forced to play rsl's and frankston now :naughty:




I'm not studying Education, Soy's doing Education/Arts. I'm studying Pharmacy.


I'm usually half-asleep in all of my morning lectures (especially if it's Biochemistry Monday 8.30am or Pharmacology Thursday 8.30am :thumbdown:) but this is the first time that I've slept through two back-to-back lectures then the half hour break then the third lecture after that without waking up once due to noise or being uncomfortable in those tiny little lecture theatre chairs. That, by any standards, is a real accomplishment.


That I am



And wow, that's some serious sleeping skills *is impressed*


Haha, yes, exactly, no sarcasm:mf_rosetinted:, sounds like people stay awake in Education, unlike science. I start 8.30 with Biochem everyday :thumbdown: But she is an awesome lecturer, well, not awesome, but I have to try to stay awake through the boring bits because every fifteen minutes she stops and plays a random funny video. Completely unrelated



I struggle to stay awake in sociology.... in fact, if she didn't rush through the slides which I then had to rush to write down because she doesn't record the lectures or put notes online I prob would fall asleep.


(Its going to suck when due to placements I miss two of my sociology lectures)




*looks to see if her bed has been auctioned on ebay*


I was going to respond but *see below*


*finds your bed on Ebay*


*clicks bin_15x54.gif*





Kelz got there first with my response....


damn I missed out on the bed.

Ahhhh I have three msn chat boxes that I just found from this morning.


Silly Aussies.



We know you love you them :wink2:

Awww, look, they're biting me! How cute, it drew blood! Hehehe.


Three lectures? *lo 5's*

OK, from what I've read, you all sleep through about half your classes...doesn't that have an effect on whether or not you pass the final exam? o_O


The puppies don't bite yet... they don't got teeth.....*insert mf_rosetinted smilie here*


Sleeping in lectures....affecting exams.... that would mean that stuff in the lectures is relevant on the exams *laughs*

Or in the case where it is relevant, that the lectures are either not recorded or put online (in my case where you have a techologically confused teacher)

*laughs again*

They make lectures too easy to sleep in or skip. My best subject last year I didn't attend a single lecture (9am on mondays were not my thing, especially since it was the only class I had on mondays)



But then, it might affect some of the others more.




And heya everyone.... *waves like an insane person seeing people who are not really there*

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*Plots with Bec and Teegs to attain similar incriminating footage of Miss Monkey*


Yes!! YOUR COW!!!!! We loves it

I just woke up, but I'm going back to bed.. (I just come to check "official")

FY&GN all!!

For DC distancekiss.gif


Hehe... can't wait...


and the cow!





It's quite easy to attain such footage: simply sit in a lecture with me for one hour. :mf_rosetinted:


Stuff that... I'm not going back to uni just to get incriminating evidence of you...


Do you know what? I think it can be concluded that Education is a lot more intriguing than science ... You seem so excited about this one time that you fell asleep. At least 5% of my lecture occupants are asleep every lecture.






Education? Really?




It's pretty damn boring... I thought so most of the time... I'm desperately trying to remember which subject it was... it was in the major lecture theatre.. and I'm pretty sure it's 2nd year... cause of who I was sitting with... damn...


I'm not studying Education, Soy's doing Education/Arts. I'm studying Pharmacy.


I'm usually half-asleep in all of my morning lectures (especially if it's Biochemistry Monday 8.30am or Pharmacology Thursday 8.30am :thumbdown:) but this is the first time that I've slept through two back-to-back lectures then the half hour break then the third lecture after that without waking up once due to noise or being uncomfortable in those tiny little lecture theatre chairs. That, by any standards, is a real accomplishment. :roftl:




Haha, yes, exactly, no sarcasm, sounds like people stay awake in Education, unlike science. I start 8.30 with Biochem everyday... But she is an awesome lecturer, well, not awesome, but I have to try to stay awake through the boring bits because every fifteen minutes she stops and plays a random funny video. Completely unrelated :wub2:


I've never once stayed awake or at least coherent through an anatomy lecture. He also has a murderous monotone.



Omg! Youtube uploaded my video first try! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzGmOu9jDEM

(fyi, the demented shrieks when sand-balls are aimed at me are "ekk! my camera!" shrieks, not "ekk! my life!" ones ... )


Generally they stay awake... but talk... that was what it was like for me... can't tell you what Bec's lot were like.. I did have a girl who would often get out of bed and go to lectures in her pjs... good thing she was on campus...




Anyways, I might go for a wander to the reject shop...

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