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Elanorelle's Random Happy Thread :)


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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread made me randomly happy!


I am happy because my brother surprised me with chocolate today.


I am happy because I had an awesome moment with my mom a couple of days ago. We were running errands together and got into a crazy silly mood while listening to Life in Cartoon Motion. So, when we got stopped at a really long red light, we were bouncing and singing along with Lollipop while all of the other motorists stared at us in bewilderment.


I am happy because I have a place to tell that silly story!


I am happy because my 3 week long chest cold is finally over! :punk:


yay! so happy for you too that your chest infection is over!

its fun bopping to the music!

Laxmi and I often sing Relax and the top of our lungs down the street and Love Today! everyone waving at us with glee!

and chocolate is always good! :wub2:


One of my best friends was diagnosed with cancer..there is no sign of it again! yay! its cured (we hope!) yay! I am so happy,it makes me weep!:wub2:


I am going to meet one of my friends this tues I have not met yet ! we knew eachother through the internet since 2002! going to take her out for supper!yay


there all always things to be happy and grateful for!

I loves all of you!


love Suzanne:wub2:

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Today, I think I really helped heal someone today via work. It was such a beautiful thing when someone who has been so ill asks for help and whatever you suggested works 100%. Its like a word from God.....


a small bit of beauty today..

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That's awesome! And I'm so glad your friend's cancer didn't come back!


Today, my mom announced that she finally got her promotion to supervisor. She's had a rough life working the worst kinds of jobs, so this is especially good news because it means she finally has some respect where she works. I couldn't be more proud or thrilled.


I love this thread! :punk:




i'm happy for you and your mum!yay!


I love chatting with you! we really have to do it more often!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Happiness is having a moment of clarity when you need it most.


I have known my whole life that I need to write like I need to breathe. I believed people when they told me there was no place for what I write, so I have contented myself with journaling and contributing to messge boards in ways that make people tell me I should be writing for a living.


A year or so ago, I reached a point where I decided that I was done believing that there is no room in this world for me as a writer. I created a MySpace account and began working on things that weren't simple personal ramblings. Since then, I've created another blog for essays about a specific topic.


This has been a painfully slow process for me because I want to be writing brilliant stuff and making a regular paycheck for it. I'm not there yet. I'm at the part where I'm working on a story and it's taken me a month to get to page three because I keep getting stuck on not being sure that I'll be able to finish it. I've never finished a story because I get to the middle and believe it isn't worth finishing.


Quite honestly, I haven't given up on myself this time because I am inspired by Mika. When I start to wonder why I bother, I watch an interview or listen to Grace Kelly and remember exactly why I created my blogs and started work on my stories again.


After a month of struggling to tell a story that I don't understand yet, I had a moment of clarity. For the first time in my life, I know that I am going to finish a story. I know it the way that I know that my hair is a curly mess.


I was discussing the name of a character with a friend and was strongly convinced that I was going to choose a different name. Then, I realized that there was no other name for that character because I understood with clarity who that character is and what that character represents. I knew that I was going to finish this story. I know what this story needs to be.


One moment of clarity hasn't solved all of my problems or made this story easier to write. It has simply made me happy in a way I didn't know I could be. I suspect this is only the first moment of clarity in a long string along the way towards accomplishing something I didn't think I could, even though I knew I needed to do it.


Bring on the happy! :punk:


You know I admire you so much for following your dream and writing what you want... I always wanted to write stories when I was younger... but I'm more of a reader than I am a writer... I'm such a bookworm it's unreal.... You pretty much can't move in my house ..... it's either books everywhere or CD's...


I'm never actually happier than when I've got my nose stuck in a good book... :thumb_yello:


Hope you get what you want from it... you never know maybe one day I'll be reading a book of yours :wink2:

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Okay, so yesterday I bought an iPod and it didn't work. So, today afterschool, I went to return it and they told me I couldn't. But I stood my ground...come on, they sold me something that wouldn't even play music from the headphones!!! I exchanged it for one that works!!! And it's pink!!!

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Happiness to me is finally finding love at the ripe old age of 48, even if I thought we were fighting. And real happiness is finding out we weren't fighting and hearing his sweet voice on the phone.

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That's so beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes! :wub2:


Thank you riverstwilight. I seem to be a bit teary lately myself. This love stuff is very emotional and exciting and wonderful and scary all at the same time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got the address and phone number of my best friend from 13 years ago and finally got on face book from my other best friend from 12 years ago.

I feel my life is getting back to what I love! friends! happiness! fun!


2008 for many of us was the year everything changed!



what you think? was 2008 like that for you?


Meeting many of you was certainly a beautiful experience this year!

you all are special , you know!



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