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A few Yorkshire-ish words for you:



Backword - To cancel an arrangement: "He gave backword"

Badly - Someone who is not well

Barmpot - A silly person

Beefing - Crying / Whinging / Complaining

Bins - Glasses

Dee-Dars noun - referring to residents of Sheffield, who were said to pronounce Thee and Tha as Dee and Da

Goodies Sweets - usually hard-boiled sweets

Krog or Kroggie - A ride on the crossbar of somebody's bicycle

Mack-off - Big, massive etc. Sometimes pronounced "Whack-off"

Middin - A mess in a room

Na then' - Informal greeting - often "Na then sonny"

Nither - (to freeze), used in relation to the weather/climate: "I'm absolutely nithered!"/"It's nitherin' in 'ere!"

Owt - Anything, Nowt meaning nothing

Push-Iron - Bicycle - "some bugger's nicked me Push-Iron!"

Radgey - Bad tempered

Steg - An undesirable lady

Summat - Something

Taffled - Tangled as in "it's all taffled up"

Tekkies - Superstore chain Tescos

T'internet - The internet

T'interweb - Fusion of the above with world wide web

Tyke - a Yorkshireman; in football (soccer), The Tykes is the official nickname of Barnsley FC

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