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Freddie and Sasjes Butterfly Bar (part 4)


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No, you didn't. Why?


because i hate the person next to me and she hates me. we had a fight and i told her it's not the right job for me anyway...but i am still there until they hire a new one.


i have no idea what i'm gonna do, but there's always a way...

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because i hate the person next to me and she hates me. we had a fight and i told her it's not the right job for me anyway...but i am still there until they hire a new one.


i have no idea what i'm gonna do, but there's always a way...


When you say you had a fight, in what way?

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When you say you had a fight, in what way?


she is such an unfriendly person, very harsh and she thinks she knows everything better. and she was kinda controlling me. that's bad because she is sitting right next to me. and because of her behaviour i lost my motivation and she noticed that. i am not sure if she knows i lost my motivation because of her, but she said (or: yelled) to me what the hell am i thinking and i drive her mad with my inactivity...and i yelled back, kinda i was thinking about leaving anyway and then i turned my back on her and went out of the room. it was strange. i just waited for the boss to come to tell her i want to quit.


btw: i am not the first one to leave because of that person...

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she is such an unfriendly person, very harsh and she thinks she knows everything better. and she was kinda controlling me. that's bad because she is sitting right next to me. and because of her behaviour i lost my motivation and she noticed that. i am not sure if she knows i lost my motivation because of her, but she said (or: yelled) to me what the hell am i thinking and i drive her mad with my inactivity...and i yelled back, kinda i was thinking about leaving anyway and then i turned my back on her and went out of the room. it was strange. i just waited for the boss to come to tell her i want to quit.


btw: i am not the first one to leave because of that person...


This person should be sacked if she is causing trouble.

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:roftl: :roftl: And that would be your dream job? If you get a job like that then get me one too. :naughty:




Ooo, Sounds like a promising career choice... :naughty::wink2:


another option is to watch out for the next casting, just in case he is looking for a new band member...:naughty:

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Maybe you were, but I need some practice


but i don't speak English very well, so if i am really in the management, i am always like: HÄH? WHAT? WHO? CHICKEN?


Oh, another excellent choice.... :naughty:

(can you play a trash can? lol)


i can play a trash can even with my feet if necessary...

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