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Freddie and Sasjes Butterfly Bar (part 4)


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In fact justl eave the bottle --- it looks like it's going to be a long night ...:sad:


:roftl: I know the feeling. I better go and sober up now as i'm working tonight no more vodka and red bull for me. I wont know any news til morning boo hoo!!!!. Join you all in the morning for more alchohol induced nonsense. Byyeeee!!!!!:wink2:

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*grabs another cup of coffee*


*looks down to see Silver on floor*


*looks to see if Silver has money on her...forgot my wallet.* :naughty:


S'okayyy - any frien of Mika's frienmine

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Awe look, our "Drunk of the week" has walked in! Do you see your pic on the wall? :naughty:


Aww, how lovely!

And look, I'm drunk in my picture too.... :naughty:



hello again everybody!


*dogdes coffee and goes for Orange Juice*


how are we all this...er...afternoon?


Going for the OJ eh? :thumb_yello:


I'm doing fine, you?

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Aww, how lovely!

And look, I'm drunk in my picture too.... :naughty:





Going for the OJ eh? :thumb_yello:


I'm doing fine, you?


that's a lovely picture, by the way.

(love handlebar mustache danielle drew on you)


mmmmmm OJ!

I'm not much of a coffee fan, to tell you the truth.

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I wonder why I'm holding your hair back in that picture? Yep, those are my hands. :naughty:



Hilary's a good girl! No caffeine, right?


noooo yeeeeeessssss. xD it helped keep me lively during my performances!! plus, I just love Dr. Pepper.

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Oh, and I thought you were a good girl! I'm going to tell on you! :tongue2:

I am a good girl! :roftl:


if I hadn't have supplied the caffiene for my show, my friend Kelton would be dead!

(he depends on my to supply caffiene for all our shows, it's now traditon.) :naughty:

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*sits down on beany bag and observes the drunk in the bar...*



Hmm, I wonder when she will pass out..... Bets anyone? :naughty:


Done that already - this is my second wind (hic):thumb_yello:

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