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The Oldling Thread -- Lucky #13!!!


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Hi Silver, are you busy?


I have to make arrangements for next thursday. Have another funeral to go to.....Have to make sure the children can stay at friends.


Hi AMP , just off to work, only popped in to see if servers were sorted out yet.


Sorry to hear you have a funeral to go to.

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Great idea!

Is your MFC-clock also incorrect? Here in Holland it is 9.35am, but MFC-clock says 9.50am....:blink:

It's wrong here too. About 15 minutes fast.


The clock was wrong last night too. I think in the other universe they have Thread 14, and that's the real world, and we are stuck here in some sort of ghost world.:shocked:

We are in the wrong world???

*feels left out*

*looks for black hole*



Good morning Kelzy and AMP - just making a quick visit

Good evening :naughty:

You're an Honourary Aussie btw, just waiting on you to be added to front page.

Hi Silver, are you busy?


I have to make arrangements for next thursday. Have another funeral to go to.....Have to make sure the children can stay at friends.

Sorry to hear about that. :( Was it someone close, if you don't mind me asking?

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AMP, I'm realy sorry to hear that. It always seems so sad when bad things happen before you've got over something else. I hope your day goes O.K.


I'm only on for a bit, but I noticed 24 members and 99 guests. It is odd isn't it?


Kath, I notice you're here..... I think taking two days for Easter is a good idea this year as it's so early. We've got a really long term when we go back - and no asking for leave of absence to go to Mika concerts!

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AMP, I'm realy sorry to hear that. It always seems so sad when bad things happen before you've got over something else. I hope your day goes O.K.


I'm only on for a bit, but I noticed 24 members and 99 guests. It is odd isn't it?


Kath, I notice you're here..... I think taking two days for Easter is a good idea this year as it's so early. We've got a really long term when we go back - and no asking for leave of absence to go to Mika concerts!




Yes, it's odd all those guests. But I noticed that a lot lately. I think people are discovering the MFC all over the world.

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Yes, it's odd all those guests. But I noticed that a lot lately. I think people are discovering the MFC all over the world.

that's easy, our posts pop up in the first results of Google almost everytime one searches anything 'bout Mika:cool:

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It's my aunt. She's married to my mother's brother.

Her daughter, my cousin and friend, lost her husband very suddenly in January. So, this is really sad.

:tears: That's so sad.

In my family we seem to lose 2 or 3 within a short period of time. Always makes it harder. But it reminds us how precious life really is. *hugs*


Hi Ruth! How are you today?

I noticed the guests before. Maybe some of them are members who can't log in because of the server issues.. But still that's alot of lurkers..


*checks smile :biggrin2: *

Phew.. I don't have anything stuck in my teeth.

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AMP, I'm realy sorry to hear that. It always seems so sad when bad things happen before you've got over something else. I hope your day goes O.K.


I'm only on for a bit, but I noticed 24 members and 99 guests. It is odd isn't it?


Kath, I notice you're here..... I think taking two days for Easter is a good idea this year as it's so early. We've got a really long term when we go back - and no asking for leave of absence to go to Mika concerts!


Hi Ruth and AMP and anyone else that is here :thumb_yello:


Yes I am here..but someone confused by all the carry on regarding the server and parallel posts etc. I have been having texts and emails about it all so I knew there was a problem...it is all very odd...coupled with this 'guests' outnumbering members which seems to continue.


Oh well, I guess it is probably a good idea if I actually do something else today anyway...like help Ab get her room ready for decorating instead of dipping in and out of here all day like I did yesterday!


Yes, the holiday idea is probably a good one..just seems rather odd...and can't really be called 'The Easter Holidays'!!!:shocked:


OK everyone..or anyone! Have a good day :wub2:

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Yes I am here..but someone confused by all the carry on regarding the server and parallel posts etc. I have been having texts and emails about it all so I knew there was a problem...it is all very odd...


OK everyone..or anyone! Have a good day :wub2:


I've not <touches wood> had any server problems. Parallel posts? Nah. And certainly no texts or e-mails about it.


So I'll carry on in blissful ignorance.


Or, actually, go and make a brew and bacon butties for the workers :wink2:

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Hi. I'm on holiday, but I was woken by a delivery of bricks, paving stones, sand and cement! And this is a great time to catch up here.


Aahhhkk.. Holidays are for sleeping in!! :naughty:

Which reminds me.. I was woken at 9am by the guy next door sanding back a wood panel on his house. I normally wouldn't mind a bit of noise if it was later on.. But 9am?? :boxed:

And my bedroom and his house where he was sanding are only about 5 metres apart. So it was loud and irritating.. When I looked at the spot he was working on later, I couldn't see why he was even doing that.. :blink: weird.. :fisch:


So what are the bricks etc for??

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So what are the bricks etc for??


Paving outside the back door instead of a mud patch. And a retaining wall to keep the mud in order where it belongs. Then it can become a lawn.


And I only got as far as boiling the kettle so they still have no drink or butties. I got side-tracked... here.... again...

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Good Morning Oldlings! Just going to be on for a few minutes before going to work and I just had to tell you that it looks like a new "Oldling" will be joining the MFC soon...

The name on the home page reads: "mika has a nice ass"! :roftl: :roftl:

And when you click on the name, this new, 61 year old member is still "awaiting activation".


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Morning Suzy, I noticed the Deano thing too. Is it all happening for Easter Official-dom?


Hmm, I dunno...but I'm not holding my breath. I think it's just going to come when we all least expect it.

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Paving outside the back door instead of a mud patch. And a retaining wall to keep the mud in order where it belongs. Then it can become a lawn.


And I only got as far as boiling the kettle so they still have no drink or butties. I got side-tracked... here.... again...

I know exactly what you mean about getting side-tracked on MFC.. I used to do things when I had to, now alot of things happen when I'm finished on here :naughty:


Good Morning Oldlings! Just going to be on for a few minutes before going to work and I just had to tell you that it looks like a new "Oldling" will be joining the MFC soon...

The name on the home page reads: "mika has a nice ass"! :roftl: :roftl:

And when you click on the name, this new, 61 year old member is still "awaiting activation".



Wait.. hmmm.. It's just Scut in disguise.. :mf_rosetinted:


Morning Suzy, I noticed the Deano thing too. Is it all happening for Easter Official-dom?

Ohh that would be good.. since most of us will be around for the 4 day weekend.. it will test the stability of the new server at least :naughty:

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Good Morning Oldlings! Just going to be on for a few minutes before going to work and I just had to tell you that it looks like a new "Oldling" will be joining the MFC soon...

The name on the home page reads: "mika has a nice ass"! :roftl: :roftl:

And when you click on the name, this new, 61 year old member is still "awaiting activation".



I see that deano is logged in too... :wink2:

:blink: I don't see her nick neither Deano

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