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The Oldling Thread -- Lucky #13!!!


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Hello my roomie :wub2:

So you got slush - we have had that, hailstones, and sunshine.

It can't make its mind up!!! :naughty:


I know...silly weather!:thumbdown:


It's begining to feel like a marriage really isn't it...if we carry on shring a room like this....so therefore...is it you or me that looks like the truck!!!!:naughty:

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Just got this in an email and thought it was worth sharing!!:naughty::shocked:




(1) Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a


- Kelvin, age 10


You get all the interesting emails - mine are for Viagra!!! :naughty:


Hi Kath - Bye Kath -and dont think there is much difference between bagging and banging!


I have not looked - and wont. My son sometimes checks this computer

and I dont want dodgy cookies!!!! :naughty:

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Hi Kath - Bye Kath -and dont think there is much difference between bagging and banging!



I definatetly need to go...I read that as bagging and Sha**ing! :shocked:


Hi Kath, weird weather here too, sunny and threatening rain, but very windy. poor old doggy got arthritis, I know how he feels. Not easy to lose weight when you're fed up and in pain. What can you do for him?


He has daily medication and fortnightly injections...we need to limit his exercise as he just can't cope. The sad thing is he is only 6 and his brother (same litter) is still like a puppy:shocked:

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Hello everyone.:thumb_yello:


I have just read back the last few pages and I have to admit I am a little confused.:shocked: I can usually follow the Oldlings..but maybe it is because I have a headache...although not a migrane like Charlotte..poor you charlie..hope you feel better soon. :thumb_yello: I read Carris post as Wolfbanging not Wolfbagging..I think that was the point that I decided I had lost the plot!


Oh well, just got back from the vet and as I walked back to the house from the car was completely covered in hail/slushy snow..that was five minutes ago and now it is glorious sunshine!:shocked:


I really must go and tackle my pile of paperwork now so I will wish you all a happy afternoon. Oh btw..had the dog weighed...we don't overfeed him but he can't move much due to his dreadful athritis and he is now 48.5 kg...no wonder I did my back in lifting him into the car!:shocked:


You have a headache too? Too much Mika ing's so addictive.

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Good morning/afternoon Oldlings! :huglove:


Just back from a morning at my son's school -- they have a thing

called Touching Bases, where you get 5 minutes to have a mini-

conference with each teacher, just to see how your child is doing.


Luckily all of the teachers had glowing reports for me -- does a

mama's heart proud :wub2:


So what's going on in here, then? Everybody well?


Charlotte's got headache, I see :( Everyone else...?


Oh well, just got back from the vet and as I walked back to the house from the car was completely covered in hail/slushy snow..that was five minutes ago and now it is glorious sunshine!:shocked:


I really must go and tackle my pile of paperwork now so I will wish you all a happy afternoon. Oh btw..had the dog weighed...we don't overfeed him but he can't move much due to his dreadful athritis and he is now 48.5 kg...no wonder I did my back in lifting him into the car!


:yikes: kath! No wonder that hurt! My little Dexter is only about 20 pounds,

so a little less than 10kg, right? But I have to take him to the vet

tomorrow -- one side of his nose has gone all dry and cracked and

bleeding a bit, rather like when you have very chapped lips... Never had

this with any dog before. Vet thinks he may have picked up

a fungus! :shocked:


Well, as they say... It's always something... and it's usually expensive! :naughty:



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Kath - get yr hounds on the BARF diet - mine are thriving :)


I DIDlook into it when you first mentioned it :thumb_yello:


You have a headache too? Too much Mika ing's so addictive.



No such thing as too much MIKA :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


OK...really going..byeeeeee

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Kath you have chicken on the brain love!!


Hi Deb, hope all goes well at the vet :thumb_yello:


Carri..couldn't even work out what you meant then..myhead MUST be bad!



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Good morning/afternoon Oldlings! :huglove:


Just back from a morning at my son's school -- they have a thing

called Touching Bases, where you get 5 minutes to have a mini-

conference with each teacher, just to see how your child is doing.


Luckily all of the teachers had glowing reports for me -- does a

mama's heart proud :wub2:


So what's going on in here, then? Everybody well?


Charlotte's got headache, I see :( Everyone else...?




:yikes: kath! No wonder that hurt! My little Dexter is only about 20 pounds,

so a little less than 10kg, right? But I have to take him to the vet

tomorrow -- one side of his nose has gone all dry and cracked and

bleeding a bit, rather like when you have very chapped lips... Never had

this with any dog before. Vet thinks he may have picked up

a fungus! :shocked:


Well, as they say... It's always something... and it's usually expensive! :naughty:




Helloooooooo Debs.:punk:


How's you today?

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I know...silly weather!:thumbdown:


It's begining to feel like a marriage really isn't it...if we carry on shring a room like this....so therefore...is it you or me that looks like the truck!!!!:naughty:


I am the truck :mf_rosetinted:


Clare, yes my arm will be ok, he's drawn blood though. Bloody cat. He's so gorgeous looking too. Don't know where he's from either. I'll post a pic.


I hope he is not carrying any thing nasty Shari :shocked:


Oh. Gemma likes strawberry yoghurt so maybe she will like strawberry lollipops. One please!!:naughty:


Done!! :thumb_yello:


Hiya Deb - do you know anything about my lollipops? :sneaky2:

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Hiya Deb - do you know anything about my lollipops? :sneaky2:


I don't Wendy, but I would suspect Freddie as well... didn't he pass out

lollipops at one of the recent gigs? I think I read that...


In any case, I'd treat it like a gift from a Secret Admirer :naughty:


Don't look a gift lolly in the mouth, so to speak :wink2:



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I don't Wendy, but I would suspect Freddie as well... didn't he pass out

lollipops at one of the recent gigs? I think I read that...


In any case, I'd treat it like a gift from a Secret Admirer :naughty:


Don't look a gift lolly in the mouth, so to speak :wink2:




Well, I have asked Fred via PM - but he does not admit

to anything!! :sneaky2:

My 16 year old asked why it wasn't diamonds, flowers or chocolates!! :naughty:

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You get all the interesting emails - mine are for Viagra!!! :naughty:


Well, those could be interesting, too, I suppose... depending on who you

were! :naughty:


Nasty/temperamental cat!



Lovely cat, Shari, but wash your scratch out good! Don't want an infection!


Helloooooooo Debs.:punk:


How's you today?


Quite good now, Clare, thanks! It's Wednesday after all -- I think that's

my best day of the week! No obligations, usually! :thumb_yello:



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Hi Deb, yeah some sneaky tom-cat he was. He eaten all Patsy's food too! Not encouraging him as we don't want another cat!

Bathed my superficial wounds, they were starting to itch.


So you are a proud mama hey. That's good reasurrance for a mom to know her child is doing good in school. Must take alot of weight off your mind.

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Hello Shari and Wendi and Deb and Clare and anyone else who's flitting about!


Well Wendi, dying to hear, any developments on the mysterious case of the 660 lollies?? Any new intriguing deliveries today? Penguins with packages lurking in the bushes? Could it all be linked to the official announcement as someone posted earlier???? Better than a intrigue novel!:naughty:


Shari are you feeling a little better today? I hope so. Mine's been gone 14 years this Sept. but she's always there in my thoughts. *hug* to you.


Congrats Deb - proud mama!


Kath - are you still there or gone? Have a good day!


Hi Clare :blush-anim-cl: FD's editing your posts???



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