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The Oldling Thread -- Lucky #13!!!


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It's sunny and bright here.


I'm fine thanks.

It's raining here, of course. I'm in Vancouver now, so it's ALWAYS raining here!!!


So exciting! When do you leave for Vic? Did you get to watch the DVD and all the extras??? I loved the interviews and Mika talking!


Hi Clare!


I leave in a few hours to go to the ferry. Gotta wait for Mom to wake up first :) I'm an early bird, and she sleeps late these days.


I totally watched the DVD and ALL the extras :) Fantastic!!! I'm even more in love than I was before! :)


Seriously. That man should be mine. He's perfect for me. Except maybe that he doesn't seem to like to get his hands dirty. I like to get dirty



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It's raining here, of course. I'm in Vancouver now, so it's ALWAYS raining here!!!




I leave in a few hours to go to the ferry. Gotta wait for Mom to wake up first :) I'm an early bird, and she sleeps late these days.


I totally watched the DVD and ALL the extras :) Fantastic!!! I'm even more in love than I was before! :)


Seriously. That man should be mine. He's perfect for me. Except maybe that he doesn't seem to like to get his hands dirty. I like to get dirty




So you haven't been abled to get your washing dry.


The kids are cranky because they can't go out? Yeah?

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I thought the whole DVD was great! The performance itself, the music videos! and especially the interviews. I loved the way Mika's personality (and Chrerisse and Mikey's) shined through! So much better than the standard media interview.

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Good Morning! Wow, y'all have been chatty since last night. Had some catching up to do this morning but, very entertaining. Nice way to start my Friday. :thumb_yello:


Robi, You are so adorable. Love your avatar! You do look quite rested and happy. But, you always look Happy and beautiful.


Went to the chiropractor last night and he cracked my neck so well that my neck is no longer pinching the nerve. I iced my neck last night and this morning and have to go back to him at lunch time. But, it's feeling better now. Still a little sore...but, relief is in sight for the St. Paddy's Day weekend. LOL


hi charlie!

just a hallo to you...lonely in a lonely oldling thread!


have you seen my new avatar? it's me in London now in february! with my MIKA silver pin....i felt so happy! and it was taken after the 2 gigs...looking quite rested, don't you think? and i had slept only a few hours in 2 days!


have a nice day, hope yr head is better.


edit: thanks vicky for the pic!


Yay!! I'm an Honorary Aussie!!! I need to go celebrate. Yep, another reason. LOL


Cheeky Cheeky!!! You've been made an honorary Aussie now!! :naughty:


OMG...this gave me some great laughs the morning. And, I made the song..whoo hoooo!! LOL!! Oldlings need a whole lot more. :lmao:


Oldlings you are beautiful ...thump thump....


Strolls into the chat room

Feels like a big bufoon

I said, Oldlings, you are beautiful!

Mornin coffee and the MFC,

mornin coffee and I'm on my knees,

Screaming 'Oldlings, you are beautiful'!


You take your Youngling thread

Feel like I'm a granny

Cause i don't understand

All they say is why


No need to fantacize,

My friends they're all here,

in a chattering space for us "old folk"

from all ends of the earth (this verse needs work+++)


Oldlings you are beautiful,

Oldlings you are beautiful,

Oldlings you are beautiful,


You take your youngling age and

multiply it by 4

A whole lot of oldlings

need a whole lot more

(glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, you know)


Get yourself down to the Oldlings thread,

find yourself with a penguin

Freddie D, Carri, Char

Kath,Robi,and Shari...

Silver pops her head in

and Weealx he goes a-runnin'

AMP and Diana hail in from Holland

Wendi calls a policeman

cuz of all of those lollies (and chickens :naughty: )

dcdeb she comes in and

Sheena hides her carrot (:blush-anim-cl: )



Oldlings you are beautiful,

Oldlings you are beautiful,

Oldlings you are beautiful,

*Mikey's guitar riffs*

Oldlings you are BEAUTIFUL!!!:thumb_yello:


Love to you all....see you next week!!!

mamacatt xxxxx


ps sorry to all i missed mentioning.......

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I thought the whole DVD was great! The performance itself, the music videos! and especially the interviews. I loved the way Mika's personality (and Chrerisse and Mikey's) shined through! So much better than the standard media interview.


It was really great to get to know some of the other members, for sure. I've not seen other interviews with them yet.


Man, that oldlings song you quoted there was amazing LOL I laughed my behind off!!

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Good Morning! Wow, y'all have been chatty since last night. Had some catching up to do this morning but, very entertaining. Nice way to start my Friday. :thumb_yello:


Robi, You are so adorable. Love your avatar! You do look quite rested and happy. But, you always look Happy and beautiful.


Went to the chiropractor last night and he cracked my neck so well that my neck is no longer pinching the nerve. I iced my neck last night and this morning and have to go back to him at lunch time. But, it's feeling better now. Still a little sore...but, relief is in sight for the St. Paddy's Day weekend. LOL




Yay!! I'm an Honorary Aussie!!! I need to go celebrate. Yep, another reason. LOL


Cheeky Cheeky!!! You've been made an honorary Aussie now!! :naughty:


OMG...this gave me some great laughs the morning. And, I made the song..whoo hoooo!! LOL!! Oldlings need a whole lot more. :lmao:


Wooooooooooooow!!! I love it.


While I was reading that, I could hear Mika singing it in my head.

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Good Morning! Wow, y'all have been chatty since last night. Had some catching up to do this morning but, very entertaining. Nice way to start my Friday. :thumb_yello:


Robi, You are so adorable. Love your avatar! You do look quite rested and happy. But, you always look Happy and beautiful.


Went to the chiropractor last night and he cracked my neck so well that my neck is no longer pinching the nerve. I iced my neck last night and this morning and have to go back to him at lunch time. But, it's feeling better now. Still a little sore...but, relief is in sight for the St. Paddy's Day weekend. LOL




Yay!! I'm an Honorary Aussie!!! I need to go celebrate. Yep, another reason. LOL




Wooooooooooooow!!! I love it.


While I was reading that, I could hear Mika singing it in my head.


LOL Totally Clare!! That's what I was thinking!!! :)

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Hi all!

Not here for long, just wanted to see the vid of the afterparty where Mika was talking to me over everyones heads. Anyone know where I can finD the link?

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Hi Charlotte! Glad to hear your neck is feeling better. How did your meeting go last night?


Hi Rose, I saw the video. I think it was in the afterparty/gig thread. I don't know if it was posted anywhere else. Good luck!

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Good afternoon all :D


Rose - I don't know what one you are talking about - there were a

few taken!!


Charlotte - so glad your neck is better - or will be soon.

Enjoy St Patricks day!!!


Thanks to Sarah, I found the old guy (in my gig report) who "chatted

me up" in the pub!! He is 101, and is doing the London Marathon, so

I have sponsored him, and left him a message!!!! :wink2::naughty:

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Meeting was okay. Will definitely owe more money but what can I do? I'm thinking of still going to Spain this Summer. LOL


Rose, I think that's where I saw the vid too...but can't remember.


Hi Charlotte! Glad to hear your neck is feeling better. How did your meeting go last night?


Hi Rose, I saw the video. I think it was in the afterparty/gig thread. I don't know if it was posted anywhere else. Good luck!


Hey Wendi! Hope you have a great St. Patty's day weekend too. I was told that I have to wear green this year and that my eyes weren't enough. LOL!! Going to the Butterfly Lounge for a party...it's Kathleen's B-day. Should be fun!


Good afternoon all :D



Charlotte - so glad your neck is better - or will be soon.

Enjoy St Patricks day!!!


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Okay, for those of you who don't venture to other threads. Mika went to a party last night. I love these. I especially love the one where he looks like he had a little too much to drink and he's leaving the party. LOL






aww he deserves a good night out after all the touring!! :)

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Hi fellow oldies,

Well, thats nice, i've been up here for the afternoon...no one was there, i go away for an hour and poof there you all are! If you don't want to talk to me...just say :wink2:

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