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Fanfic- story Competition winner!


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Okay, she deserves her fame! Becky is the fanfic competition winner! *claps* SO HERE IT IS!!!! You rock Becky, also congrats to Artsy, who also had an amazing story!




“You are going, whether I have to drag you there or not!” My mum told me sternly, as I blew my nose yet again,

“Bud I feel lide crap.” I said, with a horrible blocked nose. “I have da flu. I shouldn’t have teh go school…” I had a really bad headache, a really badly blocked nose, not to mention I’d just thrown up.

“Look, you’ll thank me in the end.” My mum told me. I raised my eyebrows.

“Whad, when I have pneumonia?” I replied sarcastically. I then sneezed, much to my mum’s dismay.

“Oh Becky… I would keep you off, if I knew you wouldn’t kill me for not sending you today. Just do yourself a favour; don’t sneeze on anyone at school. Now get dressed and sort out your bag.” Wondering what she meant, I apologised for covering her top in mucus, got some tissue and got changed into my school uniform,

Once I got myself sorted out and ready to leave, I glanced in the mirror, to make sure I didn’t look any worse than I felt.

“I look absolutely terrible!” I cried, staring at my pale face and bright red nose. “I could be mistaken for Rudolph!”

“Don’t be melodramatic.” My mum came in, handed me my bag and my iPod and began to push me towards the door.

“Make sure you go; you will definitely not want to come back. Ever.” My mum smiled mischievously.

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“You’ll find out when you get there!” She grinned. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and forced me out of the door.

“Bye, lobe you.” I said, sneezing again.

“Love you too!” She called back. Hearing the door close, I sighed and put in my iPod.

The path I usually took across the field was eerily creepy. It seemed more quiet and frightening than usual.

“It’s just the flu, playing tricks on you.” I told myself quietly. Focusing on my iPod, I tried to ignore my head telling me to turn back.

Humming along to Love Today, I stopped in my tracks when I was perfectly sure I saw someone in the trees ahead. No one ever took this path at this time of day.

“It’s just an animal, or something.” I scorned myself, not very convinced. My heart racing, I told myself to stop being stupid and keep walking.

After walking for about 5 minutes, I felt relieved at the idea I wasn’t far from school. Letting myself relax a bit, I ignored everything else around me and began to daydream.

All of a sudden, I felt an arm come from behind me and make its way around my neck. I desperately wanted to scream and fight whoever it was, but my body had just frozen with fear and wasn’t willing to move. A finger removed one of the earphones from my head, and I whimpered in fear.

“Take whatever you want, I have a phone and some money in my bag and my iPod is in my hand, just pleased don’t hurt me.”

“Don’t say another word and whatever you do don’t scream and you won’t die.” The voice was deep and raspy; it already made my skin crawl. I nodded, blinking back tears. As he dragged me out of the woods, I dropped my bag without noticing. The man shoved me into the back of a cold, dark van. I heard him close the doors, and I began to cry. Would I ever see my family again? They wouldn’t even know I’d gone missing until after school, when I didn’t turn up at home. If only I’d listened to my head at the start of the path, I might have gone home and demanded I go to bed. Or even just got a lift, or something. Anything would have been better than this.

I felt the van begin jolt and to move, so I instinctively put my hands behind me so I didn’t fall backwards.

Mr. Taylor waited at the gates, and glanced at his watch. The bell had gone 10 minutes ago, and she still hadn’t turned up. The guy waiting for her seemed nice enough, but he didn’t believe he would be happy waiting around for song long, just for a fan. Taking one last look down the road of the school, he sighed and made his way to the office.

A tall man with bouncy curly hair and a pair of red skinny jeans and a white t-shirt on was laughing with one of the female teachers.

“Mr. Penniman?” Mr. Taylor interrupted.

“Will you please call me Mika?” The man smiled.

“Sorry, Mika.” Mr. Taylor replied, enhancing the word Mika. “Rebecca hasn’t arrived yet. I’m about to call her mother, she probably just got caught up this morning in…Traffic or something.”

“I thought you said she walked to school?” Mika replied confused. Mr. Taylor laughed nervously.

“You’re right. I don’t know then. I’ll just call her house.”

Grabbing the phone on the desk, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. It wasn’t like he had really heard of her before; he just had to act like they were buddies, for the image of the school. On this piece of paper told him all of her details; her full name, phone number, any kind of trouble she’d been in (none, to his dismay. He wanted to have a small story to tell, like when she did such and such, but she was obviously a goody-two-shoes who actually did things at school) her exam results, the time she had off, and the way she behaved in class, plus what her teachers thought of her, which was all along the lines of ‘Lovely girl, works hard, though rather quiet, doesn’t like to ask questions, tend to daydream’. Boring… Nothing exciting to tell, except maybe her exam results… He hated all this ‘pretend’ larky, but he

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didn’t want to look bad in front of the star.

“Ah, Mrs. Whittall, we were wondering why your daughter hasn’t turned up for school yet, being that you sorted this all out.” He asked, while smiling at Mika.

“She hasn’t? She should have, she left over half an hour ago…” Mrs. Whittall replied worriedly.

“Really? How long does it usually take her to get here?” Mr. Taylor questioned.

“About 15 minutes… What if something’s happened to her?!” She asked, in a voice of panic.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Whittall, just tell us the way in which she gets here and we’ll go and have a look for her. If anything happens, we’ll let you know.” Mr. Taylor replied calmly, though at the back of his mind, the thought of the boy who had been kidnapped not far from the schools location worried him. Mika looked at him confused, wondering why he said ‘look’. He hoped nothing bad had happened…

Mr. Taylor put the phone down after he scribbled something down on the back of Becky’s notes, and faced Mika.

“It seems Rebecca left well over half an hour ago… She should be here by now. My deputy and I will go and have a look for her, while you can wait here. I’m sure Miss Harrison will keep you entertained.” Miss. Harrison put her hand over her mouth, knowing this wasn’t something Becky would do, and Mika just look shocked.

“I’m coming with you.” He told him boldly. “I came here to see her so I will make sure she sees me.” Mr. Taylor raised an eyebrow, but agreed, saying being he was going now, his deputy didn’t have to. He went off to let the deputy head know, while he got his coat.

“This really isn’t like Becky at all. I hope she’s okay.” Miss. Harrison commented.

“Well, if she’s anything like the way you and other teachers have described her, and if she’s the girl I think I could remember, maybe, I hope so too.” Mika replied. A vague memory of the girl he’d seen in the picture floated around his mind, but it wasn’t very clear.

Mr. Taylor returned, with his coat, and they headed off down the path in which Becky usually walked.

Still in the back of the van, I had gone through every possible scenario that could happen, from actually getting to wherever this guy was taking them, to a magic fairytale prince coming to save me and killing the freak that’d kidnapped me. I felt as if I’d sat on the cold, hard floor for hours but I knew it was more like 20 minutes. Feeling even more tears making their way down my face, I decided to have a quick look for my bag as I’d taken at least a tonne of tissue, for my cold. I scrambled around, like a blind man looking for his glasses for a while until I realised I must have dropped it when the man had grabbed me.

“All I frigging need.” I sulked aloud. I then realised that my throat was sore from the amount of crying I’d done. I wiped my nose with the back of my sleeve, as I had no tissues and couldn’t care less about the state of my jumper; I wasn’t going to get home anyway.

The van jolted again, and I didn’t have a chance to put my hands behind me, so fell backwards, hitting my head hard on the bottom of the van. I lay there for a moment, making sure I was right. I was. The van had stopped. I took her chance. Standing up, I ran towards the back of the van and opened the back. I was taken aback by the sunlight, but jumped out anyway. My eyes were still trying to adjust to the sunlight and I could barely see. Assuming there was nothing there, she ran, and bumped into something.

“The other kid did that too.” The raspy voice told me. I felt a hand grab my arm and twist it upwards.

“Help!” I screeched at the top of my voice. “Help me!” Another hand clapped over my mouth. The smell was horrible; a cross between tobacco and stale beer. Trying my best to break free, I bit his hand. Instead of the way I thought it would go – he’d let go of me and clutch his hand in pain, giving me a chance to make a run for it – he removed his hand from my mouth and slapped me hard across the face.

“If you do that again, kiddo, you’ll regret it.” He told me with hatred in his eyes. “Get in the van, I’m going to get rope and duct tape.” He forced me back into the van, not giving me a chance to get up, so I fell flat on my face. He shoved the rest of me in, closed the van door and locked them. I touched the back of her and realised it was wet; I was bleeding.

“So this is where she usually walks?” Mika asked, looking at the area. It was full of frosty trees, and wasn’t too far from the road.

“Yes, it is.” Mr. Taylor replied. He glanced around; who in their right mind would walk this way on their own? Her mother should have had a car.

“Pretty cold.” Mika said, breaking the moment of silence. Mika didn’t particularly like Mr. Taylor, the school’s head teacher. He was a bit stuck up for his liking.

Mr. Taylor barely acknowledged Mika saying anything, but returned a polite nod. Rolling his eyes, Mika decided than instead of trying to get a bit of small

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talk out of him, he’d try and keep an eye out for Becky. They didn’t have to walk far before Mika spotted something in the trees.

“Hey, isn’t that a bag?” Before Mr. Taylor had a chance to answer, Mika had already run over to pick it up. It was a white shoulder bag with a black flower pattern all over it. Mika rummaged through, trying to find something to see if it was hers. He took one of the yellow books inside.

“That’s an exercise book!” Mr. Taylor exclaimed.

“Nice observing, smartass.” Mika replied sarcastically. Mr. Taylor was rather taken aback by his attitude, and was about to lecture him about talking back to teachers, but he then remembered Mika wasn’t a student.

“Rebecca Whittall, English.” Mika read from the book. “It’s hers!”

“She must have been pulled off of the pathway. We’d better call the police.” Mr. Taylor pulled out his mobile.

“Are you mad? The police do nothing. They’re useless.” Mika snapped. “Come on, someone must have been here two hours ago.”

Mika walked towards the road, leaving Mr. Taylor wondering whether he should follow the stranger’s orders, who seems like he knows something, or follow his instinct. Deciding his instinct wasn’t enough, Mr. Taylor followed Mika to the roadside, where a few teenage boys were playing football.

“Shouldn’t you be in school?” Mr. Taylor said in his serious voice. Mika stared at him in disbelief.

“How long have you been here?” Mika asked the boys, resisting the urge to slap the man. One of the boys shrugged.

“An hour maybe.”

“Did you see a man taking a girl or anything strange?” Mika questioned. The boys just shrugged.

“This is important!” Mika persisted.

“There was some bloke who seemed to be forcing a girl into a van.” The boy who replied originally said, stopping the ball.

“And you didn’t think to call the police?” Mr. Taylor was shocked at the stupidity of these boys.

“Wasn’t our problem.” Another one of the boys muttered.

“Can you give us details?” Mika asked. The third boy nodded.

“It was a navy blue van, with a scratch down the left side and the number plate was G9OF GUK.” He said, without thinking.

“How’d you know that?” Mika asked.

“Photographic memory.” He replied. Mika got him to repeat it, and put it into his phone.

“What are you doing?” Mr. Taylor enquired.

“I saw this thing ages ago on the internet where you text in a licence plate number and it tells you its location. It came in useful when my mates left there car somewhere on a night out…”

“And how do we plan on getting there?” Mr Taylor asked sarcastically.

“Steal a car.” Mika replied seriously.

“What? That idea is just ludicrous…” Mr Taylor exclaimed but Mika had already made his way over to a car and began to tamper with it.

“You can’t be serious, I mean, this is illegal…”

“Oh shut up will you? I’m trying to do something here…” With that, the door clicked and Mika opened it.

“I assume you can drive?” Mika asked.

“Yes…” Mr Taylor replied, not liking where the conversation was going.

“Well, I’ll start the engine and you can drive.” Mika’s phone beeped. He glanced at it and added, “To Taylon café. Ooh good, a SatNav.”

Mr. Taylor began to drive, much to Mika’s shock, at the speed limit.

“What are you doing?” Mika voice was getting high.


“Go faster!”

“This is the speed limit.”

“**** the speed limit! There’s a life at risk!”

I sat in the van, with ropes around my wrists and duct tape covering my mouth. My leg was getting soggy from the tears that had fallen down my face, and I was feeling faint from what I assumed was my head injury. After the guy had tied me up, he had left to wherever he was going and left me in the van. It didn’t look like I was going to get home. I guess I should have thought about the danger of my way to school. Then I wouldn’t be stuck in a van tied up by an escaped lunatic. Well, that must have been what he was; people like him shouldn’t be allowed to roam the streets, on the prowl for innocent, defenceless teenagers. I wonder if my family realised I was gone yet, and if they were worried. I hoped deeply they weren’t hurting anything like I was.

I began to think about my family and the memories of stupid things, like chasing my sister around the garden on a space hopper and stuff, trying to make myself smile, but it seemed that I was failing miserably, because my tears were just getting heavier and more frequent.

I heard the slam of a car door outside of the van and assumed we’d be moving soon, even though the van hadn’t vibrated from the slam. Deciding it was probably safest to lie down in case the van jolted again, I tried to lower myself down as carefully as I could. At least that way I could maybe sleep for a while.

“Becky?” I heard tapping on the side of the van.

“It’s just your mind playing tricks on you.” I told myself. But the tapping continued. Deciding this could be my last hope, I began making as much noise as I possibly could. Shouting through duct tape was difficult, but I tried my hardest anyway.

“Its okay, Rebecca, we’ll get you out of there soon.” I heard someone else say. “We just have to wait for the police.”

“Police? Don’t be stupid. We’re getting her out now.” The first voice argued.

“It could be dangerous.”

“Do I look like I give a toss? Come on, help me.” With that, the voices stopped and a moment later I heard someone open the back of the van. What a stupid bloke; who doesn’t lock a van with a kidnapped person in the back?

The sunlight again hurt my eyes, but I decided it was probably best to try and get my eyes to get used to the sunlight, rather than face away from it again. As my eyes began to focus, I could see a tall man climbing into the van and my head teacher just waiting outside. He gave me thumbs up, and if I wasn’t tied up, I would have hit him. Who gives thumbs up to someone who just got kidnapped? What a twat.

The tall man got closer, and smiled, reassuring me quietly things would be okay now. It was Mika.

“Perfect time to have a hallucination.” I told my brain silently. I went along with it anyway. Mika pulled the duct tape off my face, in not the gentlest of ways. It wasn’t a hallucination, but it hurt. It also made my head throb more.

“Ouch! You could have been more careful.” I scolded him. He put a finger to his lips, as if to tell me to be quiet.

“Uh, Mr. Penniman…” Mr. Taylor said quietly.

“Shh!” Mika shushed. But I saw why Mr. Taylor had attracted Mika’s attention.

“Right, you’re untied now, so when I say go-” Mika was interrupted by the kidnapper.

“You won’t be going anywhere.” He was pointing a gun at us.

“Oh my god you’re going to die…” My brain screamed at me.

“Yeah, but you’ll die with Mika.” The optimistic part told me.

“Now, get out of the van.” The kidnapper ordered. Mika slowly took my hand, and led me out of the van.

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“Stand with him!” The man pointed the gun at Mr. Taylor. “Now!”

Mika and I moved quickly over to where Mr. Taylor was standing with his hands in the air.

“Do you really want this?” Mr Taylor began trying to negotiate with the kidnapper. His eyes didn’t change.

‘What is he doing?’ Mika thought to himself, ‘Action is the way forward!’

After that, everything went very fat. Mika jumped. The kidnapper shot. I was in the firing line.

‘Oh my god.’ Mr. Taylor thought to himself. ‘Imagine the headlines if I took the bullet? Dedicated head dies for student. That would up the rep for the school!’

I covered my face instinctively, unsure of what to do, but Mr. Taylor leapt in front of me, taking the bullet to his stomach. Mika collided with the kidnapper, knocking the gun out of his hand. Mika held the man down and I went for the gun. I don’t know why, as I’d never handled a gun in my life before, but it didn’t seem difficult to use. To threaten someone, you point it in their direction, to shoot, you pull the trigger.

Shaking with fear and adrenaline, I pointed the gun at the kidnapper, who was wrestling with Mika and said bravely “Leave him alone!” It came out louder and in a higher pitched voice than anticipated, but all the same, both the kidnapper and Mika stared at me in shock.

“You can’t shoot me!” The kidnapper laughed. “I doubt you’ve ever used one in your life.”

“I-Is that a risk you’re willing to take?” I stammered, trying my best to sound confident. Before the man had a chance to answer, Mika had gotten him into a position in which he couldn’t get out.

“Becky, give the gun then go get the rope!” Mika told me in a serious voice I hadn’t heard before. Still shaking, I handed him the gun, which he put to the man’s head, and I went to the van to get the rope. As I passed Mr. Taylor, I could hear him breathing heavily. I grabbed the rope from the back of the van and chucked it to Mika, then made my way over to my head teacher.

“Tell… People… That… I… Took… The Bullet…” He wheezed. I ignored him, focusing on the blood on his shirt.

‘The recovery position…. What is it?’ I thought to myself. Remembering, I moved his body onto its side.

“Keep breathing, sir, and you’ll be fine.” I reassured him, unsure of where my calmness was coming from. Wondering about how I was going to get an ambulance here in time, a person from the café we were parked outside came running over.

“The police and the ambulance are on their way!” He told us, staring in horror at the shot man.

“Thanks.” Mika said, as he made the last tie on the man’s wrists. Putting down the gun, he stood up and made his way over to me and Mr. Taylor, who was now drifting in and out of consciousness.

“Are you hurt?” He asked, staring at Mr. Taylor’s wound. I was about to reply no, but then I remembered the cut at the back of my head.

“I hit my head on the floor of the truck…” I told him, pointing toward the back of my head. He had a look, moving my hair about. “It looks nasty, but nothing major.” He told me quietly.

“What about him?” I questioned, worried about Mr. Taylor.

“Emh, he’ll be alright.” Mika shrugged. I would have argued, if a police car and a ambulance hadn’t raced around the corner.

“Are you okay?” One of the officers asked me. Nodding my head, she glanced at the man at my feet.

“Okay, paramedics, a man has been shot down here.” The policeman called. I didn’t listen to what the paramedic said. Everything that had happened just hit me. With an overwhelming sense of relief, I wrapped my arms around Mika and let out a sob. He seemed a bit shocked, but put one arm around my head and the other around my back, and said in a soothing voice,

“It’s okay now, it’s over.”

Maybe it wasn’t my ideal way of meeting Mika; I mean, I had the flu, tears had stained my face, I had been kidnapped and a man was shot, but it all worked out in the end, I guess.

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:roftl: You don't have high standards if you account me as cool :naughty:


haha, i got a bday card from a friend this year that said on the outside "You're the coolest person i know" then on the inside it said "ya, i hang with a pretty lame crowd!" :lmao: did you give artsy the "you know what" yet?

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