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The Ex-Yu Thread (part 3)


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I think I should learn Croatian/Serbian and then Slovenian:roftl:


Oh, Croatian is same as Serbian, but you should always put letter "j" on the second place in the word!


You just listen to me...and you'll learn it in no time :bleh::wink2:

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Why ?You don't think you could learn 3 languages at the same time?:blink:


Yes, I can! (I hope):naughty:


Oh, Croatian is same as Serbian, but you should always put letter "j" on the second place in the word!


You just listen to me...and you'll learn it in no time :bleh::wink2:


Hahahahahahaha, right! I'm all ears sugar!:wink2:

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Wow...you're all so smart. Am so proud of you my pupils.:lol3:

jaz sem miranda and i am leaving for tonight, so bye everyone, bye TBQ, hope you'll visit us know all the time:wink2:

p.s. da ne zaboravim: sutra ću kasnit, predavanja.....

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jaz sem miranda and i am leaving for tonight, so bye everyone, bye TBQ, hope you'll visit us know all the time:wink2:

p.s. da ne zaboravim: sutra ću kasnit, predavanja.....



ĆaoZ Miranda (that's slovenian!:wink2:)


Ni mene nema sutra...al čujemo se već!

Laku noć!

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Does medo mean teddy bear? *hides her face in case she said something def. wrong*

Nope, you're right. Medo means teddy bear. And here in Slovenia we also (well at least I do) say ''medo'' to guys that are cute and adorable.:bleh:


Oh, Croatian is same as Serbian, but you should always put letter "j" on the second place in the word!


You just listen to me...and you'll learn it in no time :bleh::wink2:


OH!! So this is that big difference between croatian and serbian?? I never knew that. So people in Croatia say "uvijek", and you say "uvek". Always =uvek, uvijek.


No...it's mJedo...just, they don't know it yet!:naughty:


We're always WAY behind in Slovenia, so everything's possible.:roll1:

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jaz sem miranda and i am leaving for tonight, so bye everyone, bye TBQ, hope you'll visit us know all the time:wink2:

p.s. da ne zaboravim: sutra ću kasnit, predavanja.....


Bye Miranda! And please DO NOT listen to Ivona...it's not ćaoZ in slovenian, it's only Čauuu!! Lepo se imej in se slišimo jutri. Uživaj na predavanjih!:biggrin2:

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Girls, my favourite teachers, I'm going to have my supper. I hope I'll be back later, but just in case... Have a good night and extra sweet dreams!!


Oh...you are not running away from my "quick learing method"? No, you aren't!!! Right?:no: :no: :no:

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Girls, my favourite teachers, I'm going to have my supper. I hope I'll be back later, but just in case... Have a good night and extra sweet dreams!!


Dober tek...that means bon appetite, or enjoy your meal.:wink2:

Hope you'll stop by tomorrow, it's so much fun to talk to you.

An extra sweet dreams and good night to you too.

Bye (-adijo)!

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Devojke odoh i ja sada...

Nasla sam dosta materijala na netu (pa ceo dan sam ovde...i ne nasla ga...:mf_rosetinted: )pa odoh sad da ga proucim...


Sutra me nema...uveče bar...al ću preko dana navratiti...



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ti si još tu!

meni je završila serija pa sam došla još 10 min svratit:biggrin2:

postajem addicted:D


Hehe, tako to počinje...:wink2: Ja sam odustala od mog "kreativnog zadatka" za večeras...jer em nisam kreativna...em mi baš ni mozak nije u pogonu ovih dana...


A koju seriju gledaš?



sve ćeš me krivo naučit :insane:


Ja sam prirodnjak...meni i za društvene nauke, kao što je učenje jezika, treba neko logično pravilo. A kad ga nema...ja ga smislim! :bleh:

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Hehe, tako to počinje...:wink2: Ja sam odustala od mog "kreativnog zadatka" za večeras...jer em nisam kreativna...em mi baš ni mozak nije u pogonu ovih dana...


A koju seriju gledaš?


uvod u anatomiju



Ja sam prirodnjak...meni i za društvene nauke, kao što je učenje jezika, treba neko logično pravilo. A kad ga nema...ja ga smislim! :bleh:

ako padnen slovenski.. ti si kriva!:tongue2:

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ako padnen slovenski.. ti si kriva!:tongue2:


No frks!:wink2: Preuzimam odgovornost u potpunosti!


E super mi je Uvod u anatomiju...ali sam gledala samo par epizoda. Ja imam problem što ne mogu da zapamtim kad serija ide...i onda odlučim čvrsto da ću nešto gledati...ali sutra već zaboravim da pogledam nastavak...


Gledam jedino "Reži me"...ne znam jel kod vas isto prevedeno... "Nip/tuc"

A i to uhvatim samo zato jer uvek u to vreme krenem da spavam...uvek "slučajno" naletim na seriju...i onda ostanem budna do 1 da je odgledam...:mf_rosetinted:

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