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The Ex-Yu Thread (part 3)


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E da,samo da vas pitam: da li neko ovde voli Zaca Efrona? Onog malog pundravca iz High School Musical,ili kako se već zove? Pošto je u mojoj školi zavladala prava pomama za njim! :boxed: Ja njega mrzim...danas neka devojčica kupila neki časopis,počela da ga prelistava i odjednom vrisnula:"O moj Bouže,ZAC!!!" i onda je krdo drugih devojaka potrčalo prema njoj i sve su krenule da ciče vrište i pište i da se otimaju o časopis...poput divljih životinja...iz pomahnitale gomile se moglo čuti:"Jaooooooooooooo,kako je slaaaaaaaaaaadak!".I tako,ja danas kupila novi Bravo (nije baš nov u stvari,izašao je pre desetak dana) i tu pročitam da je taj Zac možda gej i da je na netu objavljena slika njega kako se ljubi sa nekim momkom :shocked: ...

Pa onda pitam šta vi mislite o njemu...

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Dobar dan everybody!!! (how do you say everybody? and friends?)


Ina, draga, srecan rodendan!!!!! Hope you're having a wonderful day. That cake looks really yummy hmmmmmmm..... thanks for inviting me too! Nice party you're having here.


Everybody = svi

Friends = prijatelji



And a cake ... I acctually made it myself!!!:bleh::wink2:


Thank you for your wishes, and thank you for comming!!! What do you like to drink?

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E da,samo da vas pitam: da li neko ovde voli Zaca Efrona? Onog malog pundravca iz High School Musical,ili kako se već zove? Pošto je u mojoj školi zavladala prava pomama za njim! :boxed: Ja njega mrzim...danas neka devojčica kupila neki časopis,počela da ga prelistava i odjednom vrisnula:"O moj Bouže,ZAC!!!" i onda je krdo drugih devojaka potrčalo prema njoj i sve su krenule da ciče vrište i pište i da se otimaju o časopis...poput divljih životinja...iz pomahnitale gomile se moglo čuti:"Jaooooooooooooo,kako je slaaaaaaaaaaadak!".I tako,ja danas kupila novi Bravo (nije baš nov u stvari,izašao je pre desetak dana) i tu pročitam da je taj Zac možda gej i da je na netu objavljena slika njega kako se ljubi sa nekim momkom :shocked: ...

Pa onda pitam šta vi mislite o njemu...


Ja nemam pojma ko je to...:shocked:

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Blago tebi,bolje ti je da ne znaš...:naughty:

Jesi li dobila neke poklone sad za rođus??:wink2:


Dobila sam jednog medu...od mojih studenata!!!:blush-anim-cl:


Sa posvetom "Od najgore grupe!"

I sva sam se raspekmezila...ne znam ni odakle znaju da mi je danas rođ!


I cveće od mojih... To je sve za sad...

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Dobila sam jednog medu...od mojih studenata!!!:blush-anim-cl:


Sa posvetom "Od najgore grupe!"

I sva sam se raspekmezila...ne znam ni odakle znaju da mi je danas rođ!


I cveće od mojih... To je sve za sad...

Jao,meda! :wub2: Super!:thumb_yello:

A na kom fakultetu radiš/studiraš?

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Hi everybody!


The cakes look amazing!!))


Hi there!!! Thank you for comming. There aren't so much people there right now...but there should be more around 7pm!:wink2:


Have you tried the cakes yet? I made them myself!!!:naughty::bleh::naughty::wink2:

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Hi there!!! Thank you for comming. There aren't so much people there right now...but there should be more around 7pm!:wink2:


Have you tried the cakes yet? I made them myself!!!:naughty::bleh::naughty::wink2:


Yes, I've tasted the second one, it's delicious)))))

Have I understood right, that you teach on the architecture faculty?

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Na arhitekturi...kao demonstrator...pripravnik...ili već tako nešto:bleh:


Ti si iz Novog Sada,jel tako?

Moja mama predaje komparativnu kniževnost na Filozofskom (ili Filološkom??:boxed: ) fakultetu tu u NS...

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Yes, I've tasted the second one, it's delicious)))))

Have I understood right, that you teach on the architecture faculty?


Wow...you understand serbian?!?:shocked:


I'm something like apprentice assistant...but just for one year. :thumbdown:

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Ti si iz Novog Sada,jel tako?

Moja mama predaje komparativnu kniževnost na Filozofskom (ili Filološkom??:boxed: ) fakultetu tu u NS...


Da, iz Novog Sada sam. A Dragana (missgaga) je na filozofskom...možda je tvoja mama njoj nešto predavala?!


Mali je svet!

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Wow...you understand serbian?!?:shocked:


I'm something like apprentice assistant...but just for one year. :thumbdown:


Just a little bit, it has smth in common with Russian and Ukrainian. And I also was in Montenegro last year.

I've heard about the University in Novyj Sad, it has signed a contract of coopeartion with the university I work in.

Mali je svet - how true)))

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Just a little bit, it has smth in common with Russian and Ukrainian. And I also was in Montenegro last year.

I've heard about the University in Novyj Sad, it has signed a contract of coopeartion with the university I work in.

Mali je svet - how true)))


Yeap, we have just realised that Keti's mother is maybe Dragana's profesor at the university (Dragana=missgaga...you know her from myspace). And all three of us live in three different towns!?! So,the world is really small!!!


And on which university do you work? But you are only 20 years old?!? :shocked: What do you work?

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Da, iz Novog Sada sam. A Dragana (missgaga) je na filozofskom...možda je tvoja mama njoj nešto predavala?!


Mali je svet!


Videla sam u prethodnim komentarima,Dragana studira rusinski...možda je moja mama poznaje :wink2: Ili Dragana nju.

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Yeap, we have just realised that Keti's mother is maybe Dragana's profesor at the university (Dragana=missgaga...you know her from myspace). And all three of us live in three different towns!?! So,the world is really small!!!


And on which university do you work? But you are only 20 years old?!? :shocked: What do you work?



In the Kiev National Economic University. I'm a translator in the center of international relations. I'm still a student, but graduate this year. In a few month.

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In the Kiev National Economic University. I'm a translator in the center of international relations. I'm still a student, but graduate this year. In a few month.


You are really...quickly!:shocked: Graduate student at 20 years of age! Bravo!!!:thumb_yello:

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In the Kiev National Economic University. I'm a translator in the center of international relations. I'm still a student, but graduate this year. In a few month.

This year? Wow,great job :thumb_yello:

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You are really...quickly!:shocked: Graduate student at 20 years of age! Bravo!!!:thumb_yello:



Oh, thanks:blush-anim-cl:

But I'm 21 this July and I graduate with bachelor degree, not master, so I think I will continue my education. :mf_rosetinted:

Sorry, I have to go now. Thanks for the cake, and once more - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IVONA!!


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Oh, thanks:blush-anim-cl:

But I'm 21 this July and I graduate with bachelor degree, not master, so I think I will continue my education. :mf_rosetinted:


Continuing education is always a good choice...esspecially if you want to stay at the university! The best investment you can make...as far as I'm conserned!:wink2:

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