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Please please read this with an open mind


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Right, it's because I study literature that I'm patronizing. :roftl: Literature certainly is high-and-mighty! I actually happen to think that my profession is fairly ridiculous, of all things.


But the tone wasn't meant to be patronizing, it was meant to be "exasperated."


It's never funny to discuss ethics. Just my opinion, sorry.


Why would you be sorry? I don't take people disagreeing with me or stating their opinion personally.


I just happened to find it amusing in a bitter vein that, in the wake of talking about lowering expectations, people were discussing the schematics of various possible other afterparties which, I feel, creates expectations anyway. Because you know, no one would seriously discuss the ethics of Mika agreeing to play at Christine's birthday party but not his distant cousin's get-well-party because there'd be no alcohol, because that's something none of us think will happen.


But you're under no obligation to feel that way.


But it IS funny that Jack apparently sees herself in a position to decide whether something will happen or not. And if a discussion about it is on or not.


I find myself in a position to voice my opinion on the matter here, yes. I don't feel I should say "sorry" for it.


I don't care if the discussion is "on" or not, but I think I'm quite allowed to say whether I find it funny or not.


how I don't get that apparently some are more entitled to their opinions than others... so nevermind.


You're the one telling me I shouldn't be voicing my opinion. I merely said that some of the stuff said here was funny, not that I wanted people to necessarily stop talking about it. I don't care if you do or not.


By the way, about the other thing--I never meant that anyone should feel guilty. Of course if you weren't even in London ever, and have always treated Mika with respect, you have no reason to feel guilty. But that has nothing to do with my statement about the fact that it's "us" he needs protection from. It doesn't matter if you're the best fan ever, he's not in a position to know all that and to pick and choose--"oh yes, keep that one away, but don't mind this one." I just meant that considering recent events and the general level of fan enthusiasm, he would probably appreciate some distance from all of us, period.



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I don't know.. the area that you guys are describing is huge.. there is a huge shopping center there.. many lovely bars and restaurants.. some of which i go to.. I still don't know where he lives.. and i don't want to know..


am not changing my plans because of him.. and even if I bump into his family I don't think I wil recognize them or they will recognize me! so am still safe to enjoy my luxury shopping in London.. and the museums hopping.. and catching up with friends that actually live there


now on a more serious note, it is a huge area, and i think bumping into him just because one used the tube station that has his area's name will have probably a 0.1% of bumping into him or his family... now, bumping into him right infront of his house or street .. that's a different story


So right, hell, I hardly see my neighbours, and we both leave/return to our houses at least once a day! :naughty:

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Racha, after being on this forum for a long time and I read a lot more than I post, I just want to say one thing: I think you have done a great job with this thread. :thumb_yello:

You answers everyone, care about their opinions and you’re polite and friendly.


I really like the way you are taking care of the thread you started.:thumb_yello:

And it has been so much interesting reading!

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Racha, after being on this forum for a long time and I read a lot more than I post, I just want to say one thing: I think you have done a great job with this thread. :thumb_yello:

You answers everyone, care about their opinions and you’re polite and friendly.


I really like the way you are taking care of the thread you started.:thumb_yello:

And it has been so much interesting reading!


Actually, I agree with this. I haven't agreed with everything you've said, but it was put in such a way that it didn't make me react too much, just think more about the subject in hand. And I didn't feel patronised.

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I'm glad I know, I just really wish he lived somewhere else. If I didn't know, I would be spending all my time in London practically on his doorstep because that's what I've done in London since Mika was a teenager.


i was well shocked when you told me you knew where Mika lived and how close you used to live near him when we were at Hammersmith. I thought you really were one of thosre obsessive fans under that calm "i respect Mika" exterior :naughty: :naughty:

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The thing is, it's a really popular part of London, I worked and lived there for years too. Long before Mika though, but I do know the area really well, as do a lot of people.


So YOU'RE another obsessive one underneath the calm "i respect Mika" exterior! See, it's the quiet ones you have to look out for. :mf_rosetinted:

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The thing is, it's a really popular part of London, I worked and lived there for years too. Long before Mika though, but I do know the area really well, as do a lot of people.

..as do a lot of people NOW. :mf_rosetinted:

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So YOU'RE another obsessive one underneath the calm "i respect Mika" exterior! See, it's the quiet ones you have to look out for. :mf_rosetinted:


I am really surprised you put Christine and I in the "quiet ones" category. :naughty:

I would more have thought that people would think we are rabble rousers, whereas we are anything but!:mf_rosetinted:

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I am really surprised you put Christine and I in the "quiet ones" category. :naughty:

I would more have thought that people would think we are rabble rousers, whereas we are anything but!:mf_rosetinted:


Okay, maybe I didn't mean "quiet" as in, hardly ever uses their mouths (or indeed, keyboards...), just very secretely obsessive and quiet about that :mf_rosetinted:

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..as do a lot of people NOW. :mf_rosetinted:


Yeh I personally feel I know it much better after taking the MFC tour :mf_rosetinted: In fact I know it so well now that I will probably never return :boxed:

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Yeh I personally feel I know it much better after taking the MFC tour :mf_rosetinted: In fact I know it so well now that I will probably never return :boxed:

*has the feeling that she has missed something*

*makes secret plan to stalk Kata's posts*

*withdraws from plan because of other work with MM and Humphy*

*still wonders*


*wonders if there is any possibility to know some parts of London good enough to NEVER lose your way*

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*has the feeling that she has missed something*

*makes secret plan to stalk Kata's posts*

*withdraws from plan because of other work with MM and Humphy*

*still wonders*


*wonders if there is any possibility to know some parts of London good enough to NEVER lose your way*


There wouldn't be a lot of posts to stalk at the moment :blink: I just still feel like a complete twat after walking with a group of MFCers there. Whatever people chose to believe about me, I used to feel quite at home in that area and sadly I will never feel that way again. At the moment I really wish I had never signed up on this forum :boxed:

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Actually, I agree with this. I haven't agreed with everything you've said, but it was put in such a way that it didn't make me react too much, just think more about the subject in hand. And I didn't feel patronised.


Not sure you quoted the right person/post but it was sweet anyway!:wub2::naughty:

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Oh Kata, am sorry to hear about that...


am sure whatever you went through does not reflect the behaviour of everyone here..


not everyone in this forum want to stalk him.. or are interested in him in that way..


you can stick around with the "normal" ones


*wonders what the definition of "normal" is*

*remembers that she found a little badge with "Normal People Worry Me" in Bloomsbury on her last day in London in front of Virginia Wolf's house*

*feels like a stalker although she doesnt have secret Virginia Woolf obsession*

*promises that it was just a coincidence that she endet up in front of that house!!!*

*has had attached the badge to her rucksack since then just because she found it in London :wub2:*

*wonders if she should remove it and try to find new badge with different slogan somewhere*

*makes plan to go back to london to search for badges on ground*

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This is a first for me.. expressing myself to strangers... it all started after I wrote a reply to a friend I met on the 28th gig.. and I realized that it is such a pity I can write that in a private PM and not in a thread.. where am sure there might be many others who feel the same way... Please have an open mind.. this is not a personal attack on anyone.. it is just me expressing myself.. please don’t see this as me trying to change anyone’s view or level of love to their favorite artist .



I did not include this in the brixton after part thread, cause it is not really about that day in particular...


Here it goes, it’s a copy/paste from what started as a private PM

I have to admit.. I had low expectations before i went to the concert.. I knew that the show will be good... he is an excellent live performer.. but the concert was much better.. I guess because he was relaxed... and in a good mood


Now the after party is a completely different story altogether.. There were moments were I actually felt a little weird, cause I did not want to be associated with some of the insanity around me...


I have too much class and dignity in me to be seen as part of some of the “fans”. To be honest, I don’t think I can ever like someone that much to the extent of downgrading myself into the level that I saw some of them do.. I do not see myself ever being so out of control like that (not even when I was a foolish 12 year old teenager)...


I genuinely adore his music.. and would love to see him again and again live.. and buy his CDs and DVDs.. but I do not fancy him the way the others do.. again, I am still very happy that I got the chance to hear the 5 minutes toast, hell, I even enthusiastically told him that I came from Lebanon.. but that was in the beginning, before I realized that the over all attitude is a little bit “obsessive” and quickly realized that I definitely do not want to be part of it.. and hung around the other mature crowd..


The things that I saw were, to say the least, on the weird side... I saw 50 something women cry because she wanted a pink bracelet, I saw people poking him on his back (in fact one of them was standing next to me when she did that to him, and I quickly moved away, in case he thought it was me), I also feel weird when some of them talk about him as if he is their “future boyfriend “or “husband to be”.. I understand that he is a good looking guy.. because he is.. but he is a performer... a singer... and it just baffles me that they seem to forget he is a singer/performer and not a “man” first. It is his music that we are in love with and not the color of his underwear.. trust me, I know how much “image” means to any product I sell.. but his main selling point is his music...


Maybe I am used to it.. in my job I meet a lot of celebrities.. and some of my friends made it big where I live.. so this whole “idolization” fantasy is just not in my system...


This whole thing made me less enthusiastic about the MFC (please don’t take it in the wrong way)... with the exception of meeting you guys.. about 20 very decent ladies.. I really sometimes wonder if it is not a little too creepy for my liking... there are so many amazing people in hear.. I even hate myself for saying what I am saying..

I mean...


There are people who talk about the fact that they know or want to know where he lives???? Now, WHY??? Really? I do not ask my gynecologist for his home address after he is done with my pap smear??? Why should they even care??? Or ask about it after they are done watching his gig.. after all, we are just paying customers for a lovely entertaining service.. the 24 pounds does not entitle them to anything more than what he decides to give as a bonus within his show (an encore, or an autograph, etc..)


Seriously, thank god for meeting some of you guys in London, otherwise, I would have felt so weird being part of the MFC..... although I was a fan since last Jan, I did not feel the need to be part of the MFC.. glad I eventually subscribed... after all I met lovely people because of it..


Ok, now.. now that I have ventilated and got that out of my system .. sorry if what I said might offend anyone.. I just needed to get it out of my system...


agree with a lot of this... though i have to say that some should see mika MORE as a man than a celebrity, maybe then at the afterparty they would've understood that he's just human and not an autograph-machine. :sneaky2: (and yes, i got a pic with him too at the party, but i don't feel bad about it, because of the way it happened - see the afterparty thread. :wink2:). but in the boyfriend context, of course you're right.


btw, i'm shocked to learn that so many people know where exactly he lives and even go there to stalk him! :shocked:


I love his fashion sense (and that has nothing to do with his music)...

BUT GOD, I certainly don't care where he lives, or how his hair feels

this last point, on the other hand... :fisch: well, but that's not about mika for me, i'm generally obsessed with guys who have beautiful hair and i really wanna touch it. i only do it though when i'm really drunk and am sure that the guy doesn't mind. :naughty:

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I don't believe that there are only two groups of fans: the "normal" people and the "weirdos", "us" and "them". We all sit on a continuum of "obsessiveness" and while we might have opinions on where we ourselves sit on the line who are we to judge where others sit on the line? Perhaps we should jump off our high horses and realise that other people, and who knows maybe even Mika himself, may view things differently than we do. Matters like these can be more subjective than we think.

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We all sit on a continuum of "obsessiveness"


And I'll be the first to admit, that I myself, have moved on that continuum.

Partly due to two factors:

(1) Self reflection

(2) Circumstances surrounding Mika have changed. Meeting Mika for the first time one year ago today, was a whole different time and place. I would not even entertain the idea of approaching him the same way.

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I can't stay away from this thread :)


I echo the comments about racha's management of it and the tone being kept respectful and polite.


I must own up to being on a continuum of "obsessiveness" in that I've seen the change in me:


Firstly a woman who had no room for music of any sort in her life.

Secondly becoming a fan who went to Leeds to see Mika once in a lifetime and got hooked on the MFC.

And now a fool who has travelled the country, met up with strangers, seen 5 excellent Mika gigs and had a brilliant time every time.


But I take on board the fact that things have got a little out of hand: what a wonderful stroke of luck that we now have a period to reflect and consider our - group - behaviour, and get it into some kind of reality focus.

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