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Please please read this with an open mind


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Racha, why were you hesitating to express your thoughts? Don't worry, it's not the first time this forum has seen people questioning the shapes and forms of fandom. :wink2: And I'm pretty sure there are more people than you might think on here thinking in the exact same way like you do about it. I for myself really have a weird problem considering myself a 'fan'(atic). At the same time I'm afraid this statement might come arcoss as a 'I'm better than you all'-slap-in-the-face. Which it is not. It's all a matter of definition. I know people who have been standing in the queue from very early and that at A LOT of gigs all over the world and they were approaching Mika in the most respectful way while I can also very well imagine that it is true what Ingie said, that people were following him to his house. 'Acidentally' of course because they were just by chance staying in the area where he lives. :insane: LOL, and I was worried that after the Brixton gigs the buses to Victoria would be so packed :naughty: I should have known better. Believe me, I had various 'am I really a part of that?!' moments. The most disturbing one probably at the aftershow party, but also before when I arrived at the 'queue' finding everybody so unhappy about the wristbands or non-wristbands. Attending a gig should be fun and I have that weird idea that people should have a good time seeing their fav perfomer perform. What I found on arrival was drama instead. And that was something I really had difficulty to relate to. So I moved away getting myself a point in the queue, still unsettled about it all.

I'd very much prefer Mika to not remember me at all or even have an idea about who I am, than to think of me as an obsessive, dangerous and weird person he needs to be protected from. A lot of people wish they 'knew' or were in touch with him on a private base, I reckon the fewest are and still the rest of us survive.

One last thing I often stumble over is 'it should be all about the music and nothing else'. I'm afraid that's not quite true for every active member of this board IMO. If it were all exclusively about the music, we could all download the songs or buy the cd, be happy and that's it. Some will deny it but I'd say it is also very much about the (public) person and has a lot to do with charisma as well, maybe just as much as talent.

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Why should I, how could I be the one that had to tell them that they were finally not to meet Mika?!? And so I cried. Hurray.


Aww, I didn't know that was going on. It must have been very stressful for you (and lots of others). :huglove:


I had only just returned from getting John a card from MFC and wasn't involved in most of the drama. Someone was able to get a wristband for me - which also led to some drama because someone else was upset that she was holding on to extra wristbands.


Given how things turned out it would have been better if someone from MFC had taken all the wristbands from John (not just mine) and redistributed them.


They didnt leave him a single second on his own! It could have been so wonderful and nice!!! Although it was obviously not really planned by him to have this aftershow-thing, I'm sure that he had wanted to make the best of it.




I didn’t even get close to Mika. I didn’t do anything because I felt so bad for that man. He meant well and then people behave like this. It is madness.




What is also bothering me is that I have the feeling that people like me are now associated with the mobbers.




So, was the "party" worth being there? Maybe. I don’t know. I'd definitely kick my ass if I heard from the others that there was such a party and then I would have read the reviews which said how wonderful and great it was.


These were all the exact same thoughts/observations I had, although I have come around on worrying about what Mika thinks of MFCers in general. He has spent a lot of time with people who did not mob him, at the party and in many other situations. It was just on Tuesday night that he had a nice chat with Wendi, Bab, Carri, etc. and he knows they are normal MFCers who don't act out of control around him.


When I mentioned the woman crying in the Q.. I was talking about someone that did not come in early.. did not Q with us.. pushed herself into the front of the Q right before doors where about to open.. and started faking a crying tantrum


I'm surprised that anyone tolerated that. It does sound amusing, but I sure wouldn't have let her in the queue.


Actually when i did make it to the loos - although they were quite foul it was a relief for me!!!!


:naughty: I heard those toilets were nasty. I stuck with Nandos.


and thank you Racha as well... thank you all of you who also feel like you need to walk around with a "wasn't me!!" sign after that week and have the guts to say so, at least I don't feel as alone now...


Everyone who was there knows it wasn't you - especially Mika! I'm sure he couldn't see us any more than we could see him because we were nowhere near him.


His personality is what wins him fans, the kind of people who follow him from concert to concert and buy all his merchandise and actively try to get other people to listen to him, etc etc. He needs that too.


I did not like Mika's music enough to become a serious fan when I first heard it. If I didn't find him interesting on a personal level I certainly wouldn't be flying off to London to see him.


I'm only concerned with people's behaviour. They can think and feel whatever they want for Mika, as long as they do not cling to him or shove things in his face incessantly when they get near him.


All of the MFCers I consider friends have a strong interest in Mika on a personal level and not one of them would carry on like I saw at the afterparty. Even though I know on an intellectual level I don't know Mika, the sense that I "know" him means I could never treat him like an object instead of a human being. I actually like Mika. Why anyone who likes him wants to get up in his face and make such outrageous demands on him is beyond me.


To be honest apart from being annoyed at how people behaved, I was OK that evening, got there late, stayed right at the back, quite enjoyed it. :mf_rosetinted:


I was enjoying it until the last 15 minutes or so. Up to that point I expected things to get better as the night went on, not worse. And I certainly couldn't complain about free champagne and gorgeous firemen. :naughty:


Yeah Seth ha ha thats the one....well what else was i supposed to do but go to the bar..LOL was the only place there wasn't a scrum of ppl :roftl:


That's when I noticed there was something seriously abnormal going on at that party. I looked over to the bar and there was no one within 15 feet of it.

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It was just on Tuesday night that he had a nice chat with Wendi, Bab, Carri, etc. and he knows they are normal MFCers who don't act out of control around him.


he he -we give such a good impression of "normal" me, bab, Wendi, Jems, Sara loo, Kath & Abby !!! mwah ha ha !!! :naughty:

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i've never gone to any of his gigs before, or met anyone of you face to face, but i think its really great of you to express your feelings about the after party, because then we can reflect on our own behaviour towards him and treat him with more respect :)

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I'm sorry I haven't MQed but this thread is quite active and A LOT of people have been making really good points. I hope Mika actually does read this thread so he can see he has so many "sane", respectful fans :wink2:


Although ultimately (or maybe “initially” would be a better word here), being a fan of Mika is about the music, of course his personality plays a big part. His friendliness and general sense of humour and confidence in being himself - whether accepted or not - only serve to make him more attractive. And the fact that he is such a genuine, unpresumptuous person also encourages people to be interested in him as more than a musician. I feel the same way; if he were rude or conceited, it would reduce his attractiveness. I’m sure the majority of Mika fans are drawn to these aspects of his persona, as well as his music.


I think the issue comes when people confuse this with thinking they’re in love with him, and having the sole goal in life of, I don’t know, carrying his child or something....this really does freak me out, and I’m sure he finds it unsettling too!


Of course there is a lot more than music that appeals to the fans. Mika is inspirational for so many things (I’m not going to start listing them out here) and this affects how people relate to him. This is a natural reaction, and I imagine that knowing that he inspires and helps people through his experiences, personality, and messages apart from his music has a very positive effect on him. Wanting to meet him is completely understandable, but as many people have said already, the problem arises when people disrespect him and themselves when they are lucky enough to have this opportunity.

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I don't know who you're talking about because the only person I saw shedding a few tears was a girl in her early 20s. But using her as an example, I can tell you there are many people who would be disappointed in that situation and it's not because they have some weird sexual obsession with Mika.


A lot of the Europeans at the London gigs have spent months (even the entire year) going to gigs, enjoying the music and spending time with friends. I'm sure all the hardcore fans wanted to be at the party and we all wanted each other to be at the party as well so we could enjoy the experience together.


I wouldn't cry if I didn't get a wrist band because that's not in my nature, but I think it's perfectly normal to be upset in that situation. Especially since the wristbands were going to be given to them until they were literally snatched out of John's hands by the wrong people.


well I saw everyone rush to John, but he said to go back to our places as he was working his way down the Q but if they literally snatched them out of his hands then no wonder he never managed to even get as far as the barriers. Thats pretty disgusting when I know some of those ppl had pushed in anyway, I feel ashamed for them really, but there you go they probably don't.

BTW it always makes me smile when I hear on the videos teh girl sheepishly saying "Lebanon" :blush-anim-cl: aww.

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well I saw everyone rush to John, but he said to go back to our places as he was working his way down the Q but if they literally snatched them out of his hands then no wonder he never managed to even get as far as the barriers. Thats pretty disgusting when I know some of those ppl had pushed in anyway, I feel ashamed for them really, but there you go they probably don't.


I wasn't there at the moment, but when I got back a few minutes later I was told that some people who had literally just walked off the street got wristbands.


I guess I can understand that because they didn't know what was going on as they had just arrived at the venue and probably knew nothing about the queue situation, the party - maybe not even MFC. They just saw someone handing out wristbands and took what they could get.

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I wasn't there at the moment, but when I got back a few minutes later I was told that some people who had literally just walked off the street got wristbands.


I guess I can understand that because they didn't know what was going on as they had just arrived at the venue and probably knew nothing about the queue situation, the party - maybe not even MFC. They just saw someone handing out wristbands and took what they could get.

It was a real mess because he didnt only hand out wristbands to the people in front of him (those in the gated area) but also to those that were behind him & just came along the way. I saw that someone (I think it was Olivia) took more wristbands and Sara told me it was for you and as you lot had been there since the early morning, this was TOTALLY ok.

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It was a real mess because he didnt only hand out wristbands to the people in front of him (those in the gated area) but also to those that were behind him & just came along the way. I saw that someone (I think it was Olivia) took more wristbands and Sara told me it was for you and as you lot had been there since the early morning, this was TOTALLY ok.


It may have been okay with you, but someone else was freaking out about it. I guess I can understand that, but at the same time I can't say I feel bad about it since I think most of the people who were meant to be there got passes in the end.


Hopefully these things will be handled better in the future so a lot of this queue drama can be averted.

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This is a first for me.. expressing myself to strangers... it all started after I wrote a reply to a friend I met on the 28th gig.. and I realized that it is such a pity I can write that in a private PM and not in a thread.. where am sure there might be many others who feel the same way... Please have an open mind.. this is not a personal attack on anyone.. it is just me expressing myself.. please don’t see this as me trying to change anyone’s view or level of love to their favorite artist .



I did not include this in the brixton after part thread, cause it is not really about that day in particular...


Here it goes, it’s a copy/paste from what started as a private PM

I have to admit.. I had low expectations before i went to the concert.. I knew that the show will be good... he is an excellent live performer.. but the concert was much better.. I guess because he was relaxed... and in a good mood


Now the after party is a completely different story altogether.. There were moments were I actually felt a little weird, cause I did not want to be associated with some of the insanity around me...


I have too much class and dignity in me to be seen as part of some of the “fans”. To be honest, I don’t think I can ever like someone that much to the extent of downgrading myself into the level that I saw some of them do.. I do not see myself ever being so out of control like that (not even when I was a foolish 12 year old teenager)...


I genuinely adore his music.. and would love to see him again and again live.. and buy his CDs and DVDs.. but I do not fancy him the way the others do.. again, I am still very happy that I got the chance to hear the 5 minutes toast, hell, I even enthusiastically told him that I came from Lebanon.. but that was in the beginning, before I realized that the over all attitude is a little bit “obsessive” and quickly realized that I definitely do not want to be part of it.. and hung around the other mature crowd..


The things that I saw were, to say the least, on the weird side... I saw 50 something women cry because she wanted a pink bracelet, I saw people poking him on his back (in fact one of them was standing next to me when she did that to him, and I quickly moved away, in case he thought it was me), I also feel weird when some of them talk about him as if he is their “future boyfriend “or “husband to be”.. I understand that he is a good looking guy.. because he is.. but he is a performer... a singer... and it just baffles me that they seem to forget he is a singer/performer and not a “man” first. It is his music that we are in love with and not the color of his underwear.. trust me, I know how much “image” means to any product I sell.. but his main selling point is his music...


Maybe I am used to it.. in my job I meet a lot of celebrities.. and some of my friends made it big where I live.. so this whole “idolization” fantasy is just not in my system...


This whole thing made me less enthusiastic about the MFC (please don’t take it in the wrong way)... with the exception of meeting you guys.. about 20 very decent ladies.. I really sometimes wonder if it is not a little too creepy for my liking... there are so many amazing people in hear.. I even hate myself for saying what I am saying..

I mean...


There are people who talk about the fact that they know or want to know where he lives???? Now, WHY??? Really? I do not ask my gynecologist for his home address after he is done with my pap smear??? Why should they even care??? Or ask about it after they are done watching his gig.. after all, we are just paying customers for a lovely entertaining service.. the 24 pounds does not entitle them to anything more than what he decides to give as a bonus within his show (an encore, or an autograph, etc..)


Seriously, thank god for meeting some of you guys in London, otherwise, I would have felt so weird being part of the MFC..... although I was a fan since last Jan, I did not feel the need to be part of the MFC.. glad I eventually subscribed... after all I met lovely people because of it..


Ok, now.. now that I have ventilated and got that out of my system .. sorry if what I said might offend anyone.. I just needed to get it out of my system...


WOW!! A lot of things happened that day. I agree with some of the points you mentioned. Is just that MIKA has everything lots of girls and maybe boys want!! lol

I completely admire him and respect him so much that I have met him 4 times and never asked him for a hug!!!!! HE gave it TO ME:wub2:

I saw the video and I remember you!!!lol

I think it was ok that you said where you were coming from!!

An I know what you mean when other fans talk about MIKA like a future boyfriend or husband. I got in a lot fo trouble at one of the gigs for defencing him!!:naughty:

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just a thought provoking question...


do you think there would be a big difference if Mika held an after show party for the non-MFCers, and one for the MFCers?


I think there would be. I think the majority of people on this board are very respectful of Mika and that clustering the two groups together wasn't such a great idea, but that's not to say that "all non MFCers" are disrespectful. I bet there were the odd few that did what they were told, but I believe that the majority were crazy fans. With the MFC, give or take the odd few like others have said, I think you guys gave the MFC a good light. I understand that people can get caught up in the hysteria and stuff but I really believe that the MFC behaved better than the "non MFCers". I wasn't there, so I can't say I am judging with my own eyes. I'm just basing this on the information that I have read.


It's difficult though, because there are misbehavours in both parties, so what's Mika to do? He can risk doing an after show party again, or just stop it altogether which would be sad, because a group of people managed to ruin it for everyone else. He could only invite a select few, but then that may show "favouritism".


I think that IF there were another after party, the people who misbehave should just be...well...thrown out. I know that sounds harsh but they do it everywhere else (pubs, clubs, even school classrooms...)

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just a thought provoking question...


do you think there would be a big difference if Mika held an after show party for the non-MFCers, and one for the MFCers?


I think there would be. I think the majority of people on this board are very respectful of Mika and that clustering the two groups together wasn't such a great idea, but that's not to say that "all non MFCers" are disrespectful. I bet there were the odd few that did what they were told, but I believe that the majority were crazy fans. With the MFC, give or take the odd few like others have said, I think you guys gave the MFC a good light. I understand that people can get caught up in the hysteria and stuff but I really believe that the MFC behaved better than the "non MFCers". I wasn't there, so I can't say I am judging with my own eyes. I'm just basing this on the information that I have read.


It's difficult though, because there are misbehavours in both parties, so what's Mika to do? He can risk doing an after show party again, or just stop it altogether which would be sad, because a group of people managed to ruin it for everyone else. He could only invite a select few, but then that may show "favouritism".


I think that IF there were another after party, the people who misbehave should just be...well...thrown out. I know that sounds harsh but they do it everywhere else (pubs, clubs, even school classrooms...)


OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I completely agree with everything you just said!!!!!!

A good percentage of MFCERS respect MIKA- I truly can say I add myself to that number!!! :wub2:

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Aww - Babs do you wet yourself too ;)


Next round of gigs I am bringing an economy box of tena ladies :) and thats just for me - the rest of you can fend for yourself!! :roftl:


That's plain selfish :blink: do you really want to see women pee their pants in public cos they can't get past the mob to the loo's (incidentally it has t be dangerous for ones health to be so close to others in these gigs, there was someone letting off a ghastly pong near us at the last gig, it really wasn't pleasant, perhaps there should be a gig etiquette booklet). :naughty:

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just a thought provoking question...


do you think there would be a big difference if Mika held an after show party for the non-MFCers, and one for the MFCers?


I think there would be. I think the majority of people on this board are very respectful of Mika and that clustering the two groups together wasn't such a great idea, but that's not to say that "all non MFCers" are disrespectful. I bet there were the odd few that did what they were told, but I believe that the majority were crazy fans. With the MFC, give or take the odd few like others have said, I think you guys gave the MFC a good light. I understand that people can get caught up in the hysteria and stuff but I really believe that the MFC behaved better than the "non MFCers". I wasn't there, so I can't say I am judging with my own eyes. I'm just basing this on the information that I have read.


It's difficult though, because there are misbehavours in both parties, so what's Mika to do? He can risk doing an after show party again, or just stop it altogether which would be sad, because a group of people managed to ruin it for everyone else. He could only invite a select few, but then that may show "favouritism".


I think that IF there were another after party, the people who misbehave should just be...well...thrown out. I know that sounds harsh but they do it everywhere else (pubs, clubs, even school classrooms...)


If he is ever to hold an aftershowparty again, I do not think that it would be a good idea to distinguish between MFCers and non-MFCers. As long as the MFC is not official (ít isnt yet, right?), as long as we are just here with our usernames, you simply cannot do this. Apart from that, there were already issues with people (former non-MFCers) that said that it seemed to them that the wristbands were distributed among MFCers only. Plus - why should you do that? There are I-dont-know-how-many people registered on the MFC, some do post, some dont and we do not know all of them. Where is the use of inviting someone who is registered with two posts to party A while someone else who isnt registered has to go to party B? Where is the difference? There is no difference IMO because we are all fans, may we be in the fanclub or not.


Even IF the majority on this board acts/would act respectful to Mika (I just "know" a small part of them and I do by far not know everyone that was on the MFC and in London), this was not what I experienced in Brixton. Of course this is only my opinion.

Nobody is saying that is was ALL non-MFCers who behaved like that (or there were posts that I missed). I did of course not know all those people that mobbed him (there were quite a LOT people doing that) but those I knew WERE MFCers and they did in no way act respectfully. Who says that a "crazy fan" cannot be on the MFC? :boxed:


So even if he had been talking to Bab and some others the day before (believe me - I was glad when I read that!) - this is not what he experienced at the party.


Where is the use of knowing that there are some decent people if things like that mobbing happen? If he held a party again, I'm pretty damn sure that the same would happen again. And what could we do then? You cannot throw someone (or even a MASS of people) out of the building because they want a photo with their favourite musician. If a security sees XY touching Mika's bum, what can they do? I have no idea what securities are allowed to do but I dont think that they are allowed to throw you out "just" because you take photos and try to be as close to your idol as possile (which does NOT mean that one should "be allowed" to do that).


After all, finally - there is no possibility WITH a party to make it fair for everyone. It is only fair if there is none & thus nobody is allowed to go. It is only fair if there are no backstage passes distributed among a group of fans.



(This is just my opinion & I'm sorry if anyone feels offended. :flowers2:)

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Thank you Petra!


and thank you Racha as well... thank you all of you who also feel like you need to walk around with a "wasn't me!!" sign after that week and have the guts to say so, at least I don't feel as alone now...


yep that is what I needed too "wasn't me"I tried to sort of hint at that in the other thread but cos of the bannings I had to be very subtle.

In fact as soon as I could I left a myspace message (not that he would have seen it) but just in case lol, more or less apologizing and that not EVERYONE mobbed him.


I was really angry in the first few weeks and worried about getting tied up with the same brush as those who's behaviour shocked me and left me with a bad taste in my mouth, so I tried to keep out of the threads about it as we had to hide the truth and it felt like it was to protect the ones who appeared to be getting all their own way in the first place which was yet another smack in the face for us.


Petra how you described the Q-ing and the John and wristbands was exactly the same as how it was for us, you must have been near to us in the Q cos we also did what John said and waited for him to work his way down the Q but he hardly moved before the wristbands had gone as you say.

So we felt the same as you and I am glad you voiced what was also in my head.


At the after party, I did manage (oh bless Mikas cd ad has just come on tv :biggrin2:) where was I? I get so easily distracted by him lol. Oh yes, at the after party I managed to utter a sentence to him immediately after his speech but only because he came and stood right next to me to make it, and after he replied to my question about the shirt I made him, I smiled and moved away so that he could go and mingle then my daughter, me and Liz went and had a very long convo with the lovley Saranayde and then Cherrise and then it was over he was leaving, at this point I was stood next to John, and Vix (my daughter) went to try to ask Mika about the picture she drew him and left for John to give to him at the cancelled Hammersmith gig. Anyway I said to John "I can see I wont get a chance to say this to MIka (indicating the mob) so will you PLEASE thank Mika for doing this for "us" as it is such a wonderful and beautiful thing for him to do" (and I still think it is, it brings a lump to my throat when I think about the gesture even now).

He said "I will do and not many others do this kind of thing" and I said "yes I KNOW, it's just beautiful"


Then there was that mass crush at the idea of a last pic, though FD managed to get one with him and someone even tried to get on that pic too. Anyway FD was supposed to take it on MY camera and Vix was near Mika after asking him her question so she kinda was on it but the pic didn't take so I don't have it and FD wanted a copy :blink: but there were others who took some at the same time too so he will have to snag one of those. (sorry Freddie you really ought to learn how to use a camera :naughty: ).


To sum up it was frustrating at times, annoying, fantastic, disappointing, upsetting, infuriating, (especially when the mob even mobbed him again after the gig instead of allowing the ppl who had waited that hour outside in the cold for him, that disgusted me a lot). Then when I sat and thought about it and re pictured what had happened it made me feel incredibly sad, but defo NEEDING the label of "wasn't me"

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If he is ever to hold an aftershowparty again, I do not think that it would be a good idea to distinguish between MFCers and non-MFCers.



I think Caz was theoretically speaking when she brought up the separate parties scenario. Like you I think it could not be done and furthermore wouldn't make any sense. So I guess the (theoretical) question was really if there is a significant and noticeable difference in MFCers' behaviour opposed to that of non-MFCers (OMG, feels really strange to write it like that after having watched 'Die Welle' just last night :bleh:)

And I really think it is not. I do believe (and have seen) that there were MFCers mobbing and hogging Mika and I think that there were also quite a few non-MFCers at the party standing around having a puzzled look on their faces and stayed away from the mob.

So, no, I don't think there's a line to be drawn. In fact I think that more or less everybody attending one or several Mika gigs is a 'fan'. People would not be drawn into the whole beautiful craziness of Mika's gigs the way they are if they weren't really into the whole concept, the artist and his approach. And I think the fewest of all gig-goers are on MFC. I also think the fewest of all gig goers are obsessive and rude and determined to shag Mika or whatever. Which does not necessarily mean that both groups - rude ones and MFCers - are entirely congruent with each other.

It is true that there is a certain understanding of privacy and respect to be found on the forum, last but not least due to the good old gay question and all the shizz discussed in relation to it... but that doesn't mean that people outside the MFC can't share the approach just by result of their own reflection. Neither does it mean that every MFCer is disgusted by underwear talk and body hair discussions. Or the famous 'evidence threads' :blink: . The MFC is by far not a certified association of saints.


Apart from that, there were already issues with people (former non-MFCers) that said that it seemed to them that the wristbands were distributed among MFCers only.


Really? Well, after having seen the video with Mika's statement about the wristband issues (as in having too few) it really seems to me as if it was planned as an MFC event. I may be wrong, of course.

And if so it didn't really feel so wrong to me because I really think that most of those who 'have been there' and supported Mika 'from the beginning' are registered with the MFC.



Where is the use of knowing that there are some decent people if things like that mobbing happen? If he held a party again, I'm pretty damn sure that the same would happen again. And what could we do then? You cannot throw someone (or even a MASS of people) out of the building because they want a photo with their favourite musician. If a security sees XY touching Mika's bum, what can they do? I have no idea what securities are allowed to do but I dont think that they are allowed to throw you out "just" because you take photos and try to be as close to your idol as possile (which does NOT mean that one should "be allowed" to do that).


I'd be very surprised if there was such a thing happening again anytime soon. It might have been a one-off attempt. It didn't work so maybe for the future it will be the now familiar barriers-at-the-exit solution. Which is already odd enough.



After all, finally - there is no possibility WITH a party to make it fair for everyone. It is only fair if there is none & thus nobody is allowed to go. It is only fair if there are no backstage passes distributed among a group of fans.


Fairness is a touchy topic indeed. If it only weren't that subjective. You will find a lot of people yelling how unfair this or that was just according to the degree of their own dissatisfaction with one or another situation. Plus, people always go for more. So if fan A has gotten their autograph they were originally hoping for they think 'oh why not a pic in addition' ... If they don't get it and see others having it, it is 'unfair'. While people having had their pic taken would like to chat or just linger, basking in Mika's mere presence. If they're asked to move away it's unfair as they might have the impression others are allowed to talk to him for ages... Those who get nothing at all for whatever reasons - maybe because they don't want to annoy the 'star', leave a bad impression, are naturally not of the 'in your face' squad or simply can't do with crowds - those are often the ones who are least known for judging things or circumstances unfair.

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I'm pretty sure that I agree with most of this, but I just wanted to say that comparing Mika to a gynecologist, and even any other service-provider is a bit weird.


As a performer, he makes his living not only off his music, but also the connection he makes with his audience and his personality. This is why he goes on talk shows and does interviews to promote himself. His music, yes, but also himself. His personality is what wins him fans, the kind of people who follow him from concert to concert and buy all his merchandise and actively try to get other people to listen to him, etc etc. He needs that too. People who "just" like his music buy his CD, listen to it, go to maybe one or two concerts a tour. He hooks fan loyalty through what he does beyond his music.


So it makes sense that people who like what they see may want more--his address, his intimacy, etc.


It's just important to realize that in the end, he is still not our friend, but a performer, and really, a stranger. Moreover, he is not "ours," but his own person. And we should accord him some basic politeness and treat him with some restraint.




I agree with the highlighted parts, he certainly "hooked MY loyalty" after seeing him in all those interviews etc.

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I'm sorry I haven't MQed but this thread is quite active and A LOT of people have been making really good points. I hope Mika actually does read this thread so he can see he has so many "sane", respectful fans :wink2:


Although ultimately (or maybe “initially” would be a better word here), being a fan of Mika is about the music, of course his personality plays a big part. His friendliness and general sense of humour and confidence in being himself - whether accepted or not - only serve to make him more attractive. And the fact that he is such a genuine, unpresumptuous person also encourages people to be interested in him as more than a musician. I feel the same way; if he were rude or conceited, it would reduce his attractiveness. I’m sure the majority of Mika fans are drawn to these aspects of his persona, as well as his music.


I think the issue comes when people confuse this with thinking they’re in love with him, and having the sole goal in life of, I don’t know, carrying his child or something....this really does freak me out, and I’m sure he finds it unsettling too!


Of course there is a lot more than music that appeals to the fans. Mika is inspirational for so many things (I’m not going to start listing them out here) and this affects how people relate to him. This is a natural reaction, and I imagine that knowing that he inspires and helps people through his experiences, personality, and messages apart from his music has a very positive effect on him. Wanting to meet him is completely understandable, but as many people have said already, the problem arises when people disrespect him and themselves when they are lucky enough to have this opportunity.


I agree with the highlighted in particular, it's kinda like you just "LIKE" him from what you know about him so far.

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I wasn't there at the moment, but when I got back a few minutes later I was told that some people who had literally just walked off the street got wristbands.


I guess I can understand that because they didn't know what was going on as they had just arrived at the venue and probably knew nothing about the queue situation, the party - maybe not even MFC. They just saw someone handing out wristbands and took what they could get.


well not really Christine because JOHN was telling everyone to go back to their place in the Q so they KNEW the score, they just seized their chance I'm afraid.

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It may have been okay with you, but someone else was freaking out about it. I guess I can understand that, but at the same time I can't say I feel bad about it since I think most of the people who were meant to be there got passes in the end.

Hopefully these things will be handled better in the future so a lot of this queue drama can be averted.


I would LOVE to know how they plan to keep the Q's under control, after partys of the future though.... nope can't see any more of those happening, he may not be able to share himself with an even bigger fan base so it may be a case of sorry guys...just too many of ya, and also this was to celebrate something special to him, he won't need to repeat it in the same way.

Imagine the scrum for tickets if people thought that after every LAST gig on a tour he would hold an after party for the fans!!! it would cause chaos.

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I would LOVE to know how they plan to keep the Q's under control, after partys of the future though.... nope can't see any more of those happening, he may not be able to share himself with an even bigger fan base so it may be a case of sorry guys...just too many of ya, and also this was to celebrate something special to him, he won't need to repeat it in the same way.

Imagine the scrum for tickets if people thought that after every LAST gig on a tour he would hold an after party for the fans!!! it would cause chaos.


As long as nobody says otherwise officially it WILL cause chaos.

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This is an interesting thread, I'm sorry that the party turned out the way it did.


I hope I don't offend people on here, by admiring his hair or whatever. I monitor my posts by thinking WWMT if he read this and by keeping in mind that there are children about on the forum.


However, I do think Mika is one hot dude and I'm not ashamed to say so on here, where I feel like others do share the same sentiment. That being said, I keep that kind of post to a picture thread or whatever that runs with that kind of theme. Everything has it's time and place.


I personally would like to make him laugh, because I love to hear that giggle and I hope one day I get the chance. If I never do, that's fine, his music is certainly a gift to the world.


I give props to those who have the stamina to queue outside all day, but you'll never see me do it, I'm not the person to do that, I'm wimpy lol. Also, I don't have the money or time to travel far and wide, so I hope he tours further south in the US next time around. If not, there's fabulous youtube.


That's why I let myself be fun and silly on here, I gets my Mika fix, with others who actually don't mind to hear it. It's also why I love the birthday projects, it's a great way to say thanks to Mika in a nice respectable way and know that it will actually get to him.


I've been a Claymate from day one, one of the saner ones, I promise. One thing Clay does is have random draws on his fanclub for meet and greet passes. About, 10 people are picked for each concert, to meet him backstage before the concert. They sit in a group, ask a few questions and they each get a picture. Then, after the concert, depending on weather and venue limits, people line up in a straight line and he walks the line very fast and people say hello. Also, he has the very indominable teddy bear Jerome for security, and he keeps things in line.


And when I watch the "Bad Bunny" ummm play? I think ol Mika appreciates a bit of the naughty fun. :wink2:

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