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WE did this at Newcastle after giving him the giggle bear (on my pic), he giggled at it back, it was really fab cos I'm addicted to his laugh and his sense of humour.


That was awesome, I've seen the video on youtube.

lol nope not ours cos I haven't worked out how to take it off my phone onto utube yet but I will soon (I hope) cos it's CUTE!

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i mean, i know it's a pain cos like, people have already paid for concert tickets, but if they want to go to an after show party then i think tickets should be bought for too, to help seperate the ones that really want to go and those that aren't as fussed. Everyone wants a bite of something when it's free, but when it's got a price tag, a lot of people say "no deal", and therefore there won't be as many people too. I mean, I'm pretty sure a considerable amount will still manage to go, maybe several will somehow manage to worm their way through, but it may seperate the "hysterical" ones (MAYBE) and may help keep down the numbers.

It will definitely keep down the numbers, but part of me wonders if some people won't be able to afford them but then when I think of the money people are spending anyway zooming off all around the world for Mika gigs and having to pay for all the travel, tickets, hotels, food etc etc, then I guess another hundred quid will be peanuts to them perhaps.

Still don't really like the idea though but if it was a nicer environment than what happened at Brixton then perhaps it would be worth it, but then I would be totally furious if the same thing happened again because you just DON'T know who is gonna be buying them really so I don't know if it would really keep the mobbers numbers down, I doubt it because they seem to be able to find the money to do all these things all the time. so I dunno :blink: unless some of them have learned some lessons (that would be nice).

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Ahhh. Thanks for that. I knew FD used someone else's camera, I didn't realise it was yours:)


And I'd only seen the group photos I took and have posted, so I was wondering what happened to the one he took. So maybe it was worth having my camera after all!


yep it sure was I hope he got a copy of yours or someone's at least as there WERE many flashings going on at the time MY camera DIDN'T :blink: ppfft lol oh well never mind.

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I wasn't referring only to the after "party" but rather to how some may have chosen to spend their free time in their pursuit of Mika afterwards.


Oy vey. :boxed: Do you really think that necessitates a body guard?


The stories I've heard are definitely of people wandering where they shouldn't in their spare time, but as annoying and intrusive as that must be, it doesn't present a danger to Mika.


I hope the reality was not any worse than what I've heard. :boxed:

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Oy vey. :boxed: Do you really think that necessitates a body guard?


The stories I've heard are definitely of people wandering where they shouldn't in their spare time, but as annoying and intrusive as that must be, it doesn't present a danger to Mika.


I hope the reality was not any worse than what I've heard. :boxed:


I think there's a lot that isn't necessarily public knowledge. It's hard to tell what would present a true danger to Mika (or any prominent figure) and it makes sense that the appropriate precautions would have to be taken when any hint of malicious intentions comes to pass... which would include frequent/unwelcome violations of personal space. It reminds me of the recent situation on the board with Wendi and how she was uncomfortable receiving anonymous packages in the mail. Some didn't view it as a big deal; however, because it made her feel uneasy, it was appropriate to ask that they be stopped. The same reasoning is behind this decision, really... if Mika and his family would be put more at ease with another watchful eye around, then great.


But yeah, I agree with Violet; I'm surprised he didn't get this sort of protection before now, as unfun as it may be.

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I think there's a lot that isn't necessarily public knowledge.


That's what I'm afraid of and that's what I'm asking. Although I'm asking rather rhetorically because I don't expect Titania is going to give us much more detail.

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That's what I'm afraid of and that's what I'm asking. Although I'm asking rather rhetorically because I don't expect Titania is going to give us much more detail.


I think at this point it's safe to assume that's the case. No decisions would be made without reason.

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I think at this point it's safe to assume that's the case. No decisions would be made without reason.


I trust in that. I just hope it isn't as directly due to fan behaviour as it sounds. Although the alternative is worse I suppose, as I don't want to think of anyone getting death threats either. :boxed:

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Oy vey. :boxed: Do you really think that necessitates a body guard?


The stories I've heard are definitely of people wandering where they shouldn't in their spare time, but as annoying and intrusive as that must be, it doesn't present a danger to Mika.


I hope the reality was not any worse than what I've heard. :boxed:

I also hope that the reality wasn't worse than what's been heard. :boxed:


If it wasn't then I hope that it wasn't harmless yet thoughtless fan behaviour that made him feel like he needed protection, that'd be a pity. But then again the alternative isn't pretty either, I don't want to think that anyone has real malicious intent against him. Either way it's unfortunate. :blink:

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Care to elaborate, m'dear?


Well, not particularly.


But on the one hand, we've got a bunch of people heatedly discussing the details of a hypothetical "future afterparty" or "paid private party" that is never gonna happen. (Never say never, I suppose, but let's just say I doubt it's on Mika's priority platter.)


On the other, we've got a bunch of people so very worried on Mika's behalf and what "some fans" or even, god-forbid! "non-fans" could do to him to make him get a bodyguard, when... geez. It's us people. We're what he needs protection from. All of us. Even the ones who think we're "different" and have his best interests at heart but especially those of us who think that "the poor boy" should have MFC to guard and protect him.


Not because we're going to, you know, assassinate him. But because it's not assassination that's his main security concern right now.



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Well, not particularly.


But on the one hand, we've got a bunch of people heatedly discussing the details of a hypothetical "future afterparty" or "paid private party" that is never gonna happen. (Never say never, I suppose, but let's just say I doubt it's on Mika's priority platter.)


On the other, we've got a bunch of people so very worried on Mika's behalf and what "some fans" or even, god-forbid! "non-fans" could do to him to make him get a bodyguard, when... geez. It's us people. We're what he needs protection from. All of us. Even the ones who think we're "different" and have his best interests at heart but especially those of us who think that "the poor boy" should have MFC to guard and protect him.


Not because we're going to, you know, assassinate him. But because it's not assassination that's his main security concern right now.




I agree with Jack... We have a huge collective responsability in this whole story. If the reason for hiring more security is, like Titania said, what the fans did after the show/party, then it's our fault, as a group (including the people who were not in London or behaved). I said it before, and keep thinking the MFC has (consciously or not) encouraged its members to feel as if Mika was their thing, their buddy, and that crossing limits was ok since he didn't seem to bother at the beginning.

I just hope it ain't too late to take a 180° turn.

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I don't think the afterparty has all that much to do with it, honestly.


The afterparty and some of the other hysteria at the recent gigs was a peak moment for us to confront how unacceptable some fan behavior has gotten. But I think as far as Mika goes, it was only the last of a long line of events.



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I don't think the afterparty has all that much to do with it, honestly.


The afterparty and some of the other hysteria at the recent gigs was a peak moment for us to confront how unacceptable some fan behavior has gotten. But I think as far as Mika goes, it was only the last of a long line of events.




I agree, again. What happened then was probably the visible part of the iceberg.

Moreover, I don't care what happened at the party itself, Mika was still "working" during that "party", imo. What bothers me the most is the numerous tales I've heard about fans going to his house and wandering in his street all the week-end. I really hope what I heard was exagerated, cause if it's the truth, I really feel ashame of us.

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Yes, I agree that "exaggerated" is the operative word. Some people like to put a particular slant on such stories. We should also remember not to point fingers at specific people when we don't have proof.

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Yes, I agree that "exaggerated" is the operative word. Some people like to put a particular slant on such stories. We should also remember not to point fingers at specific people when we don't have proof.


I hope you're right but in any case, no smoke without fire. I'm not singling out anyone, but it's a fact several people (if not "a lot of people") went to his house the week of the brixton gigs and that we cross the "limits" more and more often.

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You know - I haven't said alot about any of this cos', well I'm a newish Mika Fan, and I wasn't even at Brixton, so had no part in what went on with Queue's or Aftershow Partys. :wink2:


I have never ever understood why people have to stalk stars. I mean don't go to his fecking house or bother him when he's on his own personal time. It's just not on. I don't care if you know where he lives or have delibrately (sp?) stayed where he lives so you have more access to him. These are lines you shouldn't cross. He needs his own personal space. Don't invade it. :boxed:


I do and would stay after shows to meet him, but I feel that's ok as he's just done a gig and has to leave at some point. Then I go home. End of story. :blink:


It would never enter my head to spend a weekend doing whatever people did that made Mika or his family feel that at this point of time he needed a Protection Officer. It really saddens me it's got to this point with some fans that he needs this.


You don't own him, he owe's us nothing. :thumbdown:

He's not your new best friend either... leave him be for gawd's sake :mf_rosetinted:

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...we've got a bunch of people so very worried on Mika's behalf and what "some fans" or even, god-forbid! "non-fans" could do to him to make him get a bodyguard, when... geez. It's us people. We're what he needs protection from. All of us. Even the ones who think we're "different" and have his best interests at heart but especially those of us who think that "the poor boy" should have MFC to guard and protect him.


Not because we're going to, you know, assassinate him. But because it's not assassination that's his main security concern right now.


Well, after that article that mentioned threatening letters, I think that's what was mainly on everyone's mind...envisioning some psycho with a shotgun, or what have you.


It doesn't seem that in the future there will be any after concert "gatherings" as long as individuals continue to take it up as a challenge of some sort to see how far they should go in crossing the lines of common decency and invading Mika's private life.


I might add that these are reasons that will have contributed to the family hiring a protection officer for Mika.


I wasn't referring only to the after "party" but rather to how some may have chosen to spend their free time in their pursuit of Mika afterwards.


I agree with Jack... We have a huge collective responsability in this whole story. If the reason for hiring more security is, like Titania said, what the fans did after the show/party, then it's our fault, as a group (including the people who were not in London or behaved). I said it before, and keep thinking the MFC has (consciously or not) encouraged its members to feel as if Mika was their thing, their buddy, and that crossing limits was ok since he didn't seem to bother at the beginning.

I just hope it ain't too late to take a 180° turn.


I can't believe that what happened at the afterparty is in itself a reason to beef up security going forward; that the events of one ill-planned hour made him rethink his day-to-day personal safety. Titania's use of the words "contributed to" seem to reaffirm the fact that overzealous fans are only part of the problem.


I don't, however, quite understand the part about "...challenge of some sort to see how far they should go in crossing the lines of common decency and invading Mika's private life." That was written in the same breath as reference to the infamous afterparty - are we to take that to mean Mika felt there was invasion of his private life AT the afterparty? :blink:


I'm going to disagree with Niki - Mika is indeed, in some ways, "our thing". He's the link that has brought us all together. It's just a question of what that means. Does it mean we can eagerly devour new press pics, analyze lyrics, and debate how curly his hair is naturally? I say why the hell not. Does it mean we can throw away basic social decency and respect...why on earth would it?


I think it's interesting that you used the phrase "their buddy", since it sounds like some of the behaviour we've been hearing about is not the kind of thing people would do to a friend. I don't however think we need a 180° turn - I think people just need to operate with some basic respect.


Yes, I agree that "exaggerated" is the operative word. Some people like to put a particular slant on such stories. We should also remember not to point fingers at specific people when we don't have proof.


This is also something that's been frustrating me to no end. Those of us who weren't there will never know how that whole week and following weekend went. So yes, there could definitely be some exaggeration.


I hope you're right but in any case, no smoke without fire. I'm not singling out anyone, but it's a fact several people (if not "a lot of people") went to his house the week of the brixton gigs and that we cross the "limits" more and more often.


So we're discussing:


A) People being unruly and disrespectful at the afterparty, and

B) People staking out his house or following him around London.


Are there any other crossed limits that I'm out of the loop on? I just want to make sure I know what I'm talking about. :boxed:

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Well, after that article that mentioned threatening letters, I think that's what was mainly on everyone's mind...envisioning some psycho with a shotgun, or what have you.


Oh yes, but I doubt Mika really thinks someone's going to SHOOT him. Possibly attack him, yes. Shooting isn't very likely, though certainly he should guard against all contingencies.


But my point is, we all talk about "some psycho with a shotgun" when it likely really IS a disgruntled fan. And even if not, I still find it funny that we position ourselves as the opposite of that, as the "safe" ones, when I think he very likely wants some space and guarding from us too, even if we aren't intending to kill him.


I don't, however, quite understand the part about "...challenge of some sort to see how far they should go in crossing the lines of common decency and invading Mika's private life." That was written in the same breath as reference to the infamous afterparty - are we to take that to mean Mika felt there was invasion of his private life AT the afterparty? :blink:


No. She means he likely doesn't much want to be in a closed room with a bunch of people who also happen to skulk around his house on their free time.



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I completley disagree with you (bolded part).. it is insulting for you to insinuate that Mika or any other person out there needs protection from ME! just becauseI am part ofthe MFC... if being part of the MFC will gives me the reputation of being a psycho obsessive freak.. then I would rather not be part of it.. and to be honest.. you shouldn't be either.. since you are pointing fingers here...


Well when I say "us" I do mean "en masse" rather than, you know, you, or anyone else specifically.


I still think it's kinda funny to discuss the ethics of an afterparty that's not gonna happen, sorry.


And hey, I am completely ok with saying that Mika wants protection from me as well. Am I admitting to snooping in his bushes or whatever by that? No. I'm just saying he likely wants to keep me at arm's length as much as anyone, because I wager he thinks fans in general have lately come in too close.



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